Does cointelpro really infiltrate leftypol? This isn't really a dangerous board. We just shitpost and meme.
Does cointelpro really infiltrate leftypol? This isn't really a dangerous board. We just shitpost and meme
No, I'll give my life if Zizek says to kill the ruling class.
I'm gonna assume you're an infiltrator if you genuinely believe this
What if leftypol is cointelpro
The security establishment has plenty of money to burn, so why wouldn't they? At the very least, they lurk, make reports, finger potential "threats", etc.
I'd assume there is a US govt shill in probably almost every political online community. If I was a spy, thats what I'd do. Probably wouldn't even cost that much. You could have 1 guy cover mostly everything if it was his full time job. A team could have it down no problem
You sweet summer child. The FBI pays me enough to buy a dozen hotpocket-sized gold bars a year from this gig.
I agree. We do nothing wrong, mr secret agent sir.
Have you got your SorosBucks™ check for May yet? Mine hasn't come.
Memes are a psyop to turn everyone into retards. Not even joking.
The feds are present in almost every leftist online forum, as a monitor if nothing else.
On the internet I always assume that the Feds are watching. That's why I'm fresh as hell. Somewhere someone has to keep files on my bullshit. Poor bastard.
A challenge to lurking FBI agents, i hid a secret message in thoses pdfs, it contains the location, time and modus operandi of the next subversive Commie terrorist attack on US's soil!
Quick you have to read ALL OF IT and decipher it to prevent this from happening!
this tbh
No they mostly focus on popular websites like reddit. That's why the leftist subs are so drama prone.
Holla Forums is far more popular than any of the far left subreddits though.
Well, it's really impossible to tell how much infiltration they've actually done, but I'd assume at least SOMEONE checks up on this board now and again. I would assume that we're not really a top priority, though, since we're not actively organizing.
… thanks.
there has been organizing in this place before
that's when the FBI sends their agent Prickly_Cactus in to fuck everything up and destroy all progress.
Holla Forums memes are so shitty the government keeps tabs on it for military purposes
They definitely post here, or their bots do at least.
No, but many leftist movements have been subverted by alphabet soup, creating SJWs, which bleeds over to here.
Any time a good discussion about BPP a d Fred Hampton kicks up
Any time a good discussion about using the political process to organize the left pops up
But no, COINTELPRO isn't here. These are completely natural developments.
Between BRBFBI pulling people back and forth and Holla Forums trolling is there anyone on Holla Forums that actually is genuine?
If two or more leftists gather to talk, there's a cop present.
Well i try to post seriously form time to time.
You have some interesting threadsthat pop up then and now. Just keep in mind any imageboard is a giant pile of shit on which some flower grows occasionally.
I'm the poor idiot that posts genuinely most of the time. I'm too old for memes and there's nowhere else on the internet that discusses left-wing topics and moves with any speed so I'm stuck here with you fuckwits. Sometimes I get annoyed with the unconscionably retarded shit like nationalism or other forms of creeping right-wing idpol and I'll go on a mini-shitposting spree though.