Number of work stoppages in the US in 1966:
Number of work stoppages in the US in 2016:
How are there leftists who legitimately believe the US is in or anywhere near a revolutionary situation?
Number of work stoppages in the US in 1966:
Number of work stoppages in the US in 2016:
How are there leftists who legitimately believe the US is in or anywhere near a revolutionary situation?
Thanks, user!
Thought my thread was gonna die.
There aren't any.
Unions are thoroughly defanged and the propaganda that strikers are irresponsible children who want money they're not entitled to seems to have struck a chord with the majority of the population
That would be boomers. In America they are the generational bourgeoisie.
What do gen z or millennial know about unions though? Do you think the upcoming generations will revitalize them?
Workers know they are so easily replaced. Why would they even try? They won't have any impact and the capitalist exploiters won't care to listen.
It's actually a good discussion topic/thread and I didn't want to see it get no love compared to all the other shit filling up the top pages
thanks OP for posting this.
The american Left since the 70s, like most of the western Left, has been pretty much betting all its money on the horse of historical fatalism, believing on some inevitable collapse of capitalism (which is a caricature of a misinterpretation of Marxism), on the idea that once conditions get bad enough, people will be forced into radicalism (which is disproved by your stats alone: is working life easier now than in the 60s?) or just the idea that the new generation, the young people, are so left-wing that once they're in power, they will change things.
Wrapped in those comfortable delusions, Leftists start interpreting everything as a sign of the inevitability of their predictions. Millennials like Sanders? Well, then clearly millennials will create Socialism once we're old enough to dominate electoral politics. The government is slashing services and labour rights? Ha! Little do they know this just contributes to our accelerationist designs!
Socialism is now hostage of the people who inherited its tradition in the last half century. All of those things are not simply bad tactics, they're the calculated outcome of the sterile, deliberately harmless, oversensitive politics of lefty academia, of the artistic subcultures anti-capitalism became part of, of student politics, etc. It's all about being a radical, or a communist, without really posing any sort of threat.
You should bring up this kind of stuff when some retard spergs about succdems making the working class "dormant". Neoliberalism literally murdered strikes. During succdem years there was way more class consciousness than there is today, even in the US.
Also this.
I'd say it has a lot to do with the false sense of superiority most Americans have over the "other". Show someone they're better off than somebody else and they'll be all too happy to empty their pockets for you.
striking: a great plan
Getting fired doesn't prohibit you from ever getting a job again. How many people would be fucked over for life if that two week McJob barred them from ever working again?
But if your future employers were to learn that you were fired because you were striking or trying to unionize… that could be quite damaging to future employment prospects.
You know, labor laws are getting real shit in my country but if i went on a strike and got fired for it I could sue and have 90% chance that I got my job back. I will never believe that you don't have some sort of regulation like this in america.
It's right-to-work in a great many states, you can be fired for talking about unionization or striking on the clock, you only have those "rights" off the clock. Yes, you can sue if your boss fires you for wanting a union (assuming you express this opinion off-premises and off the clock) but its impossible to prove and our state labor bodies are hella underfunded, nor do they care.
Taft-Harley makes many categories of striking illegally technically, especially wild cat and political strikes, if I understand correctly.
The left is going to lose america. Best bet is go full class cuck, learn a foreign language or two, save up and bail when the ruling clas decides it's to to go fascist.
Perfect! If something like this happens to you, SUE. If you think you have any shot at getting your job back you HAVE to do it, especially if you have any rational reason to believe someone else won't hire you.
What's gonna happen if you win is that they're gonna give you your job back and they will treat you like shit, give you shitty tasks, preventing you from doing more hours and other pleasantries. So what do you do then? You sue for mobbing too.
Class war is not just hanging the bourg the day of the revolution, fam.