im not good with computers how did i get here
Im not good with computers how did i get here
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you need it?
I'm scared. Also no mic.
a series of tubes...
Only for ranked to be honest
Scared of what? ^^
Talking with a voice to internet people c:
I'll probably give OW a shot later after dinner, once I get the hang of it can I bother you with it? :3
wats shige tora?
Yeah sure
Can even play with you from the start, if it's easier
strange name for a web site ._.
Neat :3
heck i reg'd but it's not like it's got anything to do with drifting or moe
Yeah well.. Luka is a strange name for a person
frolicking in the fields of rape?
a field of*
Is that to imply you wouldn't?
r u rich?
websites are expensive?
so is subtle
God bless Doga Kobo
dunno. depends.
...back and perky
Yeah, I suppose.
Good morning^^
Nice flag caps~
Good Mornyan, Maddie~
How's you today?
I'm kinda sick. And feeling torn about some stuff, but I'm okay.
How have you been?
I'm doing alright, kinda bored.
Trying to get this character's description and stuff down before we end this campaign because the DM wants to give us background feats.
I should see if I can woo him into giving me more fly speed.
That seems like a legit plan lol
Give him a bj. That seems to work ;3
I was just gonna, like, buy him coffee or summat.
Oh. Oh, right. Well that could work too haha
You're a pervo, Maddie.
Nah, I just speak off of personal current events or something idk
I am bored as fuck and I have 5 hours to kill before my dentists appointment
saaaave me
I really just need to spend the 20 bucks to get one
( Subtle )
It isn't a bad thing.
If anything, being a pervo just makes life more fun, right?
use the bones of your last victim
bones are really dry and chafe a lot
smash it into yourself until you bleed and use the blood as lube
ur really gud at not moving :o
i aim
you aimed less in that one and moved way more but you still got the clip :o
and in this one
i stood still and press one button!
wait you didnt even aim or move!
are you some kinda god :o
well i did bring a buncha people back to life in this one!
Eh. Back when there's people worth talking to.
It actually bugs me that you didn't have your beam on someone at all times.
Were you just trying to get the PotG or something?
See you.
Epic meal time?
yum~ food
woof woof
empress maji tenshi
its a joke from an anime
what's the joke?
what anime??
its not a good joke
its from rezero and it roughly translates to trash seriously an angel
but instead of trash i replaced it with u in that context
It isn't Trash.
It's Trash-tan, at least remember the quote right.
yah but i was translating it into english
english dont use suffix
a trash can? ;~;
Tell that to the weeabs, Lielie-chan.
i was calling you an angel. not an insult
you shouldnt be using japanese suffixes in english sentences
What are you talking about, Lielie-chan?
What happened to your boyfriend and girlfriend?
yey angels! wings an halos an stuuf
something something they stole her raviolis
meh, she was a one-time fuck.
guy however just takes a long as fuck time to respond to messages. right now I'm waiting on him fucking me but this time uninterupted
just as soon as he fucking responds.
its cute you refer to me as 'chan' tho
mercy is kewl n stuff but bowman is way cooler cuz he speaks cool and he shoots cool and everything about him is cool
It's because you're too young for me to consider anything else.
mercy is pretty lady!
i mean you couldve said 'kun' and i wouldve been fine with that too
i think dva is prettyer
I had one chance with a girl that loved me but after we got out of the hospital she was struggling a lot and was being pretty mean to me and generally was just completely distant, 10 days later she goes back and finds out she's pregnant with a rape baby and that killed it
life sucks
killed the relationship I mean. she's still having it
Didn't you freak out over the fact that she was pregnant, and refuse to raise the rape baby for, like, a week after finding out?
Pretty sure that's what killed it.
idk mine came out of nowhere *shrugs*
that's what I meant, I wasn't ready to be a mother, emotionally, financially, or responsibly
why you post images of intimate females
Try to turn my birthday into a lifestyle ♫
life is unfair and doesn't use lube when fucking you at 100 mph
Was kind of a shitty nap, but I'm back I guess.
