Oppai is justice.
Oppai is justice
Other urls found in this thread:
Aye. It's innovative in all the games.
story is shit, but still entertaining. Might actually cosplay as Big Boss this Megacon.
boobs are okay. like everything else in life, they are better on boys.
yup. they really manage what a lot of games do not. they are just pure, unadulterated fun. I also played peace walker, by the way. very good, I liked how five was basically just a much better version of that gameplay.
nice. send pics.
Boys are great, regardless of boobs
Ever played it?
I'll think about it.
Reminds me, Thony was complaining how he lost lewds of you a few weeks back.
I wish I could be cool like my friend Chovie and pound a beer in like 10 to 15 seconds
It takes me like 20 to 30 seconds
That nigga is a black hole
I know :3
I guess it was meant to be
well I've lost them as well. lost a bunch in the latest new window's install because they were poorly stored, lol.
Ban pls
Truly a loss for everyone.
nah.. but i got Tropico 4 for free
i've only sim city
yeah what a bummer.
Cupcake, I'm going to pretend I didn't see your post because it happened after the cross link.
save me from this hell
I'll need to dye my beard and hair brown. Will feel weird.
Re-post because I slow.
Sleep is important tho, later :3
eyebrow wiggle.gif
somewhere soon(tm) in 2 days!
Oooh, I want to know the difference when you have them!
Play it mang!
Become the best El Presidente and build nukes!
girls are just inferior boys.
fair enough.
what color is it naturally?
bye emily
Nini, Emily.
My hair is black. But my beard has black, brown, and fucking blonde mixed in. Pisses me off.
But they got more holes and are sluttier though!
The name "Renegade Master" is spoken in hushed tones, slowly increasing in intensity as the beat approaches its event horizon.
Fuck off
they are not sluttier. the extra holy they have is nasty and means they don't have a penis. everything about them is just inferior.
ha. that sucks. on the rare occasion I grow it out my beard has started getting these weird really light hairs in it. happening at my temples at well. hmm...
Cupcake use a good avatar
That one sucks
We all need to do the LARP walkabout now and then. I broke my brain peering through the veil, but I put it back together stronger.
My hair won't naturally form a magnificent mullet like the boss though. It's not eternally thick enough.
Ahahahahah perfect!
get some rogaine.
i think i'll play subnautica instead
buy ikt
"He's not crazy, he's just having a good time. We all need to do the LARPwalkabout every so often."
Would be cheaper and faster to just get a shitty mullet wig so I don't look like a jackass growing one out for six months.
My voice sounds so high pitched there lol
Man I got so turnt on Sat
Its so poorly drawn though
Am I a meme now?
I dont know where the fuck I got that fucking hat though
that is...very true.
looks like tons of fun
I'm generally right, yes.
Now get out of that folder cup, it's too gay.
bitch I could be posting a lot gayer from this folder. don't tempt me.
Different folder.
ugh fine you fucking tyrant.
There were these 2 cuties at the maid cafe event last week and man it was pretty 10/10
We always get invited to them but never go
They are like almost an hour away and it's not worth it even if it is an open bar
Maybe if you cut your hair
Good girl.
good post. very relevant.
extreme pouting
You must use a whole bottle of conditioner every time you shower
I use alot and mine isnt even that long
Oh no how will my heart of fucking ice stand up to this.
Don't make me use this...
This is my preferred method.
not a whole bottle, but a shit ton, yeah. I go through like, 3-4 big bottles of conditioner for every one small bottle of shampoo.
This is some post-truman show shit, and it's glorious. It's like the show itself is fucking the viewers and they are powerless to stop it.
those curly endss
you're a princess
Don't get me wrong, Erina and Alisa are cute and all, but A.I. is fucking useless sometimes.
I triggered her cause
Jfc what kind of conditioner do you use?
I use herbal essences cause I like the smell even if its girly as shit
my sister curled them. normally they have a natural curl but not that much.
Hah gay.mov
head and shoulders, actually. arizona is so fucking dry I need something strong as hell for my hair to stay so good, lol. it's surprisingly high quality, like, similar to the "girly" stuff I used to use.
wait really? I was just trying to say "hate you" in a cutesey way so you'd know it wasn't serious. didn't know it was an actual term. accurate
Whereabouts in AZ are you? Wanna get coffee?
near phoenix. I don't like coffee, but you could get me a pastry instead.
What kind of body wash tho?
I use the caress bar soap cause its like goddamn lotion and feels so good
oh fuck I didn't read the name before I posted that reply. go away, socks4hands you weirdo.
Let's just say that you might not want to play Zersetzung in person.
