Hey hey hey neat people!

Hey hey hey neat people!



I was also not responsible for the three 7s at the end of my phone number. I should spend more time in Vegas.

I can't even recall what my number is.

Are E Gato.


I guess everyone is in bed.

in bed

4 hour drive and you could be in my bed.



So today towards the end of my shift some asshole didnt get there food or something and they called in the resturaunt and were threatening the nice lady manager and she got sooo pissed she popped off on the phone at them and then my uncle manager had to take the phone and he had to bite his tongue and he didnt pop off at them but he was super pissed after they got off the phone ;/

I got angry too just from hearing that
stupid jerks

Makes me glad I don't work in food service anymore.

you hapy where you're at right now?

Yeah. All I lack is company.


More the physical kind.

Fuck it.
Tonight is a daki pillow kind of night.

*can not provide*

Good night, Googles.

not me
I got a big old bottle of sangria to keep me warm tonight
It's a friday for me :3

do you ever get nay days off?

Good night Goggles!



wrestle with jimmy
wrestle with jimmy
wrestle with jimmy
wrestle with jimmy



I woke up sad and confused.
Not DESPAIR, DREAD and doom... like ,,,, palatable sadness.

This is new and feels pretty bad
I'd rather be hungover

hug me brother

I'd fucking hold you so hard.
I think I'm on the realisation that dying alone and half insane might suck, and I'll never have a jacuzzi/pool.

Oh, it gets worse.
On the slight realisation that I can't really share my heart to someone because most people are faggots (or I'm too much of a faggot for most people, it gotes both ways); so that's why this place will do for now.

That feeling :/

I feel the eexact same ;/

Yep, life can kinda suck sometimes.

Feel stupid just for saying that.

Ehhh, what you gonna do.
Everyone is a dumb faggot anyway and a pool attracts all sorts of shite, we ain't missing much

And I don't mean everyone here,
I mean the human race is made up of dumb faggots, me included.

It's the time of year when everyone gets lonely

Fuck, really?
Like this is a legit time?
I should sleep this off.
I don't even wanna get out of bed, smoke or drink beer or do anything productive or videogames.


how's everybody in here doing?

In the words of Chris O'Neil

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That didn't work at all

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what the hell is this embedding


i hope things get better for you


They will, ups n downs.
Right now though, resting in piss

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I give up

Nicely done.

Oh god I got flu now, this is better; this is legit great. Now I got a biological explanation why I feel like a sack of shit.

Plus I love being sick.

Who wants my flu?
I'll cough on you for free.

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have lewd
as congrats

just fukn end me m80

check out this dick pic

Fucken hot



lol nah

Ded thred

I blame OP.


I'm spooky and I cannot sleep tonight

Not a lot, about to sleep.
How is the Spooky aside from unable to sleep stuff?

Very cold because the furnace is turned off and disconnected and all that shit because repairs
I'd say less great than most nights

Light your room on fire for extra comfy warms.

NEET for a week

Considering it

What's the temperature in normal degrees?

Just 1 celsius right now, if it were any worse I'd be in trouble



It might be 2 or 3 inside, some jackass left a window open to air out the bathroom because they don't know how to turn a fan on

Fire up the electric heater.

Oops, replied to self

lol what electric heater

It's a must-have for comfy room!

Alas, I don't habe de monies ;w;

I got one from Aldi and it's good at making my room toasty af

What's an Aldi?

Place that sells all kinds of stuff and it's usually pretty cheap compared to normal stores but things aren't crap so they last long too!

That sounds awesome...


*shuffles closer to warmth*


Don't steal my heat.


mfw megummim


D-Don't wanna share at all?

Sad Canadian hour


Alternate fact: ikt is the great-grandson on Ho Chi Minh.

Please kill yourself.


It's not that cold

Mmmh, thankus!










tred is kil


What are you up to?

how to unkill thread:

remove MFF's video posting capabilities, then ban Ui and delete all of his posts.


Just got back from my last exam, now kinda

Me too-ish! :3

Though I'm not really doing anything.

How'd it go?

Oh well.

ikt wants subtle's dicc

who wouldnt tbh

Get any feedback on that report yet?

It was pretty good. Way better than my other ones, and that's probably 'cause there was no maths

Yeah finished internship with an 8 average!

Sounds good, hope you get a good mark :3




So you are completely done now until classes start again?

I hope I pass ~_~


Yes! 1 or 2 weeks doing nothing, so this is going to be a lot of chilling.

