When the waitress thanks you for coming
Kha'zix will go off and kill Mordin 2x in the jungle and then camp bot.
Subtle and Lexi will be toxic and get banned.
No anime tiddies are everything.
I would kill the fucking kid
I'd just fuck his father.
You're like 1/4 right already
Playing Game Cube games.
Her tiddies are hidden by the void.
aha you were right
i spit on you
did you change your skull and crossbones?
Is this George?
you should play video games.
Where is your name?
too lazy to put it on
I am an expert at this.
You-gara're welcome.
Praise me more.
I did.
yay aram
Kinda wanna take up SC just so I can git gudder than Neru. =w=
Hey, give me bakelite
The old one was better
and whys that ?
this one is too cartoony
Well it is an anime image board.
The hecko is a grachuuu?
what are you the mistress of
but I like the sharper art-styles better than the more bubbly exaggerated ones
it would be pretty scary if there was no sky
Please try and keep up.
Maybe I'll look into it if something comes and changes my mind.
*evil smirks*
was thinkin about you this morning. where you been?
neither is bad, so whatever works
I'm not hip and up to date with all these new fangled Pokemans.
subtle still toxic tbh
I was dealing with some shit going on in my head, and I took quite a long break from posting, but I came back, I always come back.
I need a massage.
comfort food
lulu buffs when though
I'm just gonna stick with this then.
Its not a pokemon you dumb girl
i'm glad, we need more ppl like you here
hnnnnng. i want one so bad ;-;
go eat ur icecream
Idk how supports do it
What is it? Educate me.
Imight feel a tinybit bad about bullyting tbh
highest settings.
say it like garee would!!!
were you playing leona again
not playing on naping would help
Icannot break character until tomrorwo
Would certainly relieve a lot of stress.
What kind of sick fuck would put sausage on a doughnut?
No way.
Playin squishy passive supps just feels even more useless
And I don't have an AP ones
a good fuck
Oobles draw me porn.
Well, to be totally honest hour adc was a do or die-pick trist.
do not build sightsone
rush liandry mask and sorc shoes
+40 flat mpen
I still haven't really figured out what's going on in my head, but whatever,
I finally ordered a galil parts kit and some torch cut demilled receivers to weld back together.
What the hecko?
velcros cute tentacles
Would it be like chicken and waffles, the whole sweet and savory thing?
what do you mean? anything somebody can help with or just a you thing?
Gariru es naisu. am jealous
Gotta play aggro vs. jinx, if you let her farm she's gonna have the easiest time
3k more IP and I just might ^^
Give me those beach pics
You heard me
hecking freako
Why the fuck would you play support
More than likely, yeah. How you been tsuchi?
aha Ihave nopix
Play War3 Melee with me because SD lost his game.
Because you're good
I'm gonna beat you up if you don't stop being a bully.
tfw elise gank
Troll's First Attempt at Bondage?
nnnnnnnn I was told to ky
Only norms
Warcraft 3?
Hey now you are the one who builds ludens on janna.
Why the fuck would you play norms
I think I just need to go home, and get back in the swing of a normal life, it's taking too long to get out.
I was also thinking about putting together a valmet RK 62 clone with one of the receivers.
Rolled 1 (1d2)Beepsky
It's NA and I'm lvl 18
Building ap is building supportive though heals and shields scale off ap
At least I get the goddamn sightstone.
Pretty disappointed. Cowboys lost.
Why the fuck would you play on NA
i came
Grim said you did though
You could never beat me up.
Dotacap or bust.
ayy lmao
never heard of those b4 but looks gud
I'm ok. I'm eating chips and playing Rust with people
Soulstealer into death cap is mandatory Janna build
I've been working out and I can totally lift 21lbs!
I will rekt you kid
Its okay subtle
I still luv u
The peeps
Don't feel like playing much anymore >
he had like 50 HP and I couldnt chase him into the bush because of isolation.
aha gromm cannot stop thinking about men in skimpy outfits and stuffs
Awww, okay.
It's usually both tbh.
If it's Doritos/Cheetohs, I'm judging you.
double ludens fucking lol
Is that even heavier than the bar ?
I doubt it was skimpy though.
Probably just at the beach with ice cream dripping onto your big hairy chest.
it was Neru/Grim/Lexi/Mordin/Darwin
Lewd ekko
u r a lewd ekko
Hi, my name is Ronnie
I'm a addict
argh... mundo.
