do NOT post in this thread
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Are you looking for some radical dudes to shred with ?
I could get vertical one more time, scro.
this should probably have been a shitting on sweed OP
i mean, board culture.
Can you handle being the last line between these people and certain death?
Don't make me expose you
Make a youtube video about exposing Darwin.
CNA is easy, you never have a large amount of responsibility, and if that goes well I'll see about working towards being a nurse
Being a nurse means actually having a brain and not just wearing cute nurse outfits, you retard.
CNA doesn't really do anything like that.
They just change bedding and take out the trash at hospitals.
I haven't even met him irl yet
Patience is a virtue
I'll try!
wonder how she'll handle the literal shit she'll have to clean
nurses get to touch pee and poo
yeah, it's basically the entry level position for medical positions
Well then by all means go for it, you underachieving fuck
He couldn't even clean up his own.
fam I can barely even function I'm doing the best I can
I'm gonna meet him first and not invite you.
I'm not dedicating a thread to that shitlord
it's a matter of responsibility.
"Everything not saved will be lost." - Nintendo quit screen
and before you say anything, there is a differentce between being a complete invalid and not being able to meet competetive standards
ssi is literally just "can you not work a full time job?"
There's sirens nearby and I have a headache
ear muffs
how do people make friends anyways
I had to re-pierce my ears because I wasn't allowed to have my earrings in the psych ward
god I just wish it was tuesday already, I'm bored as shit
ask sweed about tuesday
You're boring as shit.
I just have a psychological eval and I just want to get it over with
everyone stealin' muh quads today.
Than me? But you were fooled before!
I sat at an empty table playing card games and video games in a public space in the university cafeteria and waited for people to approach me
over here we just given a CORE-OM and that's that
That seems more like a cry for help than anything.
what's that?
what do they do to you in the psych ward?
im going to assume you had a shred of sanity and could perceive what was going on
how long did it take?
and do you mean card games like solitaire?
i dont plan on doing another semester anyways
a form about your mental health
life is so boring I just wish I could skip time
End your life.
you can skip to the next life with 156 dollars
hi point c9 is 150 and a tiny box of 9mm for 6 bucks
Why don't we just ban him again like Sci?
suffocating is only unpleasant in the presence of carbon dioxide
a benign gas like helium or nitrogen will let you die in perfect comfort.
Bebop said if we had a majority for it then he would.
But he never gets back to me on this shit.
i hear those exit bags are very kind to you
So was my almost-suicide attempt
They drugged me and told me what to do and where to go
I had a room to myself, probably because I'm trans, so they put me in a room on one hallway and told me to go to group therapy and stuff with the other hallway but they yelled at me when I tried to socialize with the people on the hallway I was doing group with, like Bitch I'm not trying to socialize with a bunch of strung out crazies and some Bitch crying every day that her girlfriend got rid of her dog
I want to hang out with the other suicidal millenials
I had only had my ears pierced two weeks so they healed up when I was in the psych ward
No you don't
I have terrible perception of time and it just makes me anxious and annoying
you know, if you read "af" as "as foretold", millenials suddenly seem like prophetic cultists
Are we banning them then?
why were you there?
well that doesnt sound very humane
how long were you stuck there
So that I couldn't slit my wrists in the bathtub
alright, I'm gonna go watch rogue one, later
i am against banning sweed.
do you ever read stuff you disagree with just for a good rage?
that's sweed, we need one of those
Sounds like a painfully slow way to die honeslty
He'd thankfully just go crawl back to /lewd/.
Five days
Two of them I was completely alone and not really let up and about
Erin, calm down.
You are just upset from the cocaine poisoning.
Give in to God.
Gives you lots of time to think better of it
i am not upset :o
what makes you think i'm upset?
What the fuck has happened to us?
Stop yelling at me.
I can't understand you through all this cocain.
The same happened to Kroni and Sci.
i agree with banning sci, cause he is genuinely the death of a good time.
but sweed makes me feel more disbelieving bemusement, rather than actual anger. i like that.
white christmas
at least you're doing better now, right?
