comfy thread
Comfy thread
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thank god i needed a comfy thread
Good idea. I'll make myself some coffee
i'm still trying to be friends fyi but its so haaaard to convince the noosphere you arent a threat
Stay warm!
Congratulations, Bardo! ♥
my sister doesn't really do the fake meat thing. just makes good veggie dishes that I usually like. my favorite was this roasted veggie thing she did with a ton of great stuff that had this great amount of heat from spices...nnng. it was so tasty. I want her to make more.
What are you talking about?
Get me one too!
Ok: I remembered my dream last night for the first time in a while. A poster named socks appeared and began posting while I was asleep. Dream sucked, but I won a Pyrrhic victory and then encountered a witch house.
I love witch house
Put down the bottle, love.
or sleep!
sober as a gopher
u like 3 hare my favorite song?
Oh dear, that is disconcerting.
gonna opt for #2
hmm what is
Would that I could.
I don't know how she survives without real meat. Both she and I were raised on a very meat-heavy diet. I think without the fake meat she'd snap back to a normal omnivorous diet or go crazy.
Ur gros
i got some meat baby
Shut up Darwin!
Probably for the best anyway, it's almost 10 pm
ok showa
EAT MY ASS LOODZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah I don't understand how anyone survives without meat. it's so fucking delicious.
I dunno man, I just can't enjoy it. I've tried so many times. even with a ton of sugar and cream it's still bad.
Try the blondest coffee you can get and don't add anything to it except maybe a pinch of hot water.
I'm just here to take my place that's apparently written in blood somewhere...
It's just like the orgasm noises in my Mongolian cartoon porno comics.
I just don't like the actual taste of coffee. I've even had some of that starbucks shit that's basically just a milkshake with coffee in it and didn't care for it much, although at least that kind of thing I can drink.
I use energy drinks for my caffeine needs, that's good enough for me. if I don't like something after a few good tries I don't force myself to like it.
i remember this
It's very BIG
it's HUGE
I've gotten a lot of good erp onamonapia from those.
Ha! You wish!
yeah you getting flashbacks again?
I drink a lot more soda than coffee. If I had the willpower I would stop drinking soda completely, but I don't.
Believe it or not all of my sex onomatopoeia come from my stretches.
hmm i dont know but i have to work bai bai
if I spelled it wrong blame google. that spelling is what came up when I tried typing it best I could and it had the definition and everything. uguuuuu~
I actually have vanilla cokes in my fridge right now and been having one now and then but I barely ever drink soda.
if in doubt I would like to support this claim
Nobody gaslights me but Brian Fallon.
I fucked with forces that our eyes can't see, but...
Neru will suffer from that picture for a long ass tim
She cleaned the keyboard at least.
She did? How?
that was honestly hilarious and it made me glad to be here
No idea, but it took an hour.
I need to clean my shit and burn some incense
Is there new picture?
Not yet.
I think it's too much bully and I feel bad already
How can you have that much apm and have nothing?
She knows it is good natured, I hope.
How much was it?
Quality use of blanket.
That took a while.
Decided to go try out that car exhaust~?
my stretches sound so sub and girly
No get rid of the pubes.
Post clean shaven little Emily.
Shoulda' put a helmet on my wrench... I swear I go retarded! No matter where I drop, Im'a change the day regardless!
Wow lewd no
it doesn't help i can't see shit without muh glasses
For shame.
It is better not to be quite so famous...
I still do not know how you go that high with all that time supply capped and all those minerals floated.
Lots of control groups
By being gold.
He has NO control groups.
Because I am awful.
I'm not ashamed
my stretches are cute
He manually selects each miner and mineral
Stretches for what, exercise?
I am probably WORSE than that.
Brood War style.
Brood War ai pathing holy shit
no like yawning and stretching
If it's anything like it used to be then just being able to use a mouse and keyboard adequately should get you gold.
Idek how Neru got lower than that.
I definitely do not miss it.
Neru is gold right now, though.
why are you laughing? ,_,
I find it amusing.
yfw stretch marks from working out
Isn't ranked in sc2 just one big pool of shit right now? Except for the top?
It's just like League
I remember I lost all of my placements and got plat in SC2
I have avoided ranked until I can feel like I am at least 50% of my full power from 13 years ago.
I remembered her posting an image of Bronze.
Maybe it was in League's Turkey server.