Equal parts sand and KY
their hairs are fancy but weird looking
sleep a little longer. it will only do you good
I need free time before work.
I just really want someone to fall asleep with and hold me
Discord is the best dating app
i like fancy
enjoy your free time before work
is she anorexic
I'm going to go play some PS4. There is nobody here I want to talk to anyhow.
yah do that
threads are boring for free time. dont respond to this
hah i baited a (You)
no, she human
a "good morning, beautiful" is even better
tired as fuck
just want to be done with my dentists appointment and sleep for 16 hours
I need to get out more, I've been in arizona since june and I have like 2 IRL friends that I see maybe once a month
you can be anorexic and human at the same time?
ghetto facebook
the price will be really high for you since ur fat as fuck
get a job and pay for it yourself
really not looking forward to like 3 months of bed rest but I'm ready to get rid of my dick since it's useless at this point
they both suck.
Use a knife.
Or a gun.
I really want to sleep but dentists in 4 hours fug
I need a cure for being dead inside
Go outside and do something.
it's fucking phoenix what am I gonna do? get shot? buy drugs? wait 15 minutes to cross the street? there's not much else to do here
Then quit your bitching
At least you're here, in Holla Forums
Get shot while buying drugs and cross the street to try and get away
Being dead on the outside.
why be mean to her
i guess i couldve omitted the swear words but i was just warning
I'm incredibly depressed someone please talk to me.
Hello, Loco.
only 3 more hours of the slowest moment of my life
Good morning beautiful.
I believe in yuri.
mom says I can't talk to strangers
That wasn't fair.
What's up. Why so depressed?
me too
why was I expecting a dick
Tokai, the patriarch of that family I displaced died. They moved into a damp cavehouse and he caught pneumonia. I killed him.
Just kidding. Hi.
I haven't seen you here in a long time
at least they will be in heaven
Wasn't he supposed to disappear for half a year or so starting January?
He was saying a full year.
Anyhow time to spend more time being a Polandball.
The tenants that were staying in mt family's house here haven't paid electricity or water bills since I gave them notice last August. They've also had my mail redirected to them so I wouldn't get the notices. I've only found out because the electricity company cut my power off.
Moreover, the hundreds of money it's costing me to pay the bills means I can't stay here like I wanted to. Means I'm going to have to dig into money I'd set aside for Sabs.
This is what happens when you lease a six bedroom house for a hundred euro a month. Such gratitude.
Best talk to the king of despair here.
I can't even draw because there's no light
I sure do feel bad for displacing these people
Reap what you sow.
Oh shut up
I'll leave again fora year tomorrow ye gits
That's your money, ya poop!
hi sabs
You should stay
that's the thing with lesser european nations huh
Hi there, Maddie! ♥
What's good?
Oh you know...
how's it going?
why are we europeans always fighting
Now I wanna know! 'Cause I wanna be all nosy and ask about your sweetie. :3
Things here are kinda nuts. I got promoted, but I'm also still doing my old job because they're taking forever to find a replacement. So it's been a juggling act.
it's like an instinct
What's funny is if I had given them notice at Christmas like kanra says I did then there wouldn't be a problem
Wonder what his Chris Hitchens videos have to say about that
Are you still dating rin
When's that shit gonna stop mahn
That's your fucking travel money. London money. Granada money. I don't even know how much water costs are going to be. I had a grand set aside.
Fucking. Leeches. And they're costing me in booze now too. Bastards.
cant stop the beat cant stop the beat
Promotions are always good.
Uh, she's good. Still not like official or anything like that yet, but it sounds like she's gonna come up and hang out with me while I housesit my friends' house.
Militarism is characteristic of underdeveloped areas. Most civilisations move past it into unification. The west has been in arrested development since it started making guns.
She? So is she like
Also trans or no
Move your feet and feel united
This isn't the time for that.
why not
Cuz they're all faggots.
There's no Sabs tax 'cause taxation is theft!
So you're still in the dark, hm?
Sonic noooooooo.
Fun! Is it a big house?
