I'm going to die
I'm going to die
Other urls found in this thread:
no se muera, señor
I've seen other videos that guy has done, I swear he's an actual psychopath.
If nothing is impossible does that mean something can be impossible ?
yeah same. at least I'm pretty sure it was him. in stuff like second life and whatnot. he's a crazy person, but usually hilarious.
I think he did some DayZ stuff, too?
Can't remember his name for the life of me.
nothing is impossible is pretty misleading, the universe is mostly in fact made up of nothing. the space between molecules, atoms, protons, neutrons, quarks, electrons, it's all nothing
the universe is mostly nothing
idkkkk ¬∃x,impossible(x)
getting pretty sleeeepy
That's a smart snake.
nigga tied up some chinks and made them eat each other
What are you gonna do about it ?
I can't understand what australians say half the time.
try reading it upside down
They just are asking for beer and gasoline to huff.
i'm gonna eat your pastries if you do
prison island
pls no
too sleepy
But its not text
My friend was talking about some lady who drinks gasoline and doesn't die the other day.
try south africans.
Sleeps when ?
This guy was from Australia
I just awaked fpr 8 horus
he was not
cant rember
Just sleep whenever you get sleepy enough then
that webm even more pointless than my luge ones
read the sheer amounts of Australians denying his accent was not ozzy in the comments.
Show me any kind of proof that hes not from that country and is in fact from south africa.
thank mr skeltal
ITS MISS SKELTAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
doot me up inside
Are you listening to this ?
published a day after the video was released
Sounds like australian still.
Such a dork!
-Anonymous internet commenter than can say anything
some of them appear to be genuine satire
some of them I can't tell and it's horrifying
Just listen to dags talk for 5 seconds instead.
dags runs on lsd now.
I'm sure other bogans do worse things.
like be huge gaylords like someone
I planned on just sleeping originally
all I have planned for new years is going to a conveyor belt sushi place and getting my dog snipped
kinda hope my friend makes a booty call though
He can't help it Grim.
He doesn't have the social skills.
stop the bullying
name names is a popular saying here
I enjoy instigating. SO WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the most annoying part is that they don't even fucking pull of the look
it's like they do a "transformation" and literally all they do is put on a fucking hoodie
like, nigga
you do not even need to scout me you know my build you just do it as a formality or to watch me forget to put probes on the gas
Don't state their mistakes
But what happens when you make the plays and pull out something completely different?
he has to think fast
my toy has arrived....
I still do it because it is a good habit to develop. If anything, I tend to make a weak unit composition just to see how the units fare against a well-rounded one and to attempt to brute force the game. I also forget to put scvs on gas sometimes.
Oh, yeah? Want to fight? :3
I just have no idea what units to make when I even get past the forgetting stuff step
That is what I am trying to figure out for you.
Do not prevaricate and get on.
what piece of work do you even see this word being used darwin
I do not see what the problem is. It is a perfectly cromulent word.
Names was like 12
nimf just gives up on life
how fucking confused and shocked would you be if you're trying to pull of some drifts and all of a sudden your fucking wheel comes off
He's not even here
Oh, I see how it is.
wow erin used to be pretty unatractive
He's too old for that. Blames it on lag and dropped frames.
no fuck you
I just woke up from an interesting dream...
A weird planet almost earth-like but... maybe it was martian-like... it was surrounded, no satilited by really big sliceing sattilite structures long and wide almost like a blender blade...
almost hundreds off them orbiting blocking out the planets veiw almost completely
i was some kinda of contrated grunt for some milatary space govt to help with something i dont remember but i end up getting mixed up in a event..
i was on some team with a few people
and we go down to some arid dusty mars-like planet that's been settled on and blah blah conversations about job repairing something then get mixed up with the event where giant bellydancer lookin sand witch serpant was angry and uh destroying something keeping from bringing breathable air to the planet so uh... angry dust storms ensue i think some people die, and we somehow capture the witch and bring her up in space starion in mega hanger and lock her up, but dust storm still killing planet people are losing air on mars-like planet
while witch is in hanger space station, so me out of the whole team decides to check on witch but i think she sending me vision in my head of me trying to understand her cry out...some word... like help... or come... faintly and i get more vison of the dust storm on planet wiping aall things out and i for some reeason go suicide mission like uh reminiscant of that cowboy bebop scene where that fake pregnant lady hoarding drugs where her belly is with that crazy drugged up guy get all shot up trying to escape the planet, but except i was somehow trying to fly the captured mega witch back to the planet for some reason, but flying out i would face a huge armada to fly and zoom whip dodge around straight down to the planet
...then i woke up while flying back in the hail of battle?
