If you aren't insanely cynical of this you deserve to be crushed by late stage capitalism's stride.
If you aren't insanely cynical of this you deserve to be crushed by late stage capitalism's stride
It's just advanced viral marketing. In fact, even your post might be - and you wouldn't know it! We should just start shooting marketing people, really. Or crush them with cars when they cross the street, whatever we can do. They are becoming too powerful.
Polite sage because I'm becoming paranoid of viral marketing.
90% of this campaign is just meme culture working on it's own. So Wendy's hired some snarky edgelord to run their twitter campaign and now a bunch of people are fapping to their mascot. If this is the worst thing you see happening due to capitalism right now, I envy you.
literally nobody said this
I almost pity them.
well then fuck back off to /r/LateStageCapitalism with your nitpicky bullshit and we'll be here talking about shit that matters.
I'm such a failure as a leftist
I fapped to Wendy and it felt GOOD
requesting that smug, naughty looking wendy
nm found it
whoa shes like a smug anime girl XD never done before!!
I dont give a toss, those drawings get me hard.
Absolutely BTFO
so many """""""""""""""leftists""""""""""""""" falling for goddamn viral marketing, even on this board
I dont give a fuck if company in america that doesnt even have any on my continent spends money on making femdom porn for me mate. The capitalists will pay for the porn which I enjoy for free.
superior taste
Post more
Well I just downloaded a bunch i quickly got from rule34 so i might as well. got 43 new ones, in random order.
God fucking damnit. It wont accept the password. Mods plz dont ban and hotwheels fix your site.
These are pretty shit tbh
das all
I'm so sorry we're touching your heart/dick without your consent.
After skimming the thread I feel like I'm really retarded in the brand-recognition department, you guys are fucking geniuses, I swear. I have no fucking idea what you were talking about at first.
Viral marketing for a company I physically cannot buy from? Seems like it defeat the purpose.
Call me when colonel sanders porn goes viral.
Well i got other stuff that isnt brand mascott stuff if you want that, though it seems a bit offtopic.
is this another form of classcuckery
you guys i swear
You're still posting porn of it, which is effectively free publicity for them.
These leftists unconsciously desire being exploited by their capitalist overlords. Sad!
Do anyone have an idea on how to ake détournement of this?
Make tons of drawings of Alunya or Marx or whoever raping her.
I dont really give a shit mate.
and send it to wendy's twitter
bad praxis
If a nazi girl in full leather uniform wanted to hatefuck me I'd be up for it, then we will switch the second time.
You'll get a sexual Night of the Long Knives, lad.
Of which medium exactly? If you mean the OP then Debord-style détournement would be replacing the text in speech bubbles with anti-capitalist or communist messages.
So long as it wont kill or maim me, I guess.
it's okay mr snek
you can touch me to your heart's content
Short haired dominant girls are truly devine.
You could also draw Wendy's mascot raping exploited workers after being replaced by machines.
OMG there's loli shit in there, mods ban pls. It hurts my fee fees. Mods please clean the threads. Mods please, loli being posted means that the soup letter agencies are trying to scam the board to have a reason to delet it. Mods please!!!1!!11
Give them a break, it's probably the first time western PR fags have done that, no wonder people are falling to this..
At times like this I regret giving up on drawing so much.
If late stage capitalism means more femdom porn, then I wont kill myself, tbh.
There's somebody on this planet who considered this funny enough to post on the internet.
Excellent taste, friend.
The only thing better is short haired dominant dick-girls.
That's not détournement at all, otherwise any visual propaganda at all is détournement. Détournement is taking some existing thing itself as a medium to make it say something else, it's not merely taking a common medium and using it for propaganda which is like any propaganda ever. Read a fucking book nigger.
Putting a sexy lady on your product is LITERALLY the oldest trick in the book.
I'm really interested in this but the thread will probably be taken up by idiots dumping porn.
Not if it's a animu bitch which seems to have a personality thanks to the twitter shitposts
The Tofuubear is nice
wtf i want wendy's now
i really hate tankies
Seriously dude?
don't kinkshame dudes
Go to a porn board if you want to dump porn.
Watch the mods not do anything about this.
spoiler that fetish which is weird and scary to me
I seriously do not understand how people can jack off to bug-eyed japanime garbage.
It's not even a little bit compelling.
kill yourself
I don't know but if anyone has any idea on how to do this I have a pirated copy of Photoshop and a lot of free time.
I live neither in france nor in ameriga.
Also, its midnight. Fuck off.
Ironic shitposters should get banned too.
hi Holla Forums
sorry, but we support trump here
I don't live in America.
Nor would protesting accomplish anything.
I don't live in France.
Nor would I care to help a former banker and austerity monger get into power.
Pls continue.
Lots of NEETS drooling over a fat sweaty pig wearing a Wendy mask?
I still can't believe they came back at that dude with pure liberal shit. If that doesn't give people who say stuff like that pause idk what will
turn all wendy's girl porn into robo-wendy's girl porn to reflect automation
Taken from an user
Since most of it is femdom, just insinuate that she's doing this to the working class.
One day, all the people running corporate Twitters and Facebooks will be rounded up and dumped into a trash compactor.
I've been boycotting Wedney's, its one of the things wobblies are suppose to be doing (also Jimmy Johns)
da sharze z0ne is a friend of the worker
I think the US is just finally catching up to japan with the whole sex sells thing. Miku was just an advertisement for a voice synthesizer.
What is this whole Wendy's thing? I have no idea what anyone is talking about. Is the Wendy's twitter posting wendy r34 or something?
This may be true, but it's now just a way for boards to shout down any dissenting opinion.
he was probably one of the old something awful users, I'm honestly beginning to think those guys are like masons or something, they're everywhere
Chapo Trap House, 'Weird twitter', Gawker's staff, Moot, ShitRedditSays was originally a SA psyop as well, you can trace Sam Hyde and large swats of the alt right to SA's 'racist' spin offs.
It's almost like SA is pretty much the base for western Internet culture.
Miku is one of the the voices synthesised though
She's actually part of the functionality of the product, not just branding
Source on this semen demon