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oogle boogle
peppy pls
Hmm, make somebody make one?
What were you thinking of anyway, that kinda gamepad or like those bigger ones you can do moba stuff and other stuff on?
shocked and appalled
I need to do some clothes shopping online.
Make one for me.
I meant a numpad tbh
you faggots need to start pronouncing it incorrectly and say osu instead of osss
Is completely not what I meant.
I know.
But I still enjoyed.
git dunked nerd
tfw scoots can lose ur m249 again
its gay either way tbh
cup I'll go clothes shopping with you once I have money
I will literally get my face broken... it is vanilla xD
Cup wants to go clothes shopping?
Make sure he buys me a cute dress.
Or a pleated skirt.
And also 7 belts.
what on earth makes you think I have money to spend on clothing
only belts I'm giving rin is at high velocity on his back
if i give you money will you spend it all on clothing for me??????
I'm not gonna have money for like 3-6 months so it's not gonna be soon
we could go to goodwill if you wanna be cheap
only problem with goodwill is it's crowded with spics 24/7
sure. although you could just spend the money yourself and skip that pointless middle step.
ask again in 3-6 months.
Yeah, but.
I'm not him, so you can spend some money on me.
I do like this casual racism against mexicans. it's very arizonian.
Us white Phoenicians have to stick together, you know.
and no, I have no money to spend on clothes. for me or for you.
very true mandy, very true. there's precious few of us left now. hopefully trump puts that wall up soon.
my last two girlfriends were half hispanic. I do however really fucking hate the spanish language.
Pick one
When funds allow maybe think
That one was because he opted not to extend the same courtesy.
No one ever said I couldn't be petty, and if they did, it was a boldfaced lie.
Given that the Phoenicians hail from The Lebanon and Syrian area it is a fallacy to declare them white. In the same vein as declaring Jesus Christ as white.
God I can only hope. Too bad the Sheriff got kicked out. Joe was amazing at keeping Arizona White.
No hablo espanol, habla ingles?
You'd pick out all the clothes, though.
Are you poor? ;;
oh is rin full on tranny now? I though she was just femboy still
casual racism doesn't mean you're actually racist. it's super normal for arizona people to just say shit like that.
that's true. I did notice that. pretty rude of her.
did you know that Mohammed was actually white
5 pesos please
Shut the fuck up you Ba'athist scum
that dude was a horrible horrible person but at least he knew whites were the best.
hmm. are you sure you'd want to trust me with such a task? I'm not like most gay guys. I have horrible fashion sense. I dress in a t shirt and jeans like, every day. and that's only if I leave the house that the jeans come into the equation.
Like I said.
I can be petty.
Passive aggression is basically the only thing I know besides flirting.
I hate ditto
Get it?
I didn't know, gomen
It's still funny to me that the founder of Ba'athism was a christian.
no haram si vous plais
I honestly never really got into the politics about him. I didn't care too much about it. Or about any politics. Life is fucked, all we can do is life our lives.
Oh, and kick out the browns.
Speaking of which, do you want to swing by my Klan Kookout? Will be great time.
well you are a woman, so yeah, petty passive aggressive fighting is in your blood.
no need to include me in the apology.
I'm about to get poor! Internship money stops and tuition fees continues so I need to figure something out
anyway sleep stuff, night :3
I dunno, it could be fun.
It's not even as if it's a "now" thing.
I'm pretty sure I told you I were transgender the first time we even interacted, or something like that.
Haram is best anime.
I'll show you petty passive aggressive fighting in blood.
wait, is rin on HRT yet?
You aren't into that.
I'd say you're really good at make bad jokes too :3
I'm incredibly wary about what might be being "cooked" at one of those.
Needs one of these where she's blushing behind the wall.
well I know you're not being serious here but I'm sure I'd get a kick out of it if you ever really wanted to, lol.
goodnight emily
proving my point for me
How the fuck was that petty passive aggressive fighting, you little whore.
Anything but White meat. Usually red. Steaks, or burgers.
