A thread, dedicated to nothing in particular
A thread, dedicated to nothing in particular
Other urls found in this thread:
thanks bubba
claiming thread, now is burd thread.
I haven't full on cuddled in like 8 months or so dude
I feel ya
Though I do have sex often but I am autistic and dont like cuddling cause my arm/shoulder gets all stiff and falls asleep
go away cupcake!!!!!
karen thread
What am i buying
It's like all three of you are just being ironic with your opinion assertions
It always has you on Away. Anyway, is it safe to pet the wild dogs, cows, goats etc. in India
How much of a masochist are you? :3
Hey, how're you?
remove burd
not that much. I only enjoy very specific types of pain.
Nobody but the OP can change thread subject
change it to burd.
Lood thread
idk about the wild ones but the cows are spoiled so just give them chapatis and it should be ok, but dont overdo it
Pet tier
doggos >burb > neko > fish > snek or any other lizard
I refuse
I want to ask for something.
Do you have a dicksword?
Drakenguard... I think saw someone do a playthrough of that game
At least the third one. Was a neat game
Wish you would objectively ironic ky
Kept getting flood detected so I changed it
Sorry not sorry, nerd
Coffu on its way
Cat > not cat > winged rats
have you actually owned a bird
It's nearly lunch taimu!
This is year 9 of being single. I got a couple somewhat recent flukes with my best friend but we talked it out.
Sad pandas.
Idk a weird cosplay dress. I'd rather have clothes i could wear like in real life tho lol
Hihi. I'm doing very well. Was chatting with this super awesome intelligent cute chick from Australia for the last 3 hours lol
How's it been with you cutie?
As much as I like birds, dogs really make the best pets.
Cats are really nice too but can be assholes at times
Birds are still assholes too but so fkn cute and smell good too
its a birb thread if you post birbs
I do that frequently
I'd put lizards/sneks higher but otherwise that's pretty spot on
Well, apparantly it's a somewhat self contained sequel to Nier, which was made by the same guys and at least in the same universe, dunno how connected it was directly. And combat done by the MGR/Bayonetta guys.
Plus, you know, robo waifu.
Link cosplay
I hurt those that I 2ez_
And it'll be a fitting lunch!
well to be honest seeing as how we almost never talk it would be weird if anything else had been in that spoiler
Nonono I dont want that x_x
False alarm!
This girl is a robot?
I don't think the game can live up to this hype it's getting though
Haha then what hun bun
actually sneks would be better than fish imo
I dunno about lizards
but sneks look so cool
Holy shit youve been single longer than I have
Im barely on 8
about what though?
It'd not be filling engouh!
oh wait shit i forgot about grims cool animal job thing whatever that was all about
I'll fill you up
then we birb
Yeah I had it typed out but it just seemed off
Nah I'll grab something else after too
I have some witching to do
Something like that? I'm not sure on the specific.
Robot or emotionless or whatever, it fills that waifu-niche.
Maybe, most of the "hype" I've seen is people lusting after the waifu and her ass, though.
Yeah pretty much.
All high maintenance and shit is the problem.
ive never had a dawg but if I did then maybe my mind would change
whaddaya mean wot
Oooh, I need to continue too after all this is done and I have more free taimu.
I frequently cause those feelings to stir in strangers. don't worry.
I'll get on that account now
I guess I'll try not to experiment, then
Also, Skype is actually used by normies; even businesses. Steam is pretty much just for geeks who play vidya. It's mostly only useful as an e-brothel
I watched videos of Varanasi and I don't understand why none of the people in them are petting the animals
Wish the Holocaust actually happened
Pretty good; I got a job I'm starting in February. Been working on getting a work visa and stuff.
Idk i need more cute tops.
