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I will die if you don't pay for my medical bills!
Sure thing. It's better being safe than sorry.
Republicans don't want to pay my medical bills!
Thanks, Bro.
Could i give you my Bitcoin Adress?
It's not that they don't want to it's that our health care system is fundamentally broken to provide for the needs of anyone reasonably and they want to make it worse.
Posting fat people won't make the CDC any more efficient.
By buying food, he pays more in sales tax than you.
Thats because there are fuckers out there who don't want to give money to people like me.
It's actually funny because not paying for his health care is going to probably create more obesity than it would have if we did
god i love how the mere talk of universal healthcare or welfare or whatever gets leftists to go MUH TAX DOLLARS like the average cuckservative. Many such cases of this.
Thats right, i agree with you.
With proper healthcare, we could give weight-loss surgery to everyone!
No it's because people like you don't know how medicine works and you want to talk about the job of medicine for us no different than an Insurance executive without realizing the overall problems that industry run health care raises
Indeed, you have better likelihood becoming obese yourself OP, under having no health care, than you would have existed otherwise.
These forced metaphors really don't matter because I am not going to suggest even an obese person who's most obnoxious suffer from a heart attack because it opens up the window for it to exist that people who aren't can suffer from one.
Fixed that for you.
It wouldn't be prevented through "weight loss surgery" it would be prevented by actually giving us the needs the WHO has proven works
Why do fat people invoke such a visceral sense of disgust in me?
Anyone with a BMI above 16 needs to be killed send to a workout camp.
Since this is a useless thread and OP is a faggot, let me take the time to ask you:
Are you fat, chubby, or normal weight?
You want to send me to the gulag?
Shes a bit chubby but in an ok way. Somewhat in THICC territory.
I'm chubby for a girl.
we all saw the pictures Hoochie, you're fat
maybe you need some more free healthcare, so that you can fix that
Even if your goal was to eliminate fat people not paying for their medical bills by not paying for anyone's is pulling up to someone shooting yourself in the stomach before shooting them and saying it was worth it because both of you died
What are those "needs"?
Going out and take a walk?
Chubby as in thicc?
Nah, it's chub.
How many fat men are posting on Holla Forums as we speak who are far more obese you think should be reasonable, posting about how much fat people suck shit, because they hate themselves and their life
And how many people would become obese under the way current state of affairs are heading?
Jesus christ. Spoiler that shit.
By providing for health care for people it denies the ability to put themselves in a position where they might become obese in the first place.
Let's speak of a hypothetical woman who's suffering from arthritis and needs HRT because she's post menopausal, she's extremely skinny but she doesn't have health insurance.
You open up the window for her to be bound to her home and therefore become obese than you otherwise wouldn't have because yes, some people on Earth are in such a position where they cannot take a walk.
And you might be in it.
It's not like you couldn't do anything against it.
If more people get a job, less people will be obese.
What is your opinion of this man?
The point is that by not providing it puts people in the position of not being able to do anything about it by forcing people who are in position for major risk to become obese
You could scream "MUH EUUUUGENICCCCSSS" but this wouldn't be Eugenics since most people here suffer from health defects that they otherwise might suffer from obesity from later in life.
You are a statistic, you are not important, and neither is your attitude that its preposterous you might even end up that way.
Those cases do happen but we still shouldn't ignore the question on how to deal with individuals that just eat and eat and eat and never stop. Obviously the answer shouldn't be to privatize health care, but still, a response should be there, don't you think? To assume such people wouldn't exist anymore once consumerism is not pushed as an ideology anymore is foolish, I think – gluttony and sloth are as old as human civilization.
He was Killer
2/10 I replied
No we shouldn't, because there's no way to deal with that by going about it by blanket denying people care and allowing more people to become obese than you otherwise would have.
That's not solving the problem that's making it worse
What a non-answer
If they have to work and do something for their healthcare, they won't get obese.
And if they still get obese, they get into massive debts and will kill themselves.
So it's a win win.
But of course it's different with Communism, because in Communism there is no food and people starve… they won't get obese.
I would be thin if I had a cute gf, but life is too demoralizing when you take "i got mine" to the extreme.
This is not the 18th century anymore, you can work all day and be a fat fuck, just look at daddy Trump.
It is an absolute answer.
That's not how it works.
By allowing possibilities to exist, you allow their existence in the material world. All possibilities become eventualities when dealing with health issues.
But without gibsmedat, they would be in a position where they HAVE to do something about it, because they can't just be lazy and rely on the state.
No Free Stuff = No lazy people
Besides which, again, by not paying for his health insurance just because he's fat, you open yourself up to anything from contagion out of control to increased cancer rates, because you aren't by some retarded principle by metaphor
Please don't talk about modern medicine again
apparently hes getting weight reduction surgery
Holy shit has he gone up even more in weight?
America should just do it like they do in Judge Dredd and send these morbide blobs to mandatory fat camps
Toned as fuck
And it is non-constructive, it doesn't answer how to deal with people who eat themselves into unhealthiness, it is self-destructive behavior and puts a strain on the community. If we are to assume a communist society, we MUST have an answer to these scenarios. Nobody is saying to not provide care for him and let him miserably suffer, but surely you would agree that we should preferably prevent the development altogether or intervene when it is underway – but to what degree and how?
No, it would exist in more circumstances without "gibsmedat" because in context this is health we're talking about.
People will be more unhealthy if you allow them to be then if you wouldn't allow them to be, what a fucking shock
In this outcome, you yourself user, are open to become more obese than you otherwise would have
No, it's not. It is an answer, and it is constructive. What you just gave is a non constructive answer.
Thats why it shouldn't be possible to be lazy all day.
Free Money from the state makes this possible…. we should stop that.
You aren't providing for this outcome by refusing to fund healthcare. You are shooting yourself in the gut and blaming yourself for allowing the possibility for it to exist, that you would.
No it does not. Further health research does not make obesity more possible. In fact it is the direct opposite.
You have no facts to back up this assertion.
