no thread will be left unused
So um
I have a favor to ask and its okay if no one can but does anybody know how to take a clip from a youtube video
into a webm or .mp4?
I just heard a very funny clip and I want to put it on my MEME page
gibe mem page link lox
we can just leave it as it is
ThaNKS FOR the patronage :3
Thanks :3
Eh, I'd like to do something now and then.
do you not just enjoy a person's company in call at times
it was being used
ima go in here and like fucking everthing... standby for notification shitstorm
you have better options
I don't really look at interactions with friends as something I should weigh against each other.
Each person is enjoyable in their own right.
If I'm friendly enough with people I'll just chill in call with them, even when we're doing different things
idk its relaxing
fuck i hope you got this on a moble app... bc ima blow it up
Until you bring a pedo in the call and lie about who it is.
hey sama
shhh.... im shit posting
why do you think I left
think thats like 20 likes or so...
youve made decisions
Because everyone rode your ass for pulling some shady shit and trying to justify it.
Stop viewing it as a you or them situation.
You know that isn't how it is and I am not going down that road.
I dont know what riding someone's ass means
Everyone has a justification for what they do, thats why they do them
you posted chocolate undies
I dont deserve a hero like you
Thank you based sama ;~:
ok... we good
what can i do for you my fine furry freind
was it as good for you as it was for me?
wanna yiff
do i
you left me with this ahegao baby~
may i call you connor?
nah... i like the og version better
not presently... you see i recently fornucated and have no remaining seed to distribute at this time
mm yea thats hot
ugh thats what my mom calls me
but i guess
since you're basically my DAD LOL
I know exactly why people had an issue with it. I left because I didn't feel welcome anymore after that
guero hates me
ooble hates me
you hate me
why even stay, y'know?
ill stick with bard... basicaly only call u that when you in huuge trouble and need a whoopin k? ...k
You left because you were surrounded by mod Hitlers as you said in thread.
Also that you didn't like how exclusive the exclusive servers were.
As if they were made for everyone to join.
Today's yuri releases.
i was backdooring servers before it went underground... youd probably never heard of it
This is some /impressive/ autism.
I was getting sick of getting kicked constantly. That shit would piss anyone off.
i like to think i bring my own special brand of creepy autism... gives it that flavor
cheetos and self pitty
Maybe don't do stupid shit that you know won't sit well with people.
That's just the grinding wheel
it sucks when the crowd is against you I can understand that
But you're pretty relativeley old
You've been here what like 4 years now?
It sucks but don't let it get you down too much
theres always going to be people with some hidden problems that they will wait unti everyone else is on you until they let out
Im no different
It's just what it's like here
adapt or get eaten
mere hours to regeneration...
I'm sorry user-san your autism seems to be far more vanilla.
Thanks 8ch /u/!
i move for no man!
My momma just bought me a bottle of moscato for my birrthday
not quite spaghettios level autism... but close
You're where I was at
EVERYBODY hates you
you deserve it
I'm tired of arguing with you
invite me back
don't invite me back
it's up to you
it sucks cause these are people I like to talk to everyday
o-okay but you have to drink it from my mouth
You left so I'll just leave it at that.
yes sir
u r weak
Let's see you last another 3 years of it and then you might have some room to talk
You've got nothing on me kid
o shit niga... its oooon
now look... heres whatcha do BARD FUCKING LISTEN TO ME
mission crit shit... word
step 1... open that bitch with your teeth
step 2... getchu like a brown lunch sack and but that bottle innit... fuck
gotta keep that drank cold man
step 3... drink that nigga out the bottle... get that ass drunk nigga. we dont need no glasses fuck naw
4 step... in your drunken stupor go to the neighbors house and eff they dog.. the smaller the better. FUCK YEA
step 6 profit
im not gonna argue
I wonder if it sucks to be a post op trany and you can't pull your dick out for Harambe anymore.
its got a fucking cork bro
I always fuck up opening them
I got my bottle of Gallo open last night but I already fucked this one up
cork went straight down in cause I tried to get it out with a screwdriver
tits out for harabrama
nigga what the fuck
drink the mothafucken cork nigga... you done dicked it
I know I know I should have used a screw and a hammer but I dont have either of those things....
