Is it rational to be afraid of Muslims?

Like, if these muslim immigrants/refugees that are coming here become a sizeable minoritiy in any part of secual, westernized nation do you think they will change it too much? Or do you think those nations will change them?

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Posting in the hourly neurotic crypto-Holla Forums thread

In 1998 there were 4 million Turks in Germany and nothing happened to Germany. They took in a little under a million refugees in 2015/2016 and it's all ogre

we need to let in fewer and be stricter, yes i belive that is rational to be afraid of too many immgrants. this will be true no matter where they come from. since when we let in too many and don't follow up on them they don't feel welcome and is create ghettoes with crime and stuff.

i know this is not a populare opion on here, specially not after we got bigger

Holla Forums roach go home

I thought nazbols supported Islam. I know Dugin is a big fan and wants more Muslims in Russia and for Russia to take back Central Asia

I watched this Sargoy video and it made me think.

If they are allowed in massive quantities where they can form enclave communities and not adapt to their new country's culture then yes. Islam (like all the Abrahamic religions) is pretty imperialistic. But as someone who lives in a massive muslim immigration hotspot (in the US), the ones born and raised here, where they are still a big minority, they have to interact with others outside their religious bubble. They don't really cause any problems and adapt just fine, some of the third generation only speak english even.

Now I don't think it's just because their muslim, but because they have a radically different culture and viewpoints from the countries they're immigrating to. If you had a massive american migration to, say, Germany and were able to form american bubbles and not learn german or any german customs, I'm sure there'd be similar contention. The americans would complain about being taught evolution and being made fun of for having cut up dicks, and they'd be angry about it (but not really want to leave because their home country sucks).

Link the original video.
I really wish we got an actual translation of what the fuck they're saying and not Sargon's subtitles although I do agree with the sentiment that fedora centrists are not people

so we need… diversity quotas on immigrants?

No you need to forcibly break up cultural enclaves, but this is not done because muh free market and immigrants are poor, drive the prices of houses down and so they naturally flock to the cheap places that become cheaper by the day that have masses of people from a country they know.

Also any liberal will shout at you because forcibly breaking up cultural enclaves is bad somehow and according to liberals in both the american and normal sense, we should let them rot in a pool of xenophobic, criminal, impoverished and dangerous shit until they on their own will and money "choose to leave" the ghettos they live in.

Not sure about that, but I do think we should be very selective about how many and where we send immigrants. Bringing in thousands (or more) of poor people and dumping them into one place and then expecting them to make it is a recipe for disaster. People love idpol, they love feeling like they belong, and if you take a bunch of people from a similar culture and dump them into an alien one, they're natural reaction will be to group together and resist outside influence, which is the exact opposite of what we want immigrants to do. I feel this is why hispanic immigration is such a big deal in the US, many of them like to form communities along the border states and keep close ties to their previous lives, which of course pisses off the locals when they feel their country is being "invaded" and changed in a rapid manner. It also keeps the immigrants bound to their specific spots because they feel alien and not welcomed or unable to interact with society at large. It's not good for the native population or the immigrants, it's just a clusterfuck.

They need to be let in until the welfare system crashes down and then a Nazi masturbation fantasy happens imho

Why don't you stroll thought their neighborhoods in Europe and see what happens? Bonus points for a Gay Pride Parade.

I actually live in Germany, as this "radically different culture" is a interesting argument to me.

First of all, when you see a regular refugee around here (for some reason a lot ofnthem can be found at the central train stations), most of them are not only wearing regular western clothes, but quite commonly even specifically American or "popular" fashion (not to say that it's designer clothes, but they're brand names). Most of them already speak English and are fairly well acquainted to western (specifically american/capitalist) culture, afaik. They are not savage foreigners that have yet to be "civilized". The reason nobody is talking about a invasion of American culture (not the only one of course), is because the whole country is already overrun by these ideas. Schools use WhatsApp and Facebook, children buy American fashion and tech brands, watch US TV series, learn just as much about the American legal system as the German one (of not more, because of TV), but this seems to annoy nobody! But if a fraction of the German population comes to Germany, because the government said they would accept refugees from the war, it's enough to reshape the political landscape, ignoring the fact that so many of these people want to leave the old, conservative societies, and others want to return anyway (again other will have to, but that will be done discreetly).