If 4gate doesn't work anymore I won't play
4gate is DEAD.
I feel so betrayed.
The loli in Tales of Berseria isn't a loli.
sHe's a shota.
Yes yes.
"You'll frequently die because you couldn't pick out the pulsating assassin from the warped playfield floating over the throbbing LSD nightmare that is the background, which makes this game uniquely aggravating."
im quitting sc2
That night, Daniel had a series of vivid dreams. In one, he was endowed with the power to jump incredibly long distances, and bounded through the Amazon Rainforest, fleeing a tribe of headhunters. He lost his footing on a mossy branch, and fell into the net of a waiting savage. The tribe tied him up and took him to a strange ceremonial area of their village. One of them produced a long metal object and a hammer, and he felt immense pain as they began to hammer it into his skull.
Daniel woke up in a rush, gasping, relieved to have only been dreaming. As he patted his head to reassure himself, however, he felt a large metal object. He screamed, turned on the lights, and dashed into the bathroom. To his shock and horror, there was a 6” metal antenna sticking out of his head. He tapped it gingerly. There was no pain, but the rod was clearly firmly attached to his skull. “Oh well,” he thought, “If this isn't another of my dreams, it'll still be there tomorrow. It doesn't seem to be much of an issue, and I'm sure a doctor will take care of it straightaway.”
cya whenever
so what did you do today old man
Alan Wake me up inside...
am eating aha
Worked, just got back home. Taking antibiotics so can't drink for a time. Knee got infected.
i have a feeling Nezi wishes he was all of the anime girls he posts
just wants to be used like a nice fucktoy in the cute bodies
I'm sharing this with the thread so you can get a better sense of who I am. I'm just a writer who wrote his own nightmares into reality.
I thought this was over.
It has only just begun.
What'd you get shadowbanned for?
I do it unintentionally sometimes. I think I have problems.
Unknown. It happened recently.
As in, I was trying to find my account to share these stories and it had been deleted...
Why do you never imitate my typing style?
Because I would rather eschew punctuation and coherence than commit the egregious mistake that is the comma splice.
I do like to comma splice.
Darwin's, attentions, are, the, most, important,.
I'm not surprised. I always knew I had a big dick.
Does Darwin ever post here?
i think he killed himself
maybe you should stop spending so much time on your knees then eh~?
I wish I was that cute
but im not
Eh, just got twisted a bad way.
In my defense, you kinda walked into that one.
He's here right now.
I logged into the shadowbanned account and don't see a single potentially problematic post. I blame that team skull dude with the irony problem.
Good afternyan
why are all of your remi pics so dreadful
surely people would pay for work to be done
good night
Nini, Emiri.
sweetu dreamsaru
Darwin is a myth.
It's Ui's folder I think or at least he gave it to me.
if my internet wasn't shit i would have one that is far superior
Feel my fury... He really lead me on!
Hey man! You seem fairly attuned to this whole situation. Do you have any advice for me?
I have some iteration if chii's folder too I just don't usually pick out of it because it's one more click to get to.
plus chii is shite so
I don't think I've ever met her.
I will admit my remi folder is not one of my better ones.
i can already see that
touhou folders are the quickest and easiest to make so there's no excuse
chii might be shit but her folders are grade A
I'm a failure.
Do not talk shit about my waifu Savannah.
at least you aren't sci
pixiv has some good shit
I'm never comforting anyone again after what happened with Misha.
oh my god go get your thing.
I guess I'll take that little victory.
want to help me level up a smurf later?
Hey Sockies, I'm awake now~
I will reward you with my body when you get back.
nobody wants it
I wanna give Rin a hickey
yuh it's how i got most of mine so big
but it's kinda like deviantart for japan so there is a lot of really bad stuff there too
an you chose a 2hu that wasn't shit
She was thicc though
No one asked you grim.
what are you doing?
Biology homework. Learning abut shells and stuff.
I wish Ban was gay so we could go out for sushi and drinks then slip some rohypnol in his drink
Kiss posting that reminded me that we've been Loco free for 11 days.
People actually liked Rin from KS?
It was all about bacon girl
Why not just do it anyway?
>not renaming it to SwedishFish.jpg
I went for deaf mute because she's so deaf she needed glasses.
Did he post rin? I never noticed if he did.
He did.
So, decision.
