What's your guys' opinions on the new /bant/ board on halfchan guys?

What's your guys' opinions on the new /bant/ board on halfchan guys?

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It is the battlefield where our meme war must be fought, our Kekalonia, if you will.

It's shit.

fated to loose then :L



I barely go to 4chan anymore

Holla Forums has flooded every other board with their cancerous shit. I cannot discuss movies or music without it turning into orcs vs humans

can't find it

It'll be deleted after it becomes Holla Forums-lite. Perhaps we could turn it into a lefty board and drop some "blue" pills on them.

No. We drop RED pills.

/mu/ is predominantly left-leaning you sensitive pussy.

well congrats, it and /lit/ might be the only ones left that haven't metasticized

Hang out on /tg/ then, at least it'll be on-topic and half the board will prefer the orcs.

So what? 1 board out of 40 isn't nazi? That sure fixed everything.

Yeah bro it's not like Holla Forumsyps haven't focused their cancer on every board
Fuck you retard

I browse /a/, /vp/, /m/, /tg/, /jp/ and /his/, and Holla Forums has a higher rate of Holla Forums crossboarders wrecking threads than all of them except maybe /his/.

Don't let a couple idiots ruin your day.

Idk I just flag to try to clear up the shithole that the place is
I haven't gone back in a good while though so maybe it's time to hang out on /mu/ again

That could be because Holla Forums is next door neighbors with the full-on unironic fascist Holla Forums. Like how dogs kill more people per year than sharks, etc.

This. /his/ has gotten pretty bad with Holla Forums infestation as of late, but after the US elections came to a close, most of the hobby boards when back to being predominantly dumb libs.

Wow so funi

It's fucking garbage like any post-2012 anonymous board.

/a/ and /jp/ have gotten so bad compared to ten years ago that I can't stand browsing them for more than one minute a day.

Yeah but that's because of constant generals and waifu wars, not the political lean.

I know, I was just lamenting myself. The only boards I regularly visit nowadays are this one shithole and its 2D equivalent.

/his/ sucks.

However there was a rare golden period of a few months shortly after Christposting died down when it first opened and before Holla Forumsposting exploded in the summer when it was a (relatively) great board.


Fuck, I remember this. It was almost pure history, no circlejerking or Holla Forums with dates

I think it's both, actually.
When Holla Forumsyps aren't actively "redpilling", they are just shitting the boards in general because they are newfags and proud of it.
I mean, while the site was declining in general, even boards like /a/ and /vr/ that used to be kinda decent became Holla Forums tier shit around the time Holla Forums started to become huge.

Come to 7chan, it's a communist utopia free from any form of shit posting, or Holla Forums culture.

actually, having a Holla Forums cyclical bantz containment thread where sectarian shitflinging is allowed would probably improve the quality of this board

That's what people said about Holla Forums, and look what happened to the western Internet.

Doomed from the start.

good point


/lit/ is still good, as a minority of Holla Forums reads

Did anyone else slowly turn left as Holla Forumsyps autististic screeching about brown people destroyed the quality of 4chan?

what anime

Is /vg/ free from Holla Forums? I want to talk about video games, but I know Holla Forums will never be cancer free.

It's not the politics that gets me, it's the palpable knowledge that I'm talking to

It's Alunya. From a webcomic.

Depends on the thread I guess. They're pretty isolated from each other.

I sometimes go to the WoW general and it seems ok. Never really gone anywhere else though.

Holla Forums has some pretty shit Holla Forums threads but I just ignore them. They're still going on about that fucking Bill Nye thing. I didn't even watch it but I swear it's been atleast a week.

Depends on the general.
90% of them are horrible and the MMO ones are a special blend of cancer, but the slower ones tend (or used to) be pretty good.
I remember back on 2014 /eagg/ was basically chinese history and talk about that neat three kingdoms series.

We should turn it into Holla Forums while we can.

I think it shows how bad an admin gookmoot is.
The pandering is pathetic.

2ch has around 20 boards (probably more) with no subject and/or dedicated to intentionally shitty posts.
But I agree, of all the things he could've made a board about he chose the ``bantz''.

There is no /bant/ did no one even check?


What is with you commies and hating fun.

No, thanks. The last few years of moot annihilated any unique aspect of 4chan as the cancer went from terminal to lethal, and reddit overlap meant that the worst aspects of leddit (just look at it on a bad day, reddit and facebok maymays everywhere) happily filled the void. Gookmoot has a perfect base of leddit tards to datamine, now. He said he would have to close boards if people did not buy 4chan passes, and the dumb fucks sucked it up

Be a fucking retard and call it "fun" for all I care.

I got banned on /mu/ for arguing against an autistic Holla Forumsyp thanks cuck mods
I report shitposting but useless mods do nothing
Maybe I was writing too much about politics bu whatever

The only good thing on halfchan is /sg/, and those fuckers are hard core autistic.

Yes, and that's why instead of forcing our own political cancer into unrelated boards our goal should be to force Holla Forums back and return the apolitical boards to an apolitical state.

Why don't we just call them despookings?

Keep turning it into a communist board. Seize the memes of productions!

The goal was for it to be Holla Forums-lite from the get go. Why would that get it deleted?

/vg/ is worse than Holla Forums at video games.

That's because you don't use Holla Forums

unofficial Holla Forums colony.

What is the 2D equivalent?

Personally I'm sick of frogposting, kek, "memes" and all that unfunny garbage that gets passed around, and people acting like cunts when it's unwarranted and the constant pissing contest. Not to say it wasn't always like this but it didn't seem so bad years ago. Feels like the old user base was replaced by people who only have passing knowledge of imageboards and think it's all about being edgy, obnoxious cunts and calling people niggers. Then again I've only been using imageboards for 8 years and browsed a limited number of boards, so what do i know.
It's not like i was going to do anything with it anyway.

ha i was looking for that exact image

/bant/ has been absolutely infected by the spectre of communist shitposting like a virus thanks to a concerted effort from some Australian and Canadian Anons. Well done, comrades

Fuck's sake, I'm 23 too and I wasted 11 years of my life browsing imageboards and textboards. I want my youth back too.

The first bunch of cancerous newfags I know of that are actually proud of it.
They wont listen to criticism because only a shill would question them.
And they are "redpilled" to assume they can never be proven wrong.

But at least you know where they don't go.
And this board doesn't call itself redpilled or worry too much about shills.
That's why I have some faith it wont end up the same way.

lol same


Help bump my Rojava thread. It's on page 8 atm

It's halfchan, you won't make intellectuals out of sheeple and idiots or imbeciles.
The board has already become a cesspool. Why? Because of people that make up the board, if not site.

I did recently. Any critique leads to others just posting memes. There are no arguments. (Joke intended).

They became a cliche. They are now for using the state to enforce capitalism. At this point, it makes sense how the state is used by capitalists to oppress others. The best way to make yourself leftist is to look at the Hoppian libertarians and the Pinochet supporters.

If the plebs of the capitalist state are for it then it's not far fetched to believe the bourgeois are doing it.

actually, any decent human being with a basic grasp of math and economics should understand how rigged capitalism is.

but since most retards in school didn't even understand how compound interest works, let aside it's implications, we are stuck with an uneducated mass of plebs who enjoy being classcucked to the max and even fight to stay cucked.

Haha yeah because 8ch is so much better than 4chan, am I right.

but muh commies don't understand basic economics!