Other urls found in this thread:
kindly kys
Is this the active thread?
quality tripcode
i got a bunch of good ones hidden in thousands of not so good ones.
where'd everybody go
no go to mine it's cooler
I think I postes in that one
gif EXTREMELY related
it is me
I'm funnier than Amy Schumer
time to go to sleep during christmas morning
Your humor is dad tier.
holy shit this linking what the fuck squash
my parents got me a blanket that is so soft that it must be made out of angel skin
murry christmas you degenerate faggot fucks
you'll shoot your eye out
you'll shoot your eye out
Hey my mom got me another kitty blanket this year too.
all the kitties
murry buttmas to you too.
oh my gosh I have a kitty blanket too. I've had it for years, my mom gave it to me because I was always stealing it from her when I lived at home.
I got a rock
well yeah
I stole your blanket
What up babe
nothing just watching the christmas story marathon lol
i love this movie
nu uh. I still have it.
Just got home from christmas dinner, now I'm just chilling in bed listening to Destiny while he rants about Tracer being yuuuuri~
it's a video game character why are people so upset about this
Yeah I just put it back.
He agrees. He rants about people overreacting. Supposedly if being gay shouldn't be a big deal, then why are people outraged.
Our world is autistic though
hehe I am so cute
yuri waifus are the way to go anyway :3
Merry Christmas, Grim
Destiny is so good entertainment, he flips shit when people are stupid
so do i haha
I'm skeptical.
Well you don't stream it!
iunno how
plus i don't wanna
you too
hello skeptical, I am dad :^)
is witcher 3 good?
As far as RPGs with a predefined main character goes it's the best one I can think of. It was probably my GOTY that year. the DLC adds like 30-40 hours to a main game that is already 80 something hours long.
witcher 1 and 2 were sort of shite to mediocre though.
I'll give anyone my xmas savings if they can cure my fear.
Thanks. So conclusion is to get the DLC's too
Predefined how?
The hangover fear.
The great mortal dread of 'Oh god I've done a bad thing, I must end myself.'
like, it has a story arch that is about characters who have a name as opposed to something very open like a fallout game. You play as geralt, you don't play as PLAYER CHARACTER WHOM I COMPLETELY MOLD TO MY LIKING, although there are plenty of moral choices. It's one of those games where it's sort of gritty dark fantasy and grayzoning on who is really a good guy. Sometimes it's just trying to make out which is the lesser evil.
I like it a lot, it's very immersive and I enjoy the dark fairytale shit.
alcohol? Drink coffee, milk, soda pop, water, do taxes to get your mind off of shit, take a long nap. That's how I deal with it.
I think?
Coffee seems a bit of effort; but I'll get shadowrun... it fucking hurts, this mortal fear is grim though.
Mmkay. Sounds good, I'll check it out soonish. Promised Subtle to play some Path of Exile too.
I still have an exam assignment to write ;_;
And yeah, arc.
distractions always help.
I've never played it
It fucking sucks, legit wanted to end myself
do ho ho
No worries, Mordin helped out.
Why so wide?
Did you get anything good?
try some supplements. they help with stuff. i take them. L-Theanine. Valerian Root to make you tired. It will take the edge off of it.
I got a few good things
ye bby
Merīkurisumasu to all. I hope you've had a good one, if not I hope it improves.
Do tell
I'll get my hands on some next time.
Or I could like... just isolate myself and live off the land.
the theanine is something for anxiety that you can take whenever. it makes you shrug your shoulders and concentrate on whatever you are doing. It's nice.
I never watched evangelion before to be honest
Should I give it a shot?
I wish someone got me a collectors edition of eva lol
but nah I got a bunch of cash, some books, some cologne
dont watch it alone
you will be confused
and possibly even scared
I'll ask if I can get some, is it over the counter?
I recognize that pose
Cant go wrong with a money gift tbh
I've been wanting to rewatch inuyasha but with 167 eps it would take me like months
I got it at walmart since they started carrying it, instead of iHerb.
If you go to the isle where the vitamins are, look for the bottles that look like this and then it should be under the T's as opposed to L's. $6 for it.
that looks pretty faggy bro
omg lol! I forgot about that
thanks for the laugh
Sorry Grim, I think I'd take the anime girl over you
I was shitposting at ax and saw the opportunity here
I dont even remember finishing it
I watched it as a kid
ax 2016 was LIT
thats aiite
props for the watch tho
I understand the whole allure of jeweled or gold analog watches
but I really like function over form
so I use this mudman
compass, moon phase, full solar, world time, ton of other shit
its great
G-Shock isn't it?
