contrived drama op
Contrived drama op
Other urls found in this thread:
I doubt she'd get that offended if you were staying chaste and not calling her a loli.
I just remember reading your logs with nymph back in the days and laughing my ass off
That shit was some original content alright
Fucking shimapan and everything lmao
Man that was quite some time ago, huh?
Some are
like always sunny
I am stick
I got a job.
this. always sunny is best anime.
good job cupcake
As a prostitution?
always boipussy
u did it
good jeb
I'm a loli
yatta ^w^
thanks soto-kun~
scanning job like my last thing. super flexible hours, really nice people, casual as fuck workplace. pretty much a dreamjob.
thanks emma
*pat loli*
fucking bully the dumpy emo potato day i see
how dare you
thanks emily~
Yeah but the other time was more sincere and this way I get more (you)'s
sorry I totally thought I had replied ;-;
are you sad about my good news?
Nice nice, gonna make that bank :3
*tap loli*
Have you been watching the newest season?
Oh come on, we all do embarrassing things when we were younger
But i thought you had a fucking job you nigger
I knew you were lying to me
Maybe if you had more piercings I'd reply to you
I dare a lot, little one!
no im very happy for you
gros. ur gros.
oh it's not like it pays that much but anything more than the nothing I get now is pretty sweet. I barely ever buy anything anyway so I'll just try and save a bunch. hopefully get enough to take a trip to canada soon, at least help pay for it anyway
Well done! Great moves! Proud of you!
Feels best when working.
**perhaps mon-vanilla rust is your/our best option heh*
that image does not convey that reaction
I've watched a couple of season 11. is the current one 12? I need to play catch up. I typically wait for them to be on netflix so I'm always about one season behind.
no, I have been pretty open about the fact that I haven't had a job for like 4 months.
cup did good
now spend it all on anime figurines
I don't wanna go to jail ;;
well youre in a mood
i cry when im happy
i dont cry a lot
heh, well I'm sure I'll still have a lot of time for other things. they are okay with my schedule I had at the last job. I typically only work about 6 hours a day because of my back.
no I dun wanna. I'm not some WEEB like you.
Not really. I'm pretty good. You?
I lol'd
Oh? Gonna go visit Luka? :3
Hi it's me your police
wow rude.
nah. bamboo tank
what? did you think I was one? HA.
no complaints
Don't tell me you're going to kiss him and hold hands and other gay stuff.
Not even a single one? I don't buy it.
oh, well then thank you for your genuine enthusiasm at my good news.
don't worry about it.
What is gros and why
Always Soto
Make a porno together.
I just just agreeing that Ikt was a weeb :3
Buy one Emma.
owo is that a seat
It's funny when somebody says it about themselves.
That's a yes.
they should hold hands
none worth getting into
Its a great thing.
I think when you aren't working you lose your days.
They all meld together and the days dont last as long.
Not sure if you've felt like that.
Perhaps after this weekend i get serious and make a bigger effort to go places in my current employ.
Canada meet up ay?
And then perform oral sex, yes.
Fair enough. Got plans for today?
My nuggies have arrived!
Yeah it's on season 12, ep 3 atm
I just torrent that shit every week just like my seasonal anime
What, really? remember back when I'd be like lol you dont have a job and you'd get all pissed and be like "I DO HAVE A JOB" and in my head I was like this nigga doesnt have a job
Also, is that like a topic we don't talk about or something?
2013 were some dark times lmao
Yeah man, shits great
Cupcake and BT sitting in a tree.
First comes love
Then comes marriage
Third comes Cupcake barefoot and pregnant standing on the beach wondering where BT went and why he left, and how she's going to raise their child on his own.
play kerbal probably
Yes, please take one.
Anything from when I was Wish :3
ur gros. because.
no, don't be lewd.
aaah. yeah she sure is LOL
I doubt I could afford her. she's so classy.
that's a none of your business you nosy little shit.
oh yes, I've felt that very hard actually. it's insane. I am definitely ready to get working again.
pfft, I mean if you fly on over there sure why not.
I did have a job at the time that I said I had one, then I lost it in september. I just didn't try to make a big deal out of it in the thread.
this is a mean thing to say.
Flay?! To canada?! NANI?!?!?!?
I got that hacking game thing. The second one. It's meh.
rin takes my online gender fluidity very literally. frequently using both pronouns for me in the same post.
But you are Wish lmao
or walk there?
SOTO STOP BULLYING ME ABOUT MY BOOB SIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i liked it
couldnt run it at the time though
50% of what I say is mean towards someone.