I know I'm the worst ; :`
when a manual bottle opener at like any filling station for a dolla... nigga uses a screwdriver
you could have used paperclips
Just pull it out
It's not hard
Were these some sort of medieval wine bottles without a mushroomed cork?
Wine bottles in the US are exclusively cylindrical and inserted all the way into the neck.
i like the superheated twine method... macguyver in this bitch
melt the motherfucken bottle
actually in america we have retard corks
made out of rubber
Its all cool
I have hemostats
soo its back in the neck
What the fuck
i need video of this process
I'm pretty sure I remember opening a wine bottle by hand when I was there last year though
Then again it was probably a fancy as fuck champagne bottle though, so maybe those are different.
Here I've never seen a wine bottle that wasn't either mushroom cork or screw top though.
order and ship this to bard STAT
i got it now with the screwdriver and my teeth:3
I have literally never had to do that.
It's pretty much ubiquitous here, even on higher end wines.
woulda been cool man... real party trick if it werent for the initial dicking up of
all the screw top wine I've had tastes like ass
we have a local vineyard here in Iowa called uh
Tassel ridge that uses those almost exclusiveley
Not the greatest product imo
Well, there's your problem.
go sip some yellow tail... friggin aussies
Probably because wine is steeped in autistic tradition.
iirc they're pretty much proven to be cheaper and better in literally every technical way
Deal fuccboi
also this
Of course
I missed you, honey
Considering how much you bitched when we got onto you for inviting Sci to a private place you sure do like to bitch about people coming to a public place.
You talk a lot of shit about someone who doesn't want to be your friend
It's pretty great getting a bottle of the grape shit and swilling i til passing out and being able to just screw the lid on
I purposefully never buy a wine that has either a screw on top or an artificial cork.
You do not want to start shit.
Maybe you should learn from the shit you do for once.
start shit
i for one enjoy seeing grimmy all riled up
Last night was a joke with archives, if you were paying attention
Get hit.
Maybe you should get off my dick. What's done is done. I consider us at a neutral standpoint, and hope that we can be friends again.
Grimmy is in lewds
Griiim, done already?
I' just glad its not me
Yeah go fuck off somewhere
...is it strange knowing im talking to you when you probably have a boner in your hand?
how does this make you feel?
Come oooooon!
It has been so long!
I don't get rage erections
This is what, the fourth time you've brought this up today?
Like god man, calm your tits, there are worse crimes in this world than violating the sanctity of your special snowflake secrit clubs.
Probably makes sense there, if it's not ubiquitous, with the lower quality wine varieties being more likely to pick it up. But at the same time it is still not only hugely easier, but produces a better product with less chance of damage.
Sounds gay
who gets drunk off wine anyway
...the batr should never a rile
Holy shit. At what point did I say we weren't?
Stop acting like any time people call you out on shit that they hate you.
Jesus. You did something fucking retarded and rage quit my server because Oobles kicked you from hers.
Has it really been the 4th time
holy shit
hi squid
gime kis
i bet you like to be spanked... dirty boy
It's almost like it doesn't matter either way to outside people.
This is getting weird
The bigger one is Grim here. He has some weird, perpetual victim complex over everything.
What, I am barely a faggod when there are people like Squish around!
excellent... *winkyfais
oh god
I don't drink muchhard liquor since I got way too white girl wasted off some double digit double shots of smiifnoff vodka
I went on a high proof kick with everclear and 151and that just ruined what I had left in me
Wine is just about all I can drik now
no sir
we do not engage in this kind of behavior
what are you fuckin gay
Grow up.
only if you fetch me my packages that have been waiting at my dorm for two weeks
I am not making that drive.
no ace.. im gay like a fox
something something the buddy system
neither am i, it sucks shit
I don't know what to do anymore
you got the reich one baybay
I'm sure it will be there when you get back.