That may sort my shit out, I'll report back and will pray to god I recover when I get my shit together.
Btw, check out Shadowrun, it is £8 for ALL of it. DLC and stuff.
Got one too, sturdy as fug. I use it for work but I have another porn watch for everyday use.
Ok. It also helps with narcotics withdrawal. I know from experience.
alright. I'll check it out
it can survive an apocalypse and even measure temps
literally need one for your entire life
Owning a HYT watch someday would be epic tho
I was watching that one orange hamster girl anime with the old man (Tracer) he didnt like it one bit lol
But I think its cute
Hiya lewds
I hated Umaru too
Not a fan of the cutesy animes huh?
House watching for my parents while they are on christmas vaction and im doing nothing but watching anime on their 60 inch tv.
this the life
Mine is fairly simple, not too many functions
Hey you. Enjoying Christmas so far?
the cuteness isnt the problem
its everything else in it
play hentai on it
because garbage
merry christmas
your mom's a hottie
Merry Christmas fam, stop perving on my mom.
They got neighbours you stupid fuck
look at the movement on this
I didn't say play it at full blast you retard
I'm more surprised that you didn't screenshot that you PERVERT.
even when perving on your friends mom
there are lines that mark the boundary between actually being a perv and just joking
Best time to post is when nobody is on. Still pretty shocking the majority of "these" posters are not here on Christmas day.
Don't you fucking lie to me. I'll hook you right in the gabber m8.
grim get h1z1
bought my little brother overwatch.
I'm not sure if thats a nice or mean gift lol
feeling comfy
Got most of the family stuff over yesterday
I'm just relaxing at my place now
Hows yours going?
Just don't let him ranked.
I have been lucky with a 22 game win streak.
Chrismas is over here, we celebrate 24th with gifts and all that and usually just dinner with family the 25th which I came home from not too long ago
Just comfy in bed right now, hopefully will be able to fall asleep soon. Sleep schedule has been fucked recently
Hes almost 13 now but I'm still very protective of him cause I know how mean people are on games to kids
Also wow.. what rank are you?
so I guess lexi is now shotacon
Was 1400 at the start of season. 2100ish now.
Oh yeah timezones
Right now would be a pretty healthy time to go to sleep for you
Lenko, Hes my little brother..
You play ranked with cup and guero right?
No. He was too high when I ranked and Cup was out of commission for ages. I just solo.
alcohol has never stopped you before
I want to praise you for those 22 wins solo q wins but I feel like I might jinx you then.
Probably wont be able to sleep for another 3-4 hours at least.
Eh, we might lose this round, but I won't blame you.
He really wants my Rice Krispies treat
Yeah, we lost that one.
Only lost like 10 points though.
That's interesting
L00ds there is only one solution. PILEDRIVER
beastiality is a sin ian
Just means that massages could turn sexual more often than they already do. That'd be great.
B-but my WWE..
has anyone else seen krampus? decent movie despite not following the legend fully
oh hey squash, how has it been?
I get followed by a new terrorist on twitter every damn day. FEELS BAD
yus, sup
I thought you ragequit over Steam Spoils?
B-but my sexual interests..
Oh hey. Welcome back.
Not much. Did holiday shit but am going to moms house next weekend because shit weather. Covered in claw marks because of my new cats being territorial so I got that going on.
Beyond that nothing much.
Wrestling can be sexual too. wink
did you like it? and not a whole lot, you?
never once said I quit on steam or anywhere, the only people to ask me about it were cups and luka both of who I told I was taking a break from here for a week or two
sounds like the trip to your moms will be fun! and at least it's a happy cat? I guess! thanks btw
Eh, one is happy.
The other has always been a bitch but grandma couldn't keep her so I took her.
As much as any other christmas movie tbh. A little bit actually. I went out with my mom last night and we had a good time at this korean bbq place and we watched Elementary together after we got home. got a date for tomorrow wish me luck
good luck bro sounds like a nice time! we have zero korean places around here as far as I know, probably is good eats too
oh I am surprised to hear you have another, I instantly assumed you only meant the stray you helped
Nah, I have 2 now.