Do you think you'll pass?



I would've expected longer time off than that! What's your timetable like when you start again?

Yeah but the grades won't be amazing. Really gonna have to try harder next semester.

Well my next semester starts the 6th of February ^^'

lmao Passing's good enough. Did you slack off this semester?


Any classes you're particularly looking forward to?

A little bit. But the machine learning and image analysis algorithms really fucked me. Could've done without picking those modules for myself.

Oh, plenty! Writing device drivers and GPGPU programming.

Maybe gonne take up DSP too but that's optional.

Ah, but those seem like fun things. Were they math-heavy?


Jeez you're smart :3 Would take me a while to wrap my head around that stuff.

Right, loads of maths.. I don't mind up to calculus but beyond that it starts losing interest.
At least next week have 'game design & development' which should be comfy


^^ *pat*

I'm not a math person at all, so I feel you. Game design and development sounds fun and plenty interactive at least ^^

Gl with it, I think I'm gonna go have a nap
Ja ne ^^


Have a good nap! *pat*


i thought that was a vault door then came buckets from precision



that thing is fucking adorable though

Special Relations.

special dicks





oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh lon-



i dont know what this means but it makes me want you to suck me before sleep

ga terug naar je eigen land

her mouth is open so this must be your way of saying yes

illaaaaah il allah illalala


cute now you want me to violate you from behind?

youre so lewd but im gonna get some much needed sleeeep. nini

i found a cannabis seed on my carpet so i broke out the plant pot and the coconut husk planting substrate and i flushed it with warm water and a little vegetable feeder and i planted that little cutie

TBH, Emily probably gives good blowjobs.

Dit is ongewenst gedrag. Houd hiermee op.

Men don't suck cock.

real men suck ass

It's fine you can just put on a skirt and you'll become a real girl.

I'm too lazy to shave my legs.


you can use my tongue as a razor bby



did you get to play the game

Ingles por favor.

Ye, that's the whole reason I didn't go to sleep, remember?

I played 4 hours, according to steam.
Psure it was more like 4.5



do you?

You foreigners won't understand our cultural memes.

oh I thought you played like a little and then fell asleep on your desk. cause I saw you online still.

God damn I don't know why but I have an intense craving to live in the wilderness but still be just a short drive away from some small town.

Anyways time for me to go to bed.


I mean look at this gold

Stop being digusting foreginers. Speak ENGLISH.



I don't like body hair.

So explain it to me.

No, I took a break for food and drink after I beat a... I think that were a bossu.


It's so much effort. Girls have it easy.

Someone buy Fish a lonesome cabin in the wilderness, 8 hour drive to the nearest civilization.

Because we all know they aren't going to hunt and gather to survive.

Girls have leg hair that they have to shave too.

sorry dad

ohh okai, gonna nap later then or just play play and see where it goes?

all friesen het land uit

Yeah of course but they can do it without looking silly.


No, because I ended up sleeping after food and drink, so I'm just gonna play more once I get a coffee.

So can boys ???

shaving muh legs

If you have actually really nice legs, people drop the whole "You're a fag" think really quickly.

being afraid to be called fag is a bit odd

no no make it a weird colony.
import and replace all Frisians

okai, sounds fun.
I'm prolly gonna forget about life and bingewatch for a little while soon.

There's a long scar on my left leg from a drunk accident.

Like the islands?

Catch up on Demi-chan, new ep tomorrow.

You could probably still shave them anyway if you wanted to.

*pat* no thanks I'm already going to shave other parts

scars can be pretty hot


oh yeah that's running.
I'll download.
fiiirst though imma create a super comfy corner in my room and stuff.

"other parts"
Your genitals?


deze voel

Of course.

I'm too much of a coward to get a sharp razor that close to there...

What's the use?

I trim naughty bits to keep it small, but it's not, like, smoothe like legs are.

'cos I'm just a huge coward.

H-have somebody do it for you

tbh I think most people just trim there because of how sensitive the skin is.

even if you manage to do it without accidentally cutting it's going to itch really bad.

So only go full smooth down there if you want a special night or something.


I'd probably have Tokai do that for me.

Sounds apt, but I dunno for sure.

I don't make a habit of asking people if they shave their genitals.




Daddy tell us about your pubes.


I'm not a really good shaver though.
but I'll try

the only habit we have here is asking redheads if their pubes are red too.

...theres nothing quite like a shorn scrotum. its breathtaking I suggest you try it


Wondering if the carpets match the drapes?

