In a communist society, can you basically just be a NEET?
In a communist society, can you basically just be a NEET?
Only if it's fully automated luxury communism and personally I think that's utopian.
yeah, if you want something you can just work fpr it with others or by yourself, if you. want things that aren't already equally distributed to you then you must produce labor value and trade with others, or you could just sleep all day and live and die happy
Only under FALC, so better pray science advances fast enough.
Communism is free time and nothing else.
tbh I wouldn't mind doing a 6 hour day 5 day week to sort a load of people out with NEETdom, as long as the job was enjoyable I wouldn't care. Some of the work weeks suggested here would piss me off getting out of bed for how short the days were. The fuck do I have a lunch break on a 4 hour day?
There are people who say no, every single person must work there can be no lazies. I disagree. We're already relying on silly awful little jobs to keep people employed, and when we stop wasting production and start putting it to a more thought out use, we'd need even less people to work. Expecting everyone to work then is just expecting too much.
Besides, there are people who can't work too ykno.
If not, then do you get some sort of labor quota to be fulfilled?
Would people who currently earn their money by being "entertainers" or artists be able to continue that way, or would only concrete productions count as working?
No but you'll need to work hell of a lot less. It's your choice if you want to do more than this though. Also this is assuming FALC isn't achieved yet.
Everyone will essentially be a NEET because the categories of work, as well as employment and (compulsory) education will all be gone in a society free of wage labour, private property, money and the state.
Only if technology progress to the point where labour is no longer required, otherwise if you refuse to work you'll gain a free ticket to the gulag.
Meanwhile, Stirner thought self-improvement was a spook.
Nobody cares about Stirner.
This shitty board worships him
I guess it depends on the main ideology. I wonder how many far-left people support a kind of basic, universal survival (through income or otherwise), and especially how many don't.
Ideally, we want to abolish work entirely to free up everyone's time. Whether or not you pursued education or training would be your own choice at that point, I think
Almost everyone here likes his idea of "spooks" while thinking everything else he said is shit. This isn't rocket science.
and this too
i think the "spook" stuff is just a meme
You mean while not reading anything else he said cause spooks are a meme and that's why everyone knows them, right?
Sure a couple people have read him. Not everyone on this board by far.
it's a good way of dismissing dumb bullshit like religion, race, etc if you ask me
No it's not, you fag. Its literally just a meme. The concept of spooks is funny because it's retarded. If all beliefs are spooks, if morality is a spook, then communism too is a spook. It's a dumb fucking idea that's fun to shitpost with. If you take it seriously then you wouldn't even bother being on this board in the first place.
this is utopian. Until we have the technology to do so I'm not pressed
Industrialization brings us close enough.
whos going to carry this society if no ones doing anything what
those of us who can work will do so for you who cannot. eventually you may join us
Good ol' Communism, the ideology 16 year olds on the internet use to fantasize about playing video games, and smoking dope all day long without having to work, or pay taxes. Pretty funny if you ask me.
There are countries were 20% of the people are unemployed and your average capitalist country still produces like 10 times more than a communist one will. There's gonna be plenty of people with shitall too do under communism even without star trek.
that's because they are half formed. it isn't a shameful thing. we have an obligation to help them
yeh but why would you when you have access to all that education for free?
Actually I was right libertarian when I was 16-18, thats when I had read basically nothing but Adam Smith and thought my econ 101 made me a great philosopher
you're still spooked my man
i thought you subhumans loved drugs and hated taxation?
care to tell me how now?
you're still defining yourself by what you believe. the belief is the important part. all these people basically have the same belief of will to power but filtered through different lenses
psst psst
let me NEETpill you
Being a NEET is a bad thing!
The enemy is not work but wageslavery. Some are in favor of a guaranteed basic income. Personally, I'm in favor of a guaranteed basic living standard that provides all of the essentials to life. Would a worker subject himself to such grueling and alienating work if he could up and leave without concern for his survival? If something like this could be achieved without the use of government policy, that would be best, but I wouldn't be opposed to it where it's necessary such as healthcare reform. The point is to get off the grid as much as one can to reduce his dependence of capitalist wageslavery.
So that being said, NEET itself isn't a bad thing but being dependent on the handouts of others is less than ideal.
holy fuck wow, it's fucking nothing. you said nothing. congrats
stop smearing your logo on things before I start putting it on fedbook minion macros and other cancer