About how he was sorry for advantage taking and he was curious and he's sorry because hes gonna marry this chick and he's noticed a little jealousy and that we're still best friends and stuff. It was some legit realtalk
If you're going to be an asshole over a joke you can go fuck yourself
I havent worked with animals
but I did save a dog and her litter from a flood once
I'm afraid I'll be spending all my time playing that instead of reading up for my examsssssssss
I'm not falling for it
man I'v ehad a lot of dogs over the years and man I cconstantly find myself thinking about how much of a rivelage it is to be able to have them, as a human.
It's almost like another person....
What? I'm joking too. It's just a prank
im pretty sure...
She makes a better waifu if she has little-to-no personality. Easier to fukk
Yeah the lust is real. This folder I got is 1000 images strong
This game isn't even out
Cool :3
I'm kinda working on school stuff, though it's more worrying than work at this point.
choking, slapping, spanking, rough handling, hair pulling
that's the list, more or less. I'm sure there's other things I'd enjoy but these are the ones I know I do.
Oh very nice thats exciting. Congratulations. Hope all the visa paperwork doesnt hold you up 9r weigh you down bby.
that's good. I'll only break your heart.
There's a differencce between laughing at a chat software and making fun of my life
if you dont understand that you must be fucking stupid
I remember YOU trying to get a job w/them
Wow cunt
Why are you worrying! Have you been lazy?
My heart is already shattered and broken, no problem
Damn reifags
Waifus need personality damn it.
we have so much in common
Woo get cute toos fir your cute.... top
Cupcake what have I told you about being so damn correct?
can't help it. blessing and a curse.
herp ersonality
is a lack of personality : ^ )
sounds like a pain
At least my bird eats lunch with me
They are smart as shit which is what I love about them
Super loyal too unless your an ass to them
I got your bahn mi right here bby
Did you guys mess around and he sorta regret it or something?
How much have you uad to drink Daddy?
Yeah the whole unemotional thing did start with Rei, eh
The only woman I like from that show is Katsuragi
Everyone else is so bad
Wait where's the curse part of this?
The background music in this makes it so much funnier
He more regretted the cheating on his fiance with me part lmao
Nothing. Im at work doing 3 things at once.
imo the appeal to rei is exactly that
an unemotional uncaring about everything fuckdoll
Does it feel good to be a homewrecker?
Omg i love wondershowzen
you sweet summer child. only someone who is right all the time can truly understand what a burden it is.
but i rly remember being v impressed because you were with animals in some way
I'd like to think I'm good with them
Ooh. Sorry Daddy x_x
No, but giving blowjobs and cuddles after getting jizzed in was pretty rad. Any more dumb questions?
Oh fuck son
Did she find out?
Nigga really knows how to piss off people lmao
Funny guy tho
That's a good list. Hair pulling goes well with the rough throatfucking thing we mentioned yesterday. And choking, obviously. On cock
It has been kind of difficult and tedious :3
Did you get your license changed and stuff yet?
Dude the cameras are right there
Unattentive at most.
You're a terrible person
just found this #rare Soto
Lol no. It would probably be a double homicide suicide if she found out
I had this convo with welma before
its not gonna go anywhere
also just general choking. the best orgasms of my life bar none have all been while being choked. hard.
Ill take this oppurtunity to say that I am as well
to get the takes one to know one out of the way while it's all in the open
how about you stop being a judgmental little bitch~
Sounds like me the whole semester
From next semester on tho I will have much more interesting courses!
jesus fucking christ lmao
Be careful out there man, like don't get me wrong I've slept with chicks who are married or have a bf too but like its a secret we would never tell. Cause theres some crazy girls/guys out there
Careful elms, 2spokky lol
No worries
She is best, and I'm not even into muh-ture grills
Yeah, I'm aware. It's reee-tastic.
What if it being bad
Is the place in which you are wrong?
I forgot to use a document as guideline for my report but hopefully it ticks most boxes and I don't need to fix too much.
impossible. I'm never wrong.
I wish I had a bitch like dat
I wonder if that fucker is shaving right now
You are also wrong about never being wrong.
But only in those two places.
nope. never wrong.
