How are the workers supposed to overthrow the bourgeois when they're too busy voting for the conservatives? Corbyn is only showing part of his power level, how is a communist takeover supposed to happen in the UK if people would rather vote for the upper class?
Labour lost 65 seats and they aren't even finished counting half of them yet
This board is Holla Forums if they fail constantly.
you have no power in real life pol
trumps a cuckservative now
success and failure don't even apply because nothing on imageboards have ever effected global politics
what we are witnessing is merely the inevitable death spiral of liberal parliament
Yeah, we are just making the whole world going Righter.
you are irrevelant
Holla Forums is at least more than one guy, dood.
Nationalism is a hell of a drug.
I have never liked Stalin, but the concept of gulag grows ever more enticing
Maybe one day you larpers will understand that party politics is dead and will stay dead. Read Bookchin.
You is the plural form of you.
Might as well be a 1 party state at this point
Just drop the Corbyn. He`s too unpopular and weak to lead. Left needs strong leadership that unifies, not the kind of leadership that divides us. .
Fuck off Tony.
We'll all realize Stalin was right all along once shit gets real.
Can't say I'm surprised in the least. The BBC was pretty shit this morning though. Had some UKIP lad on to chat about the loss of seats and he just kept going off topic to shill the party manifesto with the interviewer making no attempt to stop him.
Literally what incentive does anybody have to vote for Labour?
Bernie Sanders loses. Jean-Luc Mélenchon (probably the most left-wing of all this list) loses. Jeremy Corbyn loses. The Justice Democrats lose the mid-term elections. Bernie Sanders loses in 2020. Mélenchon loses in 2022.
Maybe Porky has won guys.
wtf I'm deleting my leftypol account now!
Just think of it as a build up to the most epic "I told ya" moment in modern history
I can't believe i fell for the socialist Scotland meme
I always saw the Scots as being a bit more class conscience than the English and Welsh but it seems thats not the case. If the scots are voting Tory we are all fucked into the revolution
The UK is unbelievably classcucked. Even in 1992 like 45% of kids voted Tory in a mock election.
You have to remember that in Scotland they have two things that skew the results in Tory favour:
1. STV voting system favours moderate compromise candidates.
2. Constitution is a big issue.
Overall the swing has only been a continuation of the realignment we already saw in 2016 - namely a LAB > CON swing of unionists while the SNP hold steady.
Scotland is still a mess of course, but the idea of a meaningful Tory revival is oversold - it's the story of a Labour collapse.
Right now I think the best option for Labour is to take a leaf out of Trump's book and go on the attack, people in the UK are obviously angry at the elite but then we vote for the Tory's who have painted themselves as standing up for British people against the EU. Labour needs to say we will stand up for the people against the rich but are too scared to do this. In my opinion at the moment its a 90% chance tory majority and 9% hung parliament, and that will only happen if the lib dems actually do something in tory seats
I forgot Scotland has an actually democratic voting system. I will think people will be put of the SNP in time if they fail to get their second referendum.
Is why.
t. ex A level Gov n politics student.
Do these fuckers have no memory or do no research or both?
Read luxemburg
Where is the dancing clip from? Since when did Corbin wear a suit?
it was a smear story in the "news" for a bit that he was "dancing a jig at the cenotaph", though it was later quietly retracted.
kill youirself
Do people even like May? She stands for nothing besides brexit
They're all europhile liberal trash.
You know that getting elected isn't an end in itself? If you want to replace Tories with Tories in red ties you haven't actually done much.
It's worse than that, you've done a bad thing.
Blair's election was the definitive cause of the demobilization of the working class. Thatcherite union busting weakened the legs a bit, but it was the demon-grinned cunt himself who jumped on the table.
better graph. (that one is turnout across the entire population and so includes tory abstentions.)
People who ignore Blair's impact on labour and blame everything on Corbyn are the worst
I didn't know britain was having local elections right now
Bookchin explicitly advocated for participation in local elections. In fact, it was the crux of his entire revolutionary strategy.
The fuck you talking about?
stupid welsh and scottish nationalists are eating into Labour's vote
this is just a preview of how horrible the general's gonna go for Labour because of these fucking nationalist asshats
The problem with Corbyn failing is that they'll just get a centrist cunt to replace him rather than getting a Corbyn with a personality. The Tories will be out in 2022 as the Brexit kicks in so Labour could be led by Stalin and they'd walk it.
American here. Why did this happen? Backlash against Brexit?
People falling for the meme that the stronger the Tory party is the better they'll do in the Brexit negotiations. Plus most people think UKIP have served their purpose.
The entire point of voting UKIP was to push for brexit, as the conservatives wouldn't support it. Once they got brexit all of ukips conservative voters went back to the conservative party.
Socialism was never premised on electoral victory. It's nice, but not necessary. Porky will still lose even if he wins every election from here on out.
That's very cocky of you, calling for unity while causing the Chicken Coup.
these people voted in a tory councillor…
Scottish Labour are still defiant blairites who hold their party leader in open contempt. the SNP are the most leftwing viable electoral choice in Scotland, unless it's for Holyrood where you can vote Greens.
