♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
It has been so long Edition
♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
It has been so long Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Headpat never
Allahu Ackbar.
well yeah obviously but I'm trying to prove a point here.
You also like how much of a lightweight you are.
I'm sure your friends would disagree.
That in of itself if something to be proud of.
Speaking of lightweightedness
I have brought shame. 2 beers and 4 rum + cokes was apparently enough to get me sick.
Which is awful considering I know I can handle so much more.
What a life
The ss bunny! capi tan
Autism Overwhelming.
I cant wake up
Meh, better than Prof and his three beers.
I blame gerd.
but why would I be particularly proud of that?
if you say so
To purchase less is to get you more.
You can get inebriated far faster than I can.
Plus you seem to have pride in your ass too.
I wanna AE86 Levin and replace the grille with a big ass light bar
hey that's not yours!
any plans for today?
who is lu tenant dan?
you knock this off, tracer. you knock this off right now.
Why not be proud to have friends that can point out how not the worst you are? And in that, be proud that you maybe found people that are not the worst.
Drink and masturbate. Probably do laundry to get ready for work.
What, me undermining your point?
I know, but I don't really feel like showing it.
GERD sucks gigantic cocks
That's pretty sad
Still I hold higher expectations of myself than this.
A brave brave man
pride just seems like such a strong emotion to have over something that pretty much everyone on the planet is capable of.
Thank you fingers I can always count on you
A brave brave man
do you have other animals bessides kittys :)
I think people just mistake pride as the absence of shame, tbh.
But the joke's on them!
I take pride in my shame!
Just drink more then.
Yeah well you're one of the few off these various websites I'd bother to call a friend, and friends correct each other when most inconvenient.
it's possible.
i need to do laundry too .-.
in private? :>
fine I will close the tab, but not because you told me to.
I'm not really fond of showing my butt.
Do it before you forget.
I'e called you my friend plenty before this.
I'm sure you're well aware of the absence of shame.
I'm sure you even take pride in it.
Obviously not
I should, but I'm out of rum at the moment
Good xir
oh my
funny looking hampster!
You may drink in my house if you ever find yourself in the hell that is Florida.
What's gerd if not liquid cancer?
It doesn't have to be this astounding feeling of accomplishment and overwhelm you. It can be as small as a modicum of joy.
I feel Tracer has been proving my point fairly well. He's a friend of yours, and making it apparent he's not the worst in your world. There should be some pride in that where you have somehow made a friend in this world when it is filled nearly with the worst.
how about your tummy?
I could make it another day or so
the same applies to you if you find yourself in the equally hellish land that is arizona.
Depends on if you like them big.
Liquid cancer
Lower in calories
Twice the convenience of normal cancer
Was ruse always insider?
Is Ruse cupcakes ex?
Best to just throw it in and get it over with.
The contract is sealed.
Possible. Ruse IS gay enough for both of those
my pronouns are burd, burds and burdself.
all that effort is wasted on the likes of me.
how ominous
silly doggy
I like all tummies and butts
show me tummy! :3c
oh shit I'm sorry, I didnt mean to offend your burdliness
It is the same one I remeber
Yeah yeah, just have bourbon in stock.
anyone ever taken Tramadol?
i feel like somebody roofied me
and not in a good way
Only in private.
Tramadol my boy
see that it doesn't happen again or I'll get my tumblr followers to put you on gawker
of course. I always have some.
Like a good friend should.
Don't you mean squawker?
you make sure you have some vodka on hand.
are you proud of yourself?
CancerX, now with double the cancer and a shot of pure abstinence.
I simply refuse to believe that.
You know I never am, Cup
very fast doggo tap dancing fast
There we go.
I've vodka, gin, whiskey, bourbon, scotch, tequila, beer, liqueurs, wine and several infusions.
you can believe whatever you like.
good. because you shouldn't be after that monstrosity of a pun.
Until we meet, then.
I swear I don't make puns that often IRL.
I'm lying
♥ drifting hapmster!
I believe it because I know it to be true.
Even if that were not the case, as I said earlier, it's possible to make people not the worst, or not feel as if they are.
it'll happen one of these days.
I wouldn't have believed you even without the spoiler text.