Damn, you said the sacred bro code of not gayness.
It is already too late for cupcake :(.
depends on what I feel like getting when I run out.
right now I have "dove" blue fig and orange blossom scent. smells nice.
damn straight, nigga.
Post more of whoever they are.
You and your bastardization of the sacred bro-texts. You better not take advantage of it.
the fuck? I feel like it's a bit weird how often I have to explain to you I'm not after you.
I need more bottles to put people in.
He wants you to be after him.
I'm referring to your advances on others.
Dove is always nice but 2expensive for me
The ram is the same chick who we tooks pic of with the leash
The rem is a guy lol
I have also hung out with him
He's a cool/cute guy
What would certain people taste like?
Mr. Jonathan Teatime, (pronounced "Teh-ah-tim-eh,") was a graduate assassin from Ankh-Morpork, who was hired by the Auditors to inhume the Hogfather.
I saw after I made that post and instantly regretted it.
His mind has been compared at times to both a corkscrew and a shattered mirror (i.e. something brilliant, sharp, and dazzling, but also fundamentally and irrevocably broken).
Can we just ban him like Sci since it's just spam?
Yo I am not spam.
you leave the others out of this.
it's really not that expensive...and it lasts forever because you only need a little bit if you have a loofah.
you kind of are though.
It's time to stop.
Nobody gets banned.
Lmao gottem
That wasn't 100% confidence. You can ban me, but the problem here is that I have root.
Too late for that.
But I like Sci! ;w;
it's never too late for now.
I play anime and watch vidya and I'll talk about dadgun ronpaul if you want...
talk about this.
*pet pet*
I have to say, cosplayers have mastered the art of deceptive camera angles where it looks decent in a pic but otherwise look like they were beat with the ugly stick.
It's already too late for that.
What is a dadgun?
Is it a gun that shoots dads?
Or is it a gun FOR dads?
I don't watch television.
neither do I. I watch the internet.
It's his personal bastardization of the colloquialism "daggum", which is sort of a way of saying "god damn".
No, it means Dangan Ronpa.
where this is from
seems interesting
I don't watch the Internet.
Fuck off.
Is this you now?
All one word.
missin' out.
It's where part of me is from!
Have you seen The Hogfather?
Very good movie, can't recommend it enough to people that don't have the patience to read the books.
"The despair inducing game that started it all."
Well... that doesn't sound as cool.
Guns and Dads = Fun
I lurk through a rock connected to a telegraph machine.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised.
Good Omens is still gr8.
I'm very impressed by your progress!
100% this.
I bang the rock against the wall to create the morse code to type this.
Want me to find cuter pictures?
I actually believe you.
Fuck off.
Yeah yeah, whatever it's Danganronpa all one word, not Dangan Ronpa two separate.
Don't claim it's your favourite if you don't even get that right, fuck's sake.
Good work, Scanner. I love where this is going...
moar plz
quite impressive tbh
wpm with that?
I never claimed it was my favorite.
Then I misread something somewhere.
Do you use two hands and two rocks or one hand and two rocks or two hands and one rocks or just those brass balls?
Fast enough.
Blow me.
Cat always gets to reply first.
danger noodle
i was thinking of reading it, because i have a lot of reading time in college
432 pages
What are you studying and why isn't it psycholinguistics?
Anything Pratchett is enjoyable.
My favorite is Reaperman.
Making Money was reaally goood.
you wish, faggot
Ok, so my best explanation is that my phone is an SCP that also corrupted my computer and threw me into some kind of multidimensional psychic mindwar
Enjoy it while it lasts, this is probably the last moment where I will post the NICEST, cutest stuff; unlike the usual stuff I post.
... just realized I don't have much cute stuff, saved ever.
What the ever long fuck is this?
Yo Cupcake: Google "Karellen", "Zohar", and "Wave Existence Theory". You asked for three more words. It took me a while to find them.
Hamster girls true form.
maybe I will later.
No I was giving you hearts for the occult symbolism not the cuteness! That was a bonus.
God dammit Cup.
i'll highlight that one
thank you
I mean come on. you set me up for that one.
"Good. Now we can upload our implant tech into you. Look up the phrases "Karellen" "Zohar" and "Wave Existence" in order."
Occult what now?
You guys probably think this is a joke or something
Enjoy it. I also recommend the robot series by Isaac Asimov. Cup started reading the Caves of Steel but has been such a buttslut he hasn't gotten back to me to discuss it.
This kills the Tracer.
I'm looking at this, and I see occult symbolism.
Pantsu are the eight wonder of the world.
Not until I kill myself via alcohol then.
