Leftist anti muslim thread

Because you can't be a leftist unless you hate the facist (muslims).

Post why they are so shit itt

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The shortcoming of cultural relativism is that it preaches absolute tolerance of others cultures and values…
but it then inevitably becomes tolerant of intolerant cultures

this philosophy makes no sense


we hate all religions equally, faggy poopy op

Can we just remember that Marxists and Socialists should be anti-organized religion in general, and that specifying certain sects or faiths to target is identarian (read: idpol).

Also this:

That's exactly why we as socialists should be the first on the anti muslim hate train. The right is exploiting the anti muslim sentiment, yet what they want is just as bad.

No, america and americans are the cancer. If they didn't spent half of the 20th century throwing shit at muslims and inventing islamic terrorism, they would most likely be in their sand filled regions killing each other like catholics and protestants did 500 years a go.
It's USA that owns military bases all over the world, currently bombing 7 countries, created alquaeda, isis, doesn't respect democratic eletions in other countries and has clear plans of world domination by exporting their "culture" abroad. The word globalization was also invented in america.
Americans are complacent with the actions of their leaders, don't care that their taxes pay for those military bases nor foreign interventions. They only protest when fuel gets more expensive. So they are part of the problem as well.
So me and the muslims have a common enemy.

Muslims can't be sociali-

The Kurds do not fight in the name of Islam, nor do most religious Muslims feel any imperative (religious or otherwise) to support Rojava. See:

You do know that Muslim proles are more likely to side with Muslim porkies than they are kuffar proles, right?

Sunni Muslims love Erdogan and the Palestinian national bourgeoisie. Oh hell, many of them will claim the Saudis "really are good guys" and that the hype surrounding them funding terrorism is overplayed.

Meanwhile, it's not like Muslims are out in droves holding demonstrations to support indigenous movements in Latin America.

A common enemy doesn't make you allies

This is how isis and alquaeda were willed into existence after US backed them with weapons and the CIA trained them

It was because we had a common enemy with them at the time

Now look where it got us

Survey of 1.62 billion muslims that is one hell of a big survey. I don't like islam either but this is pol-tier idpol garbage.

OP said all muslims are fascists, responds by showing muslims who aren't fascist, you respond with retardation.

Of course they aren't all fascists, but it's outright bullshit to think that practicing Islam somehow makes one more conditioned into socialism like many leftists like to claim. We see more militant left-wing movements in Latin America and East Asia (India, Philippines) than we do in ANY Muslim nation except for Kurdistan.

Yeah, except no one in this thread has said that Islam is more socialist than other religions

the antimuslim hate train is just right wing idpol. Notice how the emphasis is on 'islamic terrorism' as an ahistorical monolithic evil that definitely has nothing to do with us/israeli/saudi meddling in the region. Salafi Jihadism has been funded by the US and Saudi from the very start, the US has brought down every even mildly antimperialist or leftist arab regime, while supporting reactionary religious factions. Muslim minorities like Shia or Alevis are getting massacred right now by US funded islamists. The emphasis on muh terrorism as an all powerful alien threat only serves to strengthen the security state, which is the last thing we should do as leftists.

Don't downplay the effects the Iranian Revolution had on the Muslim psyche though. IMHO that event did more to stomp out Marxism in the MENA than any CIA meddling.

Turkish Alevis are a muslim sect with a left wing tradition. There's left leaning anti autoritarian people all over the muslim world, many of them are secular, but the retarded muh clash of civilisations narrative only serves the interests of the people bent on promoting war and further restricting civil liberties. Islam is just a religion like any other, a vague free floating thing that changes depending on time and place, it is ridiculous to speak of a true 'islam' just as it is to speak of a 'true' christianity.


They're a tiny, tiny minority, and are basically to Islam what Mormons are to Christianity.

So blame the reaction, not the unjust precursor of the US deposing Mossadegh and installing the Shah?

You can be against most forms of dominant Islam.

You can't, however, treat Muslims as a single monolithic group without individual agency. That's both essentialist and retarded.

literally no one claims that

And British proles are more likely to side with British porkies than Chinese proles. This condition is not exclusive to Muslims, you idiot.

The Islamic Revolution repressed leftist elements after 1979. I don't really think it makes sense to speak of an unified muslim psyche. The middle east is more divided on ethnic lines, shia vs sunni, than muh islamic hordes vs infidels. Look at Gaddafi's Lybia for example, a left wing and secular regime before US intervention. The US, the KSA and Israel have effectively formed an anti iran, anti shia front. The idealistic crusader LARPing on the right helps obscure the crude realities of a conflict that's ultimately based on economics and geopolitics. The same western politicians profiting from the fear of the all powerful islamic threat are the ones backing the most reactionary strains of islamism in the middle east. Just look at the Neocon enthusiasm for syrian 'moderate rebels'. I don't idealise 'islam', neither do i demonise it, i just think you are falling hook line and sinker for identity politics and propaganda.

You can blame both.

in my experience, most of the minority muslim sects tend to lean left.

I think if you were to make sweeping generalisations, I think one would categorise the average muslim as actually reactionary and economically leftist (with an emphasis on private saving and prudence).

Well what else was going to be the reaction when the material reality was that the clergy was the only meaningful power structure left besides the army?

Literally NOBODY fucking says this.
Holy shit Holla Forums schizos are at the point of making shit up to get mad at.

forgot about that wordfilter, soshully cuckservative

what solution do you suggest, then? military intervention? a coalition with the radical right? These ideas have never resulted in anything other than complete disaster. The strain of salafism currently popular in the west is a product of millions of petrodollars in gulf funding and an atomised society with no shared values. The right proposes to fix the problem through reactionary values and probably ethnic cleansing light policies. while Liberals deny there's actually a problem; they are relativists, unable to conceive of difference, to them, islamists and right wingers must actually be liberals deep inside. We should instead present a positive alternative, not based on fear but in a vision of a better future. Fear is the right's turf, we cannot beat them in their own turf.

Religion can at best be manipulated as a slide towards socialism before being atomized and relegated to museum sites, study as history, and harmless playing of pretend. At worst it's a reactionary force to be eliminated with haste. Islam is a religion and should be seen categorically in this way. Any of its particular characteristics are merely determiners of how to either manipulate its forms or effect its destruction.