You all became weak. You need bans to keep people like Kroni out. KRONI, of all fucking people.
Stop pushing your fucking Christian holidays on me, you goon.
Why is assumedly SteveAn just spamming Wikipedia links at everything?
Kroni DID promote spam though. Even if he didn't actually do it himself because he's not good with computers.
me & nick decided we don't celebrate it on the 25th to try distance it from christianity a little.
my christmas stuff has been coming all month and i get to open it as soon as it arrives :3
they're relevant wikipedia links, you know
I am not going to bother if you are just going to speak in tongues.
I'm much better
I'll probably also only have a tiny scar on my arm
Kroni spammed and Sci posted illegal shit
I'm not sure what makes his ban justified
Yes, I took Philosophy in college too
I didn't say don't ban anyone
-bizzare non-sequitur-
Kroni did not actually spam, that was bui and you know it.
this is what is wrong with western civilization
deus vult
what are you, a jobless hippie?
No, I have a job that supports me and has room for expansion
does revy actually try to commit suicide or do they just post about it for attention and which one of those is worse
wait, so you didn't take philosophy as your major?
I tried to kill myself 3 times. Can I get some attention off it?
Lol of course not
I did have political philosophy classes as a part of my political science major tho
I hope nothing like this happens again
that doesn't sound too pleasant
Kroni could have the argument made for him that it was skirting what was against the rules by just encouraging his equally retarded friends to "invade" and use babby's first spammer at a whopping three whole posts a minutes.
deus est falsum
I got taken to the hospital before I could actually try to kill myself but I got a few small cuts in
depends on what you think about people who legitimately try to kill themselves
how much money do you make per year?
those who study polsci are either making decent pay or none at all
you can't decisively prove whether or not he's real, and i cite pascal's wager
You need me to keep Kroni and Sci away.
Enough to live comfortably on an entry level salary in one of the most expensive states in the country.
I don't like Ian's opinions. Ban him.
I was only really upset about the lack of clocks
Hard to trust what time the nurses say it is
i rebutt with occam's razor
what do you do, casework? it's got to be something along the lines of that
or administrative work for some political orginization
god exists, therefore he is real
they do that on purpose, i forget why
Ban Ban for advertising bans.
why don't they have clocks?
Insurance claims adjuster.
Dissonance is Stevan.
Don't forget to ignore him.
If you ban me I will try and get more pony posters to post here.
i just think it's weird how much you talk about it
i think i've maybe mentioned my attempted suicides like three times in total in my entire life
actually I'm in no condition to go out, lamotrine is fucking my concentration hard
think I need to get off it or at least lower my dose
I actually guessed correctly?
occam's razor would not permit assuming the existance of an all-powerful being you have never seen to explain anything other than you finding his house
literally what
concept of god is inherent
god exists
Want to cyber?
That sounds like a fate worse than death.
did I get banned for like 5 minutes while I was away or something?
I'll find the worst ones like swiper
Only if I'm Donald J. Trump and you pretend to be Ivanka.
please don't
My mother was a claims adjuster for 15 years, I got a job in her company
I don't know political shit.
prove concept is inherent
For giggles
In the end, it's still just the insane asylum
To fuck with people like me who can't perceive time accurately
This was like two weeks ago and my life is otherwise boring as fuck
You could just choose the absolutely worst pony posters like _(You)_.
I could, but they didn't pay as much as this one.
They're father and daughter and they fuck.
That's not really related to politics at all.
I hold all the power now.
I'm probably one of the best pony poster to ever exist.
something to do with bored people getting pissed off when they know how little time is passing
a lot of people on psych wards get put on high dose antipsychotics, and those slow time down to such a torturous crawl, i can imagine clocks would be horrid in that circumstance
i think it would be pretty hard for anyone to tell time without some sort of clock
Just flood all of the ones that have somehow managed to convince themselves that ponies are real and their imaginary friends.
all 'muh antisocialness' is going to bite me in the ass one day isn't it
people invent god, religion is a historical universal commonality
concept of god is inherent, god exists, deus vult
yeah so is mine but i tend to talk about other boring shit that doesn't remind me that I hate myself
I did not have contacts outside of my family. Use what you have.
