65% of Melenchon voters refuse to vote for either Macron or Le Pen.
65% of Melenchon voters refuse to vote for either Macron or Le Pen.
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That would be a glorious "va te faire enculler!" to the neolibs. I hope there can be enough organizing to sabotage whoever ends up winning.
Guess who's getting blamed if Le Pen wins
Should we serve the bourgeoisie near us or further away, great election love it.
Can someone point an uneducated burger (redundant) to sources that will redpill me on the French candidates?
All I've heard is that Le Pen is basically Trump relative to French politics. But the fact that the American media so clearly doesn't want her to win leads me to believe Macron is probably a neoliberal.
lol true, its always those damn socialists ruining everyone's fun times
hesitating between blank and abstention
Macron is the definition of neoliberal (in the french sense, not SJW)
he was even too right-wing to run with the PS
all the supposed "left-wing media" have been heavily in his favor
Macron is 39 and his wife is 64
In fact, liberal normies have already started complaining about abstentionism on social media.
Marine Le Pen=Social democracy+Civic nationalism
so, le pen is actually the BETTER choice?
Only if you are retarded and understand the political world through massivly generalised labels
but social democracy is better for the working class than neoliberalism, right?
Economically, yes.
Le Pen is as socdem as Trump.
so i should support le pen
social democracy being bad doesn't mean nothing else can be worse
that's idiotic
but user said le pen is socdem
People need to weigh up their priorities and think very hard about what they're doing here. You have to really consider just what kind of country France would turn into if that vichy traitor made it into because of left-wing apathy. I don't care how many memes you throw, I would side with a neolib over a fascist any day of the week if they were my only options, as I believe you can still actually affect some meaningful left-wing policy inside a framework neoliberalism even if it is fundamentally flawed. Fascism, on the other hand, is the natural enemy of the left will do everything in its power to crush it.
Honestly, France's options would be a lot worse if that Fillon guy had made it to the final round.
She's not.
Le Pen is not soc dem, not at all. She only tries to look like one.
Yes, but the magic of capitalism is that she would have to whore out sooner or later. Macron's cancerous ideas will prevail, no matter if now or in a decade.
Take the apathy-and-depression pill
Le Pen is about as much as a vichy fascist stereotype as you can get. She grew up in a damn castle in the country for fuck sake. There's going to be a lot of propaganda about how she's changed her party from her father, but that's nakedly cynical marketing and spin-doctoring; she's basically the same.
Maybe years ago, but not today. commondreams.org
FN is not fascist. It's shit, but it's not fascist. It's generic european iron fist right populism. And economically speaking, apart from migrants and maybe the poor, especially unemployed, they're the same thing : anti-state, anti-welfare, deregulated neoliberalism.
The main differenece between Le Pen and Macron is that Le Pen wants to leave the EU and the NATO, whereas Macron doesn't. Economically, leaving the EU will have of course consequences, probably negative ones.
France has high unemployment. Leaving the EU won't create jobs, rather it will destroy them.
The reason it would is because investors would boycott the country out of """fear""" for the state of the economy, thereby directly precipitating what they claim to """fear""". This is not a valid argument but a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The reason why both are shit is because they would both cave in to this kind of hostage taking.
Fuck off.
The EU's wrecked the economies of multiple countries on behalf of northern European porkies, it's far from obvious that leaving the EU would be bad for France (and as a proletarian internationalist you should support its annihilation even if so.)
I don't support Le Pen; I fear if she wins there won't be another election in 5 years in which we're allowed to meaningfully compete. But she's right about the EU albeit for the wrong reasons.
He gets his opinions from memes. If you don't understand French, she's basically saying she won't raise the minimum wage.
She's not even a racist, nor does she want to deport all muslims. Still too soft tbh
Blank vote is the right choice.
Anyone who's even remotely leftist should not be voting
Very clever and original. You convinced me to vote for [insert retarded candidate here].
Good. If the left compromises it's position to neoliberals as a half hearted attempt to defeat the right nothing will be achieved.
What a shock!
Psycho-analysis proves that Macron is evil.
Here lads might want to not let the fascist into power.
nothing new
Seriously though, why is the actual left basically ignored by all "centrists" until they need our votes? Also why do so many leftists fall for this?
Wait, which one is the literal fascist again?
So are almost all politicians.