The power of the night is strong here.
The agents of darkness must be acting.
The power of the night is strong here.
The agents of darkness must be acting.
wow it really is guitar hero
Ironic Chuuni is still just Chuuni.
Every whos darksided IN THE NAME OF JESUS I PRAY leave my house !!!!!!
You are such a degenerate, Master.
This is a post.
no it isn't
Oh, no!
The agents of darkness have taken hold of Subtle!
We must purify him!
Worry not, Subtle! As you are my familiar, I will be gentle with the purifications!
You've gotten enough feet for today.
I hate this
You cannot knock knock me over.
I thought I didn't sign anything yet :3
What anime is this Hestia in and should I watch boobribbon-chan
It's completely forgettable.
It's better than any monogatari
It was better than Kizu to be honest.
what is kizu
but it was pretty meh
this is khezu
monogatari is such a lazy name for an anime
it's literally just "story"
You didn't see danmachi.
I need to get more of Dungeon, tbh.
I was really hesitant to pick it up, because Hestia's design infuriates me on so many levels, but I picked up a couple Volumes and enjoyed it.
It's just the short name for it, none of them are actually called just monogatari.
I so DID.
b-bait successful
You did NOT!
Srs tho, AQUA is a better goddess than Hestia.
And who the fuck likes Aqua?
[ hecks ]
lmao those low mal reviews though
I'm pretty sure.
I like Aqua.
By the way, did you like my Chuuni op?
I thought it was delightfully ironic.
'cos the image is a vamp-chan.
You got me.
That is probably not aimed at me.
But vampire-chan is good stuff
Thank you denmark.
I know you like the back of my hand.
This has shattered what I thought they actually looked like.
miia best goddess
What even?
I am so sorry.
Why is there random japanese
They do it with English. Why not?
Anata no mokuteki nani sore?!?!
I actually meant it for Subtoe but thanks for the input!
Which one are you replying to?
Barbie doesn't have blond hair and Ken doesn't even have hair.
It's cultural appropriation!
is it spelled like that
he has a little at the bottom
I only hope for more episodes so the caps are even cuter ^^
The bottom of what ?
The second one.
The budget did not allow accurate costumes.
Yeah, it is.
Japanese people are weird.
What does it mean?
henn na janai
That's my avatar, stoppit.
I need to stop getting distracted by Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble.
what makes you think that?
What? The Japanese?
They had a car.
Speak American please.
W-what is
Your avatar.
That is where most of the budget went, like how the studio has to pay millions for all the hookers Affleck kills during principal photography and then they have no money left to fix shoddy visual effects.
My car is due for an inspection and i'm just not taking it in.
I've spent so much time with you that I know you.
You'll get a ticket.
Which affleck?
You'll crash into a bus stop full of children.
snek reference hehehe
They cannot see my mileage from outside my car.
everything on the outside is fine
Delightfully Chuuni Vamp-chan.
risky business.
Does it really count as Chuuni if you're actually a vampire, though?
Can't I like her?
Also she's not chuun though
I also know the 3 things that are currently wrong with my car
I guess you can.
Also, I know that.
I'm just making fun of her energy.,
Borrowing or stealing cultural forms of expression for our own economic gain.
I thought you meant something else.
I spit out a mouthful of rice and had to use the daikon i was saving to replenish my appetite
That doesn't sound like a very nice thing.
Look at this weeb eating rice
It's a common saying, to know something like the back of your hand.
Also I don't really know Casey for anything, but I heard he was making noise recently.
brb gonna go drive recklessly down the 405
That came out 1.65 times nastier than I thought it would.
I'm so gonna rewatch it if everything turns out to be as good as ep1
Look at this fake asian
Eu woldnt understand :^)
It has plenty of debate surrounding it in aesthetics and art criticism.
I thought you meant giving me the back of your hand.
I'm probably going to finish it even if not.
I only want to give you hugs and kisses.
I had rice too but don't tell.
Is it unethical to commercialize hamboigahs in Asia?
Finish it I am going to sowieso.
Is faku a aslan?
You had me 'til the end there.
No, that is just fast food and us Western pigdogs need a piece of that Chinese market to expand our economy and keep the rest of the plebeians safe from the terrorists.
I can't find a good English word.
So you'll need to do with sowieso.
it's like anyway but with more yeah
So putting kana on stuff repels terrorists?
Whats that
"So, yeah"?
Building giant robots does.
Ssssh keep it down
Eh I'll finish it anyway.
It's too good to not end as good!
Do we put mentally unstable children in them?
