Open, mass parties become liberal circlejerks and police honeypots

what do

Decentralised uniform insurrection. That is, insurrection along a strict platform that is designed to be replicated but does not necessitate interconnection between those who take up the cause.

There is no way to enforce discipline, however if your platform is strong enough, others will emulate it.

fancy way of saying 'affinity group'

Unironically become a capitalist and start an international corporation that will accelerate the demise of the current system while at the same time laying foundations to the alternative model of society in the dual power-like structures

become a leftcom

So become Soros

No more parties, no more trade unions, only mass co-operatisation and federation

I thought more about "muh coops: sightly less retarded edition"

Like it or not, "ML cults" are the only way to go.

Of course, US-based Communists are still pretty much underground, but MLs across the globe are growing. Even in EU it's no longer KKE alone. KPD finally got its shit together and started to unify smaller groups.

Read Bordiga

Parties are a ruse. You won't outplay the devil in his own game. I'd drop it altogether and do something else, possibly start your own movement or talking to your friends about politics and why liberals should be shot on sight.

Lol no, ML cults are just as bad if not worse than open liberal parties. They eventually devolve into full nazbol fascism. You're better off joining Social Democrats.

The only way is secret societies with an elite master to guide the dumb proles to victory.

Just like master Bakunin wanted.

The real question is "why are people in western countries suddenly not capable of leftist mass movements" - I mean, particularly in Europe, you used to have a strong, even radical, left, and social democracy used to be the biggest thing in some countries. How did we go from that to today?

There are, of course, multiple reasons, and I'm focusing on Europe here:
The death of state socialism is surely one thing, as this weakens the left, there's no big threat to capitalism.

But I think the biggest problem is how middle class our societies became. People got a lot of what they wanted, many welfare states really did improve the life of most of their citizens a shitload and so on.

Middle class means that you can afford to "privatise your dreams and accomplishments", no longer did we need solidarity or class politics. People could just aim to climb the social ladder by going to school etc, and it did work for a long time. But the big damage was, indeed, the loss of collective dreams and aspirations: no longer "advance our class", just "advance our immediate family"

Now that the welfare states are crumbling in many places and the young people don't have the same opportunities and muh privileges, we still don't have the collective movements anymore. The people aren't united in the slightest, there's little class consciousness, we privatise our suffering now that we have no accomplishments. Worst case scenario they don't believe in politics at all or think that they deserve their shitty situation or go some stupid pirate party/Green thing.

How to answer to this situation? No idea. Ideology is strong. Maybe we first need a successful Melenchon or Sanders to first raise leftism back to the political discourse table. Then, maybe, we can get a mass movement, which might be able to resurrect the old ideal.

With a somewhat unrelated end note: this same reason has led to the rice of the populist right. Their programs can fake-unite people 'cause their programs rely on fears that many people do share thanks to the media creating the fears: fear of immigrants and so on. The alienated-from-each-other people do share those fears anyway.

Join me and do absolutely nothing whatsoever.

Invade the fucking Democrats

my favourite ML cults are the rape cults that trots and maoist do

lifestylism is really the only way forward

Don't do this

You should read the Deamon series, that's basically what happens in it.

To be honest, we proved ourselves incapable of lasting organization way before the collapse of Marxist-Leninist governments and Social Democracy. Neoliberalism couldn't have happened with a strong left-wing opposition.

The problem is all Ideology imo. Class war is not unlike real war in the sense that tactics and techniques require constant innovation, otherwise your moves become predictable. The Left had a lot of momentum during early industrial capitalism, when workers were thrown into slums far away from the reach of bourgeois society and ripe for radicalization, because they were overworked and hungry, and it was just a question of mobilizing them.

But now? After over a century of trial and error they know exactly how much they can overwork you before you get pissed off. They know how to construct their cities in a way that makes mobilization difficult. They know to spy on socialist movements and cripple you before you do anything. They know how to keep the workplace an anti-social environment where everyone hates everyone instead of an environment when people come together to demand more. And they know what to say and when to say on the media.

Anything we look at has a little mark of class struggle if you look deep enough. Everything was designed and re-designed until they've arrived at the right arrangement.

sadly true


Can you give me an example or are you just meming

Btw is right. ML are growing all around the globe especially in developing countries because of their anti-imperialist edge

I thought lefty rape cults were a distinctly British thing.

Hell no, a good couple of american groups have had the same thing happen, and discretion prevents me from talking about the same situation in a certain other country. Point is, the only way to keep people involved in a tiny irrelevant group pushing stupid irrelevant politics is to turn it into a cult.

This is true, and it speaks to the fact that there is really no fucking point trying to organise people along ideological lines. Parties are simply the ideological version of the utopian communes that everyone likes to shit on Fourierists, anarchists, and hippies for always trying to start. By starting a party you are attempting to create a little island of communist thought in an ocean of capitalism. Utopians try to do the exact same thing, just with communist practice instead of communist thought. Unless you can build a wall to keep the ocean out, it'll always reclaim your artificial island. That's where cult practices come in - the tried and true methods of cohering a small group of people and turning them against the outside world.

Of course, if you take a group like that and give them power over an entire nation…well we've seen how that turns out too many fucking times over the 20th century. The fact is, you can't simply declare society changed and expect it to follow. Lasting societal change only happens when the new productive mode already partly exists in the shell of the old society. Crisis isn't the sole determinant of revolution - crisis only allows what was already there to fully express itself. No hint of this new productive mode existed in the 20th century, which left the so-called socialists to heap ersatz revolutionary rhetoric over the same old firm-based, waged, money-backed, exchange-founded, capitalist mode of production. The ocean eventually got in, though.

However, the 21st century is different. In this epoch, we have seen the communist mode of production arise spontaneously out of the unconscious activity of men who don't consider themselves communists: people like Comrades Stallman and Wales. The communist mode of production, in its actually existing form, has done things that the priesthood of communism - the deviant dialecticians and the prolix philosophers - thought impossible.

It exists within capitalism - find anyone who said that would happen and I'll give you a dollar. The communist productive mode doesn't just hold its own against capitalism - it actively supplants capitalist industries. When was the last time anyone picked up an Encyclopedia Britannica? But try telling that to the M-Ls who falsely believe communism is some precious little thing that needs to be protected against the big bad imperialists and fed the blood of the working man. Communism appeared - partial, yes - but also complete. There was no intermediate stage to FLOSS, programmers simply switched to communism when it made sense to do so given the material circumstances of production. And it didn't need a party.

Our task now should be to bury once and for all the abject failures of the past. There are no positive lessons for the communist movement there. We must take a hard look at production now, at the flows of information and goods in the modern world. We must identify and spread communism as it arises inside the shell of the old system. We must create or spread the tools that will enable the communist mode of production to extend into the realm of physical goods.

If a libertarian like Comrade Wales can build communism, why can't we?

Respond to this you cunts, get your thumbs out of your asses and stop sperging about how you're too shitty to get laid.

feels bad man

You already know what's there to say. Of course you get production for use easily if the product is not subject to scarcity, but that involves media and software only, literally everything else is finite.

Read the whole post, and also try to reflect on what the spontaneous appearance of the communist mode of production under capitalism means for your own views regarding the revolutionary process.

I did. You saying that we must do it doesn't in any way provide an answer on the how.

People like you are why Lenin called anarchism an "infantile disorder".