I don't remember, anyways, glad we cleared that up
Glorious Ayatollah
I prefer romcoms
klan kookout
where we cook klans
Too bad she's not Chuuni waifu.
All is haram before the eyes of the lord.
Why does nobody ever take me seriously? ;;
Though it'd probably be pretty shitty to do over the internet.
who's the lord
That would be me.
nnf I love when you talk dirty to me
oh. I was thinking something along the lines of...well you know what the klan has burned at meet ups in the past.
it's the internet, I kind of take things less seriously just as a default. gomen.
we'll save it for when and if we meet up then. I might be going up to canada in the nearish future to visit bamboo tank. could always figure out where you are and see if going to the mall is an option.
I am going to stab you in the eye with a rusty ice scoop.
Well, we are quite more....relaxed. We actually like colored people now.
*ice cream scoop
I accidentally a whole word.
yes goddess
i keep thinking you're that shitlord cato
wow mean ;-;
they like to be called people of color, because that sounds way way different from colored people.
i feel fucking awful
I failed the goddess..
yeah that's the trendy thing. "people of color" which in no way sounds like "colored people" and isn't offensive at all to people who use logic when they think instead of raw unfiltered childish emotion.
maybe you need sleep?
Don't fuck Awful. He is a dick.
but then i get excited cause it's u
Colored people is the same thing as people of color. Anybody who says differently is a retard.
Though, there are lot of those type around now.
no sleep + working in heat all day = this
hi mandy
aww yay!!
the goddess fears!
yes, that was the point I was driving at.
Go get some rest, love?
Awful may be a dick, but he also has an enormous dick.
Want to go on a rampage?
ok but really who DOESN'T kinda hate hispanics
if only I wasn't so lazy.
The subject fears! We are put pawns to the great plan!
Hispanics are a people I don't regularly interact with irl.
People who don't have to live by them.
Seriously they can't drive!
Oh. Well shit......
i barely see you anymore
this is why I will die alone
I must prepare a sacrifice to please
I was a lotta busy
but now I got holidays!
So will I, love. So will I.
I live in phoenix, whites are a minority here
I think
my neighbors are hispanic and they have 6 fucking people in a 2 bedroom house and they are loud as FUCK all the god damn time. and I swear to god I've been so close to calling CPS on their ass
at least we can be alone together.
What ones?
christmas ones!
and new years.
so you can have all the fun.
I better find a goat quick..
those are already done tho
Do it.
During New Years, my neighbors were playing loud ass fucking shitty music all damn day.
But then we wouldn't be alone?
not yeet, it ends monday!
shh. don't pick it apart with logic.
-spray bottle-
I have multiple responsibilities tonight to accomplish
I love games like this
Wait, is this legit?
I have to finish this show.
what is this prophecy
by uh just does!
then I gotta be busy again..
it's in the ovas
aww why?
But I would rather be alone!
Well shit.
she was gonna get anna too but of course she was cucked by nobue
college and job stuff regarding organisation and debates and materials.
Clicker games?
I usually cheat, I have a spam click hotkey.
Literally killing myself as we speak.
well well.
oh and interviews
LOTS of interviews
n-no please
finish it
Need my external back for that.
post lewd lolis
what happened to it?
Lent it to a friend for tech reasons.
I don't have any
How fast is yours? :3c
Does Ika still come here at all?
they're gonna find all your lewds
Find some then.
1 click per millisecond
Or 2 if it's doubleclick
but i don't want them
It starts breaking on me if I holder for longer than a second or two.
Actually, I might have some I never cleaned up because they were in booru scraped folders.
so ?
absolutely disgusting
so no
Lazy folders i didn't care about.
delete them and start over
fucking finally. got a new modem. let's hope it keeps working.
well that always sucks.
oh lol, new ip address because of new modem.
damn it already feels so much faster, too.
might as well
why do you want me to post that
lewds are for queermos and indians
Damn, I kind of need to find her.
How could you "need" that?
Because I'm trying to figure out if she's pulling some shit.
don't anymore
bak 2 /waifu/
Fine, fine. At least I tried.
