When ur gf has a larger cock than u
thank you big dong
f r u i t
i never buy fruit it spoils too quick
did your mom buy that banana
dude the reason you don't buy fruit is because you're a fat redneck.
get real
damn dude
tokai used to be so sweet
I let you know that I am a big dong scholar.
you like traps though. big donged traps are kinda off-putting tbh
what tp said tbh
i made fun of it at first but there is something to the concept of a feminine penis
as fucking insane as it sounds
Hall & Oates so good.
ikr? if i ever get married i would like want mostly hall and oates at the reception
Hah wow look at all these old FUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think that dude hall has a show or something
my rocker step-dad was talking about it
colbert did you really bone ghosters?
Ian, buy me Tricky Towers on Steam.
If you publicly admit that Dream Theater is better than Hall & Oates and promise not to rescind your statement at any point in the future, sure.
Who's spreading that rumor? No lol I did not
soto's been suggesting that like he left you two alone
a lot
sup mai waifu thread bro
Dream Theater is more artistically accomplished than Hall & Oates in every conceivable way. To state the contrary would be a shameful display of ignorance, patent lies, or inept-levels of trolling.
Oh, of course it's Soto lmao
Nah, we didn't do anything.
not even extended hug awkwardness
hey ban
no headache here!
so are you like a big deal over there now?
i'm actually lurking there cause this place was dead as fuck up until 5 minutes ago
Thanks, babe.
Hello, Toilet Paper.
She put her hand on my shoulder for longer than usual but that may have just been to not fall over
big deal over where?
how was your day?
oh shit was he slutting it up p hard then
in the 4chan Holla Forums waifu threads
i noticed that you have been OPing there
like using their pasta and everything
flashbacks pony threads
how do you find these groups always
chemical haze
probably gonna vomit soon™
that faggot isn't me
I wanna fight him
wait what?
someones using your trip then lol
sakura or some shit
Oh today was great.
How are you ?
pretty good as well
thank you very much for asking
cupcake gave him a trip that's similar to mine
still pissed about that too
oh shit lol my bad then
i guess i can't give you shit then
I mean, if that counts...
What did you do ?
soto was describing it like he was constantly disappearing with people
yes i know
it's soto
i just like his tellings better
I've never been there either
I heard they get extremely pissy if you use their avatars
i'm starting to get trained for my new position
by this old chinese dude
no joke it's pretty funny and i was pretty blazed today
He certainly puts a spin on them, for sure
i've tried to post there a few times
you need to raid with a crew to have any affect
when i ride dolo they just ignore me cause like not gay enough or something
without soto's stories, we would think that cons are as lame as they actually are
they are probably even more stuck up and cunty than most of the faggots here so I'm good either way.
This con was fun as fuck though, it's essentially one giant party. There was this girl that we met that was handing out candy and alcohol from a stuffed rabbit called the Party Bunny
Like come on man
A-am I stuck up?
yeah they weren't feeling my "LISTEN GUYS I USED TO BE A BIG DEAL AROUND HERE I DEMAND RESPECT" steez that much
Of all the things you've called me, that one hurts the most
i guess that sounds kinda fun
who eats candy when they're getting fucked up though
are you hanging out with a bunch of ravers or something
what is it ?
the more i think about it the more it's making me want to vomit
calibrating flow meters
but a special kind
i'm learning the ancient art
ban pls be my gf
post a vid of you qqing for me
it's pretty fucked up how those survive
they're so much more cancerous than ours ever were
but post-moot Holla Forums is not as good tbh
Holla Forums was never good tho amirites
over 9000
Ian buy me shit too
every valentines that passes reminds me of that one special one with ban
echo my love ;;
I had to stop posting on Holla Forums cause i kept getting banned
Not this again
But i'm a boy.
ladyboyfriend then
I ship it.
i get irritated with the captchas tbh
the most i post on 4chan anymore is during big brother or survivor
it's really kinda like karate kid though
people can't believe this dude is training me
cause i'm the first in awhile
wie gehts?
There are plenty of them there lol
We hardly even know each other though.
Does he catch flies with chopsticks ?
Why not.
the captcha here is way worse because it barely works half the time and it doesn't even stay for 24 hours like it says
jesus christ
like molly and glow sticks
like today
he was like my philosophy in everything is
always get better
i was like right on dude
this is why i hate you
it means how goes it
yeah when i'm spamming it's pretty annoying to have to get checked every hour or so
but those 4chan checks get increasingly harder the more sloshed you get
neko do you still actually hate colbert
cause you hating colbert with a passion has always come off as incredibly cute to me
it'll be more fun this way
i suppose you want this exchange to end
have a nice night ban
Colbs I just realized you've turned into a weeaboo
like just barely realized
that fb post opened my eyes
dude didn't he like buy fucking merch and shit
next thing you know colbert will have a leegu twitch streem
you can't talk to me but you can spam "no." at me?
very mature dude
That never works.