Making America more like Singapore would create a larger obesity epidemic. This is cold hard, medical, fact
How would you deal with an extremely fat person in communist society then, that refuses to seek out treatment on their own and what would your response be, if in communist society the problem as a whole would only worsen instead of decline?
It entirely depends on the context of why they became obese in the first place and how to treat them from there
You do not give the option to allow the public to democratically elect what they do or do not get angry about, about health care, because it is not up to them to decide to make uneducated opinions on behalf of them all, as they do not know how to provide for themselves.
You are creating obesity with the purpose of getting rid of it.
let them be. coercive interventions on people in the name of saving them from "self-destructiveness" is stupid as fuck
I don't see how that's unreasonable. It's not that health care isn't free or not, it's that its health care at all.
If you are not able to be a lazy shit all day, you won't get fat.
I think thats pretty easy.
Do something + Not eating as much food as a whole african village = Not fat.
Of course your "studies" and "research" say that in lefty countries are not as much fat people…. because Communist countries never had enough food, they just let their people starve.
"I don't want to pay anything, therefore all of us are more likely to be subject to a contagion the government is not prepared to counter. I hate obese people who yell."
That's not how it works. By not providing for the outcomes outside of "exercise more" you allow those outcomes to exist…that's how it works….
I could honestly be 900 pounds and I still wouldn't be wrong.
Let's assume there are no psychological issues, just the classics: Free access to food and an addiction develops, the way it happens with millions of people. What now? Let them continue to eat for 2 more persons until they eventually die of a million related health diseases?
Can you stop with this meme
Maybe this is "chubby" by American standards, but it's fat everywhere else
coercive medical "treatment" in the name of "saving people from themselves" is fucked up and should not exist.
if you think someone overeating is going to make food scarce, you're a complete fucking idiot with no idea how supply chains work and with no ability to do order of magnitude estimations.
Even a tiny increase/decrease in population in a locality will affect food consumption a lot more than someone overeating or w/e
It doesn't matter because you're going about it solving in such a way you allow it to exist in all other scenarios
you are literally suggesting you open up the way for yourself to become obese later in life
If you're confused by that you probably shouldn't have an opinion on health care to begin with.
By not funding health care…you're going to be more open to things like, oh I don't know, the bubonic plague.
That's how it works you dumbfuck
What are the other outcomes?
we just have
Both of them are completely irrelevant to free healthcare.
ohh… and we have
But i guess that this doesn't count ;)
The few other things, where we need healthcare, like weight-loss surgery, don't sound very appealing.
You wanks do realise that to get shit done on the NHS, you need to lose weight? I know someone that is losing 3 stone to get an operation for his knee, it's hardly like the service is like "We will pay whatever happens". God, is everyone here burgers?
He asks a fair question. You say something is fundamentally broken but don't specify what.
Yes, why do you think fat people eat so much, simply because they don't know better? It operates like most other addictions, neurotransmitters such as dopamine get released in the brain and you start to crave it more and more.
a 100~110 pound woman would have a bmi above 16, you disgusting lanky bulimic wank.
I already listed one. Arthritis let's say, being bed ridden, it doesn't matter.
By allowing conditions for people to become immobile to exist, you allow an epidemic of obesity to exist. That isn't even the fault of all involved.
really? where in Obamacare are funds for the CDC allocated?
In conditions in a vacuum where other possibilities wouldn't exist you would have a point, but you are asking America to solve its obesity epidemic by allowing itself to become more obese
Wow who would have thought Americans wouldn't have a good grasp on this
I am not suggesting anything you fat bitch, I am continuously trying to get an answer out of you that doesn't boil down to "we shouldn't take health care away from fat people", I got that, but what SHOULD we do then? Why the fuck are you so stupid, aren't you supposed to work on a medical degree? Is it because American health care is so bad that you can't even defend your standpoint with basic arguments and constructive suggestions?
Do you think by making health care non invasive and cheap, and yes, even funding the CDC less, which is what is currently on the table
You are allowing for a situation in which the CDC isn't required?
I am using your logic to its outcome.
It doesn't matter if you are trying to not persuade or suggest, it matters on whether or not it fixes a problem, or creates more problems than were originally in this context.
How can you be critical of capitalism and in the same vain not have a problem with rampant gluttony? I don't get it. You know, it is possible to acknowledge that gluttony is a problem, is unethical, does have consequences without delving off into authoritarian right-wing territory. You're like SJWs.
Do all these Holla Forums faggots who post here realize that the US is capable of paying for health insurance for all its citizens with the same amount of dollars they already spend without raising any new taxes, by simply switching to single payer?
Why are Holla Forumsacks retarded again?
What logic? The logic of me ASKING YOU FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME ON HOW TO DEAL WITH IT? Jesus, just fucking kill yourself please. Just go back to shitposting, that's apparently the only thing you're good at.
Are you functionally ill? Obviously provide a state funded health budget that provides the needs for health care conditions that don't allow people to become more and more immobile as time goes on in life, or indeed, at all
I mean how is this not a simple answer
If they are immobile, they have to get food from somewhere and they have to pay it somehow.
Lets say we would have no gibsmedat and no free healthcare:
They basically have nothing and would just die, if they paid no insurance and if they have no relative who care about them.
So they have to have someone who takes care about them….. and surprise…. this person is suddenly responsible for them.
If they get fat, they would have to just deny them that much food.
Will you shut the fuck up holy shit lol
Thanks for paying for my weight loss surgery!
I can continue to be a lazy fat fuck!
Now, they don't. Most people are in contact with one or more people, or indeed, they can get it through other means.
If someone has a health risk that makes them immobile chances are they'll have bare minimum family support
That doesn't even admit the problem that getting rid of any and all health care to solve the obesity epidemic will do
Jesus Christ you're stupid
I mean if it allows for a more effective way to combat physical health issues, you're welcome, and I'm glad
Because we're all more healthy because of it.
Love too coopt the layman's understanding of addiction (which is actually a lot more complex than you let it on) to explain obesity and then advocate for the stupidest "solution" to drug use (viz. prohibition) and apply it to overeating.