So, who was that anyway?
No idea lol
It was BC.
I like how the Trump Tater Towers are so tall that they would realistically block the orbits of the low flying satellites.
do you guys think guero is straight? i have confirmed pictures of him wearing a schoolgril outfit
Also, Subtoe, I've made a game out of trying to hit myself with a tower.
Shit you're ahead of me already
He would fuck guys so no.
Dwai, I'll fall behind.
I've definitely never done this.
At all.
What do you think I am.
Some kinda Chuuni?
man, albuterol is quite literally a life saver.
Whoo for piss poor genetics
I thought you said I was the other girl.
Oh, yeah
Well you are chuuni so there are parallels to be drawn..
I can be your hero, baby!
money me
I assume everyone here is gay until further proof is provided.
I can barely money myself though...
Times are tough for us all. All I can suggest is to cinch up that belt another hole and stiff upper lip.
Also, I never wore roller shoes because I never could get the hang of them.
If I left the wheels in I just slid around too much, and I couldn't figure out how to balance my weight to make them work like I wanted.
I'm better with roller blades.
aww... ok
( rin )
hm... interesting song. i'm just not feeling it, personally.
Ep ~10 or something is just great. You'll know when you watch it.
Have fun playing Starbound? ^^
Guero's the cat, right?
Playing annoy the mommy?
other way around
This girl could probably go far with her words, if she tried to use them for a bit more than her Tyrant's Eye.
What anime is this and what the fuck is happening that she can't use her hands to eat?
Fuckin' cats.
eww no. do not.
i dont know
Lame pun.
Six years.
This just happened.
Aren't roller blades way harder? :p
IIRC her grades are kinda bad so, you're right about that
Luck & Logic
tracer COME ON
Recognized that song.
It's cute.
Sorry, bad mood this week. Can't drink, medical thing. Would affect medicine.
I forgive you. hope things pick up for you soon. I'll drink a few extra for you tonight.
Thanks bud, I can always depend on you.
cup wants an apology but probably too lazy to type it
wow she's adorable~
yeah. me and Vy did a bit.
SD's music youtube song they posted worked the best~ ♥
no anime? ;~; to go with it?
I know we're basically on seven layers of sarcasm with each other at all times but I'm being sincere at the moment.
this is good enough tbh
Kind of reminds me of Totoro's opening(?) credits.
Well, that was a live-thing they did, not sure on which day, but seems pretty recent since Proximity uploaded that 3 hours ago.
As am I.
Hydrocodone is a hell of a drug.
into the oven with you
now I am very hungry.
make your man apologize to me.
oh. okay good. you should probably get some sleep.
just do it
Roller blades are easy because there's none of that bullshit where you're trying to balance precariously on a single pair of bearings, and trying to use roller shoes like blades just doesn't work. That's how I tried to get used to them so I guess that comes from experience.
Is it worth watching?
no. I have to stand up for myself sometimes. and I choose to do it now. when I'm not actually upset at all and nothing is wrong in the slightest.
Give me an hour or so.
I'll sleep when I'm tired.
Yeah she's actually the MC's mother, shame she was only in the episode for like 20 seconds 'cause her voice is really nice :c
He's the threadperson to go to if you like recent electronic stuff like that!
alright, you're an adult, you know when bedtime is.
Damn straight.
I drink my rum out of a big boy cup.
Sound decent at least.
;~; y r bes girl sidecharacters... ;~;
rip 20 sec's to melt my heart.
SD is my greatest ally
now without me being retarded while naming it
The old name was better
Kakkoii af :3
To a person with zero experience (me unless ice skating counts) blades seem way harder, they're so much thinner and you're going faster
Actually, no, I don't think so. That webm was pretty great though.
oh my. drinking rum out of me?
??? do not bully???
Belly shots only work on women.
That's against my programming.
I am a woman
oh. well then continue.
What other girl side characters do you like?
Maybe not the greatest but still an ally at least :3
Prove it.