The things he used to say were some of the most uncomfortable things I've ever seen on a chan site.
I stopped one of them from drinking bleach to be with their pony tupla.
It was telling them to do it so they could be together.
He told ever I was sending tons of people my underage nudes once.
I wasnt
how long ago?
That's funny because he is banned from ponychan for trying to get nudes of some 14 y/o boy that posted there or something
inventing god does not sound very christian.
hinduism was a thing a couple of thousand years after the first settled villages popped up, and it still exists today
I am legitimately perplexed by such a bizarre fandom to a cartoon whose target audience is 5-12 year old girls.
T1 was great
but great
okay, so the world is over 6000 years old.
there was a time when we were not highly evolved enough to have beliefe systems.
what then?
how funny
I never watched the show I just liked posting in threads and I didn't understand how weird the people were at that age.
I wouldn't wish even my most hated of enemies to have to see this.
being inbetween time killing obsessions is like being stuck in purgatory
i voted yes but i don't really care to see it, i kinda felt obligated.
Not if you can go outside
Which we couldn't
But also like, being able to judge how long a minute is, or how much time has passed in a particular span
That's good I suppose
I'm not good at ignoring it
that also got him banned on mlpchan when it was still around
what a glorious day that was
two plausible theories
god existed then, we have only become aware of his presence in the last 6000 years
god created the world, and rules in absentia
That place sounds really awful
try your best not to go back
I bullied Claptrap from the threads.
It was great
so you have plausibilities for me, but no absolutes?
well then.
if there is a god it's clearly a clockmaker god
but the whole universe is likely just a massive quantum fluctuation
I just cannot fathom why males between the ages of 25-50 seem to have flocked to it in such droves and I'm not just specifically talking about the threads.
It's legitimately disturbing.
you can't absolutely disprove his existence even with occam's razor
deus vult, infidel
no seriously
I just got shit on by a Lee Sin and an Ekko
Don't ask me
Most of them just blank post cute ponies at each other.
its very strange
I don't think you posted then
He was a fat trap and me and some friends bullied him into leaving the threads forever.
gimme a massive time killer that'll get me hooked for at least a couple weeks
now do the same with tsuchi and squash
Both of those people aren't an unstable fat trap.
That would leave me without one source of amusement, though.
oh shit there's a developmental build for rimworld 16 out, time to play that for a while
treat them like they are
It won't work.
too bad
it would still be fun to watch
i am a girl irl, u homophic shitlord bigot
wew, big update
I only attack whoever Darwin tells me too.
wow you're a girl ?
Wanna play video games ?
Darwin has shit taste in victims
Hes pretty shit but he pays me the most.
Let me casually link it in thread and get like eight guys to add it because teehee I'm a girl as they buy me League skins.
People actually did buy me skins because they thought I was a girl.
let me borrow 20 bucks then
holy shit, worlds are actually world shaped now... and alive!
fuck will have to check it out
Do you have an amazon wishlist ?
That will things easier for me.
I'll just need 20 bucks first
how much does he pay you?
holy shit there's so many tiles now
see that tiny white dot? that's ONE
Yes. It's nothing but GIRL things that GIRLS want because I'm a GIRL.
He beats me up and then spits in my face if I don't do what he says >~
I have to go to a place for a thing. Bye.
I'm a girl btw
I'll beat him up for you next time
He wasn't even talking with anyone
wow me2
Tell me about your VAGINA and PERIODS because I'm a girl too and curious if it's exactly like mine. This is PURE and what anime told me REAL GIRLS are like.
they really just need to add prepare carefully into the game
Its fat and I can't stop getting dicks caught in it.