Does anyone else keep reading Trump as Turnip?
Worse thing ever to happen in America would not be terrorists, or another country, but a civil war since you cannot find another kill crazy peoples.
america is pretty much on the brink of civil war tbh
This'll put you in a better mood.
I have a program on my cyumpooter that filters Donald Trump to Manbaby Cheeto Tweet.
the real fags are the germans
I'm still in the dark. Except now I'm panicking. They don't cut off your water if you don't pay it. So it's possible they've not paid it in. Ever.
Depending on how much it costs me and how much tax returns are it may not just be a case of digging into your funds. I might need to leave altogether. And if I'm not at the level i need to be in terms of drawing I won't get into the school I want to get into.
Who's going to war
Duck dynasty.
the regressive left vs non-retarded people
it's gonna be a crushing defeat
Yes they are.
a-ah gutentag ja, ich liebe frau merkel
Andorrans tho
You gonna sit on them?
Andorra is not a country
It's pretty big. They just put an addition on which will be the cozy new warm room I'm gonna spend most my time in.
Just gotta take out the dog and feed the kitties and they're hooking me up with a car to use this weekend and food and beer. Not a bad gig for a stay-cation lol
I got every bit except that last word, help.
Mm probably
Yes, not clicking that really helped! :D
I um...I don't know how. :(
I don't suppose the utility company would understand that the other tenants were responsible?
You get to hang out with cute animals in a warm, cozy room with free food and beer. Did you find a four-leaf clover?
The lady uses one in her online name, so technically yes :p
it's europe's favourite fat lesbian
Angela Merkel of Germany
No. It's an informal contract. Between friends.
They took my mail so i wouldn't find out. Had the postman redirect it. How fucked is that.
What is an andorra?
Scoots, I miss feeling you inside me.
Not a country.
At least I have sabs to split me open like a walnut.
The least you could do is die.
best country next to catalonia
Note to Self: Let Maddie Pick Lotto Numbers for Me
I wonder if Judge Judy would let you guys go to her court via satellite and get it sorted out.
Scoots I'm going to kill myself tonight because of you
so if I disappear after today you'll know why
Do fucking not
What can I do? They live off the dole. They wouldn't have the money if they were willing.
I like judge Hatchet
I wish it really worked like that lmao
I just want a car and my own place for crying out loud.
I'm sorry we never got to go to London together, Subtle
And now we never will.
Well I mean, that is a german trait
Thank fucking god.
Don't look at me
I'm not supposed to be here. I'm being weak.
*Looks at you*
You were never going to be strong
sorry, had to be extra nice cause my german niece was over.
but when they're gone my euro instinct kicks in.
*cough* excuse me
I had it. I was drawing twelve hours a day. And now I'm a drunken mess again. Fuck being strong. I'll be strong tomorrow. Just let me be a fuckup for tonight.
This is a real turn on.
how do i into university?
Sleep with the professors. The older ladies always want a piece of meat.
I was worried I would never see you again when I didn't see you on my friends list.
go to your mandatory gender studies, womens studies and black studies classes then pick maybe one thing that interested you
And what about me?
Fail and become a neet instead
You guys have the most repressive views of university.
You're a Canadian, the only time Canada was in Europe they were liberators.
and also took a lot of women back to Canada
that seems to be a distinct possibility
this is comp sci
I removed everyone so I could focus. I need to focus. I haven't been following the news, for example. My only link to the outside world is sabs. I usually go a week without speaking out loud with anyone.
It's not personal, is what I mean. I just need to be alone for a while.
Canadian just means "mutt."
I'm mostly German, as you well know.
Yeah. I wish I had some helpful advice. :(
She looks sassy!
Well if I ever DO play the lotto and I win, I'll build us both houses connected by a tunnel.
The tunnel will be a long walk-in closet.
It's all good. As long as I still get to see you now and then.
I'll just use Sabs to pass messages.
She can be our string and we can be the cans.
That's a Canadian flag
You guys will need a long closet for how deep you'll be in it, you fags.
oh god don't do the heritage thing.