They are, and thanks! The all you can eat bulgogi was like 25 and beers were 6 so it was pretty good.
wew hopefully it doesn't turn out too hard to deal with, pets can be a pain
I have no idea what bulgogi is lol okay I googled that and it looks pretty damn good
there is this little street shop near my apartment and it's called bulgogi too. the food there is great and koreans have good taste in beer as far as I know. had a beer called hite and kloud.
I'm sure the investment will pay off.
I'd rather get a Husky or something, but cats are cool.
Comments like this are why people don't like you
lenko a manlet
remember when lenko quit? me too
dude I was there
nah lol
reminder that scoots is still shorter than 60% of posters
reminder that lenko is shorter than scoot
six foot of [rime britishness
girls pls stahp fiting
remember when you were relevant?
nah that was never
lenko, just piss off, NO ONE cares if you are here
I care.
NO ONE comes here and says "im posting for lenko"
I am posting for Lenko.
you also post for dog fucks
Dog fucks > (You)
you are a NO ONE
you have no shit
you have no info
you are not missed or
not needed
you area not piece of shiet
hehe xd
Lenko, give bully.
lenko i hear yo manmeat was shit
nigga a lame
you are still
this mad
nezi ur a whore
lenko a manlet
im 6 foot what and time for fun
English motherfucker, do you speak it?
Last I remember you were either Scottish or Irish.
And you still can't speak or type in English properly.
I won that cs match btw way
Dude. you chat some good shit. im English for atleast 3 gen,
you chatting shit
no bully...
what rank r u
I tried to walk into Target but I missed
Your English is giving me aids. Stay mad about me posting, I'll be back more frequently only so you can stop shitposting to just post at me.
after that reset and 6 months I got placed nova1
sorry i accidentally
can we start over. ur butt?
i bet you still cyber trannies
good luck
w-what about my butt
Poster below me has cybersex in Stormfront forums
Btw, how hard is it to start a new life somewhere else?
I wanna get out of this place as far as possible.
wow he totally cybers trannies xd
you never gonna get outta liverpool
rebel wilson is yo bitch fam
I don't even live there. I live in St.Helens now, more shittier.
I WISH I was there.
atleast you would be murdered in salford
I can finally rest in peace then.
But yeah, still got the fear, I don't wanna go to work, I hope work isn't a thing tomorrow
me too
good night
Leftover Christmas food is still almost as good when cold.
Merry Christmas everyone
Merry Christmas.
Meery Xmas Soto.
Came just right in time, I'm actually starting to feel better now.
The fear has been lifted.
How has your christmas been?
Merry x'mas to those people who celebrate it today.
it was fun
howabout you
Pretty good so far, I have some obligations to deal with later and a dinner to attend that I do not want to but those are small qualms.
I got a rice cooker and pokemon sun.
Hi hi Scanner
How was your christmas?
I celebrated it yesterday
Im hungover rn
did you want a rice cooker?
I did not ask for one, but it was nice. I cook rice a lot so it will save me time and effort.
How has your day been?
Cook me rice dishes.
how do you like your rice
No, I am not your work horse.
I will not just make you things all day.
Usually fried or just white.
I am japanese so this is how I eat rice.
Good. I got a new 64 controller.
A few times a day.
fried is probably the best
white rice is too plain
You will not ride me, I will make you meals once a year on the 21st tuesday of the year.
I do not mind it white, but I have to have accompanying food to go with it like chicken.
Excellent, what do you use it to play?
Rip George michael
sugar milk and butter goes good with it too
I like it when you try to resist, the futility of it.
Pretty much whatever.
that bitch carrie fisher is still alive
I am taking back my Christmas present.
I do not think I've had that, I will try it sometime.
Ah fun, I do not have my n64 anymore.
Did you have to do the driving to see both your family already?
You are not.
I am, and no future ones will be given.
I'm going to moms next weekend.
Here I am
Do you watch Disney's Christmas show? Surely you do, right?
Hard to get, I see.
That doesn't air outside of scandinavian countries and russia
here in england we just watch top of the pops and reruns of jim'll fix it
Impossible to get. Don't you just HATE ME?
Ah, for new years?
I go around town making rounds having toasts with my family's friends for that.
Really? I thought that was a world wide thing.
I wish loco died instead
i have casper
Not even a driblet of hatred.
The only worldwide Christmas event is one that started a couple of years ago called Star Wars
Star Wars will be a thing every christmas forever
You gonna fuck?