I'll be here all week.
you said you were a big girl pls no prison
S-Sorry, sensei...
Did you just assume her gender?
Oh ok
And the next one.
And the one after that.
I should attempt to sleep early for once
Eh, seeya tomorrow.
I can bike it
Why's it a secret
I forgot.
Im herr forevr
i also call you a she and a he
You take this back you fukkenf aggot
Hi its me your police:
In reality Cup would never want to be a woman.
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting you're "Emma"
What kind of a loser has a dumb four letter name anyways?
lmao fuckin weeb
Did I make fun of your tits though?
I don't even remember lol
Also, Cupcake, I only take it literally when it adds to the bit.
you should say nice things to me.
everyone here is a girl so it's a safe bet.
lol what a fag
because it's nothing. we're just gonna hang out. stop being a fag.
yes, as I said, I legitimately don't care what pronouns are used for me online as long as they are real pronouns. so he, she, they. I'm fine with any of them.
this is true.
lol never.
I'll take u literally u scrub
May I ask who you are, Doctor?
Cupcake finds vagina physically repulsive
You two could communicate exclusively using the word "lmao"
Who're you? My gut says "Socks"
You're a cuck.
Wait, nice, not not nice.
I tolerate you very very well.
Its arby's
100% correct, but I posted the trip for socks to burn off that identity.
Can't burn off the insanely sick gets tho...
You're half way there! Now just laugh as well!
gets don't matter on this board, kys.
I know but its still fun...
Oh come on, don't even worry about Mosquito bites are appealing in their own way
I lmao too much sometimes
I hate latinas though
if i don't say she doesn't have guy privates then it's ok
Something something less fake or whatever.
Shut up, you're a girl!
ok, here's a replacement.
Jack, you really need to chill. You're like the only person who hasn't successfully managed to chill yet.
call me a pretty princess.
You're a prince not a princess.
call. me. a. pretty. princess.
Its royalty like cupcake that makes me happy they gunned tsar nicholas and his family down.
you're a pretty princess
i wish i had small tits
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water .
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after
shut up you
thank you~
You're a sub-par prince.
Kawaii Ojou-chan~
'Sup princess?
say it not weebspeak.
hate you. filtered.
nothing much. in a good mood for once. sup with you?
Good, I never want to see you ever again.
Fukken vore much
I forget that furry vore creature
and you won't. I order you to filter me as well.
Can now?
If this is sub-par then the bar is too high... Feel for ya, cuppers.
I will immediately pretend to do this.
liverpool fags love vore though
if i got it again
Glad to hear that, just made some thai soba noodles, a bit spicy.
it not weebspeak.
new phone who dis. I love the name though, great reference.
good. from this post on we will not reply to each other or see each other's posts.
I love spicy. I got some wings and pizza on the way.
say it in english.
it in english.
I've never actually had wings, are they good?
It took me 3 days to finish that hangover pizza which I had.
Who's the OP? I have never seen them before.
You refunded it?
in english english, not jap english.
hmph. finally looked it up. acceptable.
yeah it always takes me a few days to get through pizza I order.
they are amaaaaaazing. so good. definitely recommend.
Shame. But I completely understand.
Took me 3 days because I felt like puking for 2 days straight.
I'll see if they have them in any place here.
hopefully you do. not sure how international wings are. get something spicy.
You told me to say "it in english" and "it not weebspeak".
Were you not satisfied with that, pretty princess?~
I think there's like a few places that have them.
I'm not really a big fan of spicy.
Trump's America
I am unsure of that one.
But Wish you are a weeb
Everything you say is weebspeak
What is even happening in this thread?
Just a reminder:
you are deliberately being difficult but you did what I wanted eventually and I just got my pizza so I'll let it slide.
oh, well there's plenty of non spicy types you can get.
Shut up otaku scum
baka gaijin
Pls give pizza
That's more like down my alley.
bbq is really nice.
Guys. I have a confession to make. I am actually a Tactical Response to Online Leaks and Lies officer. As a T.R.O.L.L in the employ of Russia i have seen serious shit.
I couldn't lie any longer. Cyka.
BBQ isn't really all that big here in terms of restaurants etc.
You must flee, comerade. You are no longer safe. Get to Switzerland.
Im burning the files.
Glorious day comrade
Are they lit?
8 and 9 are both thick
Ty, bb.
Still waters run deep, man.
oh. well that sucks.
I see that you've purged your FP profile already, scoot. Good work!
Look at this slut
How old are you
Forever 21.
