President Donald Trump's first trip abroad is to Saudi Arabia
President Donald Trump's first trip abroad is to Saudi Arabia
Donald is a politician of peace.
Well at least it's not Israel, am I right guys?
Israel is after Saudi Arabia. Then he's going to The Vatican.
Then what? A meeting with Merkel and the reanimated corpses of Soros and Churchill in Bilderburg to discuss sending more jobs overseas? A fistfight with Varg followed by a meeting with BLM and Antifa? lol
Then what? A meeting with Merkel and the reanimated corpses of Soros and Churchill in Bilderburg to discuss sending more jobs overseas? A fistfight with Varg followed by a meeting with BLM and Antifa? lol
jim is heterosexual, attractive and skilled at running the site
IIRC, Merkel, or maybe Trudeau, were the first foreign leaders to visit him
Trudeau actually makes sense, because usually POTUS visits Canada first
how cucked is Holla Forums right now?
on fullchan Holla Forums you get banned for speaking ill of Le Donald
halfchan you just get drowned out by teenage memester spergs
This is like some kind of Iranian fever dream become real.
Is it our duty to give critical support to the supreme leader yet?
Yes. Let us meme the Occultated Imam back into the open.
I unironically support Iran and North Korea getting nukes, it triggers the fuck out of the Americlaps on mainstream politics boards I go on, it's delicious. They're like 'but North Korea could have the capacity to strike Hawaii!' yeah and the US has the power to level Moscow, Pyongyang, Beijing and Baghdad all at the same time.
"wtf I love nuclear proliferation now…"
but 99% of muslims hate the house of saud, in what way does this make things better?
funny how he doesn't want the jewish state to get rid of its illegal, undeclared nukes, or sign the npt
i guess nukes are bad only if gooks and iranians have them? makes u think
Of course not, IsraHELL is above the law.
yeah i'd rather no state had nukes or chem/bioweapons tbh
Seriously, what the fuck is it that leads religious people to make those delirious claims? Like, you go back centuries ago and you have people asking some "sage" or "holy man" or whatever questions about some contradiction in religious texts or other, and the holy man makes up some bullshit on the spot. Like, if you read the history of the 70 virgins thing, it's absurd. One priest says that they're actually gigantic women, another priest says they have transparent skin, and so on. It's almost like anons making a story up one silly post at a time. I can't help but think that religiousness is a pathology.
oh dude, my ex was a Seventh Day Adventist. I went to their Easter camp, the youth group she hangs out with were mostly there (who are actually cool as shit). we spent most of the time bumming around and hooning in the hills in the night time, but during one of the days I went along to one of the church services out of respect. this black pastor dude from the US was trying to get us to believe that someone who came to him from his church had tried to commit suicide, but every time he jumped from the bridge he returned back up to the top unharmed. he also told everyone he'd seen someone possessed by a demon. I couldn't help but cringe and scope out the nearest exit in case I had to dash because honestly, being around people who are sitting and intently listening to that bullshit is a bit unsettling.
When is The Donald going to Israel? I wanna see him shake hands with Bibi.
Why would I be against nuclear weapons? It's literally the only way to have a form of self-determination when the class enemy has unchecked hegemony in conventional warfare.
I hope that happen it would be fucking hilarious.
let me guess, we should ignore Saudi Arabia and let them hustle their oil to terrorists instead? amirite leftypol?
Fuck off american cunt. You and your whole country are nothing but garbage.
You and your country are the terrorist you cultureless cunt