I'm too coward to let anything sharp touch my doohicky.

Which is funny 'cos I'd rather not have the thing at all.


you only gotta slip once to experience some pain youd wish you hadnt... trust me on this one

Well, I got my coffee now.

So I'm gonna play some more Tales of Besteria.


since I dyed my hair my carpets and drapes totally match now!


dorifuto car

these really do it for me mff, thank you...

eh? The fem or the weird rectal stuff?



What kinda black

Pitch black?

thinkin i might pay homage to mff by writing his name with bbq sauce on my chest...


do ppl notice

batr pls, I...

well, even though I mention this, i won't ask for anything like it but I've written "Suck me _" on my dick and sent it to a few people.

ur creizi breh and doesnt afraid of anything

nooot everyone.
cause it was dark already but now super dark.

I only got one comment from a classmate who said she didn't think I'd be so ijdel

i even had a "post tits linds" on it for emily to show her. She's lezzy now so I don't know if she ever would.


IJdele Tokai :3



gtg... work







Hello shitlords~



why is rumia's tummy so delicious ? I wanna smooch it all day !


Aw yeah excited for demi chan

All muh stress is gone because houdoe stage!


am watching rn

good for youu



Yush! Enjoy

cute cat

I'm hungry... but too lazy to leave bed

rpi looks comfy now

I want to be in a psychologically abusive relationship with Rumia, having her tempt me to bring her people to eat in exchange of fake signs of affection !




Nap was so good

That was quite the nap!


Astralis has totally rekt Na'Vi on Overpass.

Mac n chiz it is.



Oh boy. I might get close to 3 and a half grand back on taxes.

buy me pizzza

It was full on dev1ce carry.

If I get over 3 grand I will buy you one pizza.



No, it's dev1ce.
A professional CSGO player.

I've shaked hands with dev1ce and Kjaerbye, they're pretty chill dudes



I always get the feeling that Kjaerbye is kind of a dick dude like Stewie2k, at least judging from the behind-the-scenes videos.

I'll file them tonight when I get home maybe. So what's up?


Might be. Astralis/North might visit my university at some point, they do a 'play vs the pros' event occasionally which is pretty cool.

Pretty neat.
Too bad all of the Finnish teams that ever tried just usually dissolved, and now there's only like allu playing for NiP.
And wayLander for FlipSid3, but he's God awful and is always at the wrong place when whole other team commits.

stop calling me a neat
i have fealings too

Isn't Allu on FaZe now?

Nothing much. Chilling. Gym work. Anime. Nothing exciting.
Et tu?

Oh right, he switched there.
Still haven't gotten used to it.

Got started on my taxes. Going to see how much I'm getting back. Going to use most all of it on debts.


That would be the intelligent thing to do.

I wanna harass the canadian gril

It's kind of a pain though.
I think I can take care of everything but my student loans with it and just pay monthly on that.

Lots of switchin around recently. It happens a lot.

What ever is easiest fam. Though I suppose paying off a lump of the debt in one go would be fruitful in the long run. Sup't you.




Yeah, although allu switched like at the beginning of 2016
Also not really sure how to feel about that Fnatic - Godsent deal.
Their temporary stand-in wenton guy was pretty horrible though.
Like slower reflexes than on a rock.


That's a new one to me.

I hate Godsent tbh

new to me too.

Don't tell me you made it up.


They've got some pretty odd tactics in terms of buys, but they usually fail too.



Anta b-baka?!?

Don't speak gook at me.

what are you up to?

Hi you.

A robbery. Of fucking puddinngs.
Why is our history like something out of a fucking fairytale?

Hopefully falling asleep and not waking back up.


I will end you.


you better wake up sometime.

I'm showing solidarity for the underprivileged and puddingless


But sleep is so nice.


whats up?

And I'm pretty sure Heston Blumithall is actually a wizard.

Anyway, how is chat?

my tummy hurts

well, sleep but wake up eventually. Then when you go to sleep again, it will nice again.

But waking up is always shit.

you gotta tough it out if you wanna keep living

gimme stuff
make me happy

I agree. I feel like I'mma shit my liver out half the days i wake up and like my intestines will explode.

Sigourny Weaver


wat kinda stuff do you want

I want the clown to sit on my face so I can lick her butt while she nibbles on the tip of my dicc

Yep, pretty much. Buspirone helps and L-Theanine.

games, anime, food, freinds

Meth too

i dont think i can give you any of those



























Nope. That shit is poison. I'd rather suck a squirrel cock.