god forbid i sleep
God forbid i sleep
help im dying
i have to drive all day tomorrow but haven't slept a wink, be alert on the roads tomorrow friends
Man I am fucking awful at catching your posts today, apparently
And hey, konosuba was at least alright. It was more competent at comedy than a lot of animu. Umaru is indefensible though.
I was mostly just memeing, the show's probably fine.
All I know is that a lot of people are pretentious as shit and obnoxious about it and it's kinda dumb with the way it presents a lot of stuff.
I haven't actually watched it.
Kill yourself through caffeine overdose while you drive
brain problems probably
i keep missing rust
Same problem. I'll have time to catch a two hour nap in the middle of the day, though.
Konosuba didn't get one smirk out of me, honestly.
A lot of people are pretentious as shit about a lot of the things I like. I will absolutely never let a toxic fanbase keep me from associating with something I enjoy.
i don't listen to vocals
only retro synth vapor edm
i like maki
Post Kira
i do NOT take drugs, hopefully i sober up by tomorrow too btw.
yeah i don't think i'll have the chance to do that, pray for me to your select deity
that's a lot of words to take in just post some songs
What a rip
Fair enough. To be fair I've only seen like the first 5 or so episodes because that was all that was out when I tried to watch it the first time.
I need to watch more animu
You're a better man than I, then.
At least the stuff I like is generally either got good or mostly non-autistic fanbases.
Even caffeine?
i know
but i like it!
it sound kewl and moody and ambiance
and atmospere
Nobody needs more anime in their life.
But then how am I supposed to be a cool kid on the internet?
Get good at video games instead.
i thought you were asking me to freebase some pure caffeine powder or something, i have a messed up mind.
POST MUSIC THEN, i need to distract myself from the fact that we're on a tiny spec of dirt floating in eternity and that we're ultimately meaningless
I am generally above average at videogames, but can't stick to any one videogame to actually get good at it. It's a weird feel, but being able to pick anything up and be at least vaguely competent at it is nice, I guess.
Well I mean
I did tell you to literally die of overdose, so I guess?
Well, I rode that odd ride of an anime to the end in one day.
What anime?
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress.
Think Attack on Titan, but with zombies.
But not quite as good, huh?
Hey is for horses.
i'm glad you took responsibility, it was the right thing to do.
still i feel bad because you did not notice the alcohol is not a drug joke, damn i'm socially retarded. i can't make people laugh unless i throw myself off a flight of stairs.
kill yourself
So like, let's say AoT has it's really cool way of animation. And then episode 3 it suddenly looks like SAO.
Now let's say we have a plot like AoT, and then it suddenly becomes Gun Gale Online.
You know I just might after that.
"No, Kyle. Don't do it. I love you"
No, Kyle. Don't do it. I love you
Aren't you engaged?
Should you really be telling men on the internet you love them?
What was great about AoT are those really high adrenaline RIP THEIR THROAT OUT WITH YOUR FUCKING TEETH moments.
I have thankfully never watched SAO because of my boy Demolition D.
last time i try to appease you
This had those, but it stopped being a threat to fight the normal guys when the MC got Marry Sue'd to shit.
And here I thought you loved me.
Eren becoming a titan felt the same way at first in AoT. Luckily it really didn't feel that broken when you realized just how stacked the odds are against humanity.
What was good about AoT was the desperate hopeless heroics though.
Went so downhill in the second half
So it's basically a complete AoT clone.
ur weird
thinking bout stuff like that.
I still thoroughly enjoy Eren going berserk and having his little moments of "I'm going to slaughter those monsters".
Hopelessness is great, but so is a genuine fight every once in a while.
r8 my briefs
Rest in rip.
It's time to stop.
Yeah but every anime is capable of generic edgy transformation fights
That stuff was just generic shonen as fuck
God I wish that were me.
Rip in pieces.
groovy, hail satan
and i can't help it, i'm a pessimist.
All the build up, the getting stepped on and ripped apart, and the compounded feeling of helplessness, made if feel so GOOD though.
Here's the thing about anime.
There is so much already done that it's hard to make something new and that breaks the mold of traditional style.
The fact we've seen so much might be why we see the same shit in every anime.
I still liked the shit I just watched, but I can see it's blatant flaws.
