How do you deal with envy under socialism? If it's true that those feelings will increase with the absence of material wealth to compensate, we might be in for some shit. Fuckers shoot up sorrorities and shit because they are upset other dudes get sex. Without hookers, porn, and gold diggers I imagine the number of those kinds of men will explode
Envy/jealousy under socialism
I mean it's obvious that you need full, forced equality, or wealth will just replace itself with something else and the same class system will transpire
Gulag. That's corrupted mentality and those sorts fo people can't live in society.
holy shit I didn't think you Holla Forumsyps were that stupid
porn will be illegal gomrade
Figures. Seems as if your conception of a proletarian is one with all the traits of a upper middle class fucker. Intelligent, reads, perfectly well adjusted. And you wonder why those who aren't autistic about EVERYTHING IS ECONOMICS BRO don't want your version of society
Just kys already.
Under communism, idiocy would be rewarded as being a NEET would be just as rewarding as being a nuclear engineer or doctor.
No, and kill yourself. I was referring to the fact that it's post-scarcity now.
Well, porn wouldn't really exist as we know it. It would just be amateur couples recording themselves for fun. Which is the only decent kind of porn, anyway.
the two ends of this meme, in context with each other is too much for me. I only saw the Chad part earlier today, didn't see the Incel half of the equation. Now i'm sad
becauseā¦I walk too fast and have large strides
Bro, it's a joke about how robots stupidly rationalize thier plight
You might see it as a stupid concern, but they sure as hell don't
Right, as opposed to having a pure Aryan bloodline going back to 1750, never even glancing at porn or other degenerate art, ditto music other than overwrought Wagner histrionics and never questioning the state when it's about to goose-step off the side of a cliff, that is much more reasonable to expect.
The first pic is literally me, I don't see what's wrong with it. Would you prefer to be like the second pic?
I'm not a Nazi, I'm just using this flag to signify I'm from Holla Forums
2D would probably be relatively unchanged though, except that that lifeless neocubist-looking mershy crap would probably no longer be a thing.
there is a better version of the second pic where Chad's head is perfectly straight.
But, no I wouldn't want to walk like a faggot either. The person on the left is a mincing nebbish cunt, something I really dislike about a large number of millenials. There's nothing wrong with having good posture and being graceful, its just comical when taken to the extremes that typical Chad's and gymcels take it to.
Berardi makes a case in "Heroes" that angry virgins are symptoms of modern nihilism caused by the domination of capital. Their virginities are the way they make sense of their feelings of inadequacy and helplessness, and they "take back control" in one glorious flash of death.
Envy and inadequacy are also incredibly over-encouraged today. It's the whole strategy for selling anything.
im going to carve two sticks to look vaguely humans and make them bump into eachother until i get an erection.
Robots can fuck off then, enslaving half the population because a few autists can't be bothered with fitness, hygiene, or anything but reeing between vidya and anime will do far more to alienate proles than telling robots to "just bee urself".
do fitness and hygiene and I am still undesirable lookswise. now what?
you don't think there will be porn in a socialist society? have you never heard of amateur porn?! some women make lewd content because we enjoy it yano
Cant stop laughing at the picture ;D
I'm skeptical that that would be the case. Seems to me material wealth is the source of much envy. Especially for women, but also many men use it as a measure of success.
As to fuckers shooting up sororities, Elliot Rogers had money, didn't stop him from going ballistic. I find it hard to believe there are hordes of these men only being kept at bay by them being able to pay for sex. But it's impossible to say for sure, so let's cross that path when we meat it. I know there is a Danish project where prostitutes have sex with physically disabled people, maybe there could be a voluntary brigade of women who would have pity sex with autists?
Probably dress better, and work on your conversation skills.
under socialism we are all Chad
ultimate chad walk
or this
Like >> 1641387 said. Material wealth is the source of most of that envy. The emotion of envy is there to tell you what your goals should be, in a capitalism money is necessary to complete any goal from food and shelter, to sex and career success. In societies where everyone's basic needs are filled and they don't need capital to fulfill themselves the desire for luxuries goes down drastically.
Friendly reminder