Holy shit, do you actually unironically believe this or do you just say it to rile up autists?
Not only are we raising the question on how to deal with gluttony and obesity in socialist/communist society, but even nowadays in liberal democracy countries with excellent health care (Northern Europe) show that their citizens have an obesity problem.
At least admit you are way out of your league and can form no satisfactory argument instead of trying to look informed, it's pathetic
But i wrote about this
Haha yes all these silly laymen
In a collectivist system you wouldn't be allowed to become like that
Also I never advocated for prohibition. Please throw yourself off the nearest building.
That's not how health care works, or indeed, making it government mandated to make the public more responsible will not make the public more responsible
I'm sorry
You will not solve the obesity epidemic in the United States by making it more like Singapore
Most people who get those surgeries are getting fat later again, because they are not able to change their eating habits.
That's not what I said. I said throw money at any and all health outcomes because that's how health care works
If you disagree and it frustrates you it doesn't matter and you should disengage and prod another topic you're more well read on
the amount of food that someone else consumes does not affect me at all, I don't give a shit if they have a "gluttony" problem, it literally *does not affect me*.
Unless someone becomes able to clear out an entire fucking supermarket by their overeating, I don't give a fucking rat's arse about other people's eating habits. It's called minding my own fucking business.
He's being "Ironic" but yeah its gross as fuck.
Care to cite a source?
Even if that was true, again, I ask
That doesn't even admit the problem that getting rid of any and all health care to solve the obesity epidemic will do
I know how to solve a health problem
We stop funding to solve the problem, and any and all problems related to health
We readied ourselves for all outcomes
Guys, we made America great again
We did it Reddit
no? the CDC fulfills a very specific role that is completely disconnected from caring for fat guy A and heroin addict B.
Weight loss surgery is one of the most useless things ever
Just eat less, its not hard
Read less Stirner
By not providing health insurance for anyone to stop someone from becoming fat not only are you causing someone to be fat but you're making a plague more likely
Becoming more like Singapore is not an answer to how to solve the obesity epidemic
You fail the quiz
i've never read anything by stirner
I am articulating perfectly fine.
how does health insurance prevent obesity?
What book? Recommend one, just one, that argues how an obesity problem would be addressed in a post-capitalist society both and the macro and micro level.
someone overeating is in no way equivalent to systems of capitalism and private property causing people to starve to death. Holy shit.
Then read more Stirner and despook yourself
By not allowing comorbid health care issues
We do not live in a world where expected public responsibility solves problem
And I didn't say that. Is it just one utter retard in this thread who is unable to comprehend basic English language or has there been a recent influx?
comorbid health care issues like what?
Anything by the World Health Organization is a good place to start
Those aren't sources
Gimmie something like the NIMH, since you're really relating a specific mental health problem
Thanks, I will read anything by the WHO and then return later to this argument.
Chances are if you're asking questions on par for a five year old
"Like what" "Why" "Why" "Like what" "Huh?"
You shouldn't be asking
oh look it's another anarcocapitalist retard who wants to let ill people die because of some fat dudes
keep creeching
if you can't provide examples you lose the argument by default
would you mind slightly elaborating / specifying what you meant by that?
Yes, give me actual sources. When I say cite a source
I do not mean give me news articles from daily mail and the guardian
That's what citing a fucking source is
I already provided an example of how comorbidity effects health
The sources are INSIDE the news articles. Look inside, who is saying that.
btw. we need book examples, and not just:
thats not a source
And also we need sources for all your other claims in this thread here. And you made many.
i asked you specifically for examples of "comorbid health care issues" that either directly or indirectly result in an obesity epidemic that would be absent in an environment of universally free health care, as was your assertation. if you can't take the heat, simply stop responding.
Saying "Look up the World Health Organization's statement on a matter" is indeed, citing a general source you should look up to on the matter of global health concerns
How is it not
It doesn't matter. You're not even in the health care field in even a vaguest sense while I am.
Ergo, I'm going to have more knowledge on the subject than you. Obviously.
universal health care
ending food deserts
easy access to a good variety of high quality food
people not having to work hellish hours (so people have time to prepare proper food and arent rushed into eating/drinking awful HFCS nonsense)
You mean your immobility example?
How big is the percentage of obese people who are just fat because of immobility?
What about the 99.99% of the other ones?
How would Free Healthcare prevented them from getting fat?
You can't just bring one case from a million and ignore all other ones.
Don't put quotes around facts of American health care inefficiency.
I told you how Arthritis could build up to obesity, it's an outcome allowed to exist in said platform you suggest for America to go with
No, it's not, say at least the name of your "book" that you want us to read.
Maybe he needs to ironically kill himself
It wouldn't matter because that wasn't what you were asking to begin with. Jesus
Yes it actually is
We could prevent this with free healthcare, right?
So we totally do not have to talk about all the fat fucks who would not be fat if they would not get free money from the state and would actually have to work!
You linked the fucking dailymail, mate, might as well have linked to a Reddit thread.
So I have read
I am saying that consumerism as it appears in capitalist society is gluttony and the act of uncontrolled consumption of food products is gluttony. Even if we were to assume a socialist society in which every person could be obese, as in we could provide for them, doesn't mean we should just turn a blind eye to it: You still damage yourself and the world around you, and even if you think that we should not be concerned with how the individual treats itself (which to me is an insane notion in a society that fundamentally relies on the community coming together), it still falls upon the community and the rest of the world to deal with the consequences: Someone needs to provide for all the health care, medical professionals and everyone involved in the production chain, and it has an environmental effect we shouldn't ignore.
>So I have read
So you are avoiding the question?
It's vice versa
There are multiple articles from different sources
Yes, seriously.
This thread is Hoochie not being able to give precise, satisfying answers and feeling smug about herself while actually looking like a toddler with shit all over its face.
actually, i'm just quoting you. it's your quote.
i haven't made any suggestions as to what platform America should adopt - but since you brought it up, how does leaving health care to the free market necessarily result in the doomsday scenario you propose?
