Genetic facts

Proof that niggers are dumb

Other urls found in this thread:é,_Lalibela

Easily debunked by theses pdfs from a geneticist.

Polite sage.

Genes are a social construct designed by the bourgeoisie.


Holla Forums btfo

Keep it in one thread pls, k thx.

mods delete



Not really debunked at all. Banning research into race realism because the left doesn't like the results doesn't change reality

The most cursory examination of intelligence and ethnicity shows a strong correlation between the two.

It's an undisputed fact that their are physical differences between whites and blacks. Why would this not extend to mental differences too.

pls post in the other thread.

England mean is irrelevant. London population is majority mudslime.


what is this a reference to?


Study compares Nigger IMMIGRANTS vs English mean.

It's not impossible to find blacks towards the right of the bell curve and measure their average. Study debunked w/in 5 mins

stay spooked kiddo
This can be disproven by the observation that your own stupidity is an uncountable infinity

Asians are marginally more intelligent than whites.

Success of ethnic societies is relavent. Whites create cultures and countries on par and superior to chink nations. Niggers chuck spears in mud huts century after century


Spics are like 70% white though.

Classic leftism: C E N S O R

Where has the research been banned?
Genuinely curious because it is an ethical issue.

Ignoring Spain and Portugal. Obviously referring to bastardized offspring off Spanish/Portuguese explorers in South America/Mexico

Must suck to be spooked

Who are 70% white because European diseases did a fucking number on them.


Glorious Nicaragua confirmed white

Yeah, I though spics refered to people living in Latin America. I'm talking about tacos and everything below tacos.


I feel bad for Holla Forums. I can't imagine how miserable a life they've lived that they have no accomplishment to take pride in. Maybe if they found something they were good at or weren't social outcasts they wouldn't feel the need to try and prove their superiority with debunked pseudoscience.

I am curious though.
If the research is banned then how did they get the information in their info-graphics?

There it is there. No wonder niggers are feral beasts with more in common with vicious chimps than humans.


It isn't. It's just shitty, manipulated research.

Pathetic tbh.

damn you really have me convinced with your dumbass infographics

I think he implied that the research is not banned, but is unacknowledged.

You didn't even prove any research has been banned.

Fun fact: most of your """"race realist"""" bullshit was funded by the Pioneer fund, a known fascist think tank.