Stop creating situations that you know are stupid to create and thinking everyone is being mean to you for no reason.
...youre so cute when you try to channel your latent homonormativity
they will be but i want them NOW
By my count anyway.
Pretty sure it's right, for the period I've been lurking/posting.
I don't really care about this but like come on this is just silly.
Hello, person of o's.
I can't speak for him generally but over the course of today he's pretty clearly been trying to disengage while the one other guy is forcing the issue.
I'm just saying your tism's are out of control here my dude.
What does that even MEAN
The solution is to drink less overall.
Stop shitting on my head
and stop thinking its for no reason
its for a STUPID reason
its fucking stupid as hell man
I dont know if these people are my friends or my enemies
It means that squash is a real superfaggot, and now that mugs is here, I can wrap him in with that too
So in comparison I am super straight!
sneeze hurt my tongue
There is always a reason for everything!
Go get them.
You invited someone that is fucking hated to a private discord and lied about it.
Then you talked shit on people for being mad at you. It could be that you're the stupid reason.
definateley, that's fair enough
I only get to drinking abbout once evey few months
I have a problem with uh
herb you know
but now that I'm21 I cant really tell much I suppose
whats your favorite alcohol?
Keep discord drama in discord
thats all I ask
be mature about it
be mature about it
hue hue
Hah, I got you!
But we can agree that mugs is the biggest faggot, right?
i can wait until sunday
but im gonna pout the ENTIRE week
What is it?
you can still message me there
At least be consistent about it. You dramamonger in thread constantly but "keep drama out of threads" because whatever this is involves you?
oh shit, are we being mature on the internet?
Nobody are faggots, they can be whatever they wanna be!
I am very particular about personal drama
Shut the fuck up, Cato.
hi ho how're you
also at the topic at hand, grim's a fucking dumbass but squash is taking it far lol
Yeah, and I did that.
You got pissy with me because I didn't like that you were advocating that random thread people go to my Discord when you have your own Discord for that shit.
We should shame him for it!
off to plai gaem... k lates
yeah shut the fuck up cato
but drama is the lifeblood of the threads
That just makes you a hypocrite.
Unless it's someone's DOX.
my frank ocean and leonard cohen CDs
aww, what did I do?
I'm being all good and stuff~
That's mean.
Not sure who they are.
frank ocean
he said he was gonna drop an album
then waited like 5 years to do it
and then it was SHIIIIIIT
Yeah, it's mugs
we have to keep being mean to him until he draws some more pages
Bard, sing me a song
But he's my dog. I have to be nice.
anyone and everyone would be the same
it is
see above
The music you showed me you robably wouldn't be into him
Hes like
R nB Hip hop
This is why I never let you be a mod in the server.
ur yuk
i want kroni to post here again
Shit man I dunno
Why are you accusing me of this
Who is that
I don't know what you're TALKING about cato.
Probably whiskey, or a nice cider or maybe sparkling white, I guess.
For getting drank definitely whiskey, I take the "least time with shit in your mouth" approach.
I'm alright, I guess. I dunno. Very lethargic today for some reason. How are you?
That's what it looks like to me, yeah.
I enjoy all kinds of music.
I just can't recall names and shit.
what do you listen to
But I want more pages!
You're the bard, isn't that your job?
and mugs
But mugs is a made of gas now
that is a horrible idea
I want you to kill youreself
Aw. Have you tried resting and stuff? Maybe post from a warm comfy bed.
The entire situation was fucking dumb to begin with but at this point it's just kind of meh. What's done is done and grim isn't coming back lol
there he goes again
No one even wants you posting here, Sci.
but why
dont u wanna spice things up
Oh, I've heard squash applied as a retarded term for me before, I thought you were just being a faggetot, didn't realize that's an actual person here.
