Dude wasn't even a communist, much less a communist prior to the American gov kicking its fuckery into overdrive
These were the exact words used by Castro. And the capitalist bourgeois-owned media of the USA confirmed his assertions:
"Dr. Castro . . . has stated repeatedly that his movement is not Communist and that if Cuba can obtain some degree of prosperity, Communism cannot grow there.” (Newspaper Times, 20th April 1959, edition in English)
"Dr. Fidel Castro . . . went before the National Press Club here today to repeat his assurances made so often during his visit to the capital that he means nothing but friendship to the United States, that there are no Communists in his Government, that he has no plans to expropriate any foreign holdings in Cuba.” (Newspaper Times, 21st April 1959, edition in English)
"Castro … is not only not a Communist, but decidedly anti-Communist.” (Herbert Matthews, New York Times, 16th July 1959, edition in English)
Indeed, Castro even managed to get CIA’s help in the struggle in favor of the greedy class interests of Cuban national bourgeoisie due to his ardent anti-communism which, of course, charmed CIA’s fascist leaders:
“(…) Castro was prevailed on to meet the CIA's chief expert on Communism in Latin America, a Central European named Droller: the two talked privately for three hours, and afterwards Droller told Lopez Fresquet: 'Castro is not only not a Communist, he is a strong anti-Communist fighter." (Hugh Thomas, The Cuban Revolution, London, 1986, edition in English)
And those who think that Castro could have only pretended to be an anti-communist in order to temporarily please American imperialists for strategical purposes are equally mistaken. In Cuba, Castro used to tell his colleagues and friends of the “26th July movement” how much he hated communism and everything related with it. He reached the point of declaring to them that:
"(…) Our revolution is not red, but olive-green, the color of the rebel army.” (Fidel Castro cited in: Guia del Pensiamento politicoeconomico de Fidel, (Guide to the Politico-economic Thought of Fidel), Havana, 1959, edition in English)
"Communism is a system that suppresses liberties, the liberties which are so dear to man." (Fidel Castro cited in: Theodore Draper, Castroism: Theory and Practice, 1965, edition in English)
"Communism is the dictatorship of a single class and I . . . have fought all my life against dictatorship.” (Fidel Castro cited in: Hugh Thomas, The Cuban Revolution, London, 1986, edition in English)
He also wrote this in 1992:
It goes on but the fact he goes into Gorbachev apologetics is amazing–first day communist kids do better.Castro never stood with the pro-Stalin current in the communist movement, even in words, be it of the Maoist or Hoxhaist variety. Calling him a Stalinist seems manifestly untrue.