You can tell i'm a girl because of my name.
are you implying that real women don't have eyes a quarter of the size of their face and aren't all attractive stereotypes which fit into a bunch of preset formulas to sell volumes of manga
This post has nothing to do with what I said
I messed up
now the tears won't stop coming
holy shit multiple colonies? this is the biggest update since the game began
You underestimate me.
really makes you think...
I'd fuck it
I was counting on you
I'll always let you down.
how will you make it up to me
ooh, tech now has a proper UI
You're a homosexual right?
Just do some gay shit
oh shit fuck yes. this update is fucking based
jeeeez that sucked
I'm not gay
no homo then
oh nvm
now we're okay
I'm only ironically gay anyways.
I'm actually a girl irl
hey girl
send nudes
Silly boys~
Whats this~
commence succ
no one believes this
if they do they are fucking retarded or thirsty
imagination lets people hope
generally why those people end up as failures
speed limit was only 70! I don't need a ticket fam
saw a couple speed traps while I was driving too
those state troopers are hungry for sports cars
leave myg f alone
Yeah, they are always up to some shenanigans.
still not convinced
do one more just to be sure
describe in great detail how you would viscerally cut my innards
you mean their jobs?
I'm not clicking that
nice darkskin
You're missing out.
And some fun at the rest stops.
I clicked on it and became instantly disappointed
Why ?
Its great
there were no cute girls/boys
Not my problem.
don't start this you cunt
Its not.
I'd cum in a darkskin animu
like what?
Feet are gross
Foot fetishists are gross
Race traitors are gross.
They are for Darwin
The feet daddy
meant to actually write something along the lines of "jews are gross too scoot but we still love you" and my brain misfired
i hate communismm but i love america!!
is she hiding what I think she's hiding?
A boner?
God I hope so.
god i hope so
That video was repugnant.
post butt
you first
Those are for Darwin
stop looking
what gender are you
That is me >///////////////////
You didn't say whose butt
A few
NO ITS NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was implied in my implacations though
well im a male and my penis is acting up
Tina Fey
Chop it off.
I'm a mean girl.
I KNOW WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More like, Tina Gay LMAO
cute butt
but i like to touch it
ur tuuuuuurn
That was stupid.
Write my name on something again
I know, that's the joke.
This would be the third time.
what gender are you when you arent tina
And they said MY joke was stupid.
Ban is one of these Gibbons specifically
Is this because of my laugh ?
I just want to take a pen and deflate their stupid neck sac
Yes. I'm sorry.
Do not bully Tina.
Tina is the only passing trap in the thread, tbh. Would bang.
Hes defending me !
There are others?
I'm the only straight cis white male in the entire fucking thread
yeah i'm straight cx
Scary thought.
whats considered straight for your gender
I still can't tell if you're being ironic, because there are people this thirsty out there.
I'm obviously a straight white cis male
I was gonna ask Desu for his Nitori folder but I guess hes removed me off of everything.
I want to know which part of this post your disgusting little avatar is laughing at
Welcome to the realm where that is reality my friend
i can only go 2 ways
i need to confirm some things
Tiny Tina
I assume you reign as Alpha male over them all then?
thats a turn on
could i get your gender?
nobody alpha would be here
nobody with an iota of self respect would be here
Name one person with a penis that I would make sit on my dick and spin
name ONE person
i will be dead honest
Hes a girl
Ian is a handsome dude, but no. I'm not attracted to masculinity
I love that kid but not in the put in the finger and twist type of way
Male. The kind of male that doesn't shave his legs and is okay with having a penis.
But traps are okay?
Trevor is that you ?
i could be into that
please insult me further
why are all the guys here so ugly?
cept soto
every night you cunts question someone's sexuality
what is this, some fucking ritual
You're right, you are pretty ugly.
I never said anything of the sort, don't slander me.
I've never been faced with that situation in real life so I wouldn't know. They'd have to be really fucking hot and really fucking feminine for me to even consider it
super succ
I knew it was you when you said Tina whatever the fuck her name is.