I mean then I'd be German too, my forefather was Hans born in 1480.
I wish hitler won.
That sounds amazing.
this pussy looks fucking mutant
Says the guy with the Italian flag!
g-gotta love lineages
Yes. It will make the cybering more interesting.
yeah, turns out by the time interim report comes around they want something a bit more than "i got the supplied code working" to describe what youve done, and more than "i skimmed the paragraphs on 2 general AI designs in this one book" for referenced literature
You can help. Say I'm your totino boy
Maddie and I are gonna do much gay stuff in that tunnel, and guess what? You're not invited!
We should set up a pneumatic tube so I can send stuff back that I borrow and vice-versa.
Brrrowrrr, have a bear hug!
Stop being lazy and do your shit, m9
Oh, like the bank teller ones?
I wonder how long that would take to get from here to Texas lol
This joke has layers because I am actually in Spain.
(they don't know that)
Yeah, guess I'm a real grill too.
After all, if location trumps genetics, who knows what else does.
I was more going for ancestry, since most of my family ditched the Fatherland.
I wish Germany won the great wars so I could have been pure.
I shall attempt this now.
I can't say I'm torn up over this.
I would destroy your butt though.
Also can you pass this along to Loco?
*Paws your pants as I lick your bulge*
Heritage is a word made up by Americans so they can feel like they have history
Both my parents were African for example. Doesn't make me african.
Calm down.
No need to go yelling that Gee Had shit at us.
Oooh ooh my great grandmother was jewish! Suppose I'd better start believing in the holocaust now!
Holla holla, hear about the shoah?
I too wish the axis had won so that the japs would've executed my grandma and I wouldn't have been born.
Hey Maddie, I got a thing next week and I need to borrow that dress with the roses on the hem. If you send it today, I should get it by Friday night!
Passing it along!
You a topeepo boy. Also, Squarsh says hi.
scoob is party
I will wait for his reply.
Good thing I never said heritage, huh?
Well, now that's just not playing fail.
You have to sing the song.
Also tell Squash I moan and swell like an old house stretches its wood.
jew know it
Ancestry and genetics and heritage are synonyms
Shame you didn't get a brain with your lineage huh
Heard it here first.
Genetics was made up by americans to feel like they have history, and ergo does not matter.
I must be a real grill then, because genetics are made up.
I think this is why you're depressed, Loco.
Here ya go, Mr. Squishy.
♪Tobeebo boy, doo dee doo♫
Doot, I forgot how playfully racist this video was:
Could also say I hope Germany won and that my granddad would be executed cause his brother was an insurgent.
like there's no way I could ever be for Germany.
Oh golly. This is hot.
Tell them my loins have a fire in them. And it's not the clap this time.
Fair enough, I guess.
only 3 hours til I'm free from the imprisonment of consciousness
Because I'm Jewish?
Samurai Jack Season 5 looks cool.
also they'd kill me off.
You have such a beautiful voice.
Also tell Squash I'll put out his dick fire with my soaking wet vagina.
vah gye ner
I love that song, evem if it is cringey heh
how goes?????
Sah moo rye?
It makes me think of GTA: Vice City. :3
Scooba, I feel like I should be a lot busier than I am right now. Something's going to break!
whatever about that war though.
I need to leave before the next.
This gets me wet.
Tell them to bring water wings so they don't drown in my knickers.
Well... you probably should be doing me
tee hee
I dunno, busy day so far?
loved that game, so good, katanas in the mall
Tell Squash I'm gonna pee in his paddling pool.
I want Rin to like me.
I sacrificed my beard for Tlim and Mast.
The paddling pool is my mouth.
It started out super busy. Now it's hit a lull and that concerns me.
Scoot, did you ever try to recreate the final scene of Scar Face in that mansion?
I need to get LASIK before we get swept up in America's civil war, so that when Canada inevitably gets forced into it, I can contribute and protect my country.
Also for my Pilot's Wings.
I am going to cum.
splurt splurt
wutz lasik.
and nah Trudo would never go to war
I goo'ed.
