Memeball thread

post em.


One more.




when you were killed before you can make a symbol for your movement, so your followers can't even meme correctly


that feel



It's called "Picardia" you newfag.

why do they like the japanese so much? doesn't japan not like white people?






And thats all I have

Strasserites are baffled leninists. They supported the USSR because they knew they couldn't combat capitalism as a simple nation state that had no real revolution. Asserites had to piggy back on the leninists in order to get things done. At that point, you might as well be Leninist. They aren't that different in view point besides the racism, and the class cucking.

Just embrace it. It is a dead ideology, might as well accept and ideology that is supported.

Because Hitler was a weeaboo

I don't know if that's necessarily true. Half of Assers book is him talking about measures he'd put in place to curb the rise of the USSR and establish a western European economic bloc. He said that communism did a lot for workers rights but that it was an ideology devised during a time in history that was socially liberal and opposed to the German way of life.


Retard logic.

You need water, vitamins, minerals etc., but if you take any of them in high enough amounts they will kill you.






Jews fucked with him first tbh

The excess CO2 doesn't force itself into plants, the plants absorb the amount they are able to.









someone forgot to read about how Muslims invaded Europe and Crusades were reaction to that and saved it probably

Genghis Khan is considered heroic too, tho. What a shit meme.

shit, man, this is unironically some good revolutionary propaganda

will be using it when talking to liberals

did killing every jew and eastern christian in sight and eating children also save europe?

t. psycho

Byzantium only requested military assistance against the Seljuks. The Emperor himself almost never discussed any religious motivation. I love how Holla Forums thinks it was all about Christians vs Muslims when they were both more akin to the mafia in their motives and behavior.

Yeah, just like they saved the Byzantine empire


The only problem here is the "muh copying Holla Forums's memes".
Holla Forums has no memes

Class isn't an identity in the sense that it's used in identity politics. Class is an economic relation.

Class isn't an identity, it is the result of socio-economic factors. Having black skin is not the same as "being black". You can't escape class without shifting into another,

Read a book.

Their most famous memes are stolen from Holla Forums, /jp/ and /r9k/.


Also this meme comes from some Rando Argentinian imageboard. Next you'll be telling me they invented Spurdo Spade.

If it's the one I think it is those guys can't stop sucking Holla Forums's cock and believing they're white. It's saddening.

Which ones would those be?


I'm not doing your homework for you, newfag.

why did you type everything instead of selecting it lol

They literally have a statue of him in front of the Mongolian parliament in Ulaanbaatar.


and americans have statues of george washington, who was a violent murderer

people are stupid and worship idols. doesn't change that genghis was a genocidal barbarian

What argument lmfao
Go back to Holla Forums you ignorant newfag.

I wasn't attempting to make you "do my homework". I was wondering which of Holla Forums's memes you consider most famous, and which you consider to be taken from other boards. It isn't as if those things are set in stone. And I do know which memes you're probably reffering to. It was an attempt at opening a discussion.

But you're probably some pathetic autist who doesn't know how to interact with people and who's taken the 4chan secret club mentality seriously, so i shouldn't even have bothered to write this post.



Awoo was taken from /jp/ and pepe was taken from Holla Forums for starters. The whole putting make America great again hats on everything is a copy of the putting Top Gun hats on things which of course turned into top lel and top kek which is /sp/ and Holla Forums property.

dont forget the jew cartoon

is this meta

I thought pepe was r9k.

It started on Holla Forums but it's recognized as a /r9k/ meme and a sign of a shitposter.

Also to add on I guess, Moon Man is actually a YTMND meme that Holla Forums has utilized frequently non ironically even though it was intended to be non serious in nature all the while you see many of them claiming its "theirs". There are plenty of examples of this you can go over, that is Holla Forums taking content from other places and then claiming its "their meme" or something.

Yeah, le happy merchant from Nick Bougas. Also Doom Paul from /n/

Fuck that's old.


Sounds like they're mad about cultural appropriation.



no, it was a forum and now it's a social media
it's called taringa
and Holla Forums started using that smiley in that way
taringa used that face just to post something like "great post dude"

Pepe did not start on Holla Forums. It started on Fur Affinity.

Need their anime, fam.

Oh you meant the smiley face.
Yeah it started on Taringa, a traditional forum with accounts and all. It's called "picardía" ("roguery") there.
Then it started being used by the TF2 General on /vg/.
After all this Holla Forums took it to mock ancaps and now it's stupidly called "memeball".



Killing Rosa was a mistake.