Leftists rally against oppressed minority refugees


Do you/these people honestly believe that the Suidlanders are preparing to initiate a Nazi masturbation fantasy when whites are only 9% of South Africa's population? Or are you against them preparing for a Nazi masturbation fantasy (which is a very real possibility)?

Not even trolling I have genuine questions and concerns.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=habesha people&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiziqbt09fTAhXB2SYKHTN4DQoQ_AUICigB


Ok so white people deserve to be punished for the alleged crimes of their ancestors. Got it.

I doubt anybody here supports racial genocide unlike Holla Forums

tbh they got a point.
but bashing them is just retarded. smashies are total tards at worst and opportunists at best. more news at 11.


Ok but your comrades are protesting and trying to violently shut down people who are trying to protect themselves from racial genocide.

we need to exterminate smashes and antifa, no one here denies this.

White africans are an abominaton that must be purged from Africa, especially if they aren't mixed. Africa belongs to its people.

Also since when the fuck was leftypol suddenly Antifa. Only a small number of black flag fags larp as them trying to recruit. The left is highly sectarian unlike the right where you're either a hardcore ethno-nationalist, or a "cuck".

The IWW is one of the main parties organizing it so does nobody on Holla Forums support the IWW?



Isn't one of your mantras something along the line of "Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, Europe for Europeans." I thought Holla Forums was all for genocide of those who you deem "don't belong". Why do you faggots get so assblasted when another ethnic group does the very thing you fantasize about doing?


sounds good to me

For every 1 white family living in a shanty town in South Africa you can show me I can show you 10 that are black. White South Africans live in poverty not because blacks are racist, but because it's no longer in the interest of people who look like them who once controlled the entire economy and government to prevent them from living like blacks. In other words, their white muh privilege has been revoked.

Sorry but it is NIGGERS that are killing white people in South Africa, not bankers in London. It is NIGGERS that steal, rape, loot and arson all the things we hold. It is a NIGGER who started this shit show.

Kill yourself.

I always repost this since South Africa always seems to be the cri de couer of reactionaries

These words were about South Africa, but they are also totally applicable to Zimbabwe’s situation.


They don't actually mean this, to be fair. What they envision is that white will lebensraum every continent

Whites literally stole everything that they currently "own" in Africa from Africans. They have to go back.



There is large scale institutional racism in South Africa against whites, affirmative action for blacks (85% of the population) is in place for just about every industry.

That aside, in countries where whites are the majority, the conditions don't exist for people to live in shanties.


That's pretty fucked up TBH.

FTFY. Also "people" is a bit of a stretch. Imperialists are barely human.

This demonstrates the failure of the liberal identity politics; the reversal of the racism did not eliminate inequality. Liberal ideology is the enemy of true universalism and egalitarianism.

t. Holla Forumsyp

this is an example of why reactionaries can't be funny
you spit and spittle and just get soooo mad

People live in shanties and trailer parks all over the American South and most of those states are white majority. Argentina is majority white and its poor as shit, many other Latin countries have sizable white minorities or slight majorities that are very poor. Much of Eastern Europe is very poor and Southern Europe is no utopia. NorthWest Europe since to provide the highest standard of living but certain shitholes like bongistan have literal Poland-tier poverty outside of London.

Capitalism fucks the working class everywhere no matter the skin color.

literally took a three second search for me to find an interview with Simon Roche talking about "anuddah shoah"


he's obviously a white nationalist who has a nostalgic hard-on for Apartheid. this protest is completely justified.

fucking word filter, jesus christ

wh*te ge*nocide

It's proportional representation given the actual demographics. What would be affirmative action is having the whites take up all those spots, like it was during apartheid.
Not true at all

Yes please do tell me about all the magnificent and benevolent empires that built universities, trains and industry in the utopian paradise of Africa before evil whitey came and destroyed it all.

This is Holla Forums. Why are you even here?

Reported for bypassing the word filter you fascist faggot

None of that is particularly amazing, you know that right?


and yet
such a dick Holla Forumsyp

that's not real.

Better than anything built by Africans on the entire continent in the entire history of the world.

Compared to the shithole that is the entirety of Africa? It's heaven. Specially the nigger pozzed hellhole of Zimbabwe, where people starve to death in their mudhuts.

Ok I guess we need to make whites poorer so everyone can be equal. The EFF's plan is to seize their land and give it to blacks, that sound good?