I have no idea!
I'd go morello instead of the ludens for cdr
but I uninstalled so guess I don't go anything :^)
Half of us are european!
Oh so that's why Lexi told me to come on NA..
Seems like you were full anyway.
Rylai's, Liandry's, Cap, Void staff and Sorcerer's shoes, guaranteed fun with Vel.
Until Yi happens.
Fuck that guy and his immunity to slow.
Well I sure can't kill a mundo like that as Talon.
No one can actually.
If it is its not by a lot.
It's funny because he's black
Oh, it's basically what the galil was based on, as well as the sako rk 95, and if I can find the parts I'll make a clone of that too, they all share very similar receivers so galil receivers should do.
you gotta wait for him to q onto someone and then throw your e
lets re roll
galil a reliable gun
I went Mikael's because I'm a GOOD support.
Maybe that's why we lost
Need more imports.
I don't want too
I've never lifted one of those things in my life.
It's salt and vinegar.
I'm the type of a guy to go QW and R on him before getting to lvling E.
Best chips
Especially Kettle brand ones.
the only good support is a support that knows how to succ
At least I'm not bad at everything like SOMEONE WE KNOW
So, not you.
I do
Yes! Good taste.
yeah i can kinda see it too
what mainstream gun isn't reliable these days
Israeli anything is usually pretty damn good
It didn't help I had to pee that whole game.
I nearly always outdamage my adc on that champ
I sometimes buy their sea salt and black pepper chips and sprinkle it with balsamic vinegar.
It's the best.
Did you play jg like I suggested?
Also come onto steam
Yes, it's just a milled AK, like even down to the bolt and carrier, all interchangeable.
Galil is a dog.
And they're all just milled AK's in the end, I also want to build a bizon, but I have to find someone to send me those helical magazines.
Ooooh yeah. My favourite is actually honey mustard.
my mistake
I used too but then I just stopped for no reason.
And not like it lasted long enough for death timers to give you time to go :c
have you asked around on /k/? I feel like those guys might know people
Grim and Tristan were the only people I could trust to go Vel support.
Kaybe does a good vel support
Plus he's a qt so bonus
I haven't had a problem playing adc in 2017.
This is going to be terrible. The tutorial alone was bad enough..
Wow fuck you all
It is indeed terrible, don't do it.
That's gross.
ADC is fucking BORING unless it's Corki Vayne or Jhin
What if someone kicked you in that infected knee
I bet it wouldn't feel nice.
The tutorial is ridiculous, it's like they'll teach you how to breathe next.
If someone kicks me and I find out about it they'll be in trouble.
You mean Ezreal Lucian or jinx
those are the funnest
I mean a lot of people play it so it can't be that bad, can it?
Vayne looks fun. Is Kindred and Kalista not good though?
I thought you couldn't recall on that map, why are they teaching people do recall on it when you can't normally? That's gotta confuse and anger some people..
Old graves was fun too but hes not even an adc anymore
I'll give you the other two but not jinx
Bitch puts me to sleep
Kalista is fucking GARBO
Also kindred is a jg they killed her being able to go anywhere else
Yeah I guess. I dunno how many people play arams for their first levels. I assume low level aram queues are sorta dead.
new graves is fun for jungle and toplane though.
Shes fun if you can actually get kills and run around with 800 MS
They removed a champion I played and replaced him with something different.
Pretty much wasted my money on skins for him.
Is all good, the thought behind it was that the Israeli are known to fight like dogs when backed into a corner.
I have, but no one wants to sell anyone out or give up their sorces, they suggested I ask people I know, or ask on .ru gun forums.
I would rather not even play support.
Oh wow so these free champions just suck then? I guess I gotta go see how much the good ones cost then..
I don't know what counts as a low level aram but I guess my account is locked to only bot games until it's level 3
Wow what lame people, if I knew anyone I'd tell ya.
cheeky breeky
I already got dressed to go stress buy some things at walmart.
I don't find her all that great.
She's cute I guess.
Try it for yourself, then.
Who are you?
Go mid then, it still works
*raises hand*
are names sticking again?
i was phone posting last night and it never fell
I was more referring to the armor pen changes
But ap Lucian is fucking awful tho
. . .