That doesn't mean it cant' be fun for a quick watch.
Pretty cool boxers tho gotta admit
This is pretty much hollywoods major issue too. That and just horrible choices.
Soto, are you a chink or a spic?
You just suck Kyle
Do you want more super hero movies?
How about a reboot?
Yes, but I'm not the one posting my ass in gook booty bitches.
Eventually it won't entertain us at all and we'll have to go outside.
I'm white
How about a horror movie where we make violins screech at the moment we attempt to startle you, every few minutes!
Want a comedy? Here is the funniest parts in a trailer the rest will be overused or outdated jokes!
Hollywood knows what pays the bills. Sadly it really does.
What's an outside?
not satan
No the problem with anime is that it's outside influence is non existent, they draw inspiration from a few sources aka no longer human and journey to the west (for 90% of their shows) they also don't look to real people for inspiration for characters. they're playing it too safe, all writers come in as practically amateurs, and the only comedy they do well is meta crap.
does this guy just broadcast his whole life online? where can i see him?
Or Rob Snyder in literally anything.
Nigga you just jelly my shit is fire
*Laughs in a judgmental tone*
subscribe to soto's youtube vlogs
God damn, almost as bad as Adam Sandler in anything not animated.
We should end his life.
Fucking stalker
After Hotel Transylvania 3, please senpai.
The place where the mosquitoes and sunlight are.
Horrible place.
I'll fucking slap your shit
swear on me mums life
then who did the upside down cross?
post channel, so that's just him? kind of odd but cool i guess, like eggman from 4chan's r9k
post channel friend, i want to experience your reality with you
not religious.
yeah you should see all the crazy vlogs soto do.
Dont listen to Luka, he's one of those tries to act like a girl even though he's a NEET shut in and lives off welfare.
I dont have a yt blog shit
I just avatar as myself
you got baited by fucking luka
yeah but which anime girl would you stick your dick into their pussy hole
This one
i meant in the video
it had upside down crosses, and I'm Buddhist personally
I'm a NEET loser too so I don't mind, and I see. kind of sad i wanted to have an Asian 30 year oldish businessman to be an online stalker for.
thats not 2d
Shut the fuck up Soto, we all know how you're e-dating Luka, 4M has already told everyone what's going on.
I'm Not Gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are you asian or mexican or what?
and sorry i guess if you're not that old.
But you can actually fuck 3D
and that's what matters most
You wouldn't understand since you're a virgin and all
You keep telling yourself that Soto but we know what you and Luka do behind closed doors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i did too.
I'm white.
Also I'm 24 you nigger
I dont look that old yet
im asking what 2d girl tho
God Damn
do the people you know in real life know that you post here?
nice track suit btw, sorry nigger
just thinking about how the jews are the chosen people is all
Luka is a Wigger.
yes, when was the last time your banker or lawyer wasn't a berg or a stein. and who do you think makes your Hollywood movies? you have to give credit where credit is due
i'm canada.
so im safe.
when was the last time your local real estate agent or accountant wasn't a wong or a chang?
every day they arent!~
also i like tron.
also i like Maki
and i didn't really like the movie, just the sound track.
Night nerds.
i like both movies and sound track.
maki soo pretty... maki make me smile.
hug plz ;~;
goodnight whoever you are
meh, i kind of want to go swimming
i should be going to sleep too. good night friend
bye bye person...
sleep well~ ^///^
cute gif
im in my dark room right now, and when i looked behind me my cat was staring at me with the computer glare in his eyes
Holy shit how did you KNOW
I'm exceedingly scared of walls
hermonie granger is behind me.
are you doing drugs?
i don't do bad stuff.
never a drop of alcohol or bad drug in my whole life!
not even smoking or swearing. ~ ^_^
i'm pure
Coffee is a drug.
EK9 vs EH2
What are these?
Nah EK9 is 2 much moni.
Honda Civics. Kinda want one but the good ones are expensive or not even in the Netherlands! Oh my god why am I not American/Australian/Japanese.
but you called me a bitch that one time
Netherlands is so tiny though
You could walk from one side to the other
Why do you even need a car?
Somebody give me this youtube.com
So you walk 120km each day
im gunna take u to court
get an ae86
that cars old, and not kewl and high tech fancy looking
not allowed.