The point is, stop pushing your gayness off to others.
Pretty much whatever.
I like Bobby Fuller 4.
Let Her Dance being the best of their songs.
Maybe someday you'll be equatable to mental deficits like I.
Some day.
you like to be spicy to people
but you offer good folders and nice music
hes just mad
at everyone
like that null dude
But all that LIFEBLOOD !!!!!!!!
this heavily reminds me of the beach boys' Dance Dance Dance
But it's true!
Squash is like the gayest furry around and mugs is about half a step ahead of that!
there is drama and then there is just liquid shit
know the difference
ah null isnt rly like that, he just has an e-crush on kroni rn. it's a phase im sure.
Kind of odd that you would risk getting everyone mad at you for inviting Sci when you told me you don't actually like him even.
How so?
There is none. They both fucking stink.
It's only bad drama if it's not in his favor.
Maybe lethargic wasn't the right word.
Just can't bring myself to actually do shit but don't really feel slow or tired. Plus I've forgotten how to sleep normally.
Sounds gay
how you?
I believe in my ability to be retarded.
reeeeeeemove furries
but v fun
I didn't think it through
ok dude
u wanna tussle
has similar guitar and tambourine patterns
and similar subject matter i guess
Because you're an idiot with a victim complex.
You've heard it?
exactly, and they're some of the best guys here
i'm good tbh
i found it on youtube
Kroni is shit and null is shit for liking kroni
It's so good.
im gonna go as far as to say there is no victim here
seriously though stop
dont stop
aw leave null alone. he's a sweetheart, truly
Acknowledge you did something stupid for once.
it's pretty nice
havent really gotten too deep into that era
get sepsis and die
I mean, you could just not do shit. That's fine. Everyone has those days.
Im ok. I just ate dinner and now I'm gonna go for a nappy.
If you keep up about this into tomorrow he might peel your skin off >.
Only to disregard it later
how even?
I mean, at least you're not even bard
he won't even sing me a song!
this joke is only funny when cup does it
I just pick up random songs so I'm not sure what era it's from.
Like, again, you keep accusing him of having a victim complex, but he's legitimately the one being attacked here.
Maybe for YOU
Because you're GAY
Yeah but it's kinda annoying
I want to do shit.
Also I keep talking like a retard, which is kinda annoying to me.
Sounds fun, sleep well, Holla Forums.
Time to go bathe be back later
You have been gone. I missed you.
But he is a Bard
That is his job!
When did I say this????
like when you get your anal piercing
I hope the e.coli travel straight up to your heart
oh fuck squid its almost as though there are multiple events aside from this that corroborate this opinion
There is more to it than you probably get.
Just saying.
I was at family.
Aussies are literally all pure waifus
yes thank you
exactly, so all the guys are super gay!
You are under the assumption we are mad over something stupid when you also acknowledged full well that you did something that you knew was fucking stupid.
:( aw I'm sorry that I'm not funny.
U can just lie in bed and eat things
order pizza
feel bad
then fall asleep and rinse and repeat
i actually meant to type i'm going to sleep "soon" but i forgot the "soon" part so i'll still be here for a little bit watching the retardation continue
i hope u dont get sick i think ur a bomb ass bitch
I want to be a bomb ass bitch.
Exactly. it is stupid. but I did not say it was your fault you are mad at me. I said it was your fault you are intolerant of sci.
its ok I forgive u
I'm just saying moight
whats a moight
ex-fucking-scude me?
also i'm not even sorry
its all your fault guys
Are you telling me I'm WRONG for disliking someone who posted CHILD PORNOGRAPHY and actively talks shit of me?
And we are int he WRONG for not being ok with you and your impromptu invite and LYING about who he was?
That's WRONG of me?
Hey Mugen, what's hanging?
the kid just wants attention.
watching man in the high castle
it is
im sorry papa moogs
Remember when you threw a bitch fit because I let Googles into the server?
Maybe it's just WRONG of you for being intolerant of them.