Ok, I'm gonna leave you guys in peace to do whatever the fuck it is you do and go attempt to not be a useless piece of garbage who's been in bed for coming up on 18 hours
I'll allow it.
drinking yet?
Foundation series is better, especially with his magnum opus, End of Eternity.
I'll play it safe and wait until Friday.
guess I'm drinking your share tonight as well.
Meh. I wouldn't feel like drinking tonight anyway.
lol that is a funny mp4
i like it.
everything okay?
Have you deflowered Grim yet?
Just tired.
Works getting irritating.
House needs chores done.
Yard needs chores done.
Would be nice to share the burden.
I aim to please.
I search far and wide for cute things.
A desert flower is most precious when left alone.
never shotcall again.
I'd be no help at all. my back doesn't allow for much chore doing. I'd happily trade doing all the chores if it meant my stupid back wasn't in literal constant pain.
Your back would probably hurt less if you weren't on it all the time.
our lux was g3
how the fuck was she g3
ah haaah.
It was that one play.
Most of them were very good and got me and Brother many kills.
I will tie you down and yiff you like a real man.
In all seriousness I don't want another roommate. A girlfriend or a wife would be nice, but finding someone competent is quite difficult.
yeah I wish I didn't need a roommate but hahaha all that pesky MONEY I need sure doesn't give me much of an option.
that skeleton looks scared
You could just go full Fish and get some old person, murder them, and use their SS checks.
I make enough to sustain myself with a bit of ease. But it sucks having to maintain the house on top of working.
The skeleton looks amused, to me.
that's one nice thing about renting. never have to worry about that shit.
Yay home ownership.
it's basically a game of what way you want your wallet fucked. renting costs way more in the long term but if you add up maintenance costs and labor for your home vs someone renting...I bet they aren't too far off.
I save money by doing my own repairs. Just difficult to find the time while managing everything else.
yeah that's why I included labor. I mean, your time is worth money.
The weak should fear the strong.
Owning something still has equity. Even paying on a mortgage and selling before it's paidoff is still equity.
cease this heresy.
yeah, I'm not trying to sit here and say that renting is better, just that it's not as horrible of an option as a lot of people make it out to be.
Hm hm.
Dislike chores.
Btw Luka, you into sim-management and spookycutey things?
so do I.
It's womans work.
so get yourself a woman.
i like the sims... yea
but not spooky things
cute things i like~
If you can find one that's fine with housework and isn't a gold digging cheating harlot I'll marry her in a heartbeat.
So that's how earbuds get tangled?
This is a new low.
It really.
You might like this.
I know I will.
probably smells like stale straw and piss
I feel at home again.
man it sucks for you so hard that you aren't gay. I feel so bad for anyone who is cursed enough to be straight.
I could go back to my trap folder if that would make you feel better, tsuchi
probably would since you're so fuckin gay
find one who isn't taken.
Nothing better than CUTE and DESPAIR
kinda looks like it works similar to Fallout:Shelter
I doubt there are many men who meet that qualifier either. And I'm sure there's a statistic of men cheating more than women.
Good fuckin' luck, lol.
I'm twitching with anticipation.
Who's that semen demon?
It is.
And I can tell you that Fallout Shelter's predecessor was One Piece Mansion.
That game was awesome!
Yo you should install Dust so we can talk without pissing off the thread
he liked being called a princess
Cup enjoys any feminine label.
Vy, what are you studying in college?
This one is my favorite.
Amen, Rin.
Hex Maniac, Best Maniac
What is Dust?
I'm sure there's plenty of statistics and everything and I'm sure that across the board, in all respects, men are just as shitty as women. but that doesn't change the fact that in my experience and the experience of nearly everyone I've ever met online or in real life, women are categorically worse than men in just about every conceivable way.
Team Mom
never knew that.
exactly my point
what the fuck don't blow up my spot!
why do you keep shilling dust? no one uses that shit.
It's truly a shame I dislike the male form and find the female form much more appealing.
It's the most secure encrypted messaging app for mobile, currently.
You have too much of that horse.
that's all I'm sayin'
for anyone in your predicament, I feel truly sorry.
Don't be a bigot.
I use it, and it rules.
This shit was the bomb, man.
I actually got a monokuma keyring.
Btw, my fave girl.
no faggots 'ere, mandy, saaah.
Your sympathies are surely appreciated.
I don't know where the irony ends anymore.
Wake me up.
I don't have a fancy phone.
I got a druggie phone
you too
you too
if they cooked cleaned and did that stuff well I'd let them crash at my place
smol ree
It's not even my folder.
You just don't like her because of the eyes.