"I try to be nice" -You one hour ago
It IS.
I am satisfied.
You were drunk
Keyword is try.
He has an inside out penis.
quality captcha
This is from the next part.
did I post this at you tina
Speaking of GAYS.
Oh boy if he saw you spam linking that.
Because, you know, I hide so well.
I'm not gay
I'm just not maybe entirely straight ok
Well, you failed entirely in that department
I am not gay.
This Guro ->
He is big gum man too
This is trevor ->
he shoot guns too
That is all I needed to see.
Also I think I said I try to be nice to PEOPLE.
That is also a fairly important part of the statement.
Its still a guy faggot.
You're not wrong but they would fake cry.
I'm not gay. I have a video of a chubby girls pussy i was fiddling with to prove it.
Do you even handsomest poster of 2015 competition?
It was already shared to me, but thank you.
You didn't
Yes, you spoke of him and his liking of shooties before.
I would not fuck Isla
Things you say when you're drunk aren't held against you, right guys?? haha
You're a girl, right? I'd fuck you.
savage, test.
good enough
I'm sorry, but you take home the handsomest poster trophy
assuming that one picture I saw of you was actually you
its not gay to be attracted to males that just happen to be feminine
its not gay for the femininity to seed a growing attraction for dicks in you
its not gay for you to actively seek traps after this occurs
It has been said that my voice is girly.
Is that a FAMAS?
Darwin make me a private vocaroo.
I have set the friendship into motion.
I win then.
Way girlier than mine at least.
Feet are repugnant
The one with the beret and M05 gear?
They annoyed me earlier.
Mordion you don't even sound girly so thats not saying anything.
You just sound gay
Dubious at best.
my bad
Fish is an anal wart
Way to ruin the immersion.
I wouldn't know, I haven't cybered you enough to get in your gay harem and access to your secret identity.
You win.
I think so, yeah. Mad handsome.
They annoy everyone every fucking second of their existence, Test.
It's off to a screamin' start.
I was being nice saying he may not sound girly but at least girlier than me. In my head, I sound like tristan deep.
It is a rare occurrence these days.
Hello Scoots =)
Sometimes you defend people and I think that's really cool of you
You-gara don't have to worry about it happening again.
I always do.
I'm rooting for you.
What ? You don't sound anything like that though
I mean I did and it wasn't half bad
gives good blowjobs
I cant wake up
Tristan sounds like a Giant and Mordion say "blue" cutely
not that I've gotten to hear it though
Use your name-gara.
It's not as girly as mine
mordin i dont mean this in a rude way but your voice is like 8 octaves higher than mine
One day.
Play league with me in voice before I kill myself daddy
don't talk to me you fucking mutant
That's flattering, but I don't really think of myself as anything special.
Even to this day, I still haven't heard Mordin.
Whilst sober I mean.
You will never sound as coarse and manly as I do.
It's just the accent tricking you.
It's not cutely its normal.
Let me suckle on your fingertips.
Which one? I have too many now.
Okay, you and me-gara can voice right now and lets hear you say blue.
You ceased playing.
I have seen people who look more masculine than you call themselves that, so I am willing to buy it.
I will commence smoking presently.
the real one
But why?
Well you know it's really late and I'm tired, gotta go to bed and stuff. And stuff. Maybe some other day, I'll tell you when.
Anyone remember that episode in the dub of Dragonball where they edited the entire episode to be "Home for Infinite Losers" instead of Hell?
I don't mean it to be flattering
I'm just saying you're probably the most traditionally attractive (manly) dude in the thread
no homo
I'll play right now. I only play Ivern though.
and smelly fucking tobacco fingers too. I hate how cigarettes make your fingers smell, thats why I don't smoke.
So that I can use it as a stepping stone to other suckling activities.
Your lies wound me.
I have not played in ELEVEN days.
As if I would not use a cigarette holder, you fucking brute.
I wouldn't fuck isla either
i'd cuddle and make sweet tender love
Still, flattering.