It doesn't matter because it isn't one straw it's the very fact of straws themselves
Becoming more like Singapore by basing public health awareness in their own hands is a disastrous solution to a problem the public not need vote on
It wasn't what you were asking, so I have to assume you're being disengenious.
Read the WHO lol
It doesn't matter if you're not satisfied
Yes it was.
But it wasn't a quote you were making, it was an accusation.
If you need help, look up what the word comorbid means
Which again, even if we were to go down this path of conversation, wouldn't solve the obesity epidemic anyways by providing lack of coverage for the possibilities that arise to allow its existence in the first place
Obviously, and thank God because it would probably mind numbing
you didn't answer the question, and it comes as no surprise after having to fumble over the nonsensical and illogical thinking evident in every response i've had the miserable displeasure of trying to interpret thus far
Trying to sound smart about an issue in the face of what the professionals of it have to say I've been telling you to look at, because they do indeed exist, and they're going to give you the same answer, doesn't make you look smart
It just makes you look like a grand standing dumbfuck fedora with a thesaurus
I said The World Health Organization
You can ask it anything
It's the authority you can't question very easily. Neither can I for that matter.
Fat people and smokers have lower lifetime medical costs (cause they don't live long enough to get Alzheimer).
He's being socially responsible here.
you can't answer my original question because you have absolutely no idea. that's all that's going on here.
That's funny because I'm sure the WHO can, maybe you'll have better luck finding an answer to sate your curiosity there!
so should i just google "how does leaving health care to the free market result in an arthritis epidemic that results in an obesity epidemic that results in the bubonic plague destroying civilization because we cut funding to the CDC?"
you look really stupid right now
I'm just happy that the GET is shitting on Hoochie.
In general yes, you should ask what catastrophic loss of support for how the government can react fast and efficiently to hazards to public health can effect the public negatively
You probably still won't be convinced
xD Get Kek xD
In communism, this won't be as much of an issue because food won't be made to be profitable. It will be made so people will eat it. Sure, fat people like this will exist, but this is more of a medical problem and psychological than one of "character". And of course, I won't be paying for his healthcare. He'll just be entitled to it like everyone else. Part of that healthcare is probably going to include diet controls to get him back in shape, and it will probably start at childhood. With communal raising of children, parents won't be able to abuse their kids by feeding them unhealthy shit.
Go lift a weight you fucking pussy
Stop using my tax dollars to fund my health care needs to better prepare for all outcomes and start using it to fund clumsy as fuck bipedal walking drones and politicians who know jeffery epstein
extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and logical rigor to be proven
Like "The Singapore Model is a good way to provide for health care needs in America despite everyone with a doctorate right now screaming"
Trust in Academia except it when it makes my emotional needs met with my politics
sources that are real sources aka serious studies, not articles from propagandist journals, retard
What? BMI at 16 is underweight.
and i haven't said a word about whether or not any of their arguments are credible or not. i'm just saying you have no idea what you're talking about.
fucking checked, hoochie BTFO forever
If you disagree with me, you disagree with them, so obviously you know where the answer is headed.
If all else arguments fail….
Hoochie, you're fucking fat. Just accept that and love yourself, or get fit. Boogie isn't fat, he's morbidly obese. Stop trying to dress up fatness with "cute" names.
Hoochie is right tho, everyone shitting on here ITT is probably just a blob in denial
I weigh less than most men on this website
w-what???? please don't say that about muh waifu
One fatfuck eating all the fast food he wants and dying at 45 is not nearly as much as drain on society as one Rothchild.
I see the Hoochie Minh fanclub has arrived
This basically
Could be worse
That's just maybe slightly overweight, she could lose that in less than six months with a very lenient diet tbqh
That's a very low standard. You should be aiming at fitness, not just "better than fat neckbeards on the internet". I get that it's harder because you're a woman and you need that fat for the baby-making and shit, but that's not an excuse to have fucking back cleavage like you do in that pic. I'm not trying to be hard on you, but you need to accept that material reality of your situation, and right now that material is mostly fat. Honestly, I like you posting here, but can you honestly tell me that you can run even one mile in less than 7mins? Can you do even one pull-up? I'm guessing you don't. It may be fine now because you're young, but trust me, when you start to get older, you're going to feel the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle, or you're going to continue being active because you took care of yourself. Remember, age happens. Don't you want to be moving around when you're retired? Or do you want to die in a shitty nursing home with nothing to do?
t b h
You cannot seriously be this retarded. Do you understand how healthcare works in general?
Then fucking do it instead of talking about yourself in the third person
I'm 131 pounds right now. That's not much, maybe chubby, but not much.
That's not even "better than most neckbeards" most dudes who are skinny here are at least that range if they're healthy.
I don't plan on caring about losing less than 130 pounds, I feel the line is fine.
Wrong Hoochie Minh bud.
Thanks pasty.
No fucking shit, most men are considerably taller than you. Are you sure you work in medicine?
lmao so this is what burger culture looks like
Skinny does not equate healthy, buddy. I'm significantly more healthy than anyone here, I rephrase
obviously i asked the question because i wanted hoochie's authoritative and infallible answer. maybe you'd like to provide one too?
No thanks, I'd like to interact with shitposters in this thread as little as possible.
I think its more thinking working out to show off for your pathetic amount of self esteem solves all your health problems.
that's what i thought
Hoochie, you don't have to work out to be skinny. Maybe check with the WHO so they can educate you about it. Just a read a book, goddamnit!
Depending on your height, that's actually pretty fat, and you shouldn't be looking at weight, but body fat %. I'm sure I weight more than you, but I also have more muscle, which is far denser than fat.
Dudes also have denser bones and muscles. The fact is that you are fat. Your weight doesn't matter if your body contains that much fat. You'd probably weight 110 or so if you lost all that fat.
Okay, if you think that's cool, then do a test, and don't post it here. Take it for you. Go run for just three miles. If you can't do it in under 25mins or so, then you might just be unfit. If you can't do 5 pull-ups, then you might be unfit. If you can't do more than 60 push-ups, then you might be unfit, and if you can't do more than 70 sit-ups, then you might be unfit.