I spent all my con money on drugs, alcohol, and like one meal at a shitty overpriced family diner
Ian bought like 2 figures, a fucking nice artbook, and a new phones lmao
Echo, stop resisting Phil's love.
4chan is pretty garbage now
it was better when i was underage
honestly i just throw out the most childish aspersions i can think of and he gets super upset about it for some reason
it's pretty funny and kinda adorable
Just so you know, I'd still give you the d even if you have ovarian cysts
But his love gets too out of hand sometimes.
You don't like Dream Theater
Minus the glow sticks
Because I won't make an ass of myself?
but i am cute so it will
I have no hard feelings about dream theater.
I am not all that familiar with them actually, just a couple of songs and those that I know are alright.
Jodan jodan :3
My answer is still gonna have to be a no.
That is natural when your OTP seems unresponsive. One tries harder; unfettered emotions make their way to you.
oh man he's in too deep
hey babe
aww see that's what i thought
yeah colbert does get pretty cute when he's riled
looks like I'll have to try again later
i want to set the record straight
when i tried to e-date echo i really liked his typing profile and i thought it would be funny for show if someone posting tyler perry dated someone posting chloe
ask echo about the time we tried to have a three way with manaka
No one believes that.
It was alright, I've done some productive shit.
no homo
what kinda things?
I never actually get bent out of shape about internet people good god
Okay but I had reason to get that for Darwin because he doesn't like that kind of music and he still said it
Ask me when I'm drunk
That only works when Neru does it.
The time me and manaka were confused about what the fuck you wanted after you invited us into steam group chat drunk?
Cooking, resupplying, writing etc.
But you never talk to me anymore how am I suppose to know when you're drunk.
Neru ever does that?
there's been nights when i'll black out and have to go back and read what happened
and fucking colbert is going at me hard af
it's so cute
to my credit i was also sending dic pics to count swagala the same night
so it's kinda half gay
He probably asked for it. Just look at what he was wearing.
oh great mordin shows up just to bully me
Household stuff.
Yes. It freaks me out.
Who the fuck even is that?
Who was asking for it?
TP mostly
I would never actually post those picks you know, it was thanks to your own stupidity that everyone has seen them.
Swagula is an older poster, confirmed ACTUAL FEMALE
Cool girl, had some mental health issues but neat to talk to
I almost never initiate conversations with anyone, you gotta speak up
Oh, one of THOSE.
this chick that used to post this pusheen cat and dated that dude who posted the wrestler punk
then she fell in love with me after i met them so we exchanged nudes on occasion
i have no regrets
it has been mentioned so much
ACTUAL means actual, not "female"
Just to clarify
WOW, you ACTUAL bigot.
If you dress a certain way then it's your own fault if you get dick pics with your name on it. Scandalous.
Girl (Male)?
He was posting Chloe Moretz, so I guess that counts.
Were they any good?
she was pretty fat but opened my eyes to fatties
yes they were good
Fat like Savannah or less so?
I am sorry; I meant to say "corpulent."
Actually all you gotta do is be underage.
I'd love to know what "dress a certain way" means because if you're hinting at me crossdressing or cosplaying that never once happened.
Just the way he loves it.
Well you asked for it.
Send me pictures of your cats
I was not dressed in a way that would warrant such sexual assault, though.
You were being a dick.
But that's just part of Darwin's charm
She says worse things to me.
um like kinda savannah fat but she has huge tits
savannah was more arm flab than anything
yeah sorry about that though
it's been like what three years
and people still being it up
Big ankles too.
Such as?
Sorry about what? I don't really care about it.
The "N" word.
Do you wear shorts?
Last time I sent someone a picture of my cat I forgot that my cat was sitting in my underwear drawer in the picture.
Jk, I'm not that much of a whore.
unlike someone
When there's 30C+ outside, yeah.
Talking to me makes you a whore?
If that's a veiled criticism about me, I won't hear it, and I won't respond to it.
Calm the fuck down Mordin
You swear like you're a girl irl lmao
I've seen boxers before
chill fam
If it's only to get stuff from you in the long run, yeah.
dude her ankles were not nearly as cankle as based chii
you were spamming "no." earlier
thought you might
Kidding, you're the most charming man I know.
Now buy me tricky towers.
Maybe he keeps his exotic dildo collection in his underwear drawer.
You show off so much skin... How scandalous.
I didn't swear !
Oh, so you just don't want to talk to me
You are supposed to be watching a movie.
Oh nah.
All in all it was still a compliment.
Sort of.
Should be dressed as a north pole explorer at all times
I actually kinda miss the old you.