I can just play Ziggs though and I actually like him.
No issues for me today.
I dunno. and yeah, they make you play botgames for some reason.
what's that supposed to mean???
I don't like Ziggs, he feels super awkward with the randomness of his Q
Can you Barcode in League like you can in SC2?
I ask because I may start playing with some IRL friends and fuck me if I want you guys to figure out who they are.
Its not random at all though you just gotta learn it.
I ordered some custom shoes online.
I hope they fit meeeeee
You suck at succ, clearly.
Nathuram Godse
oh.. why.. what in the hell
Laaaame but I guess it's so people can learn the game and not piss off others as much? But bots can be so predictable in any game.. Ugh
Eh, I still don't like it. I can play with awkward skillshots like Vel'Koz because I can at least control where I split the Q and whatnot but the bouncing on Ziggs is just frustrating
I'm sure I'll find someone among my current friends, that would be able to find them, at least to order them then ship them to me, it's the damn russian import ban that stops me from getting them.
lmfao the animation is pretty accurate to the webm
Just miss everything and blast them with an auto
how do you know???
i've never succ'd you
Do you mean from screenshots or from just being unable to know the name because you can select the name from like lobby or from the raw text game logs if you were in the same game.
I am judging you.
I just bought Kled.
Aren't they the same but just named differently?
i bet i fit you
ur not a killer.
I can tell who a good succ is at a glance. You're E tier.
Hi, my name is Ronnie
I'm a addict
Why don't people who get hit with Kalista's black spear have a choice to accept it or not like it says they do?
I've heard a lot of talk that Trump wants to kill that Russian import ban when he gets in office so if it takes too long you may be able to look forward to that if it's true
Nice picture
It was my old LoL name
Eh, still not my thing
I'd rek u on AP Lucian kid
With Ludens you go F A S T
Woah dude you don't have to take it personally
Time for a new account.
It's more I'm suggesting I'm going to make a new account and not mention it to anyone.
Because I'd rather not subject my IRL friends to this place.
i wouldnt fuck an addict.
the niggers actually have a hidden passive of +10 ms out of combat
you cant tell because it doesnt actually update the ms stat with it
I have played like 5 games in the last 8 months.
My ping has taken a nosedive since my new roommate moved in, I think his nigger ass is using all of my bandwith
He's Chinese btw so I'm not being racist I swear
Actually I am going to be racist
FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chinamen
I am ziggs and jinx irl though
Yeah you would.
i like kalista. she kewl
tonsa spears
mega rends
super kiting!
A flat-chested blue-haired midget with ADHD?
fuck you I know how to deepthroat
Best adc is Ezreal because you belong in a museum
I think she's alright, probably who I'll play the most since she's free
So you get a D for the D.
I don't know what mine will be.
i also swallow
No racist Colbs.
That's expected.
Fuck you, you European scum
Post pics
No bully.
So, best case D+
Better than the alternative.
Hah your GDP is lower than ours
buying dat hurricane item rly makes me feel liek a pro! :D
it allow my to side step all the things and rend everything!
fak u Im a good succ and I don't care if u dont beleev meeeee
she has a nice dress in that pic~
I'm comparing you to Cup, and the name of the game is experience. How many have you practiced on.
I need a pic of you in said dress
Yeah, I do look forward to all the awesome things to come with trump, the hearing preservation act has already been proposed.
So, none?
Oh my I hadn't heard about this before, thank you so much now I know I'm going to be getting one
Trump is love
anotha one
If I buy it for you, do I get pics? ;)
It's what you deserve for not being American
if i had a use for it.
I follow all the gun news intimately.
I can't wait for surpressors to be removed from the nfa, so that the prices on the American market will finally be reasonable, and no $200 tax stamp, gotta talk to senators and get it pushed through.
You could wear it out when you want to feel fancy! Maybe when you visit family, etc.
why u lead
Is there some special place full of it? I don't really know where to look and hear at the least what /k/ feels the need to talk about for a week.
If they remove the need for an nfa on it then all I'll need is an ffl to be happy
i don't really do much of any of that.
It's an excuse to do more of it, then
Use your words, Nezi.
Help I just fucked this up.
Tgc news on YouTube, and all the supply places have emails with news letters, guns America is a good one for news too.
Good luck finding me.
i can't see how it changes anything.
but, thanks.