I'm not trying to bust your balls, but you're thinking that because males weigh more, that you aren't fat, and the fact is that I weigh much more than you and am less fat by % than you, which is to be expected, after all, women retain fat more stubbornly than men.
oh woops I dropped my dick
post your feet please
In the sense that BMI doesn't always accurately reflect body fat composition, sure. Which is why other metrics like WHR are taken. Still doesn't change the fact that above a certain percentage, body fat has a negative impact on the body.
Doubtful. There are people on this board that aren't american
You don't have to be fat to gain 130 pounds either.
No it's not lol.
That doesn't speak on health whatsoever.
I don't care to do that.
Sounds like a pain no thanks. It's a Tuesday.
Skinny by American standards and fat by everyone else's standards.
Why, do you have a rare condition where you suck out our life force by shitposting on Holla Forums all day? Looking at your weight I really don't believe that you're healthier than me tbh, I workout 3 times a week 2 hours each day, have a healthy body fat percentage & BMI and eat no red meat and as little processed foods as possible. You look like you live in a McDonald's rest room
No I mean beyond that. It doesn't take into account things like lung health, orchestral level, chances for heart disease etc.
It in no actual way reflects a total image of health
And Europeans are notorious smokers.
Hoochie, working out isn't about self-esteem. It's about self-love. If you aren't willing to work to be healthy and have a better quality of live, then why should anyone expect you to care about anyone else? You don't even care about yourself. Now, I get that food is fucking delicious, but do you really want to keep getting fatter as you age and keep being in denial? Now look, if you're tough as fuck and are pretty much a gook football player, then you can ignore what I say, but I'm willing to bet you aren't any kind of athlete, not even a little bit. This is important not just for looks, because let's face it, I'm an ugly dude, but I want to be able to move around when I'm old, and it's extremely unfortunate that you don't. Shit breaks down. When I hit 30, that was when I stopped being able to sleep shit off. You'll get there too, and if you don't maintain yourself, shit's going to keep compounding and you're going to hate life.
Shitpost vampirism is my curse
fucking /fit/fag get off my goddamn board
Oh, lol?
Tell me about it some more tumblr.
Jesus working out doesn't give you a better quality of life instantly, you're acting like I have the god damn plague
Calling others tumblr while spouting fat acceptance bullshit all over the thread is really peak irony
This argument is akin to saying that blood pressure isn't a good measure of health because it doesn't take into account liver function. It turns out you can tell someone to worry about their blood pressure before making them take an ALT
I just love how this threads reveals just how many larping loberts there are here.
Since apparently nobody else here got the memo that the press is not fucking reliable:
Magro, D. O., Geloneze, B., Delfini, R., Pareja, B. C., Callejas, F., & Pareja, J. C. (2008). Long-term Weight Regain after Gastric Bypass: A 5-year Prospective Study. Obesity Surgery, 18(6), 648–651.
Not once has she done that. She's arguing for being healthy, throughout the thread.
I'm not saying what anyone else here wouldn't when confronted about being fat
In fact I can say I would no doubt hypocritically mock them.
That chart is complete nonsense.
This thread was no doubt started by an outside shitposter, though. Usually lolberts are rare here, for good reason(they're mocked mercilessly).
So apparently, you think a 200lbs, 6' man with low body fat percentage is just as healthy as a 5'1" woman that weighs the same? I hope this isn't what you meant, and I'd love it if you'd clarify.
No, but it does explain why men might weigh the same as you and still not be fat and unhealthy, hell most of them might weigh more than you and still be more fit than you.
I know, and that's sad.
It's not really. I do it every day. Go for a swim, a bike ride, or even just a hike. You should be exercising every day. It's good for your heart, even if it won't make you lose weight by itself.
Anyway I thought the mexicans were the new fattest people on earth. Did that not happen?
Hoochie, stop. The fat has gone to your brain.
That's not what I said, nor, is that an overall good enough picture to make an estimate on someone's health
Genetic disposition to heart disease, cancer, and if they're a smoker or in constant contact with carcinogenics are three small things I would be wondering
I'm not fat, nor am I unhealthy.
I would say I'm about as in the green as any man here is.
Blame my fat fingers I made a typo I'm sickeningly phone posting, I said overall, either that or you're right.
I was fit before *chans were a thing. Even so, I've had to change shit because going to sleep at 0200 drunk and waking up at 0430 to go to work doesn't work anymore, especially when I'm approaching 40.
Yeah, it's not. Just go look at /fit/. You have fit dudes that still hate themselves. That's not the way to do it.
Call it whatever you want, but I like me first, and so should you.
No, it doesn't, you also have to eat clean and sleep enough. I don't think you have the plague, but you're still going to get sick from being unfit eventually, or shit will start to hurt and it won't stop hurting. I mean, we're all going to see a decline in mobility and strength eventually, but there's no reason to race there as fast as possible by being fat.
Goddamn, dude… Please get some sleep. You won't be around much longer if you continue that pattern. You're not missing anything in this thread at least besides shitposting.
My job is brains not bods. What I may lack in physical health everyone here and myself probably lack in mental, and that's far more worrisome to me than physical health even if it is more important.
What's the point of being the perfect image of health if you don't have the mental disposition to live it for a lifetime?
hmm, on second thought, agreed.
As disgusting as fat people are it really bothers me how people just have these retarded fantasies about what's causing their fatness, when it's patently obvious that it's just a fucking brain issue just like any other mental illness.
You have one camp who thinks he's a lazy sack of shit who only has himself to blame for lacking "willpower" and then you have people including boogie himself who blame it on his depression, traumatic childhood and whatever else.
I guarantee you if boogie had a normal childhood he'd still be fatfuck. The idea that it's about willpower also paints a false picture. If boogie didn't have brain wiring issues he wouldn't need "willpower" to stop himself from eating in the first place. That said this obviously only applies to morbidly obese people like boogie, not to your average fat ameriburger. Those people really are just lazy.
I think people should focus on fixing whats wrong with their brain (read: medication, not """therapy"""), but other than that I sure as hell don't think they deserve to be carried through life by healthcare.