No homo, that was a close one.
The other one.
Look what followed me home dad.
Break your streak you big fag
I want to play
The two of you can't even procreate
Who dis?
Why are you interested in that sorta stuff?
They're not lies, they're jokes.
Oh of course. Like in Casino.
Its Darwin.
Not right now. I am watching Chinamen play instead.
I am Darwinia. I am a woman now.
Smoking is so cool.
I try so hard to make this friendship work and you're always pushing me away.
Me and Darwinia started HRT together
I hear HRT melts your brain
I'm doing coke and W E E D while on my HRT to make sure that doesn't happen
Well ain't that some shit...
i guess i'll just sleep like a normal human being
fuck u, good night
They gave me a vagina. Want to see it?
He forced me to do it.
cuddling and kissing are more important to me sometimes anyway
Enjoy your podcasts.
It's the only thing that makes me feel ALIVE.
I'll be better. I've been so busy playing video games lately.
Will you play Age of Empires with me ?
nn- uh... sure.
I believe it.
The podcast was only two hours long buddy this is an actual nini
If I don't do what she says then I get hurt...
You do not even smoke.
A lady does not show her ladyparts without upfront payment. That will be $25.
It was a joke anyway.
I can get that shit for free.
I didn't realize this was actually in english for the first 15 seconds
I didn't realize fish hadn't voluntarily euthanized
Do you have it? with the WE WUZ KANGS expansion?
Ive tried a cigarette before!
Sleep well Guero.
I do
You disgust me.
I used to play the main age of empires 2 game when I was a kid. with lots of cheats.
All my COOL deadbeat friends smoke.
I no longer want to suckle your disgusting nicotine stained nipples.
I used to love making big battles in the map editor when I was little
I would only ever smoke the marijuana, like a cigarette.
so it turns out I have the witcher 2. do I need to play the first witcher to understand the game at all or can it be summarized in like a paragraph
I thought it was just the fingers.
Those cars that you could get by cheating were pretty baller too. I spent lots of time playing it but I dont really even know what I was doing or why I was entertained just fighting bots over and over. probably easy bots too.
I've never done that.
you know you're far when you are so bored you kinda want to walk a city block to go get a donut
Fuck todd gurley.
yes I meant fingers. In my native language nipple is the word for finger.
The best thing was to build a HUGE wall and the put bunch of your longbow men behind it.
Wow kill yourself fish
Which language is that?
I made walls out of canon towers. Because I cheated and had unlimited resources.
actually excersize doesn't sound that bad right now
might walk up and down the stairs for like an hour
Clearly the only exercise you do fish is run your mouth
I hear talk that there's something recent with this.
I just used the i r winner cheat do beat the story
that is true
this lil pup says I'm not allowed to get up
I don't think I beat it even with cheats. I just played custom games against bots. Over and over. It was autism.
If it was then I'd know!
Are guys excited?
Only 15 more minutes until 2AM !
I keep thinking I typed words but I didn't
w-what are we getting excited for?
do any of you actually like me
Only if you suck my sick nezi
It's almost 11 AM here.
I'll show you why we wuz kangs
battle me in starcraft
And shiiiieeet?
Fix your clock
I think everyone did, like with every RTS game ever.
Yes, ALL of it .
I've spent the past 3 hours trying to carry retards
kill me now
Press the X button to Jump and press it again to glide
Cute doggy
I've never even gotten to go on the offensive against a person while playing sc2 because darwin always ends the game early. I cannot play at all. I beat the terran campaign on normal difficulty after struggling with the last mission for over an hour.
Things were different before stable internet and proper multiplayer servers. I can't imagine doing the same nowadays.
Like I had to put the game speed to VERY SLOW to beat it, and even then I had lost all my units at the very end when the timer filled up.
How long must it go on for?
Ranked is suffering.
Just make sure you call me sensei from now on.
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
I am really bad, it will be fine.
We will duel for Darwin's hand in marriage.