I've lost myself inside a pit of irony.
I don't even
Is that so? And you can confirm this?
Only when I am slightly drunk, yet not too drunk, but not too not drunk....
np bud
Discord is also an option!
"Zersetzung #5732"
anything restricted to mobile only is garbage
no one wants to chat on their phone, desktop companion apps are a must. It's why kik is literally only for faggots.
I feel like this will only end in you murdering them.
plz no.
Half of the posts in the pony threads are just "sexy" ponies linked at each other with no text.
Pretty much.
The punch: Beating you to it.
I can confirm it, yes.
Maybe I should just order one from China.
That isn't Junko.
Don't fancy microphone, would do that in Sunday though.
as silly as it sounds maybe you really should.
Well then, drop trou. We need to fix that.
Whoops, missent.
Here you go.
I am in dire need of affection.
Just give her a little hug.
You're not beating me to any punch.
Even to this day we still don't know what it ree'd at.
o-oh my.
Junko is cool. But you know how I like to party strange. Toko my jam
Sick vape tricks will wake you up.
One time I went and looked at the pony thread and Anonthony post a picture of Celestia with a huge horse cock and said something like
"who wouldn't suck off their pony goddess"
I like the purple one more.
What's wrong, love?
Oh yes.
you sex maniac
god save our souls.
it was the camera.
I'm only a short motorcycle ride away, dear.
I recall a customer not too long ago. Had a Chinese wife. He did all the talking while she stood next to him. After I asked if either of them had any questions, he said no, and looked at her. She looked at him and there was a lull, before he said "You may speak".
I was so impressed.
As am I.
I don't really like her much.
I'm eh towards Junko.
I like lesser twin so much more.
This purple one, or Scanners' purple one?
Everything I say is ironic.
Even this post is ironic.
Its a lot worse than you think.
I am quite the slaaneshi sex fiend.
This is very true...
New person? Or just new trip?
sounds like a decent woman to me. a rare breed.
No, purple horse.
That detective is so bro for life though.
And that psychic dude is awesome too.
Purplehorse is my second favorite, though none of them kept me interested enough to keep watching the show.
One that knew her place, anyway.
any time you want, mandy.
bless asian women and their natural submissiveness.
I have been home bound for 3 days now.
I have had no significant interactions offline for a while.
How many levels of irony is my boy here on?
A damn shame all around.
WITHOUT wings.
just take a trip to china or japan and bring one back with you.
I don't know this horse
We're talking about horses.
Her role in this is so perfect.
But their faces are as flat as their chests.
And they would fit into most overhead compartments too.
I might take you up on that sometime when I am not dead tired.
Why are you staying home for so long?
incendia. from a fan fiction. aeris got attached to it and had some thread drawfriends draw him a lot of stuff.
nothing of the sort will happen
I lack reason to leave.
they are basically bred for white people's convenience. they even don't like asian men.
come visit and we can just snuggle instead.
this just made my day
open it up in 8 tabs at once
I am sure there is some reason for you to get out and do something.
I would fall asleep on the ride, and die though.
Equestria Girls literally did nothing wrong.
You're a faggot for knowing that
thanks tho.
My last ex was Chinese. Only thing wrong with her was the whole not telling me she had a boyfriend for over two years thing.
Slippery slope to full hikikomori...
oh well yeah that's not ideal. get an uber.
You can avoid that fate by simply never entering the path.
Or getting within 100 feet of a tranny.
Save yourself from a lifetime of prison and mutilated dickgirls.
That is actually way too sound, now that I think about it.
Will do. I'll post results.
I have 44 cents in my back account....
I'm going to judge your rear later.
Still counts.
Great photo of the state of the game.
was literally around during this time, sooo
Watching that autistic demon in Gabriel dropout put that spicy shit in her Udon made me crave some spicy fucking udon but there is no such thing around here so I settled with Spicy Pho instead
Guys do I have autism?
A VERY naughty filly
New person, eternal entity.
no money is worst feel. I sympathize heavily...
yeah that's a bit of a bummer. make sure the next one is single.
which one of us was that to?
My point stands.
I don't usually ask women sucking me off if they're still dating someone.
You are quite confusing.
It's alright. It is by choice. Helping out my gal.
I will just do it myself.
your point is pointless. I'm a faggot for a million reasons before you'd even have to worry about my involvement in the pony threads of old.
huh that's so weird because women are so frequently honest and trustworthy OH WAIT
It was most likely to you.
shit gets iffy when you're unsure of your own sexuality
its all good now
you're a good man, mandy. too good for me, that's for sure.