This is spine-chilling:
"A theoretical scenario that exists at some point in the Foundation's future. The most awful and finite of the K-classes, this scenario not only destroys Earth, all Gods and Powers, and everything else in the multiverse, but also the site this is written on and all of you reading it. It's like Dhalgren gone horribly, impossibly wrong; a fictional disaster so awesome and powerful that it even obliterates the author.
Yeah, but at least there's a kebab/pizza place in every corner.
Okay, maybe that isn't a good thing, but when you have a hangover..
Time to reveal my true identity...
What are you doing?
Eight looked up at Ten, his mouth drawn in a grim line. "But you'll go before I do."
"You're new," he told Ten. "A member of the Council can do anything they wish, but they shouldn't. You had no right to start a project like this. You should have come to the Council first."
This isnt even my final form
*increasingly nervous KGB agent*
What is wrong, master?
Brings a tear to my eye. I'm glad some people have found love in this hellish place.
yeah hangovers suck, but I don't usually get them. even last night I got super drunk and woke up just fine.
hey cutie. is cupcake ya know
"They are right," Eight said, in a voice harsh with disuse. "Your project will fail. As it should be." He was silent for a moment. "It's wrong, what we do. Thirteen people, controlling the fate of the Foundation, the fate of all mankind… It's a cruel joke. We shouldn't even exist. None of us deserve to stay on this Council."
I'm sorry, that was an unsporting move.
Don't encourage him.
I can't tell you .//.
People livin' like they ain't got no mamas
Well isn't that the cutest vappy I ever saw
oh hi
En anglais, s'il vous plait.
im drawing someone pop in and sayhi
how ya doin'?
And that was how I earned my SS rank in Lifemanship.
Qui me rend heureux
Ah well, that's a bit odd.
You were right it does bother me.
Please stop.
This thread is only big enough for one fishdog.
I said English!
/me kills both.
I like the pictures now.
also I have you filtered and vice versa.
experienced drinker who knows his limits.
lots of water before bed too.
Solid antithesis, m8.
Sorry, I should have learned my lesson from the ban. I'll slow my roll.
Stop this at once.
go ahead and make me.
I legitimately do not like this, I cannot make you stop but would appreciate it. I will ignore it if you choose to continue.
Well, yeah, but I usually drink until I don't remember anything, thus no water before bed.
it is very odd to me when people get upset over someone else using pictures they also use. I will stop for now, but I have always and will always do as I please, so you might see me use a picture here or there. keep in mind I would only have the original one I had before if you had not said a word.
I know my limits and know how to get very drunk without blacking out.
What are you a racist?!
There's no such thing as responsible drinking for me.
The deal was that we'd do this in English. Latin is STRONGLY cautioned against.
Well, I wouldn't say racist.
well then don't tell me not to drink next time~
Stop drinking so much you alcoholic.
I refuse. I will be drinking soon.
@Jack: "A school for the mentally disabled."
But you drink everyday.
not every day.
I am very thin skinned when fishdog is involved.
a lot recently. but not nearly as much as a few months ago.
I would recommend not letting anyone online know anything that gets to you. it can only cause problems.
Well, almost.
"My roommate was a frog kid."
and a get whore
no, not really. this week has been a rare exception honestly. over the last two months or so I have only drank like twice a week. and I'm only at like 3 times this week, but I am planning to drink tonight. gonna drink a lot leading up to the new job probably because after I start I'll go back to probably only on weekends.
On this topic.
Don't tell anyone, but I actually got a little tilted when Emily was posting Vamp-chan to bother me. :x
yeah I'll never understand this. I don't care if anyone saves anything I post, and I even freely give away folders to people who ask for them.
Ah well, glad to hear that you're fixing it somehow then.
Normally I don't care, and I don't really understand it myself.
It just bothered me for some reason I can't really identify.
there's nothing to fix. there's nothing wrong with drinking if you're capable of doing it without it causing problems. I am able to drink in moderation, and even drink more than that without problems.
"A PSYCHEDELIC TRIP that spirals into an alien space-time nightmare ... A PINBALL MACHINE possessed by an evil demonic spirit-being ... A PSYCH WARD PATIENT plotting to steal a spaceship and flee to another planet ... A SINISTER CONSPIRACY to enslave mankind in the adult-film industry ... A MYSTICAL REVELATION triggered by a sports-related groin injury ... A STRANGE NEW DRUG that literally rockets users into low-Earth orbit ... A DEMENTED LONER going door to door asking people to sign his petition in support of human extinction ... and other strange scenes that can only be found in the surreal and shadow-haunted world of science-fiction and horror author Fiada Fey."