I mean, you're a blue-haired midget with ADHD so you can't be that hard to find
ur that one house, on the beach.
This hurts my kokoro.
You're never gonna be a classy lady with that attitude!
I think he wants yours
Googling those has some nice results, time to watch and read a ton on things I didn't know before. Thanks!
I mean isn't he already going to play with you?
ban gives the A+ succ on raka
I believe in you Luka
I won't leave my cave.
don't wanna...
I follow gun news religiously, I like to know what's going on with ATF rulings and possible gun control bills in the works.
Fine, you can have a C for your dedication.
That's actually pretty damn funny because he was a carpenter.
Someone teach me not to fall asleep
why do people use hashtags so liberally like that
its pretty cringe
Weld, I'm going to bed, night guize.
Monster™ Energy
i want an A
You'll need to practice more then.
I have neither the funding nor the connections necessary for that.
Otherwise I probably would. It's pretty much the one ilicit drug I'm interested in trying.
Maybe. Traditionally I hated monster even when drinking energy drinks but the sugar-free one that's not so ridiculously fucking sweet and aspartame tasting is nice.
I like the original
haven't tried the sugarfree
Get sucking then. Let me know how it goes and I'll re-review your score.
People who play bots kinda suck but I guess that's why they're playing against bots.. How do you even die..
gnight Griddles
Today's yuri releases.
Same way I die in every game.
By playing hyper aggressive and being constantly over-exposed.
Baside force of yuri.
ty freindo
I also don't play, and haven't since S2, so.
if youre playing safe against bots you are just subjecting yourself to more boredom on top of already playing against bots
I actually don't.
Then how did you know the last time you played it was S2?
The high is too fleeting for the amount of effort it requires to obtain.
There are people who play bots regularly past their first few games?
regular sugarfree is shit
There's some 'ultra' sugar free ones in a silvery can that are far better though
Oh well.
Arbitrary guess because it feels right.
How so?
Or maybe you're just acting that you don't know so much about it, so nobody would call you a real nerd.
The so where both of those are also true for me but I'm kinda a fag who's awful as communicating so I said that instead and reasonably understandable way of saying so.
By that logic you're a purple flying hippopotamus, and you just pretend not to be so no one will call you on it.
Well, I'm no Mozart.
Also was that an Age of Mythology reference?
that was brutal
poor trynd
monster zero ultra
according to googlez
i will try it
It wasn't even bad.
cause we were with friends
fuck lb and eve tho
I mean it's not great, but it's at least drinkable, because it doesn't taste of cancer, which for sugarfree soft drinks is better than average.
Only one I know is you
Squash is cool though
how old is Subtoe ?
Whatever it was, it was shit.
Not explicitly.
It was just the most arbitrarily fantastical thing to come to mind.
You're shit.
hes like 21
Ah well, I recall that "iwuvwoo" was an cheat for a purple flying hippo with a top hat spitting out hearts at your enemies.
Nothing to mention about a bear with Canada's flag as it's cape, shooting out lazer beams from it's eyes.
Oh okay.
I'm a rude person.
boot into safe mode and do a windows repair(if you made a backup partition)
if you didnt boot from a windows 10 iso and do a windows repair
does he sound younger or older
you can do many amazing things with that champ
learn him well
buy me a rocky road
Can I get a cookie dough?
Are you really asking me that ?
at least you didnt crack your skull
idk he just sounds like a brit to me
mine did that
hard drive was dead
you can try windows repair but if your hard drive/computer is 2-3 years old at least then your HDD might be kill and you should just buy a new one and reinstall windows
better hope you backed your shit up
I can't even open my car.
His voice is higher pitched than Jacksons.
omg itz a skull!!1one!!1
dont do it lol
he will become upset
I couldn't tell.
Idiot's here! What did I miss?
Time to reinstall!
Unless your HDD/SSD is fucked. Then a fresh install ain't gonna do shit
You're the one who asked me.
You should try and pay more attention.
I asked how old he sounded to you ¬¬
Who are you exactly?
Shit's fucked
I'll try senpai
were they not canned or something?
you couldve just bought some for the future
I gave you an answer in vague way.
I won't notice you though.
My life is over
pls cure my boredom
Idm at all!
Better end it all then.
