and the grind goes on
And the grind goes on
IF YOU'RE 555 I'M 666
Hail Satan thread
i expect and anticipate hard nos for everything i link
387 chain
Hopeful for shiny to appear before 450
The hardest of nopes.
Who are you again? I haven't got you on the sticky note of 'People I should remember', people keep changing names and such
Yeah. My shift started yesterday af 3pm, finishes 4pm sunday, if i did that shift i would if had to do 3pm monday to 10am Wednesday, with a 9am til 3pm team meeting on Thursday.
Im dying cutie
Everyone is dying. You're par for the course.
no one you would know
you dont need to sticky me
underrated 2hu
Hey Scoots
I forget a lot of things.
I'm also fucking tired because haven't slept today,
Empathy deficiency detected.
Cranky levels at 67%
6-4 or 7-3
itis on
pretty underrated
idk who she is either
i just saved cuz spinny
:( Sorry.
Psh is okay. We all get cranky.
doyou really want me to
I suppose so.
well okai heregoes
Ican not have thrad open though because certain people post stuff that gets you in trouble on twithc
Not all people know every anime character.
No one here would ever do that.
only knowing 2hu
You don't have to use whole screen broadcast?
If you use OBS you can just show specific programs
why do you have to be such a shitlord
Hina Kagiyama
It's all the same to me *shrugs*
Anime > touhou trash
I was going by the earlier conversation which we had, that they knew about 2hu.
Are you missing a few words there?
sowwy dod forgib
what am i msising?
Now I recall why I don't like it, and games with seasonal ranks in general.
Well you said "only knowing 2hu", not sure what that is supposed to mean, almost if the sentence was unfinished.
2hu is only gud for faps and music
You're all neat.
Sounds like the /jp/ approach, have fun with it anyhow.
Neater than I~
i mean, you're neater than I
do you play the danmakus
it feels like i would get some form of brain cancer from all that processing
idk how to do that I just select the region of the screen to record
Are you proud of that one?
give scoot the boot
No Bully
Cunt, you beat me to it ;-;
autofill is garahbhege
Yeah, used to play similar shmup games as a kid, so they're pretty enjoyable sometimes out of the usual 3D shooters.
Not really all that different from people playing OSU to get their reaction times up.
do you focus on a certain part of the screen?
or do you sacrifice some of the focus to be in more control?
btw i was memeing about what i said earlier
2hu is gr8
Were you forced to support Subtle?
noooo in the game I played a bit ago
Really just around the hitbox of the character, it's actually a very small dot, a lot smaller than the character's size.
Although sometimes when the pattern changes I look up quickly to see what's coming towards, just to make it easier to follow the pattern.
I do admit there are moments when I don't understand how I survived something.
Anyone good here?
the hitbox is the shift thingy right?
but arent there like complex spellcards where you have to be aware of everything around you
im right here
We should share folders!
I will fucking cut you open with a plastic spoon, Murder, I swear to fuck.
im not very organized no thanks :D
that sounds like an awesome way to shed blood
it would take a while, but eventually the area would grow painful and still not a drop emerges so you must continue to saw away!
I refuse to play ranked if that is how it will be all season.
i want icon steph~
Itry but in the end it did not even mattress I got pretty far though
its icon sized!
Who are you again? :D
Yeah that seems pretty damn awful
If you put Fill you'll get 80% support guaranteed
And that other 20% will be jungle or top
You were 1-6. You could have prevented your first death if you shielded yourself instead of the Cait.
butIam so useless as support is not the shield better spent on an useful bakalord
That is why you end up with dickheads who go Riven support.
But she was full health.
your dedication is probably GBs bigger
You know damn right, you little slut.
the sik damages though
yeah Iam bad at priorititiez
no, nothing is more important then big dick dps
as a professional dpser i know these things, how much damage you take and healing is irrelevant
only thing that matters is how big dick your damages numbers are
Yeah, but it's still the same really if you move without it, just got to be aware of it at all times.
There aren't really corners which you can't get out of, and almost all of the spells slow down before they reach you.