I wish I had a bitch with a BRAIN
It is
Beyond extreme
Prove it faggot
I wish I had a bitch with a BRIAN
There is no escape from bullying
Not yet gotta get my tax return and referral letter real quick. 2017's a big year for me. Bye bye dangly bits.
Yeah thats why we had our little chat cause he felt bad for taking advantage of drunk me because he knows I'm into that
Also I have enough self confidence now to actually date people so I'm doing that now apparently.
said the judgmental little bitch. your opinion on this is so biased it hurts.
i cant
I never said it had to be a very good one~
I for one, do not wish for my significant others to own BRIAN, that would just be weird.
Jeebus fuck phone posfing sucks
Eh, she's older but not really mature in terms of personality
Well thats good
Thats also really good, you deserve a bf
Youve been working really hard
Ask anyone here lol
Of course, it's a nip show, any woman who hasn't gotten married by 16 is clearly IMMATURE
Saturday's date is with a girl tho.
Grim could do with shaving
ask anyone here if I should be allowed to enjoy being choked in a safe sexual environment without being told that I should seek help for having fetishes? hmm.
maybe after that we can ask everyone if it's totally reasonable to think you're going to commit murder if you ever saw a tranny's penis and to not think you need to seek any professional help for that? you do not want to play this game with me grim. you already know I can't stand people who think they are better than other people for having different opinions.
Oh shit whatever works
Thats actually a double whammy since you can fuck her and she could peg you
awww yiss
Yo that wall came out QUICK
I type fast.
Everyone could do with some saving my child
can I get an AYYYY MEN?
Idk haha we'll see how that all works eventually now won't we~?
Grim has no right to say what consenting adults do. Might i remind you of his twisted declaration of lusting, fucking and wanting to butcher people.
Immature babby
this tbh
Blah blah blah
I'm not trying to change your fetish
Just saying it's up there in that category
While I like this meme, no
LOVE this meme
I have to ask what was it that made it take off?
Its certainly not the most depraved thing that anyone here is into
Glad I didnt meet up with Grim to be slaughtered.
I'd have better odds with the Swedish Fish meetup lmao
I'll go for a higher level of EXTREME in my reply
So basically you like being choked half to death while getting a cock roughly thrusted in and out of your asshole at full force? ^^
Wait what? Just be a girl with a cock
The fact grim is making bombs for a living should concern us all. I wouldn't let that angry short fused douche near a potato peeler.
and I'm saying you're an imbecile who should perhaps work on improving your own issues before worrying about non issues that other people have.
Dont tell me what to do.
that's the dream, baby.
Oh, I thought Grim was just talking about saying things that are too lewd in the thread
I never thought of choking as that extreme
I should show him a fun ERP log some time and blow his mind
Grim said theyd fuck a trap, then went full soerg saying how he wasnt gay then went on a tirade of saying hed murder traps if he saw a dick
i was regretabbly not here
someone pls help me I need to know what the instrumental to this song is
hoo boy lmao
poor grim
Its a mental illness really
That straw though
It was crazy
Sci crazy
Nice proxy work vlad
Gonna go before this gets offensive and shit. Nini threaders
Later hun
nini maddie
He is a special kind of retard, swag
it's normal to want to murder trannies
aw come on guys he's not that bad
Wwe all have our flaws
when you think you are better than everyone else literally everything you do can be justified in your wondrous world of delusion.
Sure. Mutilating and murdering otjers because of your repressed sexuality is just a funny quirk.
All this assuming
All this butt hurt
quick show of hands, how many here would murder a tranny if they saw their penis irl? hmm? anyone? anyone at all? just grim then. hmm.
How bout you quit that discord again XD
quick, double down harder, it works really well every time. it's why you have so many friends and are in so many discords.
I Would
I'm not actually; that's just one part of trans stuff that doesn't really sit well with me, but you're free to do whatever you want. Just make sure you want to do it and stuff. I think being a girl with a cock is fine; it makes you more rare
Seems we're actually a pretty good match with lewd things
jewish trick named and neutralized
Anyway, I was thinking more extreme than that
anonymous scum do not COUNT
Bard. You are a memer scum. you are bro tier
ask oobles if you can be in hers
I think we knew that already, you kinky bitch.