The second thing is that one can never except people to perfectly integrate into a society, if they were not socialized within it. Sure, they might learn the formal rules and behave regularly, but expecting them to become de facto "germans" (or whatever nation they come from) is practically impossible, but this is what many right wingers or conservatives want, perfectly knowing that they won't manage it. They can become productive and constrictive members of society, no doubt, but especially in the first few generations they will know they aren't "germans", they will knownthay they are not expected to act as "germans", and they know people expect certain stereotypes of them. At the same time, they will use this potential as a tool to identity, to find a space in society. I know this, because I myself wasn't born here, but experienced these things when I was in school and later on too. I sometimes even fell for it myself, assuming stereotypes to live up to expectations.

Basically, it's not as simple of a situation to just "integrate" them into the existing culture, as some might make us believe.

This is a very understanding of culture. Have you actually talked to these people, in depth? I bet that like most liberals, you have not. I do so for a living, daily, and I will tell you: when it comes to deep cultural principles, practices, and taboos, these people have radically different ideas and spooks than we have. To wave it away because they wear second-hand fast fashion, is imbecilic.

no problems with islam, is more with the immgrant. there is to many

I bet you haven't talked to a single Muslim in your life. The ones I dealt with are usually deeply defensive of Islam but other than that they buy into all the other Western consumer culture shit, sports, sitcoms, video games, porn, fast food and all that shit

Fuck you, fuck off, go back to Twitter or Holla Forums or the Daily Caller or Disqus or wherever the fuck you came from. Only rational thought is allowed here, and this Muslim paranoia is about as irrational as believing in an international Jewish globalist conspiracy.

I ONLY talk to Afghan opium farmers, you dumb shit. All the things you mentioned are shallow as fuck. I'm talking about things like marrying your niece, having marriage contracts decided by other family members, buying patronage jobs, blood feuds, having experience in actual militias that kill people. That's the world they live in, and they bring it with them. If you don't think that will clash with the established system and popular opinion in the West, you are deluded. The backlash from the European natives is just as much a risk here, and by their mere otherness, they will trigger it.

I'm sure the 200 or so people who live that lifestyle in their home country will succeed at bringing about the fall of western civilization. That's not something that will be caused by majoritarian "winner" politics where no consensus is ever reached, no no, not at all.

Well it is when liberals will defend everything they fucking do, including shit like genital mutilation and forcing their daughters to wear head veils. And, again, it's not just muslims, it's all minorities and their cancerous idpol culture that goes with them. I'm not defending arbitrary traditions like christmas or handshakes, but equality and freedom. A whole group filled with conservative religious zealots commanding special cultural muh privileges does nothing but harm, both to the general populations and to their own future. Look at native americans, we gave them exactly what they wanted, and they live in 3rd world shitholes that are rife with rape and alcoholism, all in the name of culture and race idpol.

You don't fear muslims, you don't fear a sudden change in your culture. What you really fear is organized religion. You're right to as well.

The fact that you have to qualify your position with what you "aren't defending" shows that that is exactly what you are defending. And these special muh privileges you see? Where are they? Female genital mutilation is 100% illegal in America, and we're working on making it illegal for males too. Your problem with "conservative religious zealots" is pretty off-base as well. We've been dealing with worse from Christians, and they make up 70% of the population. Where have you been on that? Are they not commanding, and actually receiving, special muh privileges? And then you get into being an actual racist towards Native Americans, a people that your actual ancestors probably committed genocide against. You are a fucking cryptofascist.

This user kind of has a point.

Just send them to gulag
Problem solved

Well if you ONLY talk to Afghan opium farmers then you should consider a different career path you fucking retard. Afghan refugees are mostly in Pakistan and Iran and about 200, thousand made it to Europe most of whom are being sent back anyway.

Also Afghan's aren't necessarily degnerate they were a major tourist destination in the 60's and 70's:

Again, my argument isn't that they all do this, but there are enough of them which do. Not every refugee is a conservative, wishing to spread islam and middle eastern values. Sure, there are some, and some might be even crazy enough to believed thay they could proselytize all of Europe, but these are, assuming they exist, a far to insignificant minority to have anything close to the influence people are talking about. But this reaction to them, I fear, might actually alienate them even further.

