I decided to read Force, Violence and Dictatorship in the Class Struggle, since I couldn't find any good summary on Leftcom tendencies, specifically Bordiga. So can any Leftcom here tell me if I understood the key principles.
Before the revolution:
One must try to remain calm and not stage a small-scale attempt to seize the local means of production. This is because security, police, and military will easily be able to crush the attempt, removing crucial revolutionary potential. There can be no class collaboration. Communism can only be achieved by communists. The bourgeoisie, the petite-bourgeoisie, and lumpen can not and will not be allies in the revolution. They will try to co-opt the movement, change the goal of the revolution or crush the proletariat in favor of some degree of reformed capitalism when the final attempt is carried out. Much like we saw with the SPD, Hitler, and Stalin. The proletariat must combine their revolutionary potential in a single party which is willing to establish communism. Not SocDem (reformed capitalism) and not Stalinist (socialist state). Even if revolution seems far away, one must not fall back to reformism. Reform won't work, because of the inherent problems even with reformed capitalism and the tendency for reforms to be reversible by bourgeois influence. The party must be internationalist, and therefore deny any claims for full democracy (which would include lumpen and bourgeoisie) or nationalism (which would exclude the proletariat from other countries). One must openly claim once stances instead of hiding them. Be clear that one is for extreme measures to establish communism, and don't become a hypocrite and compromise in the face of democrats or nationalists.
The revolution:
Once the proletariat has combined their revolutionary potential under the communist party, they must create a violent revolution, much akin the what Lenin did. It is crucial to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat, and not be swayed with moralists claiming it will lead to despotism and dictatorship. If everyone in the communist party understands the revolutionary principles and is convinced in communism as the ultimate and only goal (as is the case if one followed the principles mentioned before the revolution), there shouldn't be any infighting as to what must be done, and thereby no one who will change the end goal of the revolution. Hereby the DotP will not become a true dictator, but always remain nothing more than a symbol of absolute power for the entire working class and its combined ambitions. The DotP is required to create a central order within the proletariat. This is necessary to destroy any opposition from capitalist forces, who will resist, to protect the means of production and its largest adversary, the state.
End of the revolution:
The quasi-state consisting of the DotP must be destroyed once the antagonism from capitalist forces resides. It is crucial that it doesn't take over the state which existed before it. The state must under all costs be destroyed. This direct leap from capitalism to communism, through the use of the DotP, skips the socialist mode of production altogether. And thereby circumvents the antagonisms created in a socialist state, between the state bureaucrats and the proletariat. Although some might claim that power hungry elements will claim the state. If the revolution was led by communists, who were well versed in communist theory, it should not be an issue. Because all of them understand that socialism isn't the final stage, or the desired result o the revolution.
The armchair meme is nothing but SocDems and wannabe anarchists complaining about having to read theory, instead of feeling smug about being part of a party or movement.
Is this correct or did I misunderstand or miss some key points?