I don't see myself going westward anytime soon.
While I am not proud of this life. I regret none of it.
other people, sure.
one of these days.
maybe somewhere in between lying and truth telling.
Getting Woke As Fuck
You can believe whatever you like.
I'm a politician in the making.
what a coincidence that i saved it as this filename huh
If you feel the need to experience swamp ass in the east, then.
well played.
ducky 2028
I can't imagine it would be much different from the west. possibly worse now that I think about it.
what the fuck
No no no not futa not like this
Sharing cancer is caring
Journey done?
there is a line
that has been crossed
It's much worse than the west.
I actually like her contacts more than I like any other aspect of this image.
I mean.
W-why are you posting th-these blank pictures again?
Sounds like a shitty Samurai flick.
So, how are things today? Anything interesting?
Most things involving the East does.
if trump could win anyone can. he really proved that you can be anything you set your mind to as long as your opponent is the worst human being in history.
that humidity tho
nothing interesting for me ever. what brings you over here from ponychan anyway?
Yeah it was.. long and boring
And sitting on trains makes my back hurt
But it's nice to be home
Oh that's quite nice
People said it was creepy the last time I posted it :c
It sucks harder than you after three drinks.
But what if *I* am the worst human bean in history then?
What helps long train or bus rides for me is having a good book to read and an internet controlled vibrator in me and a nice guy with the app that controls it teasing me is what helps.
you are equally the worst human bean, as we all suck pretty bad at being a legume.
I'd say, since I've heard tales of the mens souls you've sucked out.
i like that meme dog
who's a good boy??!!?
Cupcake is a SUCCubus
they never had one to begin with. that's a lie. I'm not a ginger vampire. whoever told you that is a liar.
I've no dogs, so none found.
No? The golfball through a garden hose thing was false?
I wanna be the very best that no one's ever bean.
Well duh I dont think vampires steal souls. They just take the blood.
I don't believe you've ever tried that
the fuck?
this was bad. you should stop.
very confused rn
Florida Man at least brings some variety.
I know the feeling. Today all I've accomplished is talking to people and take care of my puppies. Thinking about what to get people that either say they don't want anything, or don't have glaring signs on them saying what they want.
No reason in particular. It's growing increasingly stale over there, and someone reminded me this thread existed. Just passing through and saw something to talk about.
I can't Cupcake.
I need help
not in public
interesting. it's not like here isn't boring as hell though. I guess the grass is always greener.
no help for you.
Ah, implication was that you suck cocks at such an efficient manner that you can do the impossible by sucking a golfball through a garden hose.
After all the headpats I smuggled in for you, this is how you repay me?
hi cupcake
i want a kitten! ;~;
OH. well thanks. that's flattering.
oh there's something "special" here alright.
hi nezi, what's up?
What are friends for.
Get a kitten, but remember kittens and cats are for life.
You mean how I'm such a special friend, riiiight?
i love you♥
of course. a very "special" friend.
drinking with.
I love you too. feeling alright?
It gave me something to talk about, plus I'm seeing people I haven't seen or spoken to in some time. Mainly you, though.
I need something like this in my life, but more wholesome, like if it were Genie from Aladdin instead of some thirsty slut. Obviously with a personality of Genie included.
I'm drunk, currently.
Well you're special too, friend~!
I should get some booze going.
do you remember me from the old days? I don't think we interacted much.
y-you too
Oh, well, at least it's over. For now.
Now you can spend your time with those four imoutos.
I guess her expression is kind of creepy, but the actual lenses are kinda neat.
Y-You too
I mean Th-Thanks
Robin Williams would be even more creepy.
Up to you.
I feel like I should eat first. bleh. getting up from my chair seems like such a pain.
squshie asks if you want a moneymaking smeargle
basically payday+happyhour
supply amulet coin and you get upto 2k cash each time you use payday
very good cash for chains
Rin, you want a money Smeargul?
I'm making some for people.
I've had pizza.
Vodka for a while now.
We had a few chats here and there, nothing big. It was around the time Aeris was dealing with teenage angst and had it out for you. It made things awkward trying to talk to the both of you, so I ended up not really holding much conversation with either of you.