Watch Trailer Park Boys, Try and complete Tropico 4 or Play SS13?
sounds super exciting
ban is gay
I am memorizing clam species
it's not super fun
I came back with good news though!
Weed and benzos!
They solve everything!
I can't believe I was doing everything wrong till now!
C-Cause that's illegal Rin!
Besides if I had some liquid g I'd rather take that shit myself and have a good time than use it on some white guy
I gotta admit the chair scene had me all doki doki
Shizune and Lily were aight too
I didn't really like Rin or Emi
Ty Kissy.
make someone else do it for you
Shizune is deafmute.
That chair scene was definitely something.
Rin was just pure autism and all of the options said the same thing but had context that wasn't provided that made them different and it was grating as all get out to finish it.
Emi was Eh, and Hisao had chronic the dumbs throughout it.
It's more effort to do that than to just learn them.
It's an intro level class so nothing in it is too hard.
I don't get what the joke is, is she distraught over the fact that bloopers are an item in the game, or distraught that she had to use one to get something useful?
You're welcome.
yeh it's true
he tries to hide it but he's not good at it
how long til you're done with that?
maybe another half hour, I'm just filling in the note sheet thing at this point.
Am I the only one here who remembers Mokou?
Word on the street is she has a nice ass.
how long have you sprent on it already
Ah man, I remember when Katawa Shoujo was a thing
I miss those days
Take me back Rin
I don't really get it either
I think he's still around in places.
Mordin of all people knew him.
45 mins maybe
last time he was talking to me about what happens to cocks when they go super saiyan
such a long time..
And old poster.
If I figure out how.
He still hangs around random Discords and /vg/, I think.
Haven't talked to him in years.
School is a pain.
yes it gets in the way of everything
just gotta get through a few more years then I'm done.
mah nigga
Talking about me while i'm gone.
I need to play more SS13.
Are we battling more or no?
who is this creature?
soto started it
animus ss13 server when
Nowhere near enough people
Tsumugi from amama to inazuma
she's a qt
And i'm ending it.
Meet up with Soto for sushi.
Just make sure to switch yours and his drinks when he's not looking.
i thought this was a tsuchi joke but then i realized you posted it
dont drink before 5pm is it? lol who cares when you lose all your money
It doesn't look very comfy in here
McFucking kill yourself.
Why would I meet up with someone who wants to drug and rape me ?
Is that supposed to be a McDonald's joke?
She is
what's that show about?
you can't do that
I can and am.
To drug rape them back?
That seems obvious
Make it comfy
nah nigga
I'm probably the reason for it not being comfy, though
Soto is probably immune to any kind of drug you can give him.
yeah boi
Her and her single father learning to cook and deal with life after her mom dying.
I have no good reason you should do it.
You could just let him drink his own roofy then drop him off somewhere dangerous.
you guise are rude af
Shut up, this is the most civil group of people ever.
Hes mexican though so he would feel right at some.
Yeah but how often do you think people have been date raping HIM
I am sorry. ilu :c
Put him in the ghetto Asian or nigger area.
They both equally hate Mexicans.
I mostly just blamed you for shadowbanning me...
Probably no one.
Do they really ?
I choose my hosts carefully...
You did something stupid if I banned you.
at what point does anal bleeding become concerning?
There's no legitimate reason for the account to have been banned...
It's just the weakness leaving your body.
Whats its name ?
I'm not asking for an unban, it's actually more damning to have it stay banned.
It'll corroborate a NoSleep story I'm working on quite nicely!
fuck off sci
Just PM the admins and they'll unban you + tell you why
I'm sorry.
I don't really mean to cause offense.
I was never actually gonna unban you anyways.
Exactly, his tolerance is low, this is where you can get him
there are ghosts in this shell
No hes immune.
haunted eggs
He needs to be banned more often.
And banned from life.
what do u do when u wake up in a funk kissshot
You never know until you try.
Go back to bed and hope I never wake up.
That's most days though.
Idk if euthanasia is a solution
hi im back from dinner
i need an adult
Wanna go out for sushi and get drinks ?
Euthanasia is always a solution.
There isn't one here.
If it's Sci, it's the only solution.
I'm an adult!
who even are you
Socks4Hands isn't Sci.
I'm an adult.
Merge complete. It's lit!
he's the new fella. whadaya mean
u r probably the only one!
I do not like him.
You never knew... that was his power.