I intend to.
see included in this post: picture of me irl
cute who is that boy?
Is this board /a/ with traps?
Well, it's still mostly Porter Robinson's Divinity at the start, but then again I'm a bit biased towards that one.
Also if you liked that earlier song, well, Ellie Goulding's pretty great live too.
Eight years.
it's Holla Forums.
It's so much worse.
Liars never prosper.
i dunno too many animes out there
and they get only 15 secs of fame but it love at first sight then they vanish for the rest of the anime...
tho seeing ur pic right there tottaly loveable cuteness.... warms my heart.
SD isn't the greatest? ;~;
maybe this song will make me feel better?
okay fine I'm not that girl irl. please don't punish so much.
Stop wanting to be punished by lying.
No clue about that, K.Flay kind of tends to use a bit dark lyrics in her songs.
This warms my heart too
Maybe not. But still good.
I actually have a harder time with ice skates, but I think that's all psychological.
It's probably about the same, to be honest, just you don't want to to that stereotypical ice skating stop that every media uses if you're using roller blades.
For reasons that I'm assuming are obvious.
2 eps in and Chuuni is tbh best char.
I always get a chicks with dicks vibe on this board combined with its lawless atmosphere and general tomfoolery
I don't want this punishment. you promised I'd get them back this year. please have mercy.
Are you white?
I've 360 days to fulfill my promise.
yeah but PLEASE
I want to cum inside that horse for reasons unknown to me
Use your big girl words.
Show me your noodz and i might consider giving you an answer
Because the blades are sharp? Or because the ground's solid?
I can't think what stop you mean. With a spin?
Don't stay up too long watching it ^^
what is the meaning of life?
obviously it's cuddles and lewdness
please hmm at me tracer. I really miss it.
i miss u
i don't rly care about lyrics
RIP x_x
my eyes.... they burnnnnn aaaa
wat's rong with SD? ;~;
cups fetish
I repent for any sin I've committed to deserve this as punishment.
Is that a fucking Nigerian?
nailed it
oh gosh yes. I missed this.
must be brown
you keep not giving me what you promised though
Probably just a proxy.
A real Nigerian couldn't be on the internet talking about traps nonetheless; he'd be horribly murdered for being a faggot.
im sorry tsuchi
Ah well, I think they make most of a song in the cases where they exist.
But traps aren't gay.
I always think of this scene whenever I hear the word Nigerian
Hm hm hm.
but what if I'm a gay trap?
oh gosh
Liking traps isn't gay but all traps are gay.
they do good
thanks 4 sharing ^ ^
moogs has scabies on his dick. guero confirmed.
Mugen has the gay
I have issues with the idea of falling on ice, I don't really know what it is, beyond just weird.
The one where, like, you use the long side of the blade to increase friction and rapidly drop speed, if you do that with roller skates you'll just fuck your wheels.
I won't be able to because I have to wait for any more to download.
I'm a tranny that fucks other trannies
a trannibal if you will
Hm hm hm hm hm.
Oh, new chapter with the burd came out.
I just pronounce it as "Nigger-ia" and laugh because I'm 12 years old.
lol :3
That was worth it~
Idk I thought you were joking about him being greatest ally 'cause you said /meme
I don't really follow the manga. I can't wait for s2 though. is she cute? is she the cutest? you don't even have to answer, I know she is.
doesn't work that way.
come back
There would be more images to cap of her if you did.
And yeah I guess.
No problem Luka.
true, but I feel like I have a pretty good amount. I'm not like neko, I don't need ten thousand images to make me happy. I post the same ten all the time anyway.
I went to go find food and thread moved super fast
To be fair, the only reason I don't post all of this set is because some of them have text that isn't always relevant.
It's only fucking 20:30, Cup.
I didn't ask for back talk young lady.
Get that kawaii uguu neko bullshit outta here.
Your taste in music is awful
That image is heresy
if only would move on from that fad already>_<
you havent seen the "X is my greatest ally" meme?
nah no joke :)
it worked! it happend~
were you the one that posted this?
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