Well, sure, but I'd think you'd have plenty of public transport.
Jesus I was just joking but that IS tiny
I would if I was in a country where you could!
I like old basic cars.
That's to-from school.
Also public transport sucks.
why... ;~;
it's...... sooo old looking. :\
it can't do fancy stuff.
it's out of date
hi luka
im only 70km
why cant you? just ask them to airdrop it to your abode
Mid 90's cars are neat.
What do you want your car to do more than just drive? Unless it's a fully autonomous Tesla or a brand new Gold GTi it's just meh. Those are mad expensive. Rather have a good solid 90's car that just works.
Cheap on the upkeep.
Mad good mileage.
Fun to drive.
What more do you want? I've never had A/C so I don't really care. Family car never had it. Power steering would be nice, but fuck that. ABS is useful but I've learned to dosage my braking on our crappy Peugeot 306 without ABS.
It'd be a great own car
hows it going luka
none of that was nihongo desu.
okay now that's silly
why don't you live closer to school
i want it to look good.
thats why i always liked the add body kit option in NFS:U
a/c keeps you warm in icey winter, and cold in burning hot leather steering wheel summers.
But is nihongo car.
Car heater doesn't need A/C. Rolling down windows is plenty to keep cool :^)
Also looking good is subjective.
Imho nothing beats mid to late 80's design :^)
why is it going tense?
god mpg and reliability is all u need
but car would also cost moni
Oh you sweet summer child
not good enough.
must... not settle for anything less.
RE7 playthroughs on youtube making me feel tense.
sounds like a fun game to watch. who you watching?
Welcome to the family, son
joeal minecraft joel vinesauce vsauce varg
yeah all those youtubers playing the RE7 game
i'm not a boy.
which one is the least annoying?
I was quoting the game, stupid.
markiplier is calm and throuruogh analisys
but pewdiepie is more hype and funny and exciting
brick guy is... just too scared overall. meh
joel is passive agressive annoying talk over the game junk, not good.
and oasis is just giggles and shreiks.
should i do one where it doesn't effect me at all? i feel like it make people freaked out a little
which do you prefer markiplier or pewdiepie?
what are you talking about?
oh make a gameplay vid? of RE7 sure, do it. get a ton of veiws anyways. EZ
used to mark but he's recently changed into a lless than good one.
pwediepie found better way... to make new videos recently.
i unno scales tip and change...
Hey, I live in a country with tolerable summers and soft winters :^)
Enjoy denbt and Tesla.
who here knew that the football game had political shit behind it? i'm fucking DYING of laughter knowing about it now
n-nice pic
you're a nice pic
yey tesla free gas!
r u beepbeep owner person administrator of all da chans????
so i should watch pewdiepie playing re7 if i wanna have fun times?
i dont need ac where i live :)
but marki pliers delves into the details a bit more.
yeah but his voice annoys me
Save me from this fresh hell
That was an accident.
At least I don't live from the even hell-er hell that is life up there
.///. ikt p-pls
It is I, head admin of three super popular chan sitesss
they have good voices.
Fuck the government.
Is this a general complaint against those in power or a specific complaint about the faggots currently running the country?
tfw could be head of 4 but nooo I just had to stop talking to Parley for 3months cuz hunting
wait you run multiple boards?
That sounds like hell
markiplier sounds too white for my liking
Down with homework.
I'm not sure that's the government's fault.
yay white!
wait..... r u not a white person???
lol, silly murricans and dere 'muh Gunz' hunting stuuf
go to sleep you limey fuck
... no
is it bad to not be a white person?