Since then, I've been privy to grapevines telling me tales of the two of you. Occasionally I am able to get some words in and speak to the roots, like now.
Too morbid? I suppose you're right; I'm just fond of that personality and wouldn't mind experiencing that some days.
Cake, that's not how headpats work, c'mon
pizza is an option, I have a red baron in the freezer. I was thinking sweet and sour chicken though.
seems like the best possible solution. those were fun times. he was hilariously autistic.
what a curious way to live. I can't possibly see how either of us would be interesting enough to talk about, to be completely honest.
that's how they work in this situation.
That headpat was painful though, why hurt the duck?
Go for it.
I'm 12 shots in.
effort. getting up isn't something I feel like doing...
it was an accident probably.
Beers beers beers is this the drunk chat
The only thing left is.. christmas shopping
What are you going to get me, M A S T E R?
Just make sure it doesn't happen again, okay? That REALLY hurt
I'll 'hm' you if you do.
gosh damn it. fine. I'll go get it started. it'll take forever to cook though UGH.
old old b folder
It was a bit amusing, especially those massive text walls.
How other people live can be fascinating in a multitude of ways. Also it's warming to hear about other people and their kindness, at least for me and my innocent soul. Aeris was just interesting because they kept so much secret only to slowly start to reveal more about themselves as time went on.
It's curious to see how people change as time flows.
Grim... Its happening
rare gif of squash
Video didn't load.
get rekt nerd
rice is cooking, oven is preheating. hope you're happy.
yeah I hear a lot more information has come out in the last few years. if only I gave a shit.
Your folder is shit grim
I'm not sure you've been a good enough girl for presents..
Good girl.
tracer you stop this.
B-but I've been real good...
Stop what
Bad burd.
This is NOT what special friends do
*memes back at u*
you know damn well what you're doing.
you never clarified what kind of special friend.
What, am I somehow flustering you?
I assumed you knew that special friends do NOT hurt the duck
bad memes
NO. shut up.
You just like being called a good girl and ordered around to do stuff huh.
I like how that girl's trying to keep from laughing as they just throw buckets of cum at her.
no I don't shut up.
Keep doing it.
lexi go away
Get back to cooking like a good girl, Cup.
Make me a sandwich.
It's nothing to worry over. What's more interesting is the future, and what we're doing now to prepare for it.
Have you heard Little Witch Academia is getting an anime?
lexi stay
"why cant lexi go away" grim
I-I'll take it...
B-but not 'cos I want it or anything
yes, which I'm pretty excited for. I loved the movies.
I was agreeing with you.
I got so much sleep
finally not tired af
If the oven got as heated as fast as you get flustered it would be ready by now.
Friendly puss?
What are you doing?
that's good. about time. you need more sleeps.
that webm was upsetting in the extreme. never post it again.
best puss
I just got out of bed and turned on my computer.
I'm currently raping my ears.
It's saved in the "post many times" folder
merry christmas
sleeps are only good if they're with you♥
that's not true at all. I squirm way too much for comfortable sleep.
If only Bamboo was here to watch this subness of yours.
I'm okay with you squirming against me~
Sounds comfy. Post what you're raping them with
When the meme reign supreme
Too bad!
l e w d.
bambi doesn't need to know.
He doesn't need to know you got so excited to get 'hm'd' at that you did everything I say, including getting flustered from me telling you you were doing a good job?
ye, I wanna do lewd things to you with my mouf
Its weeb music so I can't share it without looking dumb
Oh. Tough stuff to start your day on hm?
nezi you are like perpetually horny.
he's not horny he's lonely.
Ah, speaking of Nezi, this nigga wanted me to kill him with my dick. He's a festering pool of teen hormones.
Also, adorable.
Gonna go hide from existential dread, later Cake and other people who aren't nerds.
papi is adorable, yes.
Hey, Sweety!
I'mma drive up 69 tonight, get you drunk and then....................
Yes, I like it and it helps me procrastinate.
Damn, I never get to surprise people with that, or introduce them to the series.
