what the fuck is wrong with you people
what the fuck is wrong with you people
What do you expect from a chosenite?
I love that account
god's chosen almost always side with the tribe
I'm pretty pro-Bernie in general but this whole interview was beyond disgusting. Seriously fucking embarrassing. Americans really have no options when it comes to leftist representatives, it's pathetic.
he is in favour of two state solution, which makes him less jewish than 2/3 of the GOP tbh
Bernie is a zionist, thats well know.
Netanyahu and Hillary were also friends, and Trump is Israel's bitch too.
Im starting to see a pattern here…
I hope Kyle does a report on this
Bernie was always lukewarm about Palestine but that still puts him ahead of every other us politician
hitler did nothing wrong, now you see why
Shit sucks, but this is the one issue that every US politician is awful about. They all suck Israeli and Saudi cock. I don't think many people here considers him to be our ideal or outright supports him, but want to see Overton window in the US shift.
Hitler created Israel.
Why did you kill Gregor?
Stalin did
No you don't
I'm starting to see a pattern here…
i cant believe there were people that actually donated money to this fucking guy's campaign
people keep putting their faith in mainstream politicians, as though this time they'll somehow avoid being corrupted and subverted by the system. same thing is happening with corbyn and whatever the hell is happening in france
kill all politicians
Between Israel and American politics? Wow, go easy on the red pills, you're really blowing my mind here.
No, Stalin created hipster facial hair grooming.
Hahaha, he was openly anti-Israel when running for president.
Remember, never trust a politician.
How long until you address the JQ?
Wut, I remember him fighting with a pro-Palestine woman in a townhall, yelling about how Hamas is shipping weapons through le tunnels
I'm not American so all I did was read his website's "issues" during the presidentials.
No he wasn't. Two-state solution is still Zionism and apartheid.
We addressed it in 1844, you just didn't like our answer.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Honest question, how would a US politician actually help Palestine aside from, say, cutting military aid to Israel? Would Bernie have been able to send weapons to Hamas, or rejuvinate the PFLP?
ordering them to end the occupation for one (which is bankrolled and armed by the us.). there are plenty of things
I am beginning to think that Nazi posters don't know what a Zionist Jew actually is, and just uses it as a term to describe everything they don't like.
Though I am seeing a pattern here. Its that Holla Forumsyps cling to shitty threads and try to spread the "JEW" meme hard.
I don't think you know what Zionism is. The two state solution is not Zionism, as the Zionists want all of Palestine and to further the "Living Space" for the future Jews. Huh where have we heard of the idea of giving a muh privilege group of people "Living Space" can't put my finger on it oh.
Name them, because I'm still skeptical. Of course Bernie could vote in favor of the UN resolution to end the occupation, but that in itself doesn't ensure a victory for Palestine.
Fucking full volume on my speakers. Thanks, user.
ending the occupation
helping gaza, which will soon be unlivable according to the u.n.
calling out israel on its illegal nuclear arsenal and its refusal to sign the npt
supporting the 2-state resolution
addressing the issue of refugees
supporting east jerusalem as the palestine capital and reiterating the illegality of israel's claim to it
doing something about the water issue
doing something about political prisoners
doing something about the checkpoints
doing something about the annexation wall
refuting the jewish lies about hamas' "rockets" and "human shields"
israel's list of crimes is as long as your arm. there's lots to address
So supporting the "right" of an illegal apartheid state to exist.
/po/ FUCK OFF.
yeah, better to flush 40 years of international consensus down the drain. good luck getting the international community to support 1 state
israel is officially the jewish state. it claims to represent all jews worldwide. cry harder zionist
wew lad, there's a 0% chance you're not a fucking kike