Barton Fink ?
what was
didn't that have that jew guy from that movie with george clooney where they were prisoners in the south
I do not know which.
For fucks sake TP.
Back when Ian was straight.
What are you talking about then.
No he was just in the Grim stages.
Back when Ians sexuality wasn't flexible so he'd be more liked by people rather.
Good boy
I dont think they'd fit in a drawer
Chii is pretty adorable when she drops her spaghetti irl
Not gonna lie
what's the problem now
That is all I was told.
I am still the same person though
Ian never threatened to murder trannies, though.
I cry.
fucking gottem
chii got so mad
like what did she expect
she was a neet
and then a mod
also shy and fat
not sure what she expected here
i mean she dropped her pic day one when transitioning from the fur threads to the anime ones
that girl got problems lol
Oh was Neru talking
Literally the thing we just talked about.
That's kinda what I was worried about.
No, just sending me videos of colorful horses.
idk what is happen
I'm confused
You liked me but you didn't? I don't know
what was that
would you tell me if i were neru
Echo is tsun.
the neru-darwin-echo triumvirate is just..
tfw no sister meow
Imagine the threesomes. All the pastry crumbs everywhere.
How do you know he didn't think it though?
thanks guy
Then how did you know I'm suppose to be watching a movie.
Maybe I just had a different opinion of you because I was new.
The dick pic you drunk dumbass.
and you're A WHORE!!!!!!!
I might have mentioned Iwas gong to with you
Well uh... sorry? I guess? I'm just me idk
I assumed.
If he thought about it, at least he had the presence of mind to keep it to himself.
Case in point.
I got asked out by a guy at the grocery store yesterday.
Eh, I dunno man.
She seems to have a lot of problems going on but when I met her irl she was super nice and all deredere
It was adorable af
I think I scared her off though cause I was doing lines in the bathroom lmao
He didn't need to lash out because he was willing to except the change.
Neru's dick is pretty kawaii
So he's a liar too.
Hey me neither clearly.
darwin is doing what i could never
living the dream
I remember this meme.
Should probs quit wearing shorts and shit.
I am NOT!!!!!!!!!!
A huge part of that is the alcoholism. I do not think Grim drinks.
If you genuinely don't think you were more closeted and cagey 4 years ago then you have a poor memory.
I think there's also the fact you were sort of the thread figurehead in a way because of your tendency to OP, especially during banwaves. Got all that mad respect. Maybe Echo liked you more as this idea of a hardened internet rebel, rather than "Ian", a slightly awkward but lovable guy.
Is Neru the new Lexi or something? lmao
Kanra, send me more of your drug-fueled escapades.
what about it
she quit threads shortly after meeting you
not related at all
it turned out haiku was actually a scene girl
who whoulda guessed
Jesus fucking Christ, don't.
meow meow meow
oh nonono
neru just leads on people like echo who are convinced he is a girl
lexi fucks everything that moves
/me shrug
I wasn't an adult with responsibilities back then
I'm not saying I'm not different than I was, but I am still essentially the same person. Maybe I was less willing to share more of myself then, but I haven't pulled an MGD and tried to become a new person
I'm done.
I had pants on though.
The few times he did drink though he got really gay.
Or maybe that was really her and she just fooled everyone.
Like, ask Soto
He's known me pretty damn well most of the time I've been posting
It was eerily similar.
those quads tho
what about my dick>?
Here or irl?
Also playing soraka, that is pretty disgusting.
Well they were clearly provocative.
I have a Soraka on my keychain, fite me nerd
fuck if i know
i just know it turned super fucking mean after stocking doxd it
I also have Gengar and Mega Gengar so
echo don't be so cheeky mate
I am sorry that I am not attracted to Rek'sai's void mammaries, senpai.
I've never meet him irl so I don't know about that stuff.
I looked edgy as fuck at the time.
scene girls are fucking crazy
Same. I was an edgy boy.
But I thought it might have happened at one of those weeb cons he has attended with the other degenerates.
Now I'm an edgy young adult.
oh for sure
i can't date a girl that doesn't at least listen to some good music
maybe if a scene girl also listened to some fucking childish gambino or something
I question the choices I made in life that lead me to my present situation
But I haven't played rek'sai since they ruined jungle yet again in preseason.
So you were obviously asking for it.
no shit?
you're an androgynous entity known for fucking plants and having diabetes
I am sorry that I am not attracted to undead horseman's big cock, then.
He said if things played out differently he would of let a trap suck his dick.
somehow thats not gay though
Scene girls like the same music as me though :o
Give me the template for this.
Something about not seeing the penis, I guess.
But I don't even spam hecarim that often.
I've been spamming nocturne since the season started.
The best you can do is call me edgy.
Don't be lazy, just delete/replace the content.
link some jams
But you are not.
You don't always see the penis when you're doing anal though.