Some fag who posted years ago, got bored of the new circlejerks on Holla Forums and decided to come back
I've explained this too many times now.
Well, nothing I can do about that. Sorry.
Full 16oz can, $0.88 USD each.
I really have no self control when it comes to this kind of shit.
What Tracer said, but publically.
a fuck ton of dust got flown around in my room. is it possible that there can be so much dust in a computer that it can permanently fuck your hard drive? or will getting a compressed air can maybe save me?
I'm too lazy
do it for me?
I don't really keep track of people here. So I had no idea if you were new or what.
Dust of any amount is bad for a computer.
Pics of inside of computer case.
I am Coleridge's selective suspension of disbelief.
You could fix it.
How 2 an hero
Suckerpunch politics are my forte, pals.
Choke yourself on my dick.
That which controls the salt controls the universe.
Chaos Control.
Pony porn music.
No, it's so you can work out the hashes and undo everyone's crypto.
shouldve just made a quick trip to the supermarket to get a tote bag and stock up on that shit
There are worse deaths.
Many of which involve you.
Only if we get a nice dinner somewhere first.
I'll pay half the bill, you cover the rest. Sound good?
Fair enough.
I'm gonna need more duct tape.
This raises even more questions as to who you really are.
Then I'd end up drinking it all in one night and having a heart attack and then being dead.
Didn't I just say I have no self control?
Alright now that was a good one.
You ready for The Secret World to become part of this? Guess which faction I'm a part of, if you care. I'll answer.
this shit's fucked I swear
looks like I'm not going to AX
Holy shit, dude.
Thanks, I think I get this place and it's like a sanctuary for something in my situation.
I can't think of anything.
I've always said I have penis though.
I already made it to raftel and know the secrets of the void century.
no just suck mycock pls
I'm fucking praying a good dusting will salvage this hard drive. I'm pretty sure that's the issue.
That may look like dust, but it's actually 4-HO-DPT. Be careful, man! I call it Zen Dust.
What's my sword?
I don't think it will.
idk why anyone would drink that much energy drinks
sure theyre good, but imo they are the type of drinks that are good in tiny sips
drinking a lot just doesnt sound appealing
All we have is some kitchen twine.
Your cock is that awful?
Damn, noted.
A diet of redbull and cigs with no sleep nearly killed me once. I was at 10/11 symptoms of imminent heart attack and had to go to urgent care. Literally one from BINGO!
Its that massive.
this is gonna be a long few months until I can get all the parts for my new rig
yeah I know but I really would like to salvage some of the shit I have on this hard drive at least.
Ahahaha no. Great guess though I might use it in the future.
become one of us(me) and drink tea
I'm failing to see how that would make the death worse
Well except for it only being big because it's a nigger dick of course
HDDs aren't that costly.
waifu no.5's outfit is pretty sexy yet simple
Sorry, I drink Taco Bell (r) Coffee (??? maybe) with two (2) creams and one (1) sugar.
yeah but I have all of my shit on here and didn't make backups like a fucking tard
that's all my trasition pictures, music, non-steam games and everything else gone
u irl
Start over.
You're still some kind of androgynous enigma as far as I'm concerned.
That won't help much.
An OBD-II port scanner and a multimeter would help though.
Welcome to the craptop life. I'm in the same boat tbh, been saving up for parts for my rig since last October.
F i n. Bee?
this is objectively correct
Its because shes got that nice body desu
I'm going to sleep, though.
Mostly so I don't have to question peoples' poor life choices and get headaches at 23:30.
If this hurts, I'm sorry. You signed your own death warrant.
Great call.
Thats pretty much been my goal.
atleast you arent living off energy drinks anymore?
shes also cute so thats another plus
Code cracked. Let's have some fun, bro. It's fucking lit.
LOL why do you have this saved
It's his Standu.
I couldn't honestly give you a real reason.
Ok, new plan:
Fixed that for you though
I was mostly kidding, I don't actually want to abort everyone.
welp, theres no dust on the bottom at all so I'm gonna have to guess the HDD isn't a problem. don't know how it could be software considering literally all that happened was dust and I moved my computer
what are you talking about? thats insanely hot!
howd you get such a big dust build up
Fuck, man. You must have inhaled the Zen Dust. It will be extremely enlightening...
4 u.
i tried
I don't get you.
No, seriously, I can't... That shit's expensive and I don't want to dump the responsibility onto my parents.