i think i'm missing parts of the dream where some interesting conversations took place and flashbacks to what i was doing working there.
i can hardly remember anymore
but... it was interesting to say the least. strange planet and ships surrounding planet, and then i was contracted for some reason to fix something then got caught up in some other mess, but i think one remaining teammates saw me off... and i think i got a glimpse of the angry commanders face and incoherent stuff they shouted as i barrelled down to the planet through the hail of bullet or laser fire.
it was more detailed and fleshed out than all of this of course it was almost as i could feel the struggle for air on the dust planet and all the tension and emotions
from the dream.
Trippy af
that probably means you watch too much video games and play too much anime
give me a tldr
is this the first entry of your dream journal
i have interesting dreams
i guess?
"to late do read"
vivid dreams are cool tho
i can kinda picture that song going well to the general mood of the dream?
the last time i had a real dream was when i fell in love but that was like a year ago so i dont remember it
the body subconsciously compensated for my loneliness
maybe the song inspired the dream itself
Don't use my pictures.
copyright neuzmo 2017 DO NOT USE!!!!!!!!!!! MINE ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rawr
is this yours too i found it
i don't know what love is like irl
i wasn't even thinking about anything remotely related before i slept?
it was something interesting to ponder meaning behind why all that happened.
me too
the closest thing i had to it was unrequited(probably) crushes
subconscious stores a bunch of shit to sue in dream right before you sleep prolly
I remember one super vivid one, and it was LUCID
I controlled everything, it was great
lots of flying
how many lucid had you had?
i don't lucid cause i like to let the dream play itself out.
Do not use.
They are mine.
but its cute
watcha speculmulating
like 2
those were when I tried really hard
Ive had 1 night terror that I remember
so awful
You can look at it after I post it.
I have a folder of Hades webms courtesy of MFF. I should make a static avvy folder. Hades is my spirit animal.
i think i've only had two night terrors...
one where i could feel physically pinned down
and the other where trying to survive from some monster in a run down dark building interior overgrown elevator shaft and ect... hiding under a bed in the dream i think... then things in that dream calmed down the closer i got to waking up maybe.
blow his load that is
Dun wanna
one vivid one was fucking post apocalyptic zombie survival
but in a skyscraper in some arid region
watching videos about guns makes me want to hunt deer and live entirely off of hunting and maybe a little orchard and vegetable garden
It's a good thing the system prevents that.
what states can i hunt freely in
mei is bae
mei is a HO
Neru i'm to young to be looking at this.
oh shit?
I had that dream in 13
how would you rate this game out of 10?
i can't legally own guns but there are air powered rifles no defined as firearms that don't require a liscence or follow any gun laws
also I could just hunt with a compound bow
Are you gonna try to hunt deer with a fucking bb gun?
i have so many different types of dreams
she's cute.
love dreams a best
Beat it twice with two different friends.
there are air powered rifles that fire actual rounds and are about as powerful as pistols
do not presume
i can't recall any
maybe one where i had a small crush on someone in the dream but their role was small
i don't know who they were.
but nothing anymore in any dreams..
how about for soloplay?
what was that song called again
ive had dreams full of sweet lovemaking
it helps if you're not a virgin
thank you for calling ve-ri-zon~
What song?
oh well.
wasnt that the background for a trippy song
Who are you calling a scrub NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its from gurren laggann?
oh right
i was thinking of something else i guess
Very scary
I can't make it 10 seconds through it, I fucking hate laci green
I would like and new game to play that I actually enjoy.
too late
I couldnt make it through 3secs of that shit
tfw such a backlog of games
dont even wanna buy b/c of that
its okay
love isnt everything
russian roulette
knowing my luck I'd live with 6 rounds in the cylinder
They'd lose
Well its 60% off so nows the time
i don't see anything wrong with this vid
I'd fucak lacy green
Nothing gets me rampantly sexual like a feminist.
what for?
even more shit to add to my backlog
Calling her the wrong gender is FUCKING RUDE
add it
id hatefuck laci green
i didnt.
hot damn
I cannot.
except her energetic personality, i guess?
