This is what a Holla Forums lit thread looks like.
Thought you could all do with a laugh
This is what a Holla Forums lit thread looks like.
Thought you could all do with a laugh
It's like Holla Forums lit: repetition and expansion of confirmation.
If anything we have the opposite problem. The left could use good dogma to unite us.
It's exactly the dogma that divides you, there are few twists as vicious as those over what are minutiae to the outsider.
they appear as minutiae but actually have a huge effect on how the future society will turn out, so its worth being autistic over. The difference between us and Holla Forums is that here you post and opinion and it gets torn to shreds by Holla Forums intruders but also by other leftists, you post and opinion on Holla Forums and its basically "yeh i hate niggers too". Look at this lit thread, there is no engagement, no criticism, no autistic "BUT ACTUALLY IF YOU READ BLAHBLAHBLAH YOU WILL FIND THAT YOU ARE WRONG" They just list off some books, mostly the kind of books you find in airports and gas stations when they are first in print, then you don't find at all. None of them are criticised at all
Have read some of those books. Some bad, some good
wow, really makes you think
Probably why they are good at getting along with each other and allowing their business associates to fuck kids and destroy the planet
Its funny how they always talk about the Republic when it literally talks about sharing wives and children in common.
Literal cucking.
as opposed to the humanitarian ML regimes of the 20th century
tier 2 is actually a decent section–i'll give them credit
i'd add in utopia and some john stuart mill
USSR was unironically a workers paradise.
fucking stupid faggots.
Why do people do this?
Wealth of Nations is right there, nigger.
i didn't see the top, the image is formatted badly
it is, some of those works are graduate-tier books.
Tier 1 and 2 are actually pretty good, but they disagree with 99% of what Holla Forums says so I have no idea how you could become "red pilled" reading them. I also seriously fucking doubt the average Holla Forumsack could read Capital.
The thread has more interesting stuff than what's usually posted here, despite the post-ironic redditors posting basic bitch conservative shit.