Why does the left suck so much EU cock?

I've been wondering about this for a while now; what attracts the left to this, mostly capitalistic, trade union?

I would suspect that Holla Forums also hates the EU, but would you guys mind shedding some on this subject?

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Because the left has a surprisingly large presence in its "democratic" body. Thus careerists socdems and fake ML parties fucking love it.

Because it pays them very well for their loyalty.

Honestly, I applaud the EU. I hope every yuro country has its sovereignty infringed and every pissant little nation on that continent ceases to exist

I want Europe to become a single state, speaking a single language.

Probably because it's one of the more benign superpowers.

t. non-greek

It's a playing field, not a player.

lol no

Slavs are literally the only "Europeans" that are worth a damn.

Because EU "left" is mostly soclibs LARPing as socdems

Because the most rabid "left-wing" champions of the EU simply are vaguely progressive liberals.

Sincere socdems like the Front de Gauche in France or Sinn Féin in Ireland are Eurosceptic parties.

spooked af

lol a NPC in the first Deus Ex game unironically whines about this

v good, v good logic

The EU would be fine, if it wasn't built as a tool to maintain Capitalism, and hadn't gone FullNeolib.

There is the idea of "we can turn the ship to the left", but I don't see it happening, while Germany is on the wheel and France is electing more neoliberals.

filthy dumb idealist scum

They always cave in when things come around.

"The left" means nothing in this context. Be more specific.

That NPC was right.

Talk about Americans all you want, but this and all the other angsty replies proves Europeans remain THE most spooked people.

It's more that those "different cultures and languages" should simply cease to exist for the benefit of humanity at large. Haven't we seen enough of petty nationalist conflict?

its a good idea, i think you'll get lots of French and German people to agree with it. Good luck

does translation software not exist? Are there no multi-lingual people? Does it bother you that Germans celebrate weird pagan beer festivals and that Italians and French people spend all day eating and drinking wine? Seriously fucking stupid cunt. Honestly have no idea what it is that you're attacking and how alienating it is for normal people to hear. People want to speak their language they grew up with, they want to eat their food, they want to live next to their family. Stop being fucking illiterate and ignorant, read a book about neurobiology or evolutionary psychology. You can't just change the language and culture in 10 years, even in 25 years its hugely disruptive and causes massive resentment.

To hear the likes of Varoufakis talk about it, the EU as it stands sounds like a banking cartel more than anything else

I've never understood this kind of thinking. Why should any individual work towards "the benefit of humanity at large", or give things up for that purpose? It doesn't benefit me at all to make sacrifices for a hypothetical "better" future society i won't live to see. I'm certainly not willing to adopt some sort of one world lifestyle, culture and language for the sake of some conceptual nonsense. Its natural for people to live in tribes and nations, there is no "world family", never will be, and it wouldn't be a desirable state of affairs for anyone but the rulers.

I feel that people who think like you want humans to be more like ants or bees, forgoing their individuality for the good of "the hive". It's stupid, and unnatural.

It's actually the US, without the bond as a nation.

European Central Bank is the Fed, but worse.

Europe is politically irrelevant no matter which side your on.

Either you believe revolution is possible in the developed world in which case lmao if you think for a second Europe won't bend the knee to America. in which case the revolution must start in America as the only Superpower of note.

Or you believe that the pussies in the developed world are to coddled to fight for self determination in which case the revolution must happen in the global south.

Either way the succdem states of Europe will be the last to experience the death of capitalism​.

Sorry europoors!

This entire post is essentially the same argument cappies make against socialism

How so? The EU even has a charter for the protection of regional languages. In fact, cultural regionalism has it better now than it ever did before when individual states ruthlessly enforced centralism especially in France. Now trams in Toulouse announce stations in French and in Occitan.

Nations aren't natural nigger.

They have only existed for 600 years at the most charitable definition. And in any event they will cease to exist soon whether their death comes at the nads of Capitalism or Socialism simply because they are inefficient and will naturally die.

Which is basically a cosplayers patreon. Some guys in cornwall reinvented a language that has been death for 300 years and now claim that they are victims of racism for not getting government grants to support it.

How does one even "dilute" a culture? Cultures aren't static, they never have been, never will be. You're weirdly attached to all of these things that in the end only serve to divide people. If you want to continue having wars with some people who live like 50 miles from you, sure go ahead, Yuro

Pretty much all self proclaimed socialist and communist parties in Europe oppose the EU.
Dunno wtf you're on about.