Did you just assume my gender????
okay good
did you just assume im human?
No one has ever assumed that
If I cut my hair and change my clothes then my gender also changes.
I identify as mayonnaise.
mecha musume
is an interesting tag
More gender assumption here?
I mean, there's plenty of decent anti-feminists out there.
He's not one of them. He's just a fat neckbeard.
tl;dr laci is a hyper sjw feminazi
it was the first result ok
i only mean that one vid in particular
i don't know her
Whats so funny
Oh no I doxed myself!
did she dox herself or
thanks tsuchi
I can always rely on you
weak dox fam
who is she to you?
that looks really nice
is there more like it?
it me
i've been coughing the past two weeks and now i do it in a weird hiccup kind of way
provide vocaroo in private.
"mecha musume"?
who's the boy voice in discord then?
a ruse. heh
I watched TV again a few days ago
apparently there are entire tv channels for showing youtoob videos with cringy pausecommentary and some tosho guy
I cry and stop watching tv again
it was like if tsuchi made a tv channel tbh
im more interested in the art than the tag
Both of these voices are me.
I'm gender fluid and my voice changes when my gender changes.
fell asleep watching nge and woke up to my friend calling me for drinks
dont drink and drive kids
tell me more
What else can I even tell ?
Anyone want to masturbate mutually over video web camera?
girls only
Sorry, girls only.
Sorry but i'm a male at the moment.
thats the joke
I'll make an exception for cupcake.
I will. hold on, let me shave my beard off first.
Don't threaten someone with a good time.
why do you save so many Pictures of that one girl?
Anyway, how are you all?
im aiite man
how bout you
Could be better, my cough is persisting now for the third day in a row and I'm tired of it.
hard pass.
goodnight thread.
I ate too much FUCKING DELICIOUS JERKY and now my gums hurt
no wait
Goodnight. Happy new year, if I don't see you
She your GF?
What gf?
I don't have a gf.
show me your male parts
Why is that weird ?
it all doesn't make sense.
Whys that ?
I nearly missed this
you're incoherent.
I don't have anymore voice things for this.
It's cute watching you flirt with a dude
this is pathetic
this is why i avoid jerky
ghost blowjobs
go to sleep tp
everything in moderation
that woman had souls trapped in her knees
Your voice acting needs work.
definitely have to be gay
Why are you saying these things though ?
because that how you make me feel sometimes?
show me
you heard me
I'm not really trying cuz its 4:30am
I am sorry.
Delit thes
Someone say "pigs in blankets"?
That's really perverse!
Yes I did and I'm confused
try not to let your fragile masculinity get ruined
I think im exhausted without realizing
im gonna try to sleep
goodnight dude
just think about it
it okay
alure of mysterious nezumi!~
I am aloof
No u dork!
Help. Spoilers keeps bullying me. I need an adult.
Suck his dick already.
how do i get through to you?
No one can.
so tired
you and your fish
Because i'm so ANGRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about what?
see monkuy
how will you fix it?
Don't you hate it when you are walking up the stairs with a full cup of coffee and then your nose starts to itch and you want to sneeze but suppressing it only makes you make a weird face and you achoo after all spilling hot coffee on your hand.
My rage cannot be controlled.
i dont sneeze or drink coffee or walk up stairs
Are there any 24 hour pizza delivery places?
depends on how big a city you are in.
Well ok but you're only 12 or something kids cant drink adult coffee.
None that I know of.
If I see a dick it just sets me off into a blinding rage.
i was joking I do all those things and im 12
eat healthier
Thats the end of the story.
Nobody lives happily ever after.
Do you hate the dick?
what happens after story?
No you don't, liar.
Everyone dies.
yeah im a liar im not 12 but i drink adult things
its too big
Wow gay
What's the drinking age to do Alcohol over there anyways?
why die?
that pic is adorable~
That's gross.
kewl cowboy gifs!
Why do you both lie?
4 years older than my current age
Ah, 21.
Shit now I feel old as shit
u 2
Its just what happens
that would destroy an asshole and thats not appealing
and then?
Let's rub balls.
so you acknowledge im not 12
I haven't heard these songs before but I am definitely enjoying them, the background Bebop is a plus
I don't have many
Hmm... I dunno, that's the appealing part.
