Why is this guy NEVER mentioned anywhere when his ideas were the predecessor to Islamic Socialism, Third Worldism, and National Bolshevism?
Why is this guy NEVER mentioned anywhere when his ideas were the predecessor to Islamic Socialism, Third Worldism...
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No such thing.
Who is that guy?
National Communism isn't Nazbol. It usually means doing away with Soviet/Russian influence in a communist system a la Tito.
It's related to NazBol though.
Because those are shit-tier ideologies.
How were his ideas shit-tier?
He's posted here a lot.
What is Gaddafi?
What is the PFLP?
Because Leninists are ashamed of the fact that their theory is responsible for ISIS
Lenin and Islam have nothing to do with each other.
We used to see his picture everywhere in this board a year ago.
Stalin had Sultan-Galiev purged retard and obviously did nothing wrong given the idiotic directions his ideas took alluded to by OP.
If nazbols were not larping they would be top of my gulag list. Sage in all fields.
Who gave them the money?
How were his ideas wrong? Postcolonial Theory backs up a lot of what he argued.
pick one.
His love for his people and his culture were in tune with his commitment to Bolshevism and anti-imperialism. He was a decent guy.
It's not cancer by any means. It has some good insights which classical Marxism misses.
This is a baby boomer neocon tier statement, and I'm an anarkiddy
How embarrassing. Read about Islamist use of Vanguard theory.
This is like claiming Marx took the idea of communism from the Bible, therefore the true originators of communism are Christians.
that's true though
Christ, Muhammad and others of their kind thorough history constitute the true left - that is, the left of the political systems overall and thorough history, not just eighteenth century european political scene which is a bullshit "dichotomy" by the way.
He is some random retard nobody has heard of, thats why.
Hey try posting this fruit on /x/
Tried researching him once, but there are not many sources on him on English, I think that's the main problem OP.
If you are this interested on him why not make an article or video about him so that his ideas become more known? We can always use more content.