I used to like doing motorcycle stunts. Also, I liked rear-ending people on bikes and scooters and makin' them fly.
What's this about rear ending Scooters?
Laser Vision Correction.
You say that now, but when America's civil war is on our doorstep, and they're bringing their fight into our lands, it'll be a different story.
Hey fuck you scoots
BTW, Cara's outfit in that photo is beyond fucking adorable and I want it.
Why would anyone want to foght in your shitty frog tundra
Not like the soldiers will be stopping for timmys
You wish.
Lying trash.
ban sabs
I'm glad I took tonight off. Thanks guys. This has helped.
I wanna stay and hang out with you rowdy boys, but I gotta go for a little bit. Have fun!
Later hun ♥
Aw. :(
I'll try not to get too horribly depressed without you.
oh so you dont need glasses
would you want that anyhow?
well we let world war 1 happen pretty much right next to us and were fine
Because loco is here, and ive vomitted, i have to go make dinner.
eat my ass
loco's ass for dinner
I have to head to work.
Goodbye kisses?
the cookbook says put an orange in their for flavour
followed by stuffing
Kiiiss ♥
Rin you can ignore me all you want but I've made tokai cum harder than you have you four eyed French bastard
Help I slept for 18 hours two days in a row
I think I'm dying
BLM thinks Trudeau is a white supremacist.
The biggest sjw cuck is now the enemy to them. The implosion has begun.
Kanra go away
the best person that makes me cum is
That's Spoilers.
shush tp
Why isn't he posting like an autist?
Love, it is a dream to have my pilot's wings.
So yes, yes I would full well go through with LASIK and join RCAF.
What happened to wanting me to like you?
its okay squid just remember ill always be thinking of you when youre gone
Overridden by jealousy.
I'm not a good person.
Yeah boiiiii
This just makes me want to die more
How'd it go?
so hows redneckistan
but was more wondering if the glasses were a huge bother
I don't know how it is
hard work is hard tho
awww you want me to remember you that badly??
I got an induction at the 24th, so yeah, they're hiring me!
But yeah, now I'm upset because my weed dealer forgot about selling me a £10 and now I gotta wait till tomorrow to get more weed.
I can finally buy bacon again! ;w;
17 5 same colour t shirt
Its finally happening fam
It was like he was fated to be a fireman
It's still just a bunch of frozen corn fields.
You know this is Test, right?
what test?
Less time to spend with you lot though.
Such is the curse of the working man
he was destined to extinguish flames
Key is to become a manager/supervisro/get a job that allows mobile posting
shit is lit fam
To be pr-ordained to become a Less Burns man.
Impossible in warehouse jobs.
Just because you have this job doesnt stop you looking elsewhere... you might pounce on the perfect jerb
Oh, in that case, not really.
You very quickly get used to having them.
it's kanra
Rome wasn't built in a day and Bailey Jay wasn't the perfect woman in a week.
yeah you smell less gay
ok ok
bbut if you lose them it'd be pretty hard right?
Well, at least I'm less worried now about fucking up.
That is pretty good.
how do you retract dick
Now here's a novel though
If you want people to recognize you
Why not just put your name in the name field
kill me
Everyone knows who I am regardless.
It falls off sometimes. I'll go hunt down my trip eventually.
hannah montana
hannah montana
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hannah montana
hannah montana
Except Scanner. He wouldn't recognize me WITH a name, tbh.
I can never tell who Test is without a name on.
Same, tbh.
At least there aren't several other people doing it, all with your flag on. That's basically why I don't pay much attention to the mass of Canadians doing that shit.
I mean, you don't really need a trip. I'm too lazy to put that shit on yet I haven't died.
tbh who even is test
I want Test to like me.
sorry dad
but doctors are scary
I'm not a doctor. How about you let me cut your dick off?
Damn this rum is going down too easy.
Sometimes when I get very lonely or drunk I also forget how much of a piece of shit I am.
You fucking plebeian.
I'm easy to please.