All of that wealth that whites stole from Africa didn't help at all I'm sure. Nope "whites" paid for it all out of their own pockets for the good of black Africans everywhere. Fuck off.

this board really fucking pisses me off sometimes

Axum, Nubia/Egypt, Ghana/Mali/Songhai? Read Guns, Germs And Steel, faggit.

read a book retard.

I got banned from pol for showing historical evidence of black kingdoms and black castles in etiopia.

are you really incapable of thinking about politics without making it about muh [email protected]/* */ war

because africans sell their resources very cheaply meanwhile capitalist exploit them.


Ok where are their great structures?

stolen wealth from non whites.
It seems fair for whites to become poorer.


$10 says a white person drew that

Really loving all the imperialist tears here guys. Keep it coming Holla Forums

I just got banned on cuckpol for showing gondar, retards.

But South Africa is literally at risk of a ra.ce wa.r.

Most conflicts in the world are ethnic conflicts

Talking about rac.e wa.rs IS politics.

You realize they didn't "make whites share their wealth" with the rest of the population but rather they provided more space for the black/mixed/Asian capitalists, right?

If they had made the majority-white capitalist class pay the entire working class would've gotten richer but instead the ended up adopting all kinds of neoliberal reforms that were to the economic right of even the Boer-dominated Apartheid regime.


Anything built by pure Africans and not irrelevant shited Semitic language speakers?


So ethiopia aren't real blacks, right?

We stand with colonized peoples worldwide against white settlers and capitalist whiteness more generally. Narratives of white oppression are laughably false and reactionary.

All praise Heile Selassie and The Solomonic Dynasty!

Keep in mind that the only picture in this collage that ain't of a monument in Sub-Saharan Africa is The Sphinx and that dome-shaped tomb in the bottom right of the image.

The Amhara speaking peoples are not pure Negroids they are a irrelevant shited people they don't even refer to themselves as black but as "red" to differenciate themselves from the negroids who occupy most of Southern Ethiopia.

They don't even speak a native African language the Amhara languages are in the Semitic family.

Heh. It's not like Europeans were forced into slavery by Arabs for hundreds of years.

They look pretty black and consider themselves black…

Reminder that Marx supported colonialism as a means to advance people, and supported the American conquest of Mexico for this very reason.

At least blacks weren't doomed to be low wage manual labour for whites who made billions off of South Africa's gold and diamond mines.

Ok pick your poison, zimbawe, mali, ghana and other non etiopian kingdoms.




Get your head examined bitch

Stop shifting the goal post. You claim the Egyptians weren't black because modern day Egyptians look like Arabs, but then you claim that ancient Ethiopian civilizations weren't black even though modern day Ethiopians (as they were millennia ago) are black.

show me evidence egyptians weren't semitic people.

Can this dumb ass nigga from Holla Forums stop using my name?

Pics related are much better.

Ok where are their great works of art and literature?

Oh wait lol they never even invented a written language.

I've actually lived in Africa doing volunteer work like a good white cuck and I can confirm the people are borderline retarded and have literally no understanding of time or how it works, which is a fascinating subject I considered writing my dissertation on. Even the missionaries there refer to it as "African time".

Pic related is one I took which pretty much shows what most of the place looks like. Let me just explain how trash over there works.

It is part of the Semitic branch of that family. Do I need to break down family/genus/species etc too?

I'm not doing the afrocentrist thing ITT start a new one.


Because Coptic isn't a Semitic language?

Thanks for being a Shabbos Crackah you sucka ass nigga

The Amhara and Tigrinya peoples (Habesha) are native to Africa and are dark as midnight though. It's not Afrocentrism, it's called not being blind.

Stay spooked

Sudanese architecture, and mali textiles.

chihua achebe won a nobel prize.

I could move to some slum in argentina and claim all whites are retarded.

That literally continued (to the tune of hundreds of thousands of lives lost in the mines post-Apartheid) and still continues to this very day.

John Pilger absolutely BTFO'd arch-opportunist Nelson Mandela about the facts about SA: m.youtube.com/watch?v=oRlh2nUWrzs

To say nothing of absolutely hilarious shit like the ANC cutting electricity and water subsidies that had previously been paid by the Apartheid government (which was very much state-capitalist ironically enough) and introduced further neoliberal reforms that put these things out of the reach for poor people–hurting poor blacks worst of all.

But it was all worth it so a small group of blacks could get rich or join the middle class and everyone could use the same beach right? Nationalist bourgeois opportunism is disgusting tbh the only damn upside in this case is that it removes some barriers to working class unity that couldn't be done under de jure Apartheid.