How much can you fit in your mouth?
pretty drawings
and there are fish
it made me think of you
that would destroy an asshole and thats not appealing
pizza places should really be 24 hours
I can't tell you the amount of times I've wanted a pizza after 10pm
normal people go to sleep instead of crying about their life after 10pm
But thats what makes it gay
ya triangle sometimes puts out those kewl retro 80s esq jams that groove
i like some of em too
and the tasteful anime gif in the background are well picked out
you stumbled on something nice.
that weird strange Tumor Fish? :o
What is this?
show me more
all I have is soup tho
the real question is do I get pizza or spend 20 bucks on weed
Ssssh embrace it.
buttholes are exits only.
Pizza, weed is degenerate.
Buttholes are for fun!
a face
How can I show you nothing ?
I don't want too
You say that but I bet you've broken your own rule a few times.
Yeah, a friend of mine sent it to me and I'm glad he did. Brings back memories
Sometimes I cannot tell if you're serious
Agreed. Benis in bagina all the way.
you can have pizza without weed but you cant have weed without pizza
I mean my friend could sell me some, or I could buy pizza since there's nothing in the house but soup
I saw a face on the internet today.
it's not my favorite either :p
what kind of fish would you like?
because you seem to know a bit about it since you talk of it so much?
check all the other stuff on their channel
and also: NewRetroWave
I will deny that until the day I die.
I'm sure there are better things to get that would last longer than pizza tbh but pizza>weed
Will do
what kinda butt stuff did you do
A colorful one
lots of pretty fins, like sails
Don't tell anyone but I've found some special beverages for the night
How was it ?
Vaginas are disgusting.
I know a lot about nothing ?
So you're gonnna live out the rest of your life as a liar ?
I got 30 bucks from my grandparents and I want to suck my friend's dick again and why not have a good time afterwards
lmao this is like me_irl but irl
Goggles pls
what, he sucks my dick too
he's basically my fuck buddy, and why not buy 20$ of weed, I want to have a little bit here and there
Nani desu ka
It really made me think.
Are you gonna change your way of life now ?
Goggles you can't get drunk lolis can't drink
drunk lolis are the best
It's possible.
I only do vaginal stuff.
It's too late. Ive sipped a bit.
wanna end my life tbh fam
Is your vagina male or female ?
Who even are you ?
Related Channels for chill:
Artzie Music
idk you tell me.
I'm calling the cops!
Save me ikt :p
god damn hispanics do your job and get to the polls
I bullied gogs to the point of drink, it is kill now
she gets drunk in the ln?
Mwahaha I am the ppolice
Might as well get drunk too
cute smile~
That's the plan
That's for me to know.
not legalizing pot is a blessing in disguise.
i dont even know what to say
dont die tho
Definitively female.
Cripple-chan ?
oh but we just HAD to pass 206 and raise minimum wage to 10 dollars. soon this place won't be the haven of low cost of living it's supposed to be
Feeling ok?
You didn't move there for that did you? Lol
How can I know you're telling the truth?
I won't
no, my mom did
Are you going to be very drunk on NYE?
Hey look, that's another face.
What's a cripple-chan?
good ty
Idk why people do that to themselves
Its a tranny in a wheelchair.
well she spent her 20s in arizona and wanted to come back I guess
I don't know I just will see how I feel
Damn, that'd be rough.
*pat* Have good time, I'mma shave now.
Yeah i'm sure they wanna die.
she's blushing
I could have used some of that thing you ordered.
I thought you don't shave
we used to have lots of pet fish
mm i don't know why we don't anymore
i hope you get one
J-just now?
bored as shit and it's 3am
what do
Neru was too rough on me.
you LOST?
am bad
already on it
You cannot have any.
I crossed my fingers
You do not CARE about me.
I am saving it. We will need it later, trust me.
Having a neckbeard is unsightful.
What wonderful game is this?
Okay. Grosd
Yeah thought so too.
I want to reenact Heat in GTA IV.
You're just doing this because you want me to abuse you.
Dude that is hilarious where can I find this mans youtube channel
will it work
I'd play no mans sky but the game only runs fine for like 15 minutes and then it gets super laggy unless I look directly up
Oh Jesus I knew it but didn't want to.
Oh they use it for RP stuff now? I thought it was a tacticool strategy sim shit
*pat* ok
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The picture didn't sebd