That's how STV works. They could've numbered them 3rd and they'll still have gotten in.
If you want some keks look at the Western Isles where all the Labour guys stood as independents.
Enjoying Trump buddy?
For starters Labour will abolish the lower minimum wage brackets and replace it with one and set it to £10 an hour by 2020, the Conservatives are aiming to set to £9 an hour but only for over 25 year olds.
At the moment minimum wage is £7.50 for 25+, £7.05 for 21-24, £5.60 for 18-20 and £4.05 for anybody under 18.
That's just one reason…you sound rather disingenuous in your tone, as though the party founded backed by trade unions (you know, the working class who've bothered to organise) now led by a down to earth man of modest income who voted against the Iraq War, against the privatisation reforms of the NHS (introduced by Blair) and was clean in the expenses scandal (probably the only MP if I recall correctly) has to prove itself next to the corrupt, pro-war, pro establishment, pro capitalist Conservative Party led by millionaires, landlords and lobbyists.
What the hell are Scottish labour doing.
Floundering around, pretending Blairites can beat the SNP who have a coalition from the Red Clydesiders to social liberals on the spectrum. Labour can only survive if they push themselves left, and regain the hard left voters of Scotland.
Although their true salvation ironically comes with independence.
It will be the only way to get the million scots back who voted for the SWP.
everyone and everything is destined to fail constantly except global neoliberal capitalism
It's almost like a social liberal party does better at attracting the working class of an area called RED CLYDESIDE than one that is meant to represent the trade unions. Oh wait, it does.
Without adopting independence, Scottish Labour must affiliate with the STUC and become the party of the working people to survive outside of an independent Scotland. Otherwise the spectrum will be dominated by the liberal-but-in-name SNP or the Tories.
Unless you have a better plan mate.
Also, the SSP got 130k votes a few years back (not bad for a nation of 6m people total). Now where did they go? The SNP because the SNP are a broad front coalition for independence. Independence is the issue that unites the SNP's broad coalition: either labour rushes independence for their own gain, or they try to dismantle that coalition through strong economic policies aimed at specific demographics.
You're assuming that people vote SNP because they find labour not left-wing enough.
If that were true, parties like the SWP or even the greens should have more than a marginal presence in scotland.
Well the greens DO have a more than marginal presence, heck they removed the SNP from majority status in 2016 and increased the number of their seats in the local elections yesterday. As I said, Red Clydeside votes for the SNP and they voted for independence. Scottish Labour has an economic policy of you're regular social democrats, and you see the thing is the tories, the SNP and the lib dems all have the same economic policy, The SN have support because they are THE nationalist party, the tories have support because they are the UNIONIST party and the lib dems have fewer seats than the cocking greens. Blairite SLP will kill itself from pure apathy towards them. Now don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to independence, just that he SNP is a social liberal party that makes itself seem pinker than it is to get the working class vote of Glasgow.
Also the SWP has no voters compared to the actual hard leftist party in Scotland: the Scottish Socialist Party.
It's just self defense against an existential threat. The world can't survive more conservative governments, chiefly on the climate change issue alone.
Climate change is the big other of left-fascists.
The SSP were more popular but then some shit went down with Tommy Sheridan and he ended up in the jail for perjury.
Even if they started to advocate outright communism, they would also have to drop the union to have a chance.
They'll never drop the union because that means bye-bye London funding and the death of the party-slash-branch-office.
It's basically true, although what "left-wing enough" means in context is very nebulous. People will decry the SNP for being liberals, but the reason they're liberal is that they're triangulated to the left of Labour. If appearing left-wing wasn't a concern, they wouldn't have virtue signalled by keeping the top rate of income tax steady when the UK cut it. (Actually the toing and froing here is fun - in 1999 the SNP took an active role in suggesting not passing on a new labour tax cut. Now they're on the back foot. Their primary aim is independence, so they need to basically chart a path between neoliberal credibility and "we're better than Labour", while also providing more than Scottish Labour ever did - i.e. free tuition and prescriptions - with a hand behind their back because Holyrood is designed to impose Blairism forever. It's spending-managerialism, not parliament. )
(The other element is the more obvious "Glasgow has voted Labour for nearly a hundred years. Glasgow is still a shithole." effect.)
It's not strictly accurate to call the SNP social liberal. It presumes a degree of ideology they don't really hold.
Their fundamental unifying prism is nationalism, and they have to be understood through this lens even though they're relatively lukewarm and smiley faced instead of invading Poland. What's the one thing that can get everyone from the Queen to the Trade Unionist singing from the same hymn sheet? The Nation
Though undoubtedly the left of the SNP is trapped in the mire of much of Labour, namely "socialism is what the labour government does/what the scottish government does." + non-nationalist idpol instead of actual class politics. (As someone focused on independence itself, I'm quite glad of this for now. After independence I'll take an active role with the left myself. For now, as Hues Corporation so memorably taught us: Don't rock the boat…)