Making it significantly less European and of the character of the people native to those lands and their ancestors.
They're not static, but they proceed from the natives and they integrate and assimilate outsiders. They don't blend with outside culture (and survive intact) suddenly. Eurabia is a sudden and incompatible blending of two different cultures. Its not a good idea and its not natural or gentle.
I don't believe in nation-states, I also don't believe in resettling people arbitrarily as some kind of punishment/charity service. I don't think Europeans as a people owe anything to the rest of the world and the rest of the world owes them nothing. the native americans should have chased the settlers out of America, allowing another advanced race to settle your land is suicidal.
The wars in the Balkans are a unique situation brought about by extenuating circumstances from huge geo-political shifts in the region over the past 100 years. Europe has stabilized, Italians and Greeks do not seek to brutalize each other, Germans and French do not wish to violate the sovereignty of each other's borders. I personally don't believe in borders, but I also think that right now the only sensible stance is to be anti-immigration.

are you actually this stupid? nations have existed for thousands of years. Hell, the ancient Sumerians were a "nation".

Even if your retarded statement was true, 600 years is a hell of a long time compared to the exactly zero years people have lived under "College Freshman's World Government",

EU? Don't you mean German bloc? :P

So did Hitler and Kaiser.

The EU is a French project, same with the euro.

It's actually Franco-West German.

nations are a spook you massive faggot

The euro was pushed through to prevent dominance of the D-mark and allow France to rank up deficits.

thank you

Frankly, this just isn't true, given the number of Muslim encroachments onto the continent over history.

Ah, so you're just a spooked faggot who believes refugees and economic migrants arriving is about punishing people. What other conspiracy theories do you believe?

Ukraine and the Balkans right now are proof that Europe has absolutely NOT stabilized. You all still have the petty ethnic/national/religious strife as ever,
and by the way, how many times have we heard this before before another war has broke out?

No thanks, unless it's a way to increase class tension.

user was most likely talking about the modern concept of sovereign states, and he'd be right. Look up Westphalian Peace and lrn2 intro to international relations

So you oppose the European Union for making it's member nations less European by uniting Europe into a single nation? Wat?

It does actually, Europe is older than 10 years.

But it still became a replacement for DM and Germany is controling it, especially since France failed to resist Merkel.

Islam and Europa never blended well. Whenever Arabs blended well, it was without Islam.
Europa never stabilized. Simply, war is no longer profitable and all wars are economic.

Unless you are an underdeveloped country that has to fall back to nationalism to survive, or you're a made up country, see current possible civil war in FYROM.

They never got into the Heartland of Europe, stop making shit up. And they were always violently repelled by the natives. Spain is Catholic now and not Islamist.
The justification is: "Euros bombed MENA, ergo they should take in the refugees" and my response is, "MENA governments fostered terrorism through weak governance and corruption, therefore the responsiblity for the chaos which inspired foreign intervention is the fault of the MENA populations and not Euros, especially no the average Euros. Therefore the average Euro shouldn't have to subsidize the millions of non-affected civilians who pour into Europe, many who are simply dissatisfied with their culture". That's not a conspiracy theory, most succdems and shitlibs argue this.
lol ok. The war is over, Putin grabbed his port city, and the pipelines will be built. What's the problem? Saber rattling? These are risen apes with nukes, of course they threaten to "reignite tensions", they just terrorized the whole Western Hemisphere with fake nuclear war and a fake invasion of Syria (with two different presidents, and a potential president in HRC). Nothing is going to happen. People are ridiculous, Europe is going to fall apart because of invasion and economic collapse. Ukraine will pop off because of disagreements about pipelines in MENA.

The EU is one of the main forces and reasons people cite for allowing the migrants in. It symbolizes the destruction of western civilization and the restructuring of europe into a united market, which would then merge with other bigger markets and then imply merging populations. The domino effect is very real here

Germany isn't controlling it, if they were, things wouldn't have come to this point. Germany supports the euro because it is interwoven with the EU, which also has strong ideological support in Germany.

People aren't generic vessels filled with nothing but marxist class determinism.

Wars have been fought because a king wanted to impress a woman.

The USA's adventurism proves this isn't true. War is as profitable as ever.

Nationalism doesn't just affect under-developed countries.
EVERY country is made up! Holy shit, do you think borders are naturally occurring landmarks?


it's about muslims user, it's always about muslims

It's an economic superpower and frankly, the only reason most nations in it are even relevant at this point.

