Other urls found in this thread:
Hello, I can't stay. Gotta take care of the last christmas stuff.
For fuck's sake. asdf
Did you ever post in these threads when they were on Holla Forums under the name Blanky or specifically with a blank character as your name while using that webcomic?
@vylee sory i cant quite remember
no. it's just one of the few webcomics i've read
I see. I guess you're not him then.
does that slutty boy have a name?
it was Unsounded
do you like looking at that stuff, sub
Nice furry trap comic.
just got the OP
that's hilarious
Aren't they all?
St-stop projecting us into the furry porn!
Oh whoops
Not.. actively
If you tell someone not to think about something they can't do anything except think about it..
Like if you say "don't think about penguins" ._.
Okay, I won't.
Ye, I know.
That's exactly why I said it. :^)
dont think about blatantly sexual thing
Don't think about big firm furry cocks!
Oh, I'm missing a page I think. Whatever.
10/10 english
I know, it's really really bad.
Traps aren't gay
Did you just do 23 crops from that?
39 so far
professional editing :p
In case you thought I was memeing
brb in 40 minutes
imma watch this
Guess the gender
:3 How straight~!
porn is hard to cap
too late for straight
my editing is so nitpicky
As it is for everybody here
is the penis
I'm only picky when there's a lot to work with
He also explains why hentai is so popular
even you?
On occasion
Is that a bat and a rat?
it's shite that's what it is
My specialty
That's beside the point.
this is so adorable
I guess a gaymo like yourself would think that, yeah.
being gay?
cook me food pls
The naughty part.
What do you want?
I'm gonna go read a cool comic instead, like Preacher. Later nerds.
The first one had a nicer artstyle anyways..
You need a timeout
something salty and filling
This is what gfur threads used to be.
Comic dumps and conversation.
You have the nicest art style.
Chicken Noodle Soup, got it.
I was thinking about soup when i said that
not chicken noodle tho
Chicken noodle's just the only one that comes to mind when I think about soups that you can get away with making salty.
That's a type of noodle.
Didn't we used to have an Erio?
I coulda sworn we had an Erio at one point.
for being so naughty
it says soup right on the package
There's your problem.
Plus, I don't even know how to cook Chinese style noodles to begin with.
not a problem when they're so good
hey dude!
why so excited to see me user?
I don't think so.
What ramen do you have?
Loods and rin
Hey Rin. How are you?
Hey lewdz. How's the home away from home?
Doing alright, yourself?
I'm at home with a slurpie. Wanted to say hi
the nasty kind that doesn't come in a cup or with vegetables
nnnnn I oversleeped so bad
gg no re
Slurpie in the middle of winter?
Wakaranai yo.
I even had an alarma but I kept setting it later and later and later
Comfy, but a little boring at times. I spent a while finding new porn which I rarely find myself doing anymore so that's good
You doing alright?
In my experience, the best instant ramen doesn't come in a cup!
Snooze best function
i'm also drinking cold drinks, and my cold hasn't passed
cough cough
You gotta make it so it forces you out of bed somehow :c
At least if it really matters that you get up and don't miss something
Alarm clock how to?
Poor Hatoko.
Y-you're just trying to make me nurse you back to health!
itwas on my table and I actually stood up and manually typed in the new time then went back to bed
I'm bored too I have a sugar dish right now and don't know what to do. In also cold
Get the ones that need you to stand somewhere else.
Your alarm doesn't have the +10 minutes function?
What is a sugar dish?
Sugar rush
Nice picture
I think it does but I adjusted it 30-60 minyoots manually
That series needs so much more
This level of sleepiness is unprecedented
Well done
Just set a different alarm for each 30 minutes.
Nyanpyoun is one of my favorite artists
I don't think I've ever had a sugar rush
I am also slowly fucking my sleep schedule up now that I have no lessons or exams to write. Got up at 1 today, only seems to be getting worse ;;
it does in mine so far
are you a good nurse lillie
I did that sorta shit for a full year.
Once the alarm goes off, you need to do something else. Quick. Like a shower. Or get changed.
I agree so much.
Tomato is basically anime me.
I'm basically a mommy maid.
So probably.
I try my very best
Which ones do you get
but that few 10 minutes won't make a difference.
I'll rush your sugar for you
I thought you studied
Doesn't class start early for you
That sounds good. Do it!
30-60 minyoots tbh not 10
2-3 times
I somehow manage
because you clean and take care of people?
Pretty much.
I am woke.
gotta do some legal shit today, can't wait til I actually have my neetbucks.
You didn't even ask what it was?
Oh, I didn't think you actualy noticed me.
Please fix your sleep schedule.
how about you get a fucking job
plans fur the day?
Overwatch and then work later.
when are you done studying
Should I?
maybe next year
Well.. Uh. I don't tell you anymore
You should just guess.
Sounds like a chill routine.
I have no idea
As long as ranked does not stress me out.
My eyes are getting too heavy to explain
everything is finite
make the most of your life
or don't
you won't care once you're dead
All these ships are so adorable
Just gotta take a chill pill regardless of the outcome.
Can always dominate and demoralize another team another time.
I like my sleep scheudel
Ihave not decided yet
I never trash talk my team in OW unless they are intentionally being pricks. And that's only in QP.
chicken or beef flavored
Good sport.
In the winter of 2016, a week before Christmas, unaccomplished artist and homosexual youth, Ciaran, kicked a family and their children out of his parent's vacant six-bedroom house.
"...the main motivation is... self actualisation."