You're right, you can be fit and yet have health issues. That happens to a lot of guys that focus on bodybuilding instead of athleticism.
Nothing you can do about this except limit aggravating factors. That means don't be fat.
This is an odd one because it seems everything causes cancer nowadays. It's probably because we're living longer. Either way, not being fat decreases the possibilities of some kinds of cancers.
You can limit these as well, but the fact is that being fat is unhealthy, even if you don't smoke.
I saw your pic. You're fat, and if you can't run even 3 miles, then you're unhealthy.
I'd say you're delving into delusion.
I go to sleep early now, quit that job, and don't drink. My shitposting career is new, though. Much better time sink than going to bars.
Your brain is part of your bod. Dualism doesn't real.
There's no reason you can't have both.
Again, you don't have to give one up for the other, and being healthy makes you think clearer anyway. Even Lenin was fit as fuck.
I used to be in track, I am not running as much because my lifestyle at the moment is not in motivated or in the mood to run three miles.
And as I said, the more I care about mental fitness the less I care about physical. There's an overall line for morbid obesity I have not at all crossed you pretend I'm at.
Care all you want at the end of the day looking at whether or not someone looks fat isn't going to tell you if they're having a great day in a decade.
That's fine but I'd rather focus on other things than lose weight at the moment. I have to admit, I just don't give much of a shit.
as a previously overweight person: overeating = obesity, and eating can become an addiction just like cocaine or oxy or any other narcotic. it reaches that point through the same mechanism in the brain - dopamine. it's literally just an addiction. fat people are addicts.
Thank God, that was straight up troubling, lmao. I used to be like that, too, but much healthier now.
Just be careful about shitposting here though, as it can get you an easy ban. I guess they're leaving this thread up as a containment or something. Mostly this board has good political conversation, though.
Funny, I was too when I was in HS, but nobody there looked like you do. You are not longer in track shape.
The mind is physical. You need to do both. This means read a book, then lift the bookcase.
I did not say you were obese. I said you were fat, and that you're only going to get fatter as you age, which some might consider an undesirable situation.
Fat people have good days too, but that doesn't mean you'll be healthy.
If you knew this much about health you would be completely understanding you're over reacting about someone who's 131 pounds.
I know you don't, and that's your choice, but my point of contention is that you tried dressing it up as just "chub", when that's not the case. Now, maybe you're just swamped with schoolwork and you'll get fit again after you graduate, but I find that if you don't cultivate good habits, it's hard to fix later. That's all up to you, though.
I made a thing
We're not really shitposting at the moment. Honestly, I know this is a political board, but most of you are young, so I get a bit carried away with advice I wish I had at that age. Plus, if one of you punches Richard Spencer again, I hope it's with a lot more strength.
ok what do you propose to fix this, Mr. Neuroscientist?
willpower and responsibility
Not the same poster, but solving this on a macro scale involves regulations on food industry standards to disallow some of the worst offenders when it comes to addictive food components/ingredients
why do you keep repeating this phrase? you're the only one saying it
Some posters are young, but I'm 30. :) Last census we did most people were about 20-30, which made me feel a lot better. We just got a large influx of posters recently though, so I'm guessing median age has lowered a bit, unfortunately.
That's always a good thing. Keep on keepin on.
This, actually. The US didn't use to have so many obese people. The food industry is largely to blame, and as for the rest of the really obese, they might need to be treated like drug addicts with constant monitoring. Of course, we shouldn't make character judgements because obesity on that scale is really a disease.
The health insurance model based on responsibility of its public.
Also, where people are publicly caned
we make fun, but I think most people here would be lying if they say they wouldn't fuck hoochie. everyone can appreciate a nice thicc bitch. also, most people are kv on chans anyway.
t. lolbert
As a layperson he's not that far off the mark. Systemic problems need systemic solutions, not retarded "hurr personal responsibility" memes
I didn't mean like surveillance, but more like the doc checking up on the patient and helping them with difficulties and shit, you know, friendly stuff.
reasoning needed
It isn't an issue like drug addiction is an issue because the contexts at which a body changes and how drug addiction becomes common place are from completely different places
STAMHISW? I need help deciphering this cry for help.
The public isn't responsible, nor is anyone at any given time to make the right choice, nor is solving issues based on cost a good way to universally effect public health for the better
Because if you were someone obese, it wouldn't matter if you fixed it
What would matter is that you were to begin with.
Free will isn't real, spooked faggot. The population at large is statistically the product of their environment and overall experiences and people don't suddenly decide to make different decisions and life choices because they "felt like it" or whatever autistic libertarians believe.
No matter how much you wish to live in a world where personal responsibility does not exist, we are all responsible for our thoughts
t. ameriburger
It's not really just this
But that when it comes to health, there are so many ways the human body can go wrong that you have to cover any and all possibilities for how it could go wrong in a public environment where human beings are cloistered together, it risks unhealthy trends, or at worse, contagion
You don't know how quick a city can become an epidemic of say, antiobiotic resistant flu, real quick
What would you rather have in that situation, people with health care, or a bunch of people without it?
It doesn't matter if it even exists or not. In the subject of health, it exists in a world WHERE people are irresponsible, and that has to be considered
You can't force doctors, pediatricians, psychiatrists, neurologists, dieticians, to all obey a certain line about "personal responsibility" when their duty is to their patient and not your politics
Us: a change in outcomes means a change in variables. Let's figure out what those variables are and change them
You: I'm not sure why so many people are deciding to be fat all of a sudden, but we should lust tell people not to be fat anymore amirite?
That's the point I was making.
Plus, if you are the lardest of lardasses, self control is probably the least of your mental issues. But apparently thinking a literal half-ton person driven by an extreme compulsion to eat might be mentally ill is politically correct.
In socialism people will have the tools and incentives to live healthy lifestyles.