An adult by day and a little girl by night.
Why do you not like me?
Merge is clearly complete. I'm so glad we managed to come to terms.
thats kinda dumb imo but okay
haha wow thats creepy!
Woman's intuition.
yes okay
They're close enough.
I've been so fucking good to everyone I've ever been in a relationship with...
do u wanna argue about it?
So you say.
Not particularly.
Where's your head, Agent Kujan?
i was talking about hipsters saying vinyl has a warm sound btw.
aw fine...
That movie is beyond my years.
I don't particularly like to argue.
does it make you upset?
No, it's just not very fun is all.
i guess nobody wants to talk to me uguuuu
send nudes
i~ see
The thing triggering your intuition is my occlumency. It scares me, too.
I’m like a magician
I’ll alter your vision
You see what I want you to see
I’m not who I wanna be
I’ll mystify ya
(Tickle your ears, tickle your ears)
I’m like a phantom
You don’t want to see who I really am
So I’ll be your perfect specimen
Say the right things that you want to hear
Make sure the real me disappears
Would you love me if you really knew it
Tell me what am I supposed to do
So pick a card, any card
Here comes the switch
When I fool you once fool you twice like a
Hat trick, hat trick, hat trick, trick, trick, trick (x3)
Hat trick, hat trick, hat trick, trick, trick, trick, trick
Now follow me closely
Tell me what do you see
I’m gonna let take a peek
Master Misdirection
I am a deception
I’m not who I wanna be
[Derek Minor's Rap:]
Now don’t we all look perfect from this angle
You see a halo but I’m just Criss Angel
My, my, how we dress up all the mannequins
Praying you’re impressed enough to buy what we are peddling
How many rabbits you have in a hat to pull through
‘Till you find Bugs Bunny it drive you Looney Tunes
Being yourself is hard to do daily
Being somebody else will drive you crazy (crazy)
Also post that vampire lolis ass
post your ass
when grim said he would collect weeb stuff on vinyl and you said you knew people who did that
Good work, you performed perfectly!
Go ahead, I'm bored enough.
You first.
That was like a week ago though.
post something cuter
i just wanted to clarify
The only avatar I posses that would fit the bill are a few select pictures of Smith.
And no.
Can't stop won't stop.
but I'm ugly
how are you today?
why don't you tell me about your job and stuffs
are we being raided?
No, two of us are just having a very special moment and one of us just received an invite to the jewel society.
I prefer not to let out such specifics of my life in such a degree. I'll limit the description to mitigation type work for residential or commercial buildings that flood/burn down/have mold/ and any other damage.
t-the chaos emeralds..!
but why?
quit it faggot
dying of hunger and boredom
what about you
Because I don't save many pictures of cute things.
Ok, you clearly aren't interested in pink diamond. Which jewel would you like? This one and clear [I think] are taken.
If I close my eyes my dick won't know.
Remove cigarette, though. Riot style.
Replace with lolipop 4kidz style
C'mon, the cigs are a temporary thing. I'd quit buying packs until last night happened.
You don’t want to see who I really am
So I’ll be your perfect specimen
Say the right things that you want to hear
Make sure the real me disappears
*snaps fingers*
It is done.
My current avatar can actually drive his 2002 Accord like an utter badass. Mustangs have nothing on it.
hey when did u first post here?
absolutely cancer'
I ate donuts
I thought you had those for breakfast.
me on the left you on the right
Maybe it's really Sabrina's Alakazam in disguise???
I had no tim
hmm sounds interesting
is it pretty hard?
I just solved my hunger
boredom is kicking in but I'm playing vidya for now
kinda tired :(
I guess that's true
hmu on steam if you really want stuffs
But you even woke up earlier than usual.
This was my current avatar's first post here:
This is still my thread, fyi. It just took a while to reach this part of the show.
It's more strenuous than my previous jobs, but pays about five times better.
Mystery Skull and I had to clear up our stand alone complexes, but song related:
how did u know erio and rin???
I don't know. A large portion of my memory was locked when I caused my current avatar to sustain enough brain damage that he died and I took over his body. He's forgiven me, though!
I do not even know if you are serious or not.
Everybody and their mother slept on this card...
thats fucked up!
Yeah... it is. I paid the price for it.