"I'm throwing them under the bus so I can be alone and reach my own core. I hope reaching my core is worth all this hurt."
tl;dr Loco made a family homeless so he could have room to figure out the kind of person he is
Man, this happens too much. I can't wait to ditch Mediacom.
So why do you always post as an user?
Sucks, how long the ban?
that two hours before was hell. Remind me tomorrow that i am dedicated it to OW
Nobody has made me a cool trip.
9 min, but it just up and doesn't load games.
I could if you'd like.
Gosh. That'd be fantastic.
It's been a while.
How does someone think up a trip?
That loco guy what a pisser
General interests or your name.
ah well, better than 2 hours xD
have you heard of that loco lad? they say he may be worst than ol' Scrooge himself.
Griffin duh.
case sensitive if possible.
Griffin or griffin
That would be simple enough.
would feel good to be a notirious tripfag again.
I am not sure how notorious you are.
not sure how to feel about this
but my default is aroused
delete this
borra esto
Somethin's funky in here, and it ain't just this song.
Did you let rip? stinks of meatloaf in here
is it mee you lookin foor?
Just rrealized I had no pants on... That would explain it...
Are you a cartoon duck?
Scooge McDuck
Bah! Humbug! And other such things
Curse me kilt!
Curse yur kilt bonnie lassie?
Not sure if you heard my observation,
but Scrooge will technically be a better person than Loco
by Christmas morning
I hear he eats babies
Pfffffffffffffffffffffff hahahaha atleast scrooge isnt a homewrecker
I performed the blood ritual
The ghosts of Christmas past/present/future should appear to him
They only show what was, what is, and what could be.
They cannot manipulate his will.
Crucial difference between that and Dickens is Loco won't care... They will just continue ion the same course.
I still intend to give him all the credit due for doing the right thing.
I still intend to relinquish my judgmental words if they no longer fit.
However, for the time being, they seem apt.
Loco is displacing a family to learn about the sort of person he is.
Unknowing that each of his actions answers that question.
hopefully at the end of this process is a long cold glass of bleach for him
He just picks them up and eats them whole
Doesn't even leave the bones
that's icky
I just did that after watching Cooki's new video
or am I
I am joking
i'm losing my voiceu
linkuu ls
tbh nothing less than tears does it for me these days
Graham Norton can grow a serious beard.
would use as antivirus
Incidentally, there are some periods where it feels like I cry almost daily.
That's a lie, I never cry.
it's okay to cry
you'll feel better afterwards
Based Norton
It didn't get better what now ;_:
buffs when I cry myself to sleep every time I sleep
maybe hugs
Maybe a blowy joey
Vylee, didn't we use to play LoL together now and then?
When is your work
I want to VC you
I played with Darwin and he played with his friends so we might have
W e W
2 hours.
good afternoon merry chinklemans
feliz navidad oobles
happy hanakoods
Hop in the voice call, guys.
feliz navidad.
comfy scoots
y prospero año nuevo
im gay
hi gay
i accept you for who you are
Vylee, vamos a las posadas
Ingles por favor.
Speak english you mexican.
donde esta la biblioteca
vale, pero no tomo
Voice chat on Discord.
Is another dimension.
any ideas?
Depilate las cejas pinche maricon lol
din mamma är en satkäring
Le das a la isquierda en la esquina y sigues todo derecho
Y eso?
No te gusta el sabor?
3 dabs of thermal paste
Buy a Mac(TM)
praat nederlands ajb
ik kan geen buitenlands
thanks for the help
suck a dick
*hugs the Daddy*
No, you.
Teach me ^W^
Otsukaresama deshita~
can't even
sí he tratado pero no me gusta
My google translate skills are top notch fam
I would always greet Mordin with "Hur mår min lilla favorit slampa idag?"
Te pones emocional o que?
O sera que te pones bien puta cuando estas peda?
Scoot needs to buy you some shoes that make you feel like that song should play every time you enter the room.
I'm afraid not, SIR. 'Tis you.
Frikandel speciaal en twee bier
I got a Frikandel for you right here bby
That sounds horrid.
lol i love you sabby
Frietje met
But... Welll.... But am I the cutest.
Maddie is cutest. You are second cutest by a mile.
why live?
isn't that supposed to have to R's?
soy una chillona
I suppose I cannot really complain at that.
Welma is 17cute
That manga is adorable
There are no doujins out for it sadly
I wish a girl would bully me as much as she would
Flattery will get you everywhere.
Sounds like you just need to update the drivers.
omggggggggggg daddy, pls .///.
Where you tryin' ta go, cutie~?
Both are technically correct.
The extra R does not change the meaning, only the way the word is pronounced.
Tho the one with 1 R is used more.
Necesitas alguien que este contigo y cuando quieres empezar a llora yo te hare sonreir, te secare las lagrimas y te dare un beso en el cachete
No tomes sola
oh my
To your cheek so I can do this!
Yep. Know your place. :3
That's going in my folder as "soto.jpg".
You're a fidget!
you're being extra adorable today.
are you okay~?
My place is eating high class ass, biatch
oh okay that makes sense
Jag är dålig på svenska
I'm in a good mood, plus I don't get to talk at you much these days an I wanna make it count.
She looks furious, but is she fast?
Wassa madder?
Damn straight ho
i saw your helmet cam footage
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I try to keep my distance. Too many haters here.
the router has had problems for a long time but I don't know which firmware it needs
currently trying to update motherboard BIOS to see if that helps
learn how to link a new thread you fucking faggot cherub