Reminder: When socdems try to put regulation in place to prevent corporations from advertizing candy and garbage to children, right-wingers scream bloody murder "MUH FREEDOM TO BRAINWASH CILDREN TO CONSUME FOR MY PROFIT"
Fat people need to be shot, boiled, and fed to the starving and homeless of this world.
this is just lunacy
speculation, has not been proven
true, and thus there is a standard of acceptable behavior created by said population
more speculation
I don't disagree but I don't see why you're speaking like you're talking about a physics simulation, other than to sound like you have a point to make when you don't have one
I don't remember saying that.
Care to explain?
Health and physics are both subject to statistics, mathematics, chaos, catastrophe, impact, environmental conditions
They're both parts of science, and you can't get upset at scientific answers to problems you personally feel need a responsible answer, because sometimes, human beings are irresponsible, and it is not the job of this specific branch of science to answer that outcome, but to work in spite of it, or even, because of it.
People are always responsible. "Irresponsible" is what you're calling it when they are responsible for outcomes you don't like.
How did you agree with a point I didn't make?
Explain to me how "personal responsibility" is a useful paradigm for fixing a societal problem. Give me any case where this is at all useful and could be used to fix an issue.
nice reductionism
Doctors aren't trained to act on feelings, they are doctors for a reason, politics and emotion do not get in the way of health because individual health and public health are very much synonymous and whether or not someone is irresponsible does not change the fact that their irresponsibility could indeed change an enviornment for the worse and you have to consider that outcome and fix it and not just say ""lol take a hike buddy"
Because the moment you do
you become the irresponsible one who is impacting public health
No, I mean the gross bit. But I guess both go hand in hand.
That's like 65 kg my weight tbqh
How tall are you, in metres and centimetres?
Putting the words variables and outcomes in a sentence doesn't make it a scientific answer.
It's how you get people to reexamine their lives and participate in political action. It's pertinent to all societal problems. What you're proposing is a technocratic utopia where nobody is responsible for anything, or even has any meaningful agency beyond simply doing Science. That's a fantasy world.
You aren't giving scientific answers at all
You don't even understand how medicine works
Like it or not, human activity is predictable on a large scale, and solutions can be modeled based on this knowledge
Again, give me a simple example of your sort of plan being put into action. You, as a policy maker, should be able to give some indication of how a solution based on individual responsibility would be implemented. If you along with everyone else who mentions personal responsibility fails to do this, then actual policy makers are correct in ignoring you.
In a world where viruses exist, I chose to be responsible, tell irresponsible people they all can fuck off and not get care for being poor, and therefore, we all become less susceptible to viral outbreaks collectively
Because you know
A bunch of people the bureaucrats in Washington can't even fucking fund people to help so doctors can't reach fast enough carrying a hypothetical pathogen that can kill a thousand people, is really going to be reached in time the moment he's "irresponsible"
But its good thing we were responsible by letting it happen
And you're a bot created to shit up this board with ignorance
Weight loss surgery is so dumb. I just physically forces you to eat like a normal person. Eat, not drink. The surgery will still allow you to drown in beetus juice and stay fat. Everything else is still there. People get to the size as OP because of psychological reasons which aren't fixed by mutilating your body.
Look at all these butthurt morbidly obese lard giants.
I bet you can't even see your ribs when you look in the mirror.
It was a joke you autists
Even if I was a bot I would be a bot being right.
Psychiatric issues are also covered, under medicine
And the World Health Organization
feel free to look at the answers they came up with about the problem
Long time lurker. Always hated you guys but some of you are okay. Not all of you are commie socialists like originally thought. You're a good guy OP.
You expect me to do something that I have not claimed to be able to do, something you can't do yourself. That's your problem not mine.
I already proposed regulations on food standards. You can't even offer anything that broad using your meme-y outlook.
that's not how medicine works so why are you talking about it
even if this is true, it does not serve as a basis upon which discarding the concept of personal responsibility results in a positive outcome for mankind. in fact, the very idea that we should provide health care to other people at all is rooted in the virtue of personal responsibility.
Wow, looks even the WHO buys into the 'personal responsibility' rhetoric. Guess you can't use them as an authority anymore.
This is how we get epidemics. lmao
You're the one being irresponsible by allowing the conditions to exist for outbreaks to spread and the public to become unhealthy just because you have moral issue with their behavior
That is not how medicine works
If you really don't want to eat a flesh eating contagion that rips your stomach open for the flies to feast on that lives in some South American rain forest
I really hope you make the responsible decision to let doctors indiscriminately give their care like they're suppose to fucking do and not live in this Ayn Rand funland
Because it's total bullshit
This is giving me the answer I'm saying, you're not acting responsible to the public
Could you elaborate? I feel at that point you just have a fundamentally different definition of "personal responsibility" from the lolbert one.
You've proposed something that already exists and hasn't worked. I can't help it if you're too delusional to recognize the magnitude of the issue.
The solution to this problem isn't to eliminate universal healthcare and let other innocent people who weren't overweight die of easily preventable causes you asshole. Just tax unhealthy food more, ban advertisement of junk food, regulate out the usage of stuff like trans fats…the list goes on.
Its critiquing companies as well. It turns out responsibility isn't clear cut, and even if it was, you can't tell a doctor how to do his job
So am I responsible or not. You're contradicting yourself.
You think current food standards in this country promote healthy eating? You're so fucking stupid it hurts. Why don't you go down the street to a McD's and tell me all about how they're not allowed to sell addictive unhealthy food
The issue is handled by other nations better than America…..for covering the reasons that I did………
You're right that it isn't nearly enough.
Medicine needs to be outright authoritarian for a reason.
No I'm not. I never called you responsible.
I'm calling you irresponsible and an example of the public choosing to not pick the responsible choice when it comes to health.
You are being
==irresponsible== while claiming otherwise on the topic.
dem tiddies tho
irresponsible does not mean the same thing as 'not responsible' as in not having any agency in the situation. That is what the argument here is about. You calling me irresponsible implies I am making the wrong choice, the one that leads to worse outcomes, which implies that I could make the opposite choice were I so inclined therefore making me responsible for the consequences of my beliefs.
if we accept and adopt this concept, as a society, that we are not responsible for the outcome of our actions, then our society naturally becomes governed by individual desires - selfishness, indulgences, etc. if no one feels any responsibility for the outcome of mankind as a whole, then mankind as a whole will implode. is there anything logically wrong with this argument?