Again, you see my trouble in finding a bitch I can trust being alone in my house.
I think China just gained like five ghost cities.
Did you just pray it away or accept it and not act on it?
Pretty Pho-king worth :3
I can also be called a naive fool that is easily manipulated to help those in need.
McFucking kill yourself.
You're AZ crew as well?
I just realized that
sometimes you get so horny you just want to fuck the nearest thing, and that's okay. Just learn to control yourself
what the shit
i wish my pc worked. i don't have anything on this laptop at the moment to post back.
True enough.
Yes it seems that way.
it all comes back to the main problem you have of being straight. that's the root cause of your issues.
yeah but that still makes you a better person than a selfish piece of shit like me.
North Phoenix. You?
I am not sure which is better, honestly.
Are you the chasm, the skeleton, the hand, or the hotdog?
I could be wrong though.
Whats the problem ?
Just describe the pony to me.
Grim pls the more you hold it in the more ham you go when you bust those closet doors open
I can't be the problem, it has to be everyone else.
The Dirty T.
both suck in their own wonderful ways. isn't life grand?
okay, cupcake playing overwatch.
Nah, you were right.
See you tomorrow then.
Those taste good from what I remember.
I haven't had one in probably more than 5 years though.
all of them
this guy
I might get a PS4 in a few days.
You poor bastard....
I think I would rather be a selfish asshole, honestly.
That would be a good enough reason go to out.
no I mean your comment. it was...ugh never mind. I'm not going anywhere at the moment you weirdo.
come be selfish with my asshole.
It's been storming here for days...
Body was semi paralysed but I really wanted a cup of tea and some chocolates.
Felt like fighting against quicksand just for a brew and 2 munchies.
Ok, I'm gonna go get some coffee, play some SSBM, maybe go to do work!
Vienna Sausages?
They just taste like salt.
My grandparents keep like 50 cans of them in the pantry for some reason.
If you say so.
So how are you anyhow?
RIP it's not one peice the anime.
Were I single.
It is beautiful weather up here.
Oh, I don't play overwatch anymore, and have never played with you, so the joke was lost.
What is SSB- OHHH, you mean fighting game?
I'd play the game, THEN drink coffee so more energy for work.
How is this supposed to be even "cute"?
They look fucking seven years old.
I don't know what I'd post until i find something in one of my folders.
I have the secret inside data.
I'm alright, doing math homework.
then just cuddles.
it's hyperbole but I do tend to blame things on everyone else on the team a lot when I solo queue.
I do shamanic practices, and I've been engaging in a multi-year rain dance. It's paying off dividends.
the added dubstep is supposed to make it silly
I dont have the original scene but its probably adorable
its old people food
Quicksand is so cool though.
You have a better chance getting out of one if you're chill and work with it.
grim, a state machine diagram isnt an appropriate piece of documentation for a simulation program containing agents, is it?
Well yeah, other people suck.
Demi-chan 2 was pretty meh
Now I'm laying on my bed contemplating on taking a nap cause I fatassed a whole bowl of pho
That pun was great
Pls no bully
Oi oi
I never liked eating them cause it is such a pain getting the first one out
Hell yeah you do!
they really really do though it's not my fault they can't play the fucking game >.>
Original sauce is Guuchimon rabbit maids or whatever the fuck it's called.
It's because it was about headless horse-chan, I getchu.
is it a social simulation
I agree. If only there was a way to filter only good players.
I assume that means discord or steam.
Good luck with all that then.
Just drinking some vodka after a while, no clue if I should watch or play something.
Seriously, I've been doing a raindance related to this song for... over a year now.
Do you have one? We could play together.
that would be lovely. people who actually know how to play objectives and make proper team comps...
I don't even remember the context of saving this with this filename.
Subtle always posted the original.
It's fucking autistic.
It's like that super fake KAWAII SUGOI UGUU ONII-CHAN shit that has no purpose, isn't cute, has no plot, and pretty much exists for pedophiles.
Yeah, agreed.
I think they said they keep "in case there's an emergency" or some shit.
I will keep the invite in the back of my mind if anything happens.
Oh that must be an interesting sight to see. Care to take vids?
I know, right?
ive seen a couple of eps
oi oi oi
Na, I am strictly PC kinda guy. Sorry, love.
we can keep it as platonic as you'd like, mandy dearest
yeah yeah I know, what a fucking joke
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
moe is a genre in anime and that anime caters to the audience that enjoys it. Girls love that shit.
If I told you, I'd have to kill you.
Watching and playing is good, I will do that stuff after homework. Responsible I am.
its a 5 a side game of football simulation in prolog
Chung is my fucking wife.