Yeah this is the standard cycle but today I'm lacking the desire to sleep and I don't feel bad, it's odd
like mate except said differently because I feel like talking like an inbred today for some reason
He's worse than a Jew at this point.
Didn't Grim lead the crusade against Sci in the beginning?
no goggles is actually intolerable
mmmmm inbreeding~
Killing time, looking for things to preoccupy myself with
le !
Or being WRONG for being intolerant of Cup's relationship with his sister.
Holy shit, Sci.
At least make it someone hard to tell it's you.
what are your options
im not trying to hide silly
Also wow good job you fucking LIED to me
Mugs, link me!
I am not silly.
I am a good boy and will be referred to as such.
Maybe you could go out to the store and buy your favourite food? at least you'd get out of bed.
Are you fucking serious right now?
I believe so.
yea man what can i say i just lie all the time COUGH COUGH
No, I am saying that YOU are the ones that don't want him. and YOU have your own opinions, and are free to do so! However, YOU need to stop riding MY ASS about it when I'M not even part of the server anymore! After I apologized for it MULTIPLE times, too!
Because he is a fucking snake and will leak secrets without a single fuck give.
That's a whole other topic.
Why don't you try getting to know him from a neutral standpoint?
This is all really weird, I feel like i missed something
Are you sure?
At least a lieutenant in the crusade.
is this flirting wtf
Maybe it was another crusade
Do iiit!
I mean, there have been a lot of crusades against specific people in this thread
were you even here when it happened
fucking lol
i want to work on something else
like adapt something public domain into something interesting
I know
I remember advocating his 3month ban but not his re-ban
no mic but here u go :3my guitar has a pickup I can direct in with
He has done a splendid job of getting it in all the wrong ways.
Why defend him?
And rage quitting the servers doesn't absolve you of stupidity.
Give this dog a bone.
goggles is fucking trash it's a mystery to me how anyone could like that boring worthless fag !
but u e-dated him!
But there was so much potential!!
I mean, there are a lot of things to remember
This is one of my favorite instrumental songs so you get an A+
You live up to your name
What's wrong with you
Goggles tells me I'm pretty and brushes my fur.
Nope I only ever e dated like 4 people and you werent one of them
Aww yeah. To be fair I'm not discriminating, I talked like stupid inbred black people all day too.
I unironically said tbh like four times holy shit KILL me
I ordered some (really fucking good) food already because my ability to care is an absolute 0 right now. I think that better describes my mood, an absolute lack of fucks, which is odd because I normally give far too many.
You're not LYING to me about your LYING, are you?
lot of things have that
Why would I have any desire to get to know a pedophile. Why honestly would I. I still don't understand why you even would considering you work with kids on a regular basis. I'm kind of disgusted.
Grim invited Sci to my discord and lied about who he was. Said he was 10x, and then when Guero kicked him because he knew it was him, Grim threw a fit and spouted a bunch of nonsense. Furthermore he insulted me and diminished my opinion all together so fuck him.
arent you like a teenager anyway
Oobles linked me a lot.
How needy.
what kind of food?
also YOU GOT ME im lying i barely lie hehe xd
saying he shares a name with a skiier could be bullshit
how is anyone but luka to know
quitting the servers marks an end to that chapter
so stop dredging it up over and over again just because you have the leverage to do so
He's lonely
He's a good kid if you give him a chance
I still see the good in him from when he started posting
too much
That wasn't even meant to be an insult.
you and guero have the same exact likes and dislikes
thats why you two are together no?
You removed me from your server before, why wouldn't I think you were the one who did it again?
pet me and love me and smile at me and make me cum to guero's picture
pause your shitposting for a second
Nurse catboys back to health until they return the favor.
what'd i do?
hahaha u big fat liar! ur like my null bb.
You've legit actually DOXed people before.
So I don't see how you're different from Goggles in the whole leaking secrets thing.
Pull your head out of your ass.
*Smiles warmly*