Do you actually have any idea as to what you're doing?
Did you even check the disk health with some kind of SMART disk utility? Like, at least the disk utility that comes with Ubuntu on a live USB or something?
No you didn't.
I got 4 for the price of 2
But I didn't get that kind
Nini thread
I was removing the popcorn ceiling from my room (I put a tarp over my tower and monitors though because I'm not that retarded) but afterwards I had to get all that shit out of my room and that meant sweeping which kicked up a lot of dust
what makes you think that
Free Masons
No you ruined it.
If you bite me I will slap you in the face.
Whats not to get ?
Do not pressure.
Lexi is passively trying to get my attention and i'm just keep pretending I don't notice.
let the palpitations be your reminder if you get this deep
why didnt you just clear the room . .
what if i want that
More like little faggots.
give her headpats for me
maybe itll help
Does that even matter ?
I'm still gonna hit you if you bite me.
No thanks
All I found was a hammer drill and some telecommunications testing equiptment.
It'll have to do.
Yes, this was intentional.
if you know thats what i want perhaps you wish to be bitten?
Me rn.
well she will see them on here anyway
good enough
You didn't even want to go get some dinner somewhere nice.
538 29
34895 79814 75017 50195 73904 57905 34859 03485 79034 87594 61509 71908 57190 87593 48475 07435 84718 09947 58993 15589 09269 99306 79826 98759 77195 98595 19859 78594 58233
Will do.
That's still not enough. Where's a god damn auto parts store?
where do you want to go then?
I know.
I still don't like it.
I not going to do it.
Unless they've magically become a good person (which is laughable)
Now I don't get you.
this is gonna fuck me isn't it
lmfao the amount of dust on your hard drive doesn't have anything to do with it dying
hahahaha I'm sorry but you're retarded
we wuz kang
windows 10 is shit
keep 8.1
if you weren't literally braindead you'd have read that my problems started once a fuck ton of dust got in my room.
I was a kangaroo, briefly.
and shiiiieet
I'm not entirely sure why, but this amuses me
Are you a brat ?
I'm going green pill actually.
This isn't a store it's a website
I took the Octarine pill.
Go I fucking hate water.
why are you being so shy
if you wish for me to bite your dick just tell me to bite your dick
33796 13577 74526 46647 79302 53516 25616 56069 96813 14199 20534 11140 43494 37638 16070 43494 37638 56070 48834 53735 61088 02440 59354 96320 36793 53068 76342 15009 34140 76386 91497 82963 34162 01405 15003
This is one of my weird obsessions.
Well, at least we have something in common now.
Make a USB installer for Windows 10. It should reactivate with no problems, assuming you didn't also swap out something like the mobo or CPU.
We're having one of those "I'm at soup" moments now, aren't we?
I already had gone.
Born just a little too slow
Just a little too slow
I meant to say car, but sure, why not.
Thanks, this was a very accurate depiction of what just happened to numbskull.
You keep posting these numbers like I'm suddenly gonna give a fuck?
Gain 1 more level and then come see me again.
Brat is a term for the BDSM role of a bratty submissive or bottom. Unlike the common conception of a submissive, a brat talks back, misbehaves, and is otherwise difficult.
Sounds about right.
I think I heard you talk in discord once.
come back out
I am the matrix, silly. There is no "out" for me. You missed the part where I ravaged those dimensions while playing Big Iron and wearing a blindfold. It was badass.
That is an awful term.
I hope to never see it again.
Possibly though.
Honestly, once I eventually get to see the footage, that's probably gonna be my favorite part. The bit where I suckerpunch Kojima is awesome too.
Dunno who dat is.
☠️ Unknown.
Have you been able to actually prove that the dust is causing any of these problems?
I know it is.
robots are gay
Seems pretty likely to me though.
I wish I hadn't informed you about it though.
I can't read cyka language.
What is this even from?
Drugs are bad...
Giving a fuck is overrated. That was never my intention
I can do it again if you want.
Maybe not much seeing as my room mate is asleep, but it's something.
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
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Honestly I just like teasing people, regardless of role, and not just as a sexual thing. It's just entertaining. Also, in my experience, the sub needing to be broken first makes it far more fun for both.
You're a drug.
so you're swedish fish and you're also posting as socks4hands
got it