Climate scientist Michael Mills describes the devastation of a nuclear detonation

People get “melted into burning pools of fat”'

By Bryan Dyne
27 April 2017

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“On July 27, 1943 nearly a thousand British bombers dropped over two thousand tons of bombs on Hamburg, most of them incendiaries, turning that city into a burning, melting quagmire of horror. The temperature reached one thousand degrees in the center of town, igniting the world's first firestorm. The superheated air rose so fast it sucked in outside air in the form of hurricane-strength winds, which force-fed the fire still further and blew helpless people like leaves into the burning center of destruction where they actually melted into pools of burning fat. On the outskirts of the storm other people were stuck in molten asphalt, suffocating and igniting. More than 40,000 people died that night. In the early spring of 1945 the American Twentieth Air Force topped the RAF's record by burning Tokyo, starting a conflagration that totaled sixteen square miles of intensely populated city, killing more than 80,000 people.”

This stupid motherfucker might actually do it.

you mean whoever is pulling trump's strings might actually do it

You can be sure that he, too is a stupid motherfucker. All our leaders are idiots.

A small scale nuclear exchange in Korea would be a good reminder what will happen when MAD goes off.

people in japan who were hit directly by the bomb were literally vaporized.

The article is talking about the effects of firestorms and compares them to the Dresden and Tokyo bombings, not so much about the direct effects of a nuclear bomb on a person

He's clearly talking from an american perspective.

I want Korea to sacrifice itself to destroy the US. Maybe aliens will grant us FALC as our reward.

I'm scared guys
Are there any places completely out of the way of nuclear targets?

The best thing to do I believe is have a safehouse in a remote place away from important targets, preferably out of potential warring countries, and have a bunker with enough water and food to last for at least a month.

Anywhere that isn't close to a strategic target. In practice, anywhere that isn't within the borders of a nuclear-armed alliance (NATO) or state. You obviously aren't shielded from the secondary or the global effects anywhere.


Sorry man, the rich already bought them all.


since this appears to be a general nuclear weapons thread I'll post a bunch of links from an earlier thread I made:

educational material:

Fun and excitement:

Damn Cheyenne is fucked

My god that map, but also as long as I can avoid the blast, the area north of Florida's capital has some good farmland

god damn it

Feels weird man

How promising is Idaho for a post-apocalyptic commune site? Climate, arable land, water sources, timber, wildlife, etc.?

I'm not actually American but wouldn't it be better in a mountainous area so as to be better defended against raiders, supermutants and the Enclave?

in chronological video form

I need to move from socal

Welp, time to move to Southeast Oregon even though a bunch of skinheads live there.

GenX here. Ah, I remember having recurring nightmares about this sort of thing as a child! The notion that there was a button that could at any time kill me, my family, and everyone and everything I had ever known in a fire as hot as the surface of the sun was a spectacular bit of nightmare fuel. Just one lunatic in either country was all that it would take! Eventually it had to happen. We were all going to burn.

Why do I feel nostalgia for this horror?

nuclear war is back on the menu, boys!

This time I just don't buy it. This is just sound and fury signifying nothing. It is an empty threat, a distraction from real issues. Now I know that Porky controls the button, not some hothead politician or unhinged general. Maybe that's what I miss–a fake boogie man instead of this real disillusionment.

So I'm assuming that all the black dots in Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming/Nebraska/Colorado are were they keep their land based nuclear arsenal?

That is where a lot of the silos are.

Daily reminder that the Doomsday Clock is the closest it's been to midnight since the early 1980s.


Is it really though? Tensions between North Korea and America are at a high. Regarding global warming we seem to be going backwards rather than forwards

Feel the same way tbh it's an odd kinda feeling

but a distraction is what porky thrives on. What greater spectacle than the total destruction of a city or a nation?
during the cuban missile crisis we were close:
for context US policy was to invade if there were nuclear weapons on Cuba

Which cities are we talking about sacrificing? Seoul, Tokyo, Seattle, SanFrancisco–cities with some of the most expensive real estate on planet earth? Those cities are worth way the hell more than any distraction possibly could be.

Let me know when it reaches two minutes. I am going to fucking crank the Maiden.

A carrier group, and maybe a minor east asian nation or two.

I'm hard.

It's porn user, plain and simple. The heat would be intense and oh god the steam! Orgasmic.

Now that is something they might do. They might let Alaska take a bomb as well.

Place your bets, who gets the nuke first, Seoul, Tokyo, or Anchorage?

She's sexy!

Underrated post

My body is ready.

Got one for Canada?

I've heard nukes will lower the earth's temperature, but it won't fix much.

Saw this in the related vids:

I don't want to die tbh.

The most I'll have to deal with is Russian paratroopers tbh.