You said he was dead, Alec! YOU SAID HE WAS DEAD! What is this mortmain bullshit?
I mean I understand that concept of something bothering you without you even really understanding why very very well, but I'll never understand it being over images someone posts.
to each their own though. I don't post your rin folder very much and I'll avoid posting vappy when I see kisskiss around. if I feel like it.
I'm making progress.
Does it bother you if I post vamp-chan too?
Rin doesn't bother me, so, like, go ahead.
Kind of.
Fishdog is the only thing I have in life, people infringing on it invalidate my existence.
pls no oppress.
I just don't really feel like it's morally so good.
except you have said otherwise. also I have so many folders it's incredibly easy to avoid posting in a way that makes other irrationally upset so I see no reason not to.
see when you say dumbass shit like this it makes me want to post it on purpose.
we could have a discussion about that another time, I'm loading into rust right now. but I gotta say, I very much disagree. as long as the person drinking isn't hurting anyone else, there's nothing morally wrong with drinking a lot.
@Jack: tfw you're the pigeon.
it was a joke
Youmu being raped at swordpoint by you!
Well, soon, at least.
Please stop.
TP said otherwise.
I've constantly said I literally couldn't care less, and if I suggested otherwise it'd mostly just be a concern of confusion.
I distinctly recall telling you to knock yourself out, though.
>Always sunny
Frank is my spirit animal
Maybe, I just always feel like it requires some sort of a special occasion, or problems.
well I would hope so.
I'm guessing my post came off more harsh than I intended, which was supposed to be a harsh level of 0. sorry kisskiss.
I'll keep that in mind!
for normal people. some people just like drinking. I am one of those people.
That just worries me because you're sometimes pretty depressed.
I'm drinking because I want something other than water and that's all I have right now.
Plus this root beer is amazing, n'oh muh gawd.
O5-8!!rXnJzNgOcA pls respond
tfw cleaning things
In Japanese~
It was not harsh, I was just making my stance clear. You can do what you want even if that is posting fishdogs I have the capacity to ignore it.
what things?
We are not your kind of people, Jack. You belong in the garbage.
@ Jack:
You just got DP'd by a Siamese Twins Tornado. Feels awesome, right?
Would anyone here like to cremate the remains?
i return
Je ne parle pas de Japonais.
Cessez, s'il vous plait.
(yamete kudasai)
The letter we needed was OwUUUUUUUU.
GG, jack_. Good luck, you're fucked. You lost the game of Hangman, and now you're gonna hang.
Thank you.
I have been advised that the answer is "yamete kudasai."
Yamete kudasai.
Imagine... a game of hangman where you actually get hung when you lose. Sucks when nightmares come to life, right? Once you're on the other side, meet me in the woods. That's when the fun begins.
Human child...
Your psychic rites are nearly complete, and you are almost out of this liminal state. You can die whenever you wish to complete it.
Time to get messed up and post in this place that I never post in
How's everyone doing
don't worry about that. I've had depression my whole life.
drunk overwatch later? :3
don't try and act like a mature rational person here you fucking show off.
We just learned that Houdini died to a Suckerpunch by Zack Snyder. I love this anime.
You have to suck soto off first to be allowed to post here.
Still haven't killed yourself? You can die in battle, die a saint's death, or die like a faggot. Your choice.
Ah well, not like I can stop you from drinking.
I'm about to fucking kill myself.
I have no idea what that means, but it was amusing regardless
Instead I am going to not do that
What is this guy doing here, god
damn right you can't.
You really like these dates, huh?
Me too.
Goodbye forever.
Remember: if you die in the game, you die in real life.
I have heard that you are drinking as well
Is this true
I know it's weird and unsightly to obsess over an avatar like this but can you please not post her?
I will cry for all of you who cannot handle "MAXIMUM DIFFICULTY MODE".
But que sera sriracha quesarito.
Mildly annoying since I capped her for the like, one time a month I come in here, but sure whatever
Inhuman centipede. One of the chaos gods.
Thank you, and I'm sorry to impose.
stop calling them that you baka.
awesome. gonna start drinking now. rust is being dicks so we could play whenever.
life is cruel and so am I, my dear.
thought you were rin for a second then I remembered that you capped this as well. yes, I'm about to start.
Jack, I'm Mindwalker and you're Embryonic. When you die, you will be born.
Let's just call this Paradise Lost.
Did you see the figurine they're coming out with for her? I have a feeling you'd appreciate it
Hikari is best girl of the season
And nice
I'm working on it right now
Death is an illusion.
Jump from the bridge.
Fly high.