Oddly enough you can survive very long if you stay near the boss.
only an idiot would shoot themself!
or a sad person
or someone with malicious intent!
who shoots themself with malicious intent
I had a titanium plate installed in my cranium so I can shoot myself and kill people with the ricochet.
should i order dinner?
i kinda want a chicken burger but at the same time i got all these nice pieces of cocaine and idk if i feel like both
I feel like chicken burger is the better dinner, but cocaine seems like the funner dinner.
this one does
sumarto desu
Grim did you like my Snap of me shaking the baby ?
yeah, and if i have both i might end up being sick. it's a catch 22, a kobiyashi maru
what does cocaine smell like?
My vote is for chicken, tbqh.
Can I borrow your Lillie folder for a friend of mine?
Kurumi is hot.
na, it smells really nice.
very clean. like an artificial snow that's safe to eat
so none of the nerds are gonna give me points for knowing kobayashi maru? :/
you are hot
does bleach smell nice too?
i like it cuz its similar to cum
no, bleach smeels horrid :s chemical death
I would give you points for killing yourself
Um... Thanks.
Can't give you points for knowing something that my weeab level isn't sufficient to know.
daga kotowaru
the no-win star trek simulation
the ship kobayashi maru is stranded in the klingon neutral zone.
if a captain chooses to help, klingons attack, destroy the enterprise, and take intrusion as an act of war.
if they choose not to help, the kobayashi maru and all of it's crew are destroyed by klingons.
it's a no-win situation designed purely as a test of a captain's character when faced with a choice with no good outcome.
But that is the most entry-level Star Trek information.
thats not true!
bleach actually sucks at killing people
its more like the smell after death
yeah but are the points meaningful?
what can i buy with them
Order something.
yet the only person who get's it is the pensioner darwin who actively served in starfleet in the 60s
no you don't you want a spicy chicken burger with salad, mayo, onion rings, bacon, and cheese right there on it
just like me
watashi wa chodou naniga juyuuka mitsukyou toshite iru
Alright. I'll have
5 Regular Fries
1 Large Fries
4 Regular Sodas
2 Large Soda
5 burgers
1 Sixpack of nuggets
1 Chicken Wrap
1 salad
1 chicken wrap
3 sodas
2 burgers
Want to go get one with me?
I was told that service guaranteed citizenship.
but beef is dissapointing in a patty
What ?
Yes, but driving
No it's not, it's delicious in a patty
kobayashi maru
kobayashi maru
koboyashi maru
i like saying it, makes me feel nerd smart
Venison burgers are basically the best burgers imho tbqh fam
i am just trying to find what is important.
I will just order noodles or something, then.
I can do the starrtrek thing with my hand
You would have flaked anyways, nerd
ostrich are nice also
also bison
but minced meat of any kind is inferior to a chicke breast in a burger.
No one gave me points for my AWESOME Starship Troopers reference.
The worst thing is that I have an In-N-Out that's literally a 2 minute drive away
But my bed is so warm
which one was that?
And you've lost me.
manaka pls
The one with the bugs and the space Nazis.
B-Back the fuck off.
Starship Troopers sucked
I'm glad Alan Rickman died
Sometimes i think neru ISNT retarded... but then they talk about pastries and im like... oh yeah they special bus
Starship Troopers is great
fuck you
Mission accomplished.
rip ;;
Neru, watch Starship Troopers with me so you git gud at SC2.
y'know, loads of my dealers ask me how the fuck i know so much
and it saddens me to them that intelligence and recreational drug use are mutually exclusive.
Stop pranking me
know what
enlighten me
How dare you tell lies like that?
I've been informed that I did a thing
what is that
All the other Starship Troopers movies are awful though.
Hey erin
What is cocaine?
like we always end up talking about chemistry, cause drugs, and i'm really good with chemistry, and also random general knowledge.
like i noticed today, when i correctly identified the wild bird poorly drawn in a childrens cartoon ad as a curloo, that knowing such things is probably really weird to people who don't
that tells me almost nothinggg
isit good or what is it about
It has a bug in it that looks like an obese womans asshole.
its good
benzoylmethylecgonine, a tropane derived triple reuptake inhibitor and sodium channel blocker naturally produced by the coca plant
It is a movie about TvZ basically.
n-no prtoss?
Igeusss itmight be wortha ty thgogyh
unfortunately, the enzyme that produces cocaine naturally occurs in several plants, but is unavailable in quantities needed to synthesize cocaine in a lab.
i suppose that isn't really sad though, because it brings cocaine users closer to nature, relying on the plant to make their drugs.
oh shit so she is
Ew it's so Dutch in here all of a sudden
Can you overdose on memes
Tokai is cancer
Wanna find out ?