It was interesting to see Trigger make a sweet and zany show as opposed to their previous works (Gurren Lagan, Kill la Kill, etc.). Fan funded too, which took me back. I'm looking forward to seeing it, as well as Attack On Titan season 2 since I haven't been keeping up with the manga.
I haven't seen this show in ages. Good thing there seems to be the whole series on YouTube.
Nah, the whole you being unable to come up with a comeback and just telling me to shut up thing. It's just like Bamboo when I imply the same thing. You two are so subby it's impressive.
What are you delaying?
wew lad
Taking a shower and getting food
I can't move
Back when Adult swim was great.
I watched a little of attack on titan and it was alright, but it didn't hold my interest at the time.
tracer SHUT UP.
PKK ftw
I can't speak made up languages, translate it for me.
extra liter milkbags huh
I dont even get bags of milk
Congratulations ! U did it !
I'd let squash my beef if you know whatta mean
I want into bronze too!!!
Sounds like things you can delay as long as you want
unless you have plans that requires you to be presentable
Sorry about this morning.
I said we'd chat but we never did.
give me some good dicking and I won't be
You have to squeeze harder to get it
s'okay, I was mostly reading or writing transcripts anyway.
how's you?
I took a bunch of showers yesterday because I kept getting myself dirty for reasons.
I'm pretty hungry though but i'm moving in like a week so I don't have any food in the house.
Uhnnnnnnn d-daddy
I'm doing alright.
Kinda bored-ish waiting on dinner, but I'll get over it.
Oh, why are you moving?
That sounds lewd to me.
surely there are better people for that than me
Stop mud wrestling with your sister.
Back when boundaries were a blur and anime wasn't an easy cash grab.
I might be addicted to watching struggle because I want to reach out and help. Not entirely sure on that one though, just some thoughts on why I'm kind when by all rights I shouldn't be.
Seems you've taken a liking to that monster girl harem anime, or at least Papi. Wouldn't happen to have any suggestions for shows, would you?
I have a feeling ruse is trying to be le edgy outsider just like tracer
boring as fuck
could of been
the rent is being raised here and I can get a much better house for the same price
Less poetic than that.
see and become blinded
Gotta feed well.
I'm contemplating to either listen out a podcast or see an anime episode before bed.
Back when people were funnier.
Says you.
Kargoth just had a lot of potential, and no release.
hi guys
h-h-hi ooble
The second gayest.
I'd suggest listening to my blissful moans but then you just won't sleep.
Slightly disappointed
Sounds exciting though! I'm going to be looking for an apartment if I get the job that I have applied for. 12 Square meters aint much to live on for about $500 a month.
More like Ewble
Hi, Mommy.
It was extremely lewd
Roommates help out a lot too if you need them
**as long as they are reliable*
It's okay, I start late.
Weird to think they worked on Spongebob. At least we have Dethklok.
Had. It's gone now.
But you shouldn't, love.
I knew it
Will you have roommates where you're moving?
hi babe
u wanna fight little nerd?
hello my good child
currently I am getting dicking from nobody
and you are a good choice
How's you?
You might be the second biggest gay, but you're a tiny girly man still.
I dunno. I haven't really watched any other monster girl animes. I loved every day life with monster girls though, I just recently finished rewatching it to cap papi. have you tried out one punch man? it's not the same at all obviously but it's super good.
yeah.. I did promise myself I'd try jogging in the mornings.
I'm oke. How is you?
I may be the second biggest gay and a tiny girly man but at least i'm not a snitch and a faggot. >:(
What up?
I've been out of dodge fighting ISIS with my bear hands.
Nezi isn't that bright.
You're a faggot by definition.
he's just sleep and apparently dick deprived.
Shame I feel pity for no man.
More like Ew balls
nezi is a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I told myself I'd work out before school this semester as well, it never holds up.
tee hee xd penor
so.....you wouldn't dick me?
new thread
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new thread
I'm sure he'd try his hardest to be one.
And you're a faggot for simply being a faggot. At least I actually fuck girls. :(
do not blaze the house will combust
more like 3 balls xd
Well at least it was made.
Just a stranger saying hi.
I haven't but been meaning to. It's supposedly over the top hilarity, much like Jojo. The creator went on to make another anime similar to One Punch called Mob Psycho, right?