Its okay i eat sticky white stuff all the time
Oh. Yeah
It was hard to read thefirst time on foggy screen
Explains the uncontrollable weebiness.
Howbout u u jew
That sounds pretty gay now.
Moe ones?
Its not gay to consume my own semen
Oi I wasn't even talking about that you pervert.
Im getting ready to do it right now
So if you will excuse me
Unless you have any good material to share
Good, uh, luck, you perv.
the fuck is wrong with kids these days
Not enough eurobeat.
I ask myself this daily.
If it was worthwhile it wouldn't be a shitpost.
I'm still uncertain about her hair being propped up in car-ear like buns.
Of course not.
What did you expect?
Are there any Swedish posters worth paying attention to?
I mean, what have they ever contributed, besides one of Darin's fuccbois.
Are there any other kind?
Unmoe lolis.
It's kind of endearing in a weird way.
Casper was pretty chill.
Tho has not posted in a while.
Casper is top lad
hes kinda homeless
It's cute yes.
But weird.
Mostly weird.
I want to see the succubus in action.
Have you ever been this mad?
no tears. only lewd now
post more nudes
I think I might go to AX or sakura con with a miia cosplay next year
sounds like it would be difficult to move around in though
get someone to push your around in a wheelchair
wheelie snek
Here come da vomit
found this
I mean that's more of mero's schtick and I want to be able to take pictures with cute girls with my "tail" wrapped around them
Carry her around.
Erotic facts
I am far too lazy for gifs since I used puush for all of my caps
what would be the point?
seems like it would be an awful lot of work for one person
yeah I know, I'm the same way. that's why I saved that when I saw it to give to you.
Puush my prostate
think I'm gonna need to get fillers because I cannot match miia's tits at all
my laifu for my waifu
pls raet
Snek cuddles.
I get the feeling a Miia cosplay would be expensive as FUCK though
0/10 case
basically a toaster.
10k??? Shit son.
My throat feels sick
yeah thought so
not sure if it can play minecraft
this so hard
really though dont fall for the tempered glass meme
on one hand I want to get a lot of miia stuff but I don't want to make my house look TOO much like a weaboo waifu shrine
How can you fuck your imouto without VR arms?
Is this sudoku time now
At that point you should just custom or make it into a desk instead of case
how do I do that buying cheap chinese shit and have it shipped to america thing
you dont
Just mount it on the wall.
I mean...I'm not gonna say you should...but...
this is the one and only time scarlet would be useful
Whats with the miia obsession
Didnt you just watch monmusu? Has it even been a week?
miia's been my waifu for years but I only ever got around to watching all of monmusu last week
Hasnt been out for years
the manga was around for quite a while before the show.
Tbh, I'd a 12' of Vamp-chan, though.
Original run 19 March 2012 – present
I understand this but im just poking at it's delusions
Not that I don't doubt Fish even knew there was a Manga, but still, going on 5 years old.
If you want to be a jihadi number one,
You gotta kill for allah with an epic bomb.
How would one clean a fairy's face after cumming on it?
I ask for a friend.
Id lick it up
what did the doggo hear
life's hard
real hard
You bloody degenerates
You bloody jew
as hard as your dick?
Cupcake, which one's the Dullahan?
Also, is there a Vampire?
lala is the dullahan
Life is hard
Real hard
lala a cute
feku's answer is really the only correct one.
And you would rate her under a spider.
Even the Unseelie deserve more respect than that you gosh darn heathen!
hard enough to drive railroad spikes into place
march on jerusalem when
no vampire. the dullahan doesn't show up until the second to last episode. here she is.
I like burd best.
Christ i thought there were only 5 monsters
I was just asking her name because I wanted to know where Fish put her.
you usually have very patrician taste, this is no exception.
next year I think? did you find and watch the OVA yet? watch it online where it has subtitles then download the episode so you can cap it.
ooooh. I don't remember her name. lala apparently.
I'm bad with names in animes.
I couldn't find it...
Lala satalin deviluke
is the worst of the three sisters
It's something that isn't Seelie. :^)
If you ever do anything that involves getting within arm's reach of Fish, smack her over the head for me.
Not because I particularly like Dullahans, but just because she rated a fairy under a spider which is just sacrilege of the highest degree.
I totally agree
Nana best
I simply cannot imagine a universe or timeline in which I will not have a reason to smack fish if we were to hang out in real life. she is bound to do something wildly inappropriate that would cause me to do that anyway.
