"You know the Cubans in America hate Fidel [Castro]? You know why...

"You know the Cubans in America hate Fidel [Castro]? You know why? Because they were the rich Cubans that were oppressing their own people." - Chairman Jimmy Dore

Did he go too far?


Also why are there a lot of angry people giving downvotes to this particular video?

Fun fact: Ana Kasparian's husband is Cuban-American which might explain why she was the most critical of Castro (more so than even Cenk) during the TYT coverage of his death.

Heh not really, most Cuban émigrés awere part of the castizo/peninsular elite as per Spanish racial caste systems. As was Castro himself, incidentally!

>>>Holla Forums


flag etc



Uphold Jimmy Dore - Ja Rule thought against the filthy revisionists at TYT


Is he going full tankie?

unfortunetley this was last year.
But with what's been happening, Jimmy "beating stalin's high score Dore" might slowly be turning into /ourguy/

Anarchists will be the first to go into the bourgeoisie-funded, feral dog infested, luxury gulags.

Kronstadt wasn't enough!

Shit someone already used that one.

Jimmy is fucking woke as shit. This guy should be the radical left's mascot.

No one way this dude isn't hiding his power levels


The castro's got rich by exploiting the Cuban proletariat.

But it's okay because red is their favorite color and it's only not-communism when cuba is used as an argument against communism.

So it wasn't communism?

It's communism when you're among fellow communists, writing a blog for fellow communists, shedding a tear while watching one of Castro's speeches..

It's not-communism when people who aren't communists say that Cuba is communist.

It's socialism if you're an ML, and not if you're almost anything else.

But - being objective - if the Cuban proletariat was being exploited and the Castro's were profiting it can't really be called communism can it?


It's almost as if people who espouse communism as an ideology do not always preside over systems which can be rightly described as communism.

Then I guess all those self-proclaimed communist that mourned his dead and are staunch defenders of Cuba are all not-communists, that the overwhelming support Castro received among communists means that all those communists aren't communists, but capitalist porkies.

And here we have another guy who exploited surplus labour to lead a life of luxury, turns out every communist leader was secretly a porky!

he is stil just an edgy liberal/sucdem.
he praises FDR for fuck sake

Lenin was bourgeois. That does not mean that he was not a conmunist. If he were truly concerned only with living in luxury he could have stayed in Switzerland.

Engels was porky, too. That didn't stop him from collaborating with Marx and recognizing the flaws of capitalism.

No, it means different people hold different positions.

The communist critique of charity and welfare is that surplus labour is still exploited. The same goes for Lenin, or any other communist who came to power, they were all exploiters.

A communist then, is a porky with a red flag who seizes the competition.

Hitler was a socialist.

A communist is one who wishes to achieve communism. Communism is a particular social and economic system.

When will Jimmy seize the means of the TYT studios

I see some backlash for this

pic related: people celebrating Castro's death in Miami. nigga on the left has Videla on his shirt. for reference Videla was Argentina's Pinochet, more or less


did your mom fuk u in da ass |:l

absolute scum

Privatization was a term coined to describe Nazi economic policy. Hardly socialism even by milquetoast social democrat use of the term

I like when he doesn't hide his power level.

Eh, he's a demsoc on a good day. He's a good gateway drug for Bernie fans, but he shouldn't be our mascot until he gives up faith in reformism.