Spoil me in attention.
it can only be a good thing
Yes, why do you think Sci is so cancerous?
Will I die when I connect the exhaust of my meme machine to my breathing mask
I wish Murder was a girl and not some weird guy.
Must've used low grade memes.
He'd still be an unremarkable girl with no redeeming qualities tho
Its pretty much the same thing as heat exhaustion.
**but you can't cool off*
I am pretty sure he did.
Wien Neêrlands bloed
I am transmittable
You're an unremarkable girl with no redeeming qualities tho
my level rn
I have no idea what kind of stuff you like actually.
nick got me those for my coloring books.
M-maybe one day the man of my dreams will give me a princess makeover >////
home and monsters university and cold fish
is that shiina
Miss your face.
Are those your hands ?
Mine are girlier than that
Monsters University over Monsters Inc.?
Just take off your glasses and let your hair down.
Shiina best girl
yes, i bite my nails and the skin on the ends of my fingers really bad cause rampant anxiety disorder, and constanly short bitten nails have lead to my fingers growing stubby and wierd
Shiina is ruined forever because cato posts her
But I have to maintain my image as a strong, independent intelligent womyn
I have been told I am pretty cute and fun to tease if you are into that
Idid not like norm of the north though
my face is always here
There is hope for you yet.
To be fair, that is not a terrible joke.
Sounds painful
It depends on how i'm feeling
if i bite them too far down or rip skin out too deep, yeah.
Did you get my last text?
How's your week been? Besides busy I mean.
I think the entire movie was a setup for that joke
I think I might actually leave the house today
Whats dis?
I left the house today and recorded myself shaking a baby.
you set it on fire except for the red stuffs
they make you do that every day when you go to hell, just savour life for now
Brb getting lighter
I will try to shake any baby I come across as well
I might have to give in to the demons
Your taste is very weird.
you get to hell, and they're like "is there anything you're scared of?" and you're like "well, bugs and spiders, and going outside."
so they cover you head to toe in bugs and spiders and make you go out lookin like that
Imma tell the devil im afraid of getting my dick sucked by beautiful girls
Don't support the head
hold its chest
make sure its arms swing around
haven't checked my phone today, it's been okay. kinda hard talking about it without mentioning busy.
I like the study though, I got to talk with people in their own homes about the project neigbourhood. it's nice trying to help out.
What the fk did I end up in hell for
I was gonna grab it by the head and shake it
watch this and learn pls.
Tokai has really become a shitter
Nice dess.
That sounds like it could be fun.
Excited for the holidays?
Trying to [redacted].
idk if this is supposed to unironically be music
You should let me know when you figure out how you are feeling
Kiss the baby and blow as much air into its little lungs as you can
Burst them
super excited, I can do a lotta things I want.
just gotta do this last week good and then it's all relax.
howre you
What do you even want ?
beg for it or something
Kef did you ever beat koigokoro?
stop memeing me
i quit trying
i didnt even play it that much
beat is subjective
i can beat it but im trying to fc
listen to me
i'm loaded now, you guys need to post faster
Sitting here watching the last URealms of the year.
Spend time yesterday playing Borderlands 2 with Subtoe and SD.
your argument is reverse order and therefore construed falsely
Heeeeey its charlie murphy
you said you quit but then said youre trying???
URealms huh ?
Is that what I think it is ?
Is that what they call it no a days
*Checks for invisible traps*
i still love this song and you should do iot
listen to me
what's your name again?
P!atd have always been amazing, even when They got deserted
imma good nerd
fun fun
got plans for the holidays yourself?
They made a game ?
what's the deal with live streaming on youtube?
think i could stream music from tractor on there, like, shout/ice cast style?
shits basic, ogg encoded
Do it faggot
Not really, beyond day of.
I have a doctor appointment Janurary 17th.
Its shoddy. Don't recommend
Says top music producer murder
trying fam
might require an icecast server tho, i'm not seeing any direct to youtube shit
Go back to your hole you british filth
i was thinking, we could TC, and i could play music in the youtube embed.
but nobody wants to hear me play if it's just a radio server, you got your own music to listen to.
I guess I'll kill myself now
i demand cummies
You'll figure it out
You haven't earning the begging
i tried to set up icecast on my VPS once before and it's impossible ( ._.)
