Kraut and T

Been seeing him comment on leftypol vids. Is he /ourfam/?

Other urls found in this thread:

He seems to be a pretty alright dude

If not an ideological ally a cool guy

He's a reactionary stooge.

Talked to him. He's a cool guy.

He's a cool dude that is a real centrist. I think people like him will be made to see it our way once conditions irreparably worsen due to capitalism. People like sargon, though. Those niggers can die.

He is just a man. A rather ill informed dropout that sometimes manages a satirical remark or two. What astonishes me most about the internet is its penchant for taking mundane things and deluding itself into thinking it miraculous. Oh, that man there can talk for five minutes without stuttering, he MUST be a rare one! Give me a break.

My nigga, he wants to promote us because he believes we are the best shot against the SJWs or something. Hey I can dig it.

literally who

Seeing T announce himself as a Pinochet lover because of his still ingrained spooks about 'commies taking muh stuff hurr hurr' pretty much shows most of these guys are rational in name only. Also being triggered by Antifa as well. I'm sure there still has at least been some leftypolyps debating him though, so I wonder if that's around.

I hate the 'Uncle Tom' pejorative but in this case I think it really fits.

One of the few youtube commentators who isn't alt-right or nudge to the alt-right like Sargon. He's nig /ourguy/ but I can at least respect him.


How retarded can one person be?


Did he tell you that or something, my property?

He would be banned from r/socialism for Islamophobia.

what a guy

People are only capable of reason or skepticism in limited capcities, otherwise you'd walk off a roof. It stands to reason anyone you agree with, or disagree with, should be considered with that in mind. One should also grant a curtesy of knowing that, intelligent or learned as one may be, the person ranting in the streets about heliocentrism might be as right as an academic railing against handwashing may be wrong.

Hard as it is the task is to think for yourselves. The only person who can convince you of anything is yourself, and far too many people convince themselves far too quickly. These youtubers are rarely more educated than the man on the street is, with some exceptions, and unsurprisngly the average man likes to hear his thoughts said back at him. This doesn't mean it's wrong, only that it's all too easy to believe it because of that.

He's fucking awful lmao


Honestly, from a lot of what I see, he just seems like a reactionary idiot punching way above his weight.

Definitely not as dumb as that utter vacuous pit of narcissism Sargon, but he does fall into a lot of the same traps, especially when he's shown a piece of xenophobic right-wing propaganda, then ALL the pretences towards scepticism and critical-thinking just go out the window. I think unlike Sargon, he's at least somewhat well-meaning, but he really needs to take a step back and understand just how black propaganda actually works, and talk to more people outside of his little circle of so-called 'sceptics'.


What has he said that's right wing?

o i get it because being against death cults is right wing now


You guys do realize we are living in capitalism, right?
Guys like that nigger T, Alex Jones, Molymeme do what they do because it's profitable not because it's what they really believe. If they were making leftist videos they wouldn't get not even 0.01% of the views and profits they get because most people are fucking stupid and actually agree with the insane bullshit they spout.
Humanity was a mistake and there is no hope.

Stop being an edgy retard


Honestly wouldn't surprise me.

If all it takes for you to dick-ride a liberal is them having a negative opinion on islam then yes, you're a fucking retard. Liberals are right-wing, end of discussion

Islam is right wing, end of discussion.

Idk about That Guy Low T, but Alex Jones and Molymeme have actual history spouting their retarded world-view well before they were making money off of it. I remember some account by one of Jones' college professors saying it was annoying that he kept interrupting his class to ask about illuminati shit.

Your question: What makes him right wing?
My answer: His liberalism, his opinion on islam has no bearing on it
Your response: BUT WHAT ABOUT ISLAM???!?!?!?!?!

So 95% of westerners are right wing?

Yes, why the fuck are you here if you're a liberal apologist?

they mean well

Put a mc donalds somewhere in that image, and you've got the most american image ever.

Also, I watched his introduction video to his german viewers, where he complained about "radical marxism" becoming popular (eg. in academia), did he change his mind, or are "radical marxists" just postmodernist in his mind.

Capitalism isn't the term for the existing system for them, but an ideal system of only free markets, that has yet to exist.

This terminological confusion of the root problem when talking with them. And when you accept their terms, for the sake of the argument, but ask them what they would call what we call capitalism (wage labor, production for profit, class that has to sell labor, etc.) they just fall silent.

one of the few actully good skeptic youtubers, not our guy, but he isn't afraid of saying his real opinions like with the milo case.

Is he aware of muke?


The fact that it isn't just exchange of voluntary individuals, and that there is production for it's own sake, and bringing this up to them will either go fashy or full on anarchist. It's one thing to not have and argument, but it's another to start the argument leaving out important details about reality that is the problem, and their only main opponents are social democrats, making them feel comfortable in their supposed worldview, but when someone who actually know how the system functions on a fundamental level, it's and eye opening, I would think.

Would love if they just had a chill sesh sometime. Muke rekt that on ancap I hear?

You say this with such certainty…perhaps, you are Kraut?

He is in my Discord if you want to talk to him.

He is always playing Fallout 4 kek

He is in my Discord if you want to talk to him.

He is always playing Fallout 4 kek

no, he is not "/ourguy/"

didn't kraut make a thread on Holla Forums months ago?

do kraut have his own discord

wtf is this autistic group

Why are these two different discords? How many you have to talk to Kraut on?

Accidental dual post, they lead to the same place, use the second one though, it never expires.

do you have a less autistic discord

All discords are autistic my man