I run one board, manage a site, and help another one. I'm working on another site right now. One is more of a forum than anything but eh, I'm aiming for another.
its the afternoon
Goggles just tell the class nerd to do it for you ^^
u pulled the trigger and pow right in the kisser
btw u got my steam msg yet? :\
You're tired
only because ive only really just got up
but how white are you
what color are you?
yellow i guess?
are you brown or light brown?
this more or less
Hunting isn't a bad thing and neither are guns. I did, I meant to respond but I ended up watching a tv show
thats a nice shade to be.
im white
shes cute, i want her
sauce plz?
thats ok... im just watching youtubes anyways
desu is slleeep
It's sleep is death, and if you're gonna say death as desu, then it should be sureepu isu desu.
wow you must get all the privileges n stuff
how do i bicycles?
go zai mass u
it's afternoon though
i got up at 11, it was 1 when i wrote that
Should I kill those guys messing around with the villagers in the Nilfgaardian Connection or not
I mean violence solves everything in Skyrim but I'm not sure of the consequences in The Witcher 3 because everybody's fucked at the end of the day anyways.
install mods to add qt guy prostitutes
Thick cut bacon... for that
Good morning EU
bloody neets
6:23am monday
jesus christ this anime "Scum's Wish" is fucked up
They get into it real quick ^^;
always popping in with a lewd comment huh
the shit with her female friend, and now with the music teacher/senpai's love interest...
holy fuck it's just brutal
I don't think I do that much
I just started ep 4 and I'm already like "HOW MUCH MORE FUCKED CAN IT GET LUL"
The lesbian scene was pretty...interesting.
It's not even that fucked it's actually pretty tame as far as drama goes.
this girls cute...
i want her. she's mine! ♥
desu ne~~~?
she's adorable :3
how would shit be even more intense then?
she has pretty long hair~ yea
Idk, blackmails, rape, someone dying..
Do you even know her name?
but what shows include these things?
I just peeked at how much it'd take to unlock my nowi's potential to 5star and I don't think I'm going to be doing that for a long while.
A lot of them.
So far this is just a glorified highschool crush drama.
;~; what's her name?
I'm pretty sure "a lot of them" isn't a show
are they life sizing everything now?
Aren't they supposed to be super expensive like that saenai one
You've never seen a single show where someone died?
not in a romance anime, I don't think so
Shouldn't try to claim a character just 'cos you saw pictures.
Oh so it's not actually "which show does that" but "which romance anime does that"
....but she's soo pretty.
i want her...
I mean if a character dies or gets murdered in an action/drama/mystery anime, you already knew that was a possibility
but a romance anime where someone's love interest gets killed? that shit would be nuts
I don't really watch slice of life/romance shows much but I'm sure it had to happen a ton where someone important to the plot died because of illness or got into an accident or something.
Kuzu no Honkai.
*claims Sanae Ebato* (thanks to vylee for her name~ ♥)
how about one pretty girl to stick 2
To be honest I'm up to date with it and I still don't remember anyone's name.
how about i Sleep instead?
Nini thread family~
I keep losing to the zerg ai
I just can't think of any
imma just call her Ecchan since that's why the main hoe says
anywho gotta do some yard work FUCK ME
yah but pretty girls shouldnt be an assortment
good night
No, seriously, even I beat elite zerg ai
I want this girl she's mine.
take her shes trash anyways
You're trash.
I basically remember everything about any I've cared enough about to want to use as an avatar.
Pick one.
like every single time? ;;
But rem is a reverse copy paste of ram with enlarged assets
pls give that to bard
I haven't tried that many times.
I really can't deal with this study anymore.
I have to interview and work with 80+ year old's and hear them complain about why Amsterdam isn't elderly friendly.
Iwanna seeeee
lmao nyanko days the ed is as long as the episode itself
2v2 or?
respect your elders.
They collaborated with nazis so you could be a femboy.
ohhh or that
Fuck them, Amsterdam is for the young only.
Job interview tommorow, need to rewrite all my references and employment.
Got a joint in one hand, a note pad and pen in the other.
I got Carpenter Brut in my ears and you as company.
Holla Forums, I need an adult.
Wai dey no re tire
they probably are, so they're just annoying now.
you're the adult
Oh fuck god why.
I can't even tie my shoelaces properly at times.
I think I should let Jesus take the wheel on this one.
Like, no reasonable adult would get stoned, listening to Carpenter Brut BEFORE sorting out one's job references.
I was once nicknamed "Jesus" in school thanks in part to my amazing goalkeeping skills.
Lucky, I only got nicknamed 'Mad Josh' on the account that I was one of the two craziest Josh's in said school
tell them to get normal old people hobbies like chess
Shit. I stayed up too late.
The usual.
Being terrored.
Well. Got to make those distinctions man.
What when we are old, do young people say gaming is old people hobbies and they do chess again
How be you, Scoots?