No one demands anything from me.
How is that done ?
let's get some of this javanese rum going
I'll reee you right off the cliffs of dover
why docter?
docter's are maniancs
i set myself up for a perfect daga kotowaru and you didnt take the chance
Because Erin and Vylee are mean and bullies and care too much and look out for me like TRUE FRIENDS
Wait, are Subtoe or SD even here?
Getting woke, Syrian civil war an American plot since 2005
Is it time to Holla Forums?
Oh I forgot.
Iam more and more convinced lyte left behind a system that gives players who are nice higher mmr
they bully you to a doctor?
naah they're murrica morons.
What do
Nah, I'm just being a stinker.
I was talking with Erin about a thingu and then I asked Vylee to remind me to call for an appointment about that thing and she made me promise to actually do it.
scoot do me a solid and spin up a TC
He will never amount to anything.
got to their weird sources, like al-masdar news.
it's the same but no merrica
oh good then.
I still haven't done anything about wisdom teeth
Im at work but you can use
Don't you only have to do something if it's actually bothering you?
it's not bothering me, but it might in the future
I haven't had mine pulled yet.
Oooh, MKBHD likes a clock!
Ooooh, he'll get 3!!!
Good, pulling teeth is the worst thing ever.
I once spit in a dentists mouth when two teeth needed to go, accidental though.
his fault for not wearing a mask
The most I've ever had happen is when I was a kid I forced the dentist to use a q-tip to numb my mouth because I just would not let them get a needle into it.
what's a qtip.
I had the needles, it was terrible.
it's not natural to have steel needles in your gums, medieval torture machines I tell ya
but he was really angry
scoot it worked
i can use manycam to broadcast traktor, and set soundflower aggregate as my mic so my sound card is fed in directly
but my poor laptop cannot handle that much at once and it stutters :/
Poor lappy
downloading traktor on PC
no idea how to rout audio on windows, but i am determined animus gets a live dj
Very slow and ineffective.
Are you implying I'm rude
You are.
rip it up
kurdish stalin will have plentiful food and freedoms
slower than needles pushing in your gums?
didn't it hurt then?
When was I ever?
All the time
Nop, it's just a little piece of cotton rubbing some gel on your gums to make them go numb.
What the fuck are you assholes on about
no but seriously or at least the system places people it has flagged as saying negative stuff to eachother together it osunds like a lyte-thing to do
Did Rin forward this one to you per request?
I texted it to him.
Not sure if he ever got it.
Well at least I was never banned.
You were bronze in NA.
I was ?
I was bronze in eune
Oh right that one time I did placements drunk with Luke while we were on tc two years ago
Well I was never bronze 5 at least.
Actually I did some with you as well I think
And I somehow placed higher.
Still shit, though.
but does it have effect after
haven't really been on my pone
it's still a dentist torture tactic
Echo rarely types
Well we didn't all of them, I did them all in one night and went like 2/8 or something
I regret nothing, it was one of the best times I had on NA.
He does when he plays with us.
But I'm always positive then.
I don't... think so...?
It is worse when he is drunk.
You already did the thing though
Even more torture then.
riot against the dentists
Prove me wrong.
Poster child of positivity right there
I will remain watchful whenever we play again.
That is a nice breasts hooters chest shirt.
Which thing are we talking about?
I'm so confused.
You prove it yourself
All the time
The thing you were talking about
But you already did it
Yeah that's what I thought.
Oh well, thought I'd make sure that you'd see it.
Oh, yeah.
But was it subtle, though?
Ah.. no, quite the opposite really..
use that against the medical establisment
you did sure good.
how's you?
But that can be nice too.
I'm not sure if I can brains with headache.
Nyan nyan nuan. Nyan nyan nyan nyan
If you got a headache you should take it easy.
I-I'll take you e-easy...
Ohio queuetee
hai daddy
Same old, same old.
Just going to go watch the new Star Wars with friends tomorrow.
Keeping warm and cozy)
I wish I had friends to go see star wars with :(
Why would you punish them like that?
not with a headache you will.
calm calm
oh that's fun,
I was gonna yesterday but two canceled.
are you a booze smuggler?
None of them are interested in it?
Then they wouldn't be your friends after.
Well, I had to choose a day that would work out.
Booze smuggler?
I just have no friends
Being positive doesn't mean you impact the game