Fuck the ANC and its followers, the whole world remembers how South African police murdered 21 miners. And fuck Mandela too the man was nothing but a tool for the capitalists


That's right brother, preach. Give these dumb ass edomites the truth.

Whites aren't native to Africa. I don't care whatever flaws The ANC government has, whites gave no right to oppress blacks on their own continent.

google.com/search?q=habesha people&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiziqbt09fTAhXB2SYKHTN4DQoQ_AUICigB

These are the people you're lumping in with negroids from the Congo


Honestly, democratic South Africa turned out to be such a trainwreck it's ridiculous. The leadership is beyond incompetent, unemployment and crime are absurd, and public services are worthless. And it was all inevitable to fail the second the ANC accepted to not make a move towards redistributing the means of production as the whites left power, so they control the economy now just as they did during apartheid. Now you have all the social strife of highly-unequal capitalism magnified by racial tensions, and no real way to get rid of it.

spooked as fuck

Your taxes payed for Isis and all this shit you barbarian american. Your cultureless country should host all those people.

*Reads username*

Damn, I really thought you were another black Marxist like me for a moment. Lonely…I am so lonely…🎶

Congrats on derailing the thread I guess.

Affirmative action at its finest

You could find a scene like that in predominately white Appalachia

This magical thinkers actually believe.

It's their continent for as long as white """""Marxists""""" keep calling for workers worldwide to unite, but then shitpost this Stormfag shit on Holla Forums in their spare time, "comrade".

Ok find it.

I don't know any place in America where cows eat burning trash all day.

argentina is whiter than many european countries, is whiter than USA.

lmao retards.

Look, I can cherry-pick pictures on Google images too!


Argentina is probably about 60% white they just call everyone who's not black or a full indios "white" down there, it used to be more like 90% but immigrants from countries like Bolivia have been coming in droves since the 60's.

Can you try that again with actual syntax this time?

I didn't cherry pick anything I gave you a whole search result to see for yourself, that's like the exact opposite of cherrypicking.

wow amazing

congrats on derailing the thread with your inferiority complex

that doesn't disprove the point that whites can't be trash.
pick serbia or any balkan country if you wish.

I can think of a place in Utica, NY that comes to mind. Down off 6th street there's this greaseball bastard named Fast Mike who runs a autoshop, and get this, this wop keeps goats to eat the trash.

And I gave you a picture of Amhara protests in Gondar, Amhara which is actually in Ethiopia. No weird lighting, no cherry-picked models, just Habesha people in their native land. Why do you people get so butthurt over anything great blacks accomplish?

People also do that here in Europe, where I live there's plenty of trash. A single western nation creates more trash and pollution than all of the Third World combined.

Nope, it was rebuild under french colonialism. And what's wrong that it's made-up of sand? It's doesn't waste any resources unlike western architecture.

How do people believe this? It's like MAGAfags or UKipers trying to tell some third generation descendant of a Muslim immigrant that they should "go back to where they came from"

Wew, you wouldn't, identitarians never care about the cost of their projects to the working class. Even if it's the black working class itself that's most affected.

Nah, your think of Horny Harvey who runs the Landromat off 8th street. His dad sold the business back in the 80's.

That pollution is created by industry which is something advanced nations have. You can't even swim in Lake Victoria because they just dump all their shit right into it.

It has to be rebuilt every year which wastes resources to do you dumb hippie

Yeah the entire google search result for habesha people is cherrypicked :^)

I bet the genetic studies showing arab admixture are also cherrypicked

as well as their classification as a semitic language, that must be manipulation by the Eternal Arab or just a weird coincidence that a 100% black people would speak a language spoken primarily by people from the Middle East

Honestly the nicest things in Africa are built by Indians (pic related) and whites, blacks barely own any businesses bigger than tin shacks its all chinese, Indians, and whites.

Here, here, look how the cancer of the planet lives.

This whole thread is full of nothing but white "workers" calling me a nigger and trying to discredit every black civilization that ever existed to prove that blacks are inferior and you get triggered at me because I don't call the descendents of Dutch immigrants "native" to South Africa like the Zulu, Xhosa, Basotho and Sesotho. That reminds me of a quote Jane Elliot made about white "liberals" claiming to not be racist, but being more outraged at black racists than white supremacists.

The whites are just as native to South Africa as the Zulu and Xhosa, they came around the same time and wiped out the Khoisan.



Well, the Habesha peoples are obviously African so obviously Semitic languages aren't only native to the Middle East.

wow its like magic

I can say that within cities the pollution is much worse because of all the burning trash. City air even in shitholes like NYC is a lot clearer than Nairobi.