Nice Erin
touch his nips
u fkn wot m8
That channel is for babies.
Ask Casper if he at least watched the Disney chrismas show
Yeah. It's crappy weather outside right now.
No need to drive.
Touch his nips and tell him to call you ciaran and tell me what it's like
Finance it
I'll get you there eventually.
he says no :c
It's just storming.
I'm just buying people shit on Steam for Christmas.
I'll give you a dollar
Tell him I said hi btw
wow what a faggot
guess they never aired it in Mexico eh
that was casper
he says na
Oh ho ho
You're a laugh and a half Loodz
Why is her body look all squared and shit
You two living together now?
Lol try not to od
It's Christmas, I'm all for giggles
I dunno
Pull the trigger
Did you see my boxers?
You'd just start crying
That could easily be the work of Subtle
That nigga doesn't even know my address
I never cry.
Am drank
Write my name on your midriff.
Hmm, then Grim maybe?
am at familys
my camera is broke aaanddd I dont have a writing utensil
I'd just buy them for myself
so uh
george michael died
I guess it was his last christmas
You'd wear that? ^^;
find a way
Grim said he didn't sent shit
selfish prick
Hm Erin stopped posting?
I guess they really did start banging
I mean I could probbaly find soomething to with but everytime I bring up the camera application on my lappy to take a picture it says something went wrong and doesnt save the pixs so I cant tae pictures aymore :/
Idk if i can even tinychat cam anymore
Yeah sure
I can only hope that is not what happened for Karps sake.
yeah erins banging
Shes bangin deez nuts every night
I won't take no as an answer
(Doing homework)
I'm conflicted on that artist
You should wear them outside your pants!
how about this
'highly unlikeley'
Even Darwin would find this humorous.
I don't like it.
That was funny.
Need help?
i got a really big check for christmas and i dont know how 2 handle dis
Merry Christmas
become a woman
try cashing it in
Hello, lovelies
i'm just playing with you master hehe
Better than the puns.
How big
nice meme
But I value my cock
Fuck you. Puns are great.
I'm not actually doing homework.
I expect the picture then
You got a dildo for Christmas?
you can still have a feminine penis
I know, dear
Keep me filtered already.
i have no camera ;/
Grim pls
also id bdbaad
Wait isn't that Bebop?
My filters came off. I will reapply them at my convenience.
small price to pay for a new life
I got an amazon gifty card from my gf tho
Gonna get a cute outfit^^
I dunno if you'd like them man
tbh they are way shorter than normal boxers and have a sorta tight fit or maybe my ass is just big
Then again I aint tripping cause no one can see them
Joshi something kneesocks
Girls something something, I think
I need to go through my whole folder of doujins to find like the 4 volumes
That describes most of mine
if it stops the fear though
i guess...
yes please
I stared at it for quite a few seconds while my brain processed it as it was not a number I am used to seeing on christmas/birthday checks and my brain froze for a moment
the only way to conquer fear is to face it head on and defeat it.
No, that was Squash.
Amazing how you can tell
Oh yeah I know the artist but I'm not sure if I like him or not
i don't actually have that many doujins saved. I got that one with the mummy chicks which was like the first one I ever read.
Loli thighs
bumps ur boob
Years of practice.
how many digits :O
Well, will do as soon as I'm back in work
I should be packing but i'm just doing nothing instead,
I have a few more of her if you want
Get to it
are the arms dysfunctional
i have a fear of death
It grants me these rare moments of amazement. TOTALLY WORTH.
Yey! ♥
she's cute ty ^ ^
This is one of them?
Anime girls are very flexible
looks like it! :D
The only one ever.
shes also |3usty
I'm really tired though
when do you move? when do u get back?
I can't for the life of me figure out why you're posting that pink thing
I think she had a name but there wasn't much. I just took a few.
I should be asleep but I am wide awake
What's worse?
I don't even know why either, trolls are fucking stupid
She is the happiest troll that ever trolled, brimming with optimism and exultation, exactly like me.
i move in on the 3rd
Whats worse?
i'm not really sure
i like her
she's pretty and casual looking and comfy clothes and stuff
you'll be missing from my life for over a week?
Where is it from?
Well, being burnt alive is a good example
uhhh ???
Some movie called Trolls.
You have a big butt too?
Post pics
Oh its Oouso I think