Which rock made you a marxist?

It's really not, it's just so that single nations can't control their monetary policy and raise inflation. the euro is there to make sure there's a bunch of unemployed people. It's frankly the biggest problem with the EU and currently the very reason single states try to resist EU policies. If they dropped it (which they totally can, we've had a union since post-ww2, albeit a smaller one) the countries would be way more compliant. Gotta explain that to the germans though.

And now they aren't. They're welcoming them with open arms, which is their decision to make.
They don't have to if they don't want to. Have any of them started a revolution and started voting from the rooftops? No, of course not. So as a whole, they're either satisfied with the current arrangement, or too apathetic to act.

What I want to know is why are you white knighting this hard for Europe? They've made a decision, and they're going to have to live with the consequences of that decision. Would you invest this much effort into trying to "save" a sex worker from a lifestyle they chose to live?


Need a source on this that isn't affirming the consequent. The euro was primarily the bargain for german reunification, or you must have some protocols in which Mitterand states that his real plan was to create more unemployment.

It's not the very reason single states try to resist EU policies. The countries that don't have the euro have shown more resistance to EU power (Denmark, the U.K, Hungary, Poland) while the EU finds it most loyal members in the eurozone.

Islam civilized the barbarian Arabs. Most of the wrongs in modern arab culture is because of it's remnant bedouin heritage. Salafism is not representative of all of Islam.


And this is bad because…?

this is massively disingenuous logic by the Left right here, migration is an economic decision and the reasons people allow migrants is a matter of economics. To say its voluntary for either side is distorting the truth
The smartest people on Earth are all either living in europe or from Europe. All the best philosophy, art, technology and science comes from Europe. Europe is the only continent besides North America which is pleasant to be in most of the year and isn't plagued with malaria and large predators.

It will cause social upheaval and lead to resentment

Lets say I decide to give food, shelter, medical services, and a nice chunk of spending money to anyone in need who comes to my door, and ask nothing in return. They don't have to work, they don't have to contribute in anyway, I'm giving free stuff with no strings attached. People would be stupid not to accept this, but as word spreads, eventually this will become unsustainable and I will have to stop. Once that happens, the "problem" has resolved itself.
Then clearly these people are the most intellectually equipped to understand the consequences of the choices they're making, thus your white knighting is unnecessary.

The social upheaval will only be caused by racists (from all ethnicities), they only need to be crushed so the non-racists can live in peace. Are you one of them racists?

KEK! Yes… It never had anything to do with trade and land expansion and reassurance of authority, or anything.

Is that why the US economy is going down? War is no longer "more iron". It needs to much specialized production to be profitable.

And collectives of ethnicly similar populations that identify themselves as the nation they inhabit. And borders ARE naturally occuring landmarks, unless it's WW1 and we define borders drawing straight lines on a map.

That's because if you dare to say anything, the Central Bank will come and fuck you up.

Only as long as the trade was going. Then Spain started trading with the other side of the world and Islam started having dark ages. And no, nowadays it's useless and only serves as a replacement for the lack of nationalism, in a capitalist state.

NEXT in things that are not true, but propaganda makes them so.

Huh, you think these desires will simply cease to exist without an EU? You fags have been fighting each other for millennia for various stupid reasons.

lmao–borders are only arbitrary lines some dipshit drew, probably after fighting needless wars and killing proles to do so.
please go and take pictures of the natural borders around your country. I wonder if they glow in the dark at night so airplanes can see them?

I didn't say that. I said that war isn't a one-dimensional mechanic that can explained through a cliché.

What is this even supposed to mean?

It means, if you don't want to do as the commision says, the European Central Bank will come and shut your banks down.

The will be revamped without an EU, only because of the economic and political instability that will be caused. And sorry we were nations when the US was still Puritans in Britain ready to leave cause "Europa has too much fun!"

How come it's usually "the banks of this river" or "these mountains" that define borders?

t. Fascist arguing in favour of "Gleichschaltung".
Seriously what part of international "liberation" do you not understand?

I can't speak for other EU countries, but here in Portugal the communist party was always against the EU, before we joined, after we joined, when we adopted euro currency they spoke against it.
Their position on this issue has always been the same.
And yes there's elected representatives from the portuguese communist party in Strasbourg always trash talking the EU.


The spirit of internationalism raped by porky

E da mi je 16 godina opet.

yeah fuck all that

why gulag? you practically all speak english now anyways. this would just make it official