I just want to rant because I am extremely angry and I just puked from the stress and I just need to say this and I am perfectly fine if I get banned for offtopic but since this involves a tiny bit of law-making, economy, military, diplomacy and so on, I think it might be a bit political as well.
So basically, I think I also have a political belief now, and I want to talk with someone about it, and pol is too retarded and you cant really talk about incorrect things over there so I write here instead. I am still figuring out how to keep it short.
Basically there really does exist.. a class that is being exploited, and that should overthrow everyone else because that is in its interest, but it is not a mouth breathing manual laborers, it is an extremely narrow type of worker.
So let me start with short before-story or however that is called in English. I go out about 5 times a year. The rest of time I study for my university around 12 hours every day, and I sleep, that's it, no time for anything else.
I am attending prestigious mathematics university but I picked a lot of computer and electronics courses because I consider them much more important and relevant to the industry and condensed matter physics, ionized laser and plasma physics, and also nanotube physics (its a part of physics where you study tubes, made out of graphite, basically you make custom molecules out of these tubes, and they get all sorts of weird properties, like superconductivity) because I believe that these things are the future of all manufacturing industries, optics, material sciences and chemistry, and also electronic engineering.
Oh and I hate absolutely every single second of it all, but I am from eastern Europe, born to a poor family where no one attended university before (one exception), where there are no safety nets, where I honestly believe I would end up starving or serving organized crime because jobs do not exist, where welfare is science fiction, and where you quickly learn you arent entitled to anything but hard work, not even human rights, and then you hope something comes out of it.
I've learned a few foreign languages, published 3 works so far in academic/scientific journals, and one of them was good enough to travel a bit and talk about it. I am 24 years old now.
Anyway, I have met a lot of people, and I became really angry and bitter in the process, and I absolutely intend to do something about it or die in the process. I feel like I have a lot to gain and almost nothing to lose, and since I consider suicide a lot I actually feel a bit happy thinking about it because it all either ends or it gets much better.
I will continue in the next post because I feel like I broke a character limit. No more personal shit either, nobody cares, I'll go straight to politics of it.