Heineken Worlds Apart

Thoughts about this commercial?


just watch it smh i dont know how to make webms here anyways

You can litterally just upload an mp4, which is the default format you download youtube vids in with any downloader.

wow now thats shite

Society needs standards to avoid chaos.
Left propaganda is anarchist bullshits. On the other side, tho, tolerance is acceptable.

And you need to be shot. Not because you're reactionary, but simply because you're retarded.

I actually am. And you behave like an Antifa.


Political differences are not just misunderstandings and differences of opinion that can be overcome by a short conversation. They are founded on real struggles concerning power and society, real conflicts of interest that imply that some must lose for others to win. Currently, the many lose for the few to win, and anyone who stands up and says "hold on, this ain't right", is an out of bounds radical.

Can people come to understand each other and each other's positions better by talking as people? Sure. Can they resolve actual political differences? NO! That would require actual political change and action. Pure ideology like this add here tries its level best to inhibit just such political action by promoting the vision that no true political differences exist, that we are only human, that an enemy is someone who's story you were not ready to listen to. Political opium!

Also note that none of the differences of opinion shown in this add touched on economy, the ownership of the MOP, collective management of the commons and the economy, etc. These issues are out of bounds. You can have your idpol disagreements, talk about transgenderism and feminism, but real political talk? Haha, no.

Google how to do it, once you learn it you will feel you've learned something almost useful

As long as you know.

t. living in an artificial filter bubble


Well this is my sort of fella right he-


Ngl it was kinda cool, even though it's typical liberal "if we just discuss everything will work out"

It's very interesting, and likely deliberate, that no class issues were discussed like said.

alcholism make everyone friendly

so, alt-rightists are alt rightists just because they are antisocial and don't have anyone to drink a beer with

Both very true. The success of the aut-right might well be down to giving these sad angry loser loner virgins a reason to come out and be social with each other. They can have beers with each other and be merry.

Imagine what such a conversation would even look like, and you know why it could never happen. It would involve a worker, a franchise manager, an unemployed person, an indebted student, … on the one end of the table, and a bondholder, a stock-owner, a City of London banker on the other end. And one party would say: I do not believe these "masters of the universe" contribute anything to society, they are parasites that should be expropriated. And the banker would introduce himself, if he were honest: I believe I have the right to stash all my gains, made at the expense of the public with government collusion, in an offshore tax shelter, and frankly I don't care about what happens to the people down below.

The only way to reconcile in this is case is by not talking about the issue at all.


i don't know how that happened

fuggin porky beer

Not all nationalism is bad, but when it functions as you describe, it is a very dangerous enemy.

I'm struggling with the question if capitalism has been good, or bad for people who love beer…

nationalism is a means to an end at best, a way to convince people who don't see the forest from the trees to understand that collective good is often better for the individual than pure individual good in itself.

Capitalism has been good for beer-lovers, but socialism must win for the true beer utopia to exist.

Real communists drink vodka in exclusion of all other things. You may find my constant drinking to be LARPy, but I assure you that I am a committed alcoholic and was drinking before I ever cracked a book and puked into it.

think of all the beermakers that had to stop making some particular kind of craft beer because it didn't sell
there's gonna be plenty of craft beer under communism.