But different types of "professional help"
Keep telling yourself that~
do ho ho
I'm good
I'm in like 12
Better to have a few quality friends than a bunch of shitty ones
I for one, measure my personal worth entirely in the number of discords I am in.
well that's good. I'll go ahead and let ooble's discord that you were practically begging to be let back in to me yesterday know that they're all shitty friends so you don't have to worry about that anymore.
Bart, has your penis ever been in a vagina?
The answer to these questions is the same
I knew it; I guess you figured it out as well
Waiting or another wall tbh
You keep provoking me
le don't tread on me meme
Build one then.
I knew from our conversations in the past, I'm pretty sure. maybe not. my memory is shitty but I just knew you were a kinky mother fucker.
Hey at least your DICK is HUGE right
Hahahahahahhaahha lame
I didn't say that though
Why you jumping the gun?
Well I mean
I'm gay so
Post logs.
forgot about that for a secocnd
thanks babe
nice backpedaling. I'm done.
absolutely not.
OH yeah
Is that what happens when you google "grim echoes"
Erio I meant "at all" not "this second". Perhaps later
Prove that I said they in particular were shitty friends.
No more ammo?
People like welma get triggered by this shit yet you're the one that brings it up
I know you vehemently like to defend your freedoms
But you gotta pick your ammo right man
I'm done participating in this now. time to move on for this burd.
My nigga.
Lol what are you arguing about? Discord is KILLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the threads so u're both wrong in this fight
Thats good dude.
Im just an insufferable legend
meme on you crazy diamond.
kon is that you?
Grim, dont drag elma into this. When you would gladly murder them. Sick fuck.
If you want to be a memer #1, you have to chase a super honking legend27
the memes are overtaking you
I've never been to these threads before. sorry.
Threads aren't the only medium for socializing now
Discords create bubbles where people can safely open up more
Until you let sci in under a disguise
Then everyone gets mad
kk, my bad.
Elma does a lot of things that I'd internet attack her for if she did them to me, but at least I only had to warn her about that mistake once
more like GAYgo amirite?
Victim complex
do you think its all the drugs or were they like that before transtioning?
Insatiable thirsty for mem
This is why I need more
what is your discord anyway?
This 8ch captcha seems to come up every 18 hours rather than every 24
it's every 24 hours or every 50 or so posts.
I got it 3x in a day once
Is Oobles Discord popping or nah?
fairly. I'll ask if I can invite you. I'm sure she'll say yes.
its pretty bumping son
Seems like any "opening up" that wouldn't be done in threads should only be done one-on-one at most, but I guess I don't know what the Discords are like.
I don't remember her being like that. Yeah, she's definitely been a lot more "playful" since getting on the hormones.
More what?
I don't have one lol
oh snap, son
I thought lukas readmission was a mature thing.
I'm yet to meet a single tranny that isn't batshit insane
50 posts in 18 hours while I do nothing all day besides watch Netflix.
Sounds about right
You need to tune down the shitposting
Thanks cutie
Discords. They're fun
Also see
right? when I'm in full shitposting mode I sometimes have to do two in a single thread, lol.
np bby
I have to do captchas every 10minutes because the mems so stron
I haven't gone that mode in a long time
I used to make giant walls and get really tired
I decided I couldn't stomach being in group chats with people here after the Steam group chats. But I guess the Discords are probably better, from what Grim said
Then I think you have a very loose definition of "batshit insane"; I wouldn't consider Elma that. She just has a strong need to feel desired
What? Aren't there like six already? How many chats can you even function in at once?