Considering going to the store for food.
idk. personally i can do chess now. its fun to think like that.
theyll probably say gaming on 4k monitors with 120fps is old school
Well. Its a medley of wtf'.
Such is life.
Far more than I cba to type.
Far above anyones pay grade to know.
Interview with?
whens the next elder scrolls coming out anyways
idk, just hope they don't make it online crap
Warehouse work around the corner from me.
Probably temp to perm.
Well. You are going to do well aren't you... and NOT be a mess.
Just because Ram is better twin doesn't make Rem trash.
Emilia is trash.
She knows nothing about the character, and only likes her off appearance.
That is incredibly shallow, and a worthless sentiment.
How about you take those preconceived notions and just, like, you know, RAM them up your FAKE vagina.
but else will i trigger all the mainstream season by season waifu hoppers
Just post the "I love Emilia" screenshot, duh.
But wouldn't you have to insult current season waifus to insult the seasonal waifu hoppers?
i havent noticed any mainstream waifus this season so far. I usually dont watch airing anime so i have to wait til the end of the season to know which is which
Can't help ya then.
So, should I cook pasta or rice?
I want a good lego set.
That's like rolling a 21 on a 20 sided dice.
What kind of legos?
depends on what you are having with it
The covenant is made... The sacrifive is ready... Take the knife.
Curry sauce.
But not I'm thinking pasta now because it could be easier for me.
Stuff with gears and swivel joints and more stuff.
Ever played with Kinex?
Robo kinex/lego hybrid mechanisms when
Never ever ever
Do black people go to heaven?
No, but they did fuck your ass
I'm not sure if General Buttnaked is going be one of those black people who go to heaven; even though he changed into a Christian and built a church in Africa.
jews dont
My dog is going to heaven though.
not if squash has anything to do with that
My dogs aren't gay.
I'm going to Hell and I'm bringing all you down with me.
What is Space Patrol Luluco?
I was already going there. Fairst class ina hand basket.
Secret club.
ill set my own path there. thank you very much
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gib dog
Monkeys tryin' to steal our steam accounts.
do niggers go to heaven?
Fun club?
Leave this place,
you foul darkie.
They could be White.
THis is my OC
me irl
You poor, terrored thing.
A city I lived in for 3 years.
I could make you a hot drink, but I got no sugar or milk.
I got coffee or earl grey tea? ;w;
More like.
A pool full of livers.
Have you started Tanya the Evil yet?
Ever think about making videos like this? ?
I think about it.
I think about it a lot.
That is me irl.
we should collaborate
I work alone.
I doubt you can lean or dab anyways
Spread dem cheeks
Not yet, still got a whole lot of left on JoJo.
Although I could probably rush that one through since it only has like 5(?) episodes out.
Take notes from gotenks
Rin post kneecaps
What is a lean?
Ginyu force did it better.
I have no idea but its in a song I heard
Gohan is the best.
Best I can do.
You could smell promethazine when I piss
I pray to God he bring me actavis
5, yes.
Six is on Friday.
Google "white people dabbing" for laughs all day
Wow nice job.
Go on, mock me, laugh. That was not Trevor making fun of me. That was GOD.
I'm sour, I redeemed my busters on PTCGO and go a Lunala-GX.
They are one and the same to you.
I should nap apparently.
Go on, signore, laugh. Laugh! Show my mediocrity for all to see. One day I will laugh at you. Before I leave this earth, I will laugh at you.
*laughs in anime*
*chuckles in Scouse*
ARE yuuo stalking my posts
The first thing I saw when I opened this thread was you being anti-Semitic.
But to answer your question, no.
oy vey
She should be ashamed.
She should.
fite me
Anyone alive to bully?
Blow me
Come on. What do you have to lose? Besides the game.
Time, dignity, also I'm about to watch something with neru
What dignity?
Hey now.
I shoved my dignity down his throat last night.
You're an all star
Get your game on :c
It was mutual.
should i rotate my sleep schedule again?
Move to here.
but arent you sleeping soon
4 hours or so yeh
It wasn't.
Did she like it?
We talked it, then we lived it. Doctor, heal thyself.
they vomited
She is an egregious lover.
They couldn't handle my girth
New thread yus