Lurk some more and GG.

They are partially African and partially Semitic, which is why they speak a Semitic language.

I don't know why this is difficult to understand. Or maybe I do, nigger

South Africa belongs to Boers and Afrikaners, Bantu and Zulu shits get the fuck out.

No, they didn't. The Khoisan are indigenous to Southwestern South Africa and Namibia and died from the introduction of European diseases brought over to Africa by whites. They also intermixed with Bantu peoples whose descendants today are people like the Xhosa who even speak a click language. Try again.


And this is good because?

Google doesn't show anything about that.

Yep all that sand wasted!

That building is awful you have a shitty bourgeois sense of aesthetics.




This is why the workers can't unite.

Certainly not any worse that "Teh Master Race".

Ok so they're mixed race like I said. I'm sure some of that "African" is related to Berbers and other non-negroid African groups too.

So you're still yet to show me any great accomplishment by pure negroids. Who never invented so much as a written language or the wheel.



The congo since the 90's is worse than it ever was under the Belgians tbh

No, I can't. I also can't tell whether or not you're one of them. Sue me. Until then, I'll remain skeptical.

They're about as African as Black-Americans seeing as they're around 80% African.

Do you mean during or after Leo, because that would actually be impressive. I know South Africa actually got worse after end of apartheid in terms of crime.

you do realize white americans are mixed as fuck as well?

The Belgians never left. Look up "Neo-Colonialism".




Not with non-white DNA though.


I'm appropriating this meme.

[citation needed]


Oh penis


That seems like a cool place to live unlike the shithole that is pic related.

They use local mud you fucking moron, not expensive refined sand.


That's one guy though.

Wow ok I'm done arguing with nogs its a waste of time

Read the username, sperg. That ain't no black poster.


I'm not even black, lol.

Duh…your username?

I'm a spic.

Dankest meme this year so far.

Wow its literally nothing. In 2 Southern states they could find only 12% of the population having 1% African ancestry (I mostly blame the French for this) otherwise literally nothing. 0.01% African is included in that 3.5%

We had segregation and a 1 drop rule encoded in law for a long time here, the occasional octoroon could slip by but otherwise white Americans have remained pure.

they didn't own the land, they were by and large brought there by the Europeans. They're lucky the Boers took them out of the shithole known as the Congo lmao

None of those are independent(they were directly run by Arabs or Euros nor are some of them African>>1640337

Not what I'd call you, but if la chancla fits…

S completely fictional account of history. More alternative white supremacist facts to attempt to separate black people from cultural legacies insecure whites deem too great for them.

Not what I'd call you, but if la chancla fits…

That's what I'm saying. The only whites with significant black ancestry in The Americas are Brazilian whites who're around 10-15% black. Anglos never really mixed with non-whites like Latinos did in Central and South America.

if europids have to leave africa after being there for over 3 centuries, negroids should have to leave the u.s.

oh wait that would be racist

This whole thread is retarded.

No one should be forced to leave the land they've lived all their life, no one should be targeted for the crimes of their ancestors or that they've benefited from an unfair system, and bourgeoisie or large landowners should not exist, whether white or black.

Just goes to show how many subconsciously liberal people infest this board. (Sure hope they arent Tolkien fans, otherwise…) We need to go HARDER against IdPol
Holla Forums is a fucking sham
Can't wait to be accused of being Holla Forums

That moment when you realize you are not going to get a fair treatment when you become a minority in your own country


White built everything in Africa. The Blacks would still be living in huts.

Nothing wrong with simple living, fuck wasteful decadent western civilization.

My boss paying private mil contractors upfront in case off a revolt to secure white slums in zuid afrika is saying otherwise. We want niggers to rebel, you'll get whats coming to you.

You could try but nobody would believe you.

People who have really been to Africa have some fucking insane stories that are so insane you simply cant make them up.
My father lived there for three years. Hes a left wing trade unionist but the stories he told us about Africa are 'red pilled' as fuck.

They would be dying in their early twenties (on average) without western medical science.
Which if you think about it is really efficient. We have all these old people staying healthy consuming resources.


See pics.

To be fair to Canadia and Norway they use a lot of hydroelectric which doesnt necessarily consume resources.

Equally Iceland and Greenland have a lot of Geothermal.

But I agree with your main point about killing old people and burning their husks for fuel.

Never said that, I would rather kill racist people (regardless of age) and burn their husks for fuel.

What? Then who fucking is you imbecile.