Oh boy, what's this
I guess, but I haven't done that since I was a child.
TBH Iam listening to miley cyrus now
a tricerotops size one
I understand your meaning.
A cute trap.
Random tripcode
God I want to fuck Jeff Goldblum.
Fine you fuck
They sound like a gay, whoever they are.
Of the two of us, I am not the one having secual relations with a minor.
nooo that hurts
id lose it like all the time i feel
You're like 20 or something.
You're hurting my feelings.
Secular Relations
I see I see. Tell you what , let's just push it in instead, no? That will be easier for you.
I'm twelve.
Don't tell darwing.
he is
Wow I made that one myself
but thatd break
loco, my love!
Only if you were hard. I doubt you'd be in that state if I were manhandling your cock.
Kanra go away
dont leave ever again!
It also got you to put that shit back on.
Absolutely disgusting
We should all laugh at him
It's very rude to bully.
I sent you a link to the discord. I assume it would have expired by now. Do you want a new one or did you ignore it on purpose?
I had to spend like ten whole seconds looking for it, be grateful.
My dealer came.
Everyone already does.
I think I was asleep when you sent me it.
g r o s s
I feel so honoured
As it should be then
tokai pls
What is this iDubbz shit you guys were talking about?
I googled manhandling but I still dont get it
please what?
A manhandle is a penis.
loco i wrote a song for you
loco! theres no need to feel down
i said, loco! pick yourself off the ground
i said, loco! cuz youre in a new town
theres no need to feel unhappy!
Oh the picture was deleted. It was another picture of this. And like half that conversation was gone? Weird.
It's like, 20 meters from my house and has been showing up all over the internet now.
but girls can handle too
me: imagining holding hands with loco
Can someone ban him please
That is amazing
loco ive thought about you EVERY DAY since youve been gone :)))
This is right next to it
I just want someone to look at me the way sci looks at loco
I think the guero probably wanted to keep you from being doxxed.
but you had desu
and yet what thanks do i get!!
no, u freak
Subtle, the way I feel about ypu is a lot more real and a lot mpre fundamental than anything Sci's post ironic mind can muster. The a wonderful person and I'm glad just to know you.
no no no i cant fight i need to manage stress in healthy ways
uhhhhhhh, okayyy? haha
i rly do think loco is awesome...
i wish i could control my love... it's ferocious! stirs around inside me causing havoc like a dragon terrorizing a village if i dont let it out!
It's probably a tad more than 20 meters
I don't really care if people find out where I live, especially if they don't know my exact address.
What are they gonna do, fly to fucking australia to fuck with me?
There's only two other aussies in this thread and they both live thousands of kilometers away, and one has (if they are who people have said they are) literally had my exact address before.
general state of pls
i do want children very much but not with multiple ladies..!
How is Holla Forums today?
ahhh youre a swell kid also mwah keep it up man
i am the president of pls
i mean i do like idea of donating sperm constantly just so more ppl like me come into this world. it'll be fun! but not having time for each individual child of mine personally...not acceptable.
you are the president of sucking dicks
excuse me
well you are the emperor of vagina slurping
sounds pretty great tbh
the prince of anus succling
everybody say your favorite thread ship at the same time
okay ready?
sci x loco
You're the president of being a fkn fgt
Yeah you wish
what's a dick throne
depends on whose it is
so late! lol
A royal chair of cocks.
eeew gross
your tongue should not go those places!
what if i put it in your mouth
I improvised this song for you.
that'd be rape
Holla Forums civ v fight when?
LOL you almost couldn't do it without laughing
That was brilliant thanks
Sort of touching at the end there :c
I said fuck with, not fuck, Test.
emma? Where are you?
why live?
Did you see Koe no Katachi is being shown at Harbour Lights in March?
ahh such a sweet talented boy though! does a more perfect individual exist? probably not!
Monstergirls bestgirls though.
No what?!
I'll book it, thank you!
i dont speak korean
... I'll stop bully now.
Don't think it was announced by Anime Limited yet but its on the cinemas website to buy tickets.