I have some pretty amusing memories of you and your inability to handle your liquor.
Silence is so fucking lmao
Let us end this.
Yes and I'm going to have to save up money for my first anime figure ever wtf.
Hey guys just made this new folder
She's a vampire! ^W^
and now you too? goodness.
I already pre-ordered x)
I vacuumed my car out
felt good to get all the carpet and seats perfectly clean
You shouldn't be.
How's it hanging fam?
I got a job. start next week. scanning. lots of work to do. flexible hours. good friendly people. know my dad really well, like since 1999. gonna be a good thing.
why not?
As low as any other day.
I'll grab a small drink for you then.
Remember the AyLmao
Congrats on the job cup
I am better than that now
Worst you'll get is me passing out in the middle of a conversation
Or being more of a weaboo than normal
I might do the same
Would be my first as well, but she's so cute
Totally not my fault
Sounds pretty lackluster
Oh hush, you like it.
I need to tend to a few things then we can start in. Give me maybe an hour?
Explains why no ladies want to slob it.
Because I don't like it.
Im literally on the verge of knocking out and taking a nap
Im all comfy wrapped in a blanket lol
say I did good.
maybe you could join overwatch later.
sure sure, take your time, just letting you know I'm available whenever.
no you shush!
it was hyperbole. I don't consider myself particularly cruel. just not particularly nice.
Enjoy the blanket space!
Don't let me stop you.
Ah, right, good girl.
I'm proud of you. Get that dosh in.
I would be up for it, though I can't speak for my ability while intoxicated
thaaaank you.
fucking...I totally thought I replied to this, sorry ducky.
thank you very much.
we don't play to win.
I still haven't forgiven you for last night.
Now this?
Nee nee thread
You did good.
Thanks fam
Oh you won't I was just trying to trigger Rin by posting this slut
Get me one too.
I'll have to reorganize a few of my fairies and amiibos so I can make room too..
Obviously she has to be closest.
Then why did you say that as if it was so?
omegle has questionable people on it but 10/10 all these years later it's still good
goodnight scoots
I was very drunk pls forgib
thanks :3
because I am horrible.
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
Somewhere, Solrock continues to spin.
Name: Lu-Tze
Race: Human
Age: at least 800 (as given in Thief of Time, maybe even 6000 (The Discworld Companion)
Occupation: Sweeper
Physical appearance: Skinny, bald, generic foreigner, tends to go unnoticed
While many cosmic harmony sort of high-ranking History Monks consider Lu-Tze unenlightened and annoying, and question his status, he is one of the best and most powerful when it comes to operations and training (though he does little of the latter). He's one of the most senior field operatives. He has seen it all, done it all, and still has not lost the interest in the people who make up history as they go along. In Small Gods Lu-Tze changed the path of history for the better, because he thought humanity could do without another war.
It appears he has once started training as a monk, but didn't finish and went on to become a sweeper. Everything he learned, he did while sweeping classrooms.
Lobsang (born jack_) was raised by the Ankh-Morpork Thieves' Guild (Also known as the Assassin's Guild and the "Diamond Dogs" (sic), but was discovered by Soto of the History Monks when Lobsang performed the Stance of the Coyote (personalized time shift, presumably a reference to cartoon character Wile E. Coyote's ability to pause in mid-air, often for comic effect) in order to save his own life after falling from a rooftop, which would have killed him.
In Thief of Time, Lu-Tze is identified by Kaos as one of his "Creatures".
Déjà Fu
A martial art in which the user's limbs move in time as well as space, allowing them to go back in time and punch the opponent repeatedly so that the opponent feels the effects of past blows while standing in front of the apparently motionless Déjà Fu practitioner. Similar tricks can be used to render the opponent's attacks ineffective or otherwise incapacitate him.
It is best described as "the feeling that you have been kicked in the head this way before".
The only known master of Déjà Fu is Lu-Tze. This is one of the reasons that people who do not recognize him are advised to follow Rule One. His mastery of it is whispered about in awe by acolytes and senior, high-level djim ninja monks of time. Even the Dojo Master had to submit to Lu-Tze, as did Lobsang Ludd in his incarnation as Time.
After restoring the world and the flow of time, Lobsang takes over the job as Time so his parents can enjoy some time off. He meets Lu-Tze in a duel who beats him with Deja Fu, finishing his education and making him a fully approved sweeper.
A martial art called Sna-Fu is also mentioned and used by Lobsang in combat with the Auditors, although Lu-Tze does not comment on it. In military slang, snafu is a widely used acronym for Situation Normal - All F***ed Up