Thats so much more work though.
One day he'll go into a locker room and it will become a blood bath.
I just kinda didn't open up to anyone, I have the same super sardonic sense of humor but I am more open here than I used to be
Sobo, are you watching Tanya the Evil?
That's right, I'm efficient.
That's what I did, so you're shit outta luck.
I tended to jump at any opportunity to be petty or cruel without ever committing to it.
You know, basically Tsuchi without the political bent.
why is test like a linking johnny now
He is dating a real-life girl now, though, so we cannot brand him a homosexual.
Nothing gay about wanting the visuals of period blood running through the halls.
I thought you were a NEET.
Yeah, that uh... wasn't me lol
If I was where would I get the money to pay off my lost bets
johnny never said anything worth reading
European neetbux.
Incoming just like you lol roasted
Nah I'm good.
I got better.
i donno he made me read up on datura
that shit is gnarly
also johnny is actually a published writer
poop on you
Citation needed.
What the fuck is this board and why there always a fucking thread in the velocious threads?
We talk about girls with dicks and avatar as fictional characters and play League of Legends all day.
some online journal.com
these threads are like mostly traps, guys who are too pussy to transition, like a few girls, tons of homos, one or two actual normal straight males
I've always been better ;)
Avatarfags shitposting in a giant circlejerk, pay us no mind
What is this fucking cancer holy shit.
am poor plz buy leeg skins and subway
Please rate.
So you can be a sugar daddy.
I don't think thats how it works.
template pls
Don't have one.
Crop it out in paint like I did.
Holy shit subtle pls go
Alright I'm sorry.
But Mike "Electric Fence" Pence is still going to shock all of you for being queers
But she actually has a vagina and bleeds and stuff.
Not yours.
Yes hello Oobles
Shes just MtF post op.
Suffer like I did.
luka why did you even filter me
i remember being overly nice before i blacked out last time
I can't wait for daddy Pence to shock me.
kinda want to tiny with echo and test and have luka lurk
rin is invited
I'm not even drinking yet.
I'm going to sleep soon.
Might do a bit of capping first but that's all.
Enjoying your Friday?
dude it's almost 10
long day tmr?
Not unless I lose a lot more bets.
Yeah good point.
If I'm going to be in a voice chat it's probably going to be in a discord, though.
you people and your exclusive chats
it changes every year
kinda a turnoff for non-trend-whores
It's convenient and I play video games with all of them.
I'm never part of any voicechats because I barely even talk to anyone here anymore.
oh yeah i could see that being convenient
which is why we switched to steam
Not particularly, but I'm usually in bed by around nowishly.
Better than nothing. :3
itis yasuo
my darwings are awufl
i bet you wiggle a lot in bed
The hell is he holding in his other hand and why is he wearing a headband
My sheets don't stay on the bed very well anymore, so you're probably right.
yeah i gave up on fitted sheets years ago
it's always all over the place by the time i wake up
Nice drawings.
I used my bed as my bookshelf for a bit.
I don't think I toss or anything, just kinda wriggle and roll around to get comfortable, probably need a softer mattress.
I require more attention
tbh i sleep on my couch more than my bed
it's cozier and recreates a woman's womb more than a bed
And I thought I had issues.
I'm sorry but I'm not taking the time to respond with a Vocaroo
Nothing is going on lol
i thought about it A LOT
so elite
Hee hee ecks dee
Dunno why you'd want to.
I wanna swim in soraka
you don't need to patronize me
nice trips mine were way better
I want to go swimming in Takanashi Hikari.
it is something that does exist still
I'm not trying to
Dive head first.
Really, I hadn't realized.
I was under the impression that it was a myth.
In the shallow end?
I want to go swimming in Ian's red 2014 Toyota Corolla
What is this why do you have images of that pokémon licking it's balls?
@ban just for my own peace of mind
would you mind telling me who you plan on asking to be your valentine this year?
what is a myth
I'll live.
Its a cat ?
I don't have anybody.
Rest in rip.
All of my female coworkers are married
Today's yuri releases.
wh-whanna be my valentine?
Talk to me, man.
Also what's going on this weekend?
Luckily you're gay.
all my female coworkers are literal cunts
and married
He won't
Give him a chance.
Nothing, I'm chilling at home
Shut the fuck up Cockwork, you don't know me
Its a sad and lonely life I live.
I don't want a meme one.
I only know what I know.
what about like a low-key one
like hush hush
What is the deal with this character. Someone told me that I reminded them a lot of this character and I have no clue what show it is from or what they are like
Sleepover at Ian's when?
I'm at Manny's and were drinking and he just dl'd RE7
We funna get drunk and get spooked
There is a new thread
itis lees bandana
ekkos club thingy
>|New Forum: hotcutehentai.tk