And before someone asks or complains, if someone actually has these conservative and otherwise intolerant positions, I oppose them and their goals. I am not defending Islam unconditionally, but at the same time I don't like the other side, unconditionally denouncing Islam. If the Islamic world could be more advanced and tolerant towards new beliefs than Europe was during the medieval period, while it has turned around over time, I don't think that either religion had much to do with this by itself, but much rather the conditions the believers lived in, and the justifications the rulers used. I mean, suicide is forbidden in the Qur'an, but terroirst do it anyways. I dare to say that this isn't a religious, but a political issue.

Tumblr told me about white man's burden and slavery reparations for Africans: The Post

In your next post can you talk about how all whites must be expelled from left unity and Rosa Luxemburg deserved to die because she had muh privilege or something?

No, I just fucking hate racists.

Fuck Islam.

Add to this that people implicitly equate Muslims with Arabs, and you've basically gone a roundabout way to defend racism, even though Islam isn't a race, and everyone is perfectly conscious of this fact.

I'll actually apologize for the petty insults on you, but I actually don't think he was being racist given the context of what he was saying. I don't think it's the fact that they are Native Americans and have inferior genes that he was referring to, as much as that any relationship where you placate to a group of people which then ends in abysmal death rates due to alcohol poisioning and loopholes allowing gambling establishments – something went wrong here, and I don't believe the answer is to give more stipends and governmental services because that makes them complacent as a community and leads to the previous problems, it would be better to implement social and education programs that would allow a bridge to form for native americans to start entering into business sectors like becoming employed in tech industries, high level engineering industries, etc. I think there is a parallel between alcoholism in the native american population and the natives up in Canada.I don't believe it's genetic in either case.

Daily reminder the quickest way to stop radical Islam would be stop arming them and supporting th Saudis

I'll have you know that native Americans are extremely socially active, and probably some of your biggest allies. Especially as a mutualist, because that's literally what tribes are. I am a tribal citizen, so you'd probably do better to listen to me and not whitey spouting racial stereotypes.


Add Qatar to the list, they're city architecture is amazingly intricate, but I'm pretty sure they've funded isis before.

What's with these giant middle eastern porky cities being the biggest contributors to this shit?

It's a gas
It's a hit
It's a crime
So they say, it's the root of all evil toooday

I think it's the loser defeatist mentality applied to an entire ethnic group of people passed down through generations. You can observe this shit internationally as well with people from defeated nations like Japan, Serbia, Russia either becoming depressed, demoralized, degenerate, and retreating to their retarded spooks.

If you are a black or a native in North America you grow up subconciously knowing that this isn't your country, that all of the past achievments of your ethnic group are shit and that you only exist at the mercy of the dominant superstructure dominated by Western white values and you see race themes wherever you go so naturally you become depressed and stop giving a fuck because the expectations for you are extremely low anyway

You brainlets are not looking at it the right way. The problem is the backlash it will cause with the native Europeans. You think they will appreciate new competitors on the dole that look and talk different than them? There are big fundamental differences inhibiting understanding. A bureaucratic state might keep all this in check, but jesus, why even go through all the trouble if all you get is fascists in power?

Help them in situ, it'll do more good, and cause less fascism here.


good lawd all the faggots will join the alt-knights and start the nazi masturbation fantasy plz no

so basically the same as said:

Tell that to the CIA and the Pentagon

I think it's good to slow down the progress once in a while. Our liberals need to be more moderate on immigration, rather than acting like they love everyone and want everyone to come here. This is a land of opportunity if you have something worthwhile to offer.


See, I WANT to, but then you lead me to believe you actually have the same preconceived notions going vice versa, since you tell people to not listen to people that use racial related epithets then start talking about "whitey".

It's like "don't listen to the blue eyed devil, they like to spout racial stereotypes about people" Like what?

pay denbts fag

Somehow everyone in this thread forgot about Natives coming together to drive the money hungry state out of their land.


Hahaha, "whitey" was a joke. I'm white as snow. There are definitely some racist ass Native Americans out there who wouldn't want me to call myself a Native American, but the genealogy is there so I pay them no mind.