Pic related: it's what got me.
well idk
Two Planeswalkers—one compassionate, one calculating—are both on a mission to save the same world. There’s only one problem: the two have diametrically opposed methods. Koth would rather die than turn his back on his fellow Mirrans, but Venser believes they’ll all die if they fail to reach Karn, the metal plane’s creator. Who will win and save the world? Jace won.
And since Jace won, everyone won! The world was saved, Koth and Venser are friends now, and they get to all go have a blast at the afterparty.
man I'd rather have a job that doesn't pay too great but isn't stressful versus one that makes me dread going to work every day
been there done that
it's not fun
hi person I assume is cato
I enjoy it infinitely more than working for Disney or Universal. It just gets to be a pain as I assume every job does.
My name kept disappearing so I ended up saying 'fuck it'
You're clearly on the right track!
there is a script to fix it
Thank you all so much for helping me through this. I don't hate any of you, and I don't hate anyone (I might hate scientology, the jury is still out on that one.)
It makes things much easier
I saw it at one point
and then decided it was too much work
I'd like to apologize for last night again. Some aspects of myself are really not supposed to be touched, and when those fuses get lit I get triggered hard.
Where did Rin go?
I want to flirt with him
You dont have to apologize for being autistic
I didn't even
. The limit wasn't broken.
Autistic doesn't begin to cover it. You familar with Nikal Seyn?
Rin got got.
Freddy Roberts keeps trying to figure out what Nikal Seyn means. Some say 'It means don't even bother to try to shoot me!'
You are slipping, Soto
Your jpg is literally true. You don't want the answers, though, probably! They were excruciating for both myself and my avatar.
Ok, toodles! I'm gonna go have dinner with Merlin and the Moon.
erryone moved here
Wonder if what Socks is doing counts as spam and is bannable.
take care
I'd say so.
its a melting pot of autism
Dunno, replying to pretty much every single post with something not related at all seems like spam to me.
are you saying there's a worm in my apple?
the pot keeps moving
pony thread and lewd
put this in your "user JS" under options
var _userName = "";$(document).on("ajax_before_post", function(e, i) { var el = document.getElementsByName('name') for(var i = 0 ; i < el.length ; i++) { if(el[i].value !== "") _userName = el[i].value }})$(document).on("ajax_after_post", function() { var el = document.getElementsByName('name') for(var i = 0 ; i < el.length ; i++) { el[i].value = _userName }})
he's not disrupting thread
oh right youre that lewd furry
not all jobs suck....
I swallowed toothpaste in trout
usually just furry
from lewd
Rin I'll give him a temporary ban if you gimme a kiss
Why are you still up when you need to be awake again in five hours?
I never stated such. Just that what he's doing might be under the definition of spam. Not all spam is disruptive.
I was indicating all jobs have highs and lows.
And you wish your job was sucking.
Oh fuck I wasn't supposed to talk about this shit
lol sorry Bebo
yeah, the pony thread just randomly died
It broke my quick reply
you're not fooling anyone
you know this right
gimme that
yeh its been pretty dead
is live again
uh k
how many people fro lewds are here tho
probably cuz the discord is just better!
Neru can I also call you a she?
Is it?!
I assume everyone else, I dunno
why would people discord over image board
I gotsa post images
Soto come drink with me
I am totally not a lame drunk
dang I just got roasted
I knew I might have been setting myself up for that when I typed it...
did you try refreshing the page after?
lmao wow
was he kicked out or what
the image board is depressing
I'm sorry Grim
I'm just fucking bored as shit waiting for manny to come pick me up
We're supposed to Magic and Chill with everyone else
I think so, but things are ok the way they are
maybe a little
A risk you take when you want an A rank in dick sucking I assume.
magic is trashy
come pick me up too we'll go fishing or someshit
okey dokey
how r u
uguuu ;~;
not that I know of
not when there's bun
bread's half there
Where you at fam?
Or did you mean like in thread?
Well you're kinda shit outta luck for a bit cause I'm getting my shit ready to go over to my friends house
We gonna do a mini LAN and Magic and drink and stuffs
I'll be shit posting when I get there though
Magic isn't even that bad
We might also DnD if we dont get too shitfaced later tonight
Do you like fishing?
I am good, but too sleepy
What aboot you?
You're half there!
anyway now Im here to corrupt with bun
Im straddlin threads
saddest cums :(
probably the pony thing
dont you always do that?!
oh and /hgg/