I base it off of beleif and ideology i guess
I could go on and on about all the ones I've known and all the weird things that were 'off'' about them
I remember doing lots of drugs and being pretty crazy though
I usually don't get too many walls because I type so fast I usually reply to people faster than they can force me to wall. it happens now and then though, especially if the thread is busy and I'm also distracted with other things outside of it.
well it's also just a really good one on one platform all around. it's just a way better version of skype. I'd recommend trying it out at least.
karen is bae
If there's six for this place, I don't know about them. I mean, there probably is but they're dead so no use in seeking those
4m,it really depends on the regularity
If people are in voice everyday then a habit usually develops and it's like a subcommunity within the main one
It allows people to play vidya together and shit, pretty good bonding tool
But the exclusivity is a double edged sword
If multiple ones are made in direct competition, it can strain relations
My walls give me nightmares and make me want to retreat somewhere warm and secluded
I have a meme idea. I need to set a reminder for tomorrow.
back in the pony days I had walls so big they would fill entire monitors. my record was something like 36 replies, needed to be split into two posts because it was too long for a single 4chan post.
check discord
Show me a popping discord Grim
You mean your light chats with Aeris?
I like the /lewd/ discord It's my main in one
no, that was different.
Ams when we league, duh.
I could start voicing in bans on the Reg if you want. He's p chill in voice
She would textwall while talking to one person, while you did so with twelve.
Im at work and havent discord. Is it simply cupake in steam?
What a god
Do you think you'll ever reach such heights again?
link it
I think I left Ban's because it seemed dead
But that won't really b necessary
any way to contact you privately?
the FEELING!!!! when find the perfect sample but have no music production knowledge/talent!
Added to steam 4 ease
well the walls were because I was talking to so many people at once, not because I needed to have an autistic "I'm right you're wrong" battle with everyone in the thread all the time like he did.
dank meme
I don't have you on steam yet? holy shit son. I'm not on steam at the moment, just check discord when you get home. but yeah, add me there steamcommunity.com
fuck I hope not. those days are behind me now.
Believe it or not, you personally tend to bring life to chats
Seen it myself
B-but thats a whole 28hrs away uguuu
Wallposting is so 2012
You certainly were popular.
wtf shes not actually blind?
what a rip
that seems excessive. you'll understand when you see it though.
disgustingly so.
But all chats are dead...
Posting is so 2012.
cupcake has no business being popular
Was the only reason I recall Aeris disliking you.
How many people from here do you regularly talk to off threads?
Damn. Anticipation. Did you @me? Scrolling issuch a drag.
that was about the long and short of it, yes. that and the fact that he was unable to force everyone to like him as much.
I slid into your dm's bby.
The day will come when you must awaken that kung-fu again.
Lol, thanks man
I guess I try
You got pranked
no. I swore never to go back to that life...
oh hey btw what music does your dad like
Oh bb
Just because the logic was wrong, doesn't mean it didn't exist.
Probably because he was unable to make his point within ten words.
But that life, will come back to you, young one
I have no idea
Yes, but this way I get to make fun of Aeris.
This is my secret technique.
Summoning sanic jutsu byakaTELEPORTSBEHINDYOUgan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He heard me listening to travis scott a couple of weeks ago and he liked it lol
Didn't expect that
winky face
people do tend to like short and sweet. concise is not a word anyone could use to describe him.
seems pretty unlikely all things considered.
k bye gonna play bideo gaems.
Later nerd
I wonder why none of your chats are active then
You say I think I'm better than someone because I doxd them.
Its not that at all
I'm better than someone because I choose to fight for my place into he world rather than lay on my side and hope for the best.
Enjoy your day, I'm off to work.
sure why not. dads can be cool too!
I was referring to the group chats silly.
You take this internet stuff too serious, please calm down and stop pretending to be some kind of anime character.
I didn't like his latest album tho
You were referencing them incorrectly then. Either way.
every dude on my dads side of the family loves tool
i have not listened to him much . whats his best project
Tool's great and if you don't like them you don't aprecaite music that takes talent to make
dont b rude tho
i hope to pass the love of tool on to my children someday
he basically improved his projects from Owl Pharoah up to Rodeo, but his latest album took a nosedive so I don't even count it.