I like the spiderwaifu a lot. she's sexy as hell and is a bondage expert.
the manga isn't nearly as lewd as the anime right?
The best is either mandarins or konjiki no yami
Kotegawa is the only busty one worth your time
And momo is alright because her seductiveness caused a lot of doujins
Fre sha vac a do
is as lewd and then some from what I remember.
Spiders should be universally purged by fire, and Driders too because fuck anything even related to spiders.
how much does arachne eat every day look at that fucking abdomen
yes yes, your arachnophobia is well documented. I like spiders. burds will always be best though. well, and cats.
how much of the manga is available after the anime's end? what chapter do I start on?
Best dullahan is celty
cats kill burds for fun though
Only good spiders are jumping spiders.
quite a lot I think. not sure, but I know it wouldn't take you all that long to figure out yourself. I read...I can't remember how far I got in the manga, but I read it before the show was even a thing. after the show started I never bothered to read any more. I think I got a little past where season 1 ends.
it doesn't have to make sense.
jumping spiders are the cutest spiders.
Nico nico niiii
how was work?
how big is your papi folder?
What's an Alisa
well that sucks. sorry to hear it.
how big is miia?
Could've been worse.
well of course, but that's rarely much comfort on a shitty day.
Few things can comfort a shitty day for me.
so far. I'm gonna work on getting some gifs and maybe webums
still can't drink?
you watched the whole show already and only got 200+ caps? and miia has way more screentime than papi...almost my entire folder is my caps...
Where do you hail from
life is basically the worst.
west canada
I ended up getting distracted and a lot of them were fucked by VLC menu showing up the frame in the delay that puush has since I watched in fullscreen
Just tired.
well if you were just capping from vlc you could have used the screen cap button in vlc and then cropped from there. I dunno. it's your folder I just like, NEED lots of caps when I watch something lol. I'm glad I'm not like neko, that guy isn't satisfied unless he has like, every frame of every scene for a character.
yeah. maybe early bed tonight? get a few extra winks?
I only do that if they're really expressive or the shot between frames is particularly valid or entertaining.
We'll see.
Need to make some alcohol.
Be back later.
best canada?
Any of the Phoenix folk wanna fuck?
yeah. I dunno how but neko manages to get thousands of caps for characters he caps. I capped pretty fucking thoroughly but still only got around 500-600 caps for papi...
alright. see ya, tracer.
aren't you straight?
Don't question it.
Arent you a girl
By saving every frame?
scoots shush
I mean I'd absolutely be down, just not your preferred type. it would make squash hella jealous though, and that would be worth it for me, the great night in bed would just be a bonus. something tells me you'd be great at it.
which just seems excessive to me. plus, like me, neko seems to post the same dozen or so caps a lot more than any others no matter how much he saves lol
i like it because the timezone is close to mine
I am trying to decide if that is a greeting or an affirmation.
Why do you think I would be great at it?
what should i do today?
Waych cute animaymays
fishy that's fucking disgusting.
scoots you fucking memelord the fuck you doing here. also we lost our base, tried to make another one and lost that one too. today has not been a good rust day lol.
I dunno. I just get that sense from you.
idk about you but im going to log on to all my games and look for people to play with
how big of a piece we talkin here..
I suppose I will take the compliment, though I am not sure it is true.
My favorite part of sex is the giving of oral. Not sure how that would translate.
like maybe an inch long
8ch or
how even
okay later tonight i will!
i'm always logged into all my stuff
how should I know?
Yes to the fucky?
Lmfao hahaha rust is brutal like that. Ive two days off when im done. We'll construct a new base. Should probably build a hexagonal or tower. Eh but resources.
tbh we will lose everything by next wipe. Tis the nature of rust. Kinda what makes it frustrating and fun.
THE memelord. If the dictor is the timelord. Then I, The Scoot, am the memelord.
yes (doubt you'd want to be anywhere near my fat ass though)
if i logged into all my stuff at once my computer would explode
thats why I prefer watching videos instead of looking for friends
was it stuck in your teeth
g-good night
i watch videos while logged in
your have what ethnic folk call
"the cake"
no like inbetween my teeth and gums, like where you'd pack chewing tobacco
have good dreams and never wake up.
I was unaware of all these phoenix people, honestly.
you should really chew your food and/or drink water after every meal..
bring me lloyd
I do not understand
there are like 4 bro
fat butt
like a big cake
There are more than 4, I think. I know of at least 4, and they aren't the two that responded. Shit is insane.
I think there are like 4 other animus posters in phoenix, I'm the token tranny though