Oh I didn't know? I didn't know I was saying it mattered either, you did.
It's about a health issue that falls to health care officials to care for and not the public nor its feelings
So bugger off
you're having an existential breakdown over how medicine works
Holla Forums is the lowcow of /fit/
you're being ignored for a reason
because nothing you say makes any sense at all
I don't know how /fit/ works on torture chamberchan but anfem is literally the dedicated shitposter.
You don't even care or understand what my position is. You're arguing against a fictional anti-regulation conservative in your mind while selectively responding to posts without paying attention to the conversation at hand. Typical delusional Hoochie.
/fit/ is the short lifespan it set itself out not to be
Likewise people who are in medicine are ignoring your criticisms because it would not make sense to ever listen to you
I'm asking specifically for how you arrived at the conclusion that universal healthcare is supported by an appeal to personal responsibility
You're right, I don't. I'm here to tell you that doctors don't care what your politics are and want you to stand behind the line and stop making a scene, people are trying to relax
I'm fine as long as I can give you a list of books on why you can't enforce an agenda on medicine everyone in medicine will collectively scream you out of an office with
by extension of the idea that if i see you bleeding out on the sidewalk i should feel responsible for helping you
Then we'll see how you can cry about how liberal academia doesn't want to hear your bullshit and is filled with triggered tumblirias who don't understand personal responsibility
Because you failed an exam and horrified your professor for letting your personal feelings get in the way
Now we have it straight from the source that Hoochie doesn't care about staying on topic and will abuse any thread to get on her soap box
A better way to put it is saying that you shouldn't help someone that is bleeding out because they shot themselves and need to take responsibility for their poor decisions
Where did I say that?
I was telling you to stop making a scene
Yeah but that's pretty different from the "personal responsibility" meme. And I will make the claim that even though it can be good for someone to feel moral obligation to others, a successful society is one that doesn't rely on it.
You do realize even if you shot yourself medicine would have to take care of that possibility, and indeed, screens constantly for suicide, right
This shit writes itself
Underrated burn.
It did happen, fattest isn't the same thing as heaviest. Or even highest BMI, Mexicans have more bodyfat% for a given BMI than others. Probably because their soda is so damned good.
Anfem confirmed for autistic as usual.
Yeah next time I see someone bleeding out I won't bother calling 911 because medicine is prepared to handle any responsibility
all of my wats
this is what allways bothered me, for people to claim to be for the worker you surely seem to have no clue about manual labour or the basics of day to day life.
at the end of the day you are upper Class LARPers with too much freetime on your hands, get a job
Context really doesn't matter if that was your point
That's not what I said : )
Rebel? It's been a while since i've seen you around.
Uh, no, but it doesn't really have an opinion, either way, though it wouldn't mind you being physically fit?
I mean I don't even know how to respond here
Yeah, I suppose, it is.
Outright yes.
It's what you implied :)
Hoochie is a delicate lady. Actual, not a tranny
She doesn't need to bother with "manual labor" and other manisms.
What did I even imply? That medicine screens for suicide?
Yes I did?
You were implying something outside of it I'm not bothered with. If you want to criticize medicine that's all I'm pretty much responding to.
You can let someone bleed out on your own time, that's not my point.
You can keep pretending that your posts exist outside of the contest of the thread you're replying to but it doesn't make your arguments any less retarded
Most men here didn't get to college. I'm a very hard worker.
My only accomplishment is not having fun and only working and I will jealously defend its interests
10/10 argument right there.
You accidentally wrote the truth by saying contest instead of "context"
True, not a mistake since the point is still well made
Contrary to your closet homosexual fantasies, bodybuilding and medicine are not the same thing. Getting to the root cause of a person's life habits is what improves their health, not getting swole and dying of a heart attack because cardio is nogainz.
That's fine hon.
fair enough. you have to understand that most people on both sides of this issue are idiots. i have never understood the concept of personal responsibility to be as black and white as it's made out to be. humans are complicated as fuck and we have to accept some threshold of forgiveness for stupid decisions. i'm not denying that. however, i see the idea that humans aren't responsible for their actions as an equally dangerous paradigm to design a health care system through for the reasons i've already expressed.
The public screaming at the doctor is the idiot while the doctor telling the public to pipe down is the idiot for telling them to pipe down
what are you even talking about at this point?
The doctor isn't the wrong side of the argument because it is basically built to be object principle on your body you don't have the knowledge to question at all
So it can't be wrong.
Aren't you studying psych? Stop LARPing as a real doctor please
I'll admit, this does feel a lot like classic chan culture. For better or for worse.
Aren't you retards who keep confusing psychology and psychiatry into general "psych" going to mam off about how you hate your SSRIs any second now
I believe there is an overlap between people who argue all day about how family court is bad and people who tell others not to take their pills because its poison while not being medicated is wise
And that the overlap is very visible in appearance
The joke was that psychiatrists are the bottom of the barrel speciality wise for MDs, but you can feel free to continue projecting I really don't mind
Yeah Holla Forums, psychiatry isn't in medicine except when you need an objective voice who's an outcast in the field tell you race science is real ok bud
Real when it confirms your delusions, fake when it tells you that your depressed and need help
Nah Rebel uses a trip.
…who do you think you're talking to?
Does specialty even matter? I could specialize in the anuses of men, but I chose not to, I could have, and I could have ruined your day, but I doubt it would be worth it for most of you because all of your asses are probably unshaved and nearly as many can't even learn to wipe
Needless to say, I'm not in Podiatry, so you can scratch that.
Yes you do.
A general blob.
No, it's a plot by porky to divide the medical field into competing interests
oh right you should be free to have opinions about this guy's anal fissure while being more busy studying the ankle
It does to people who didn't choose shitty specialities. Surgery master race obv.
I didn't choose for pay hon, I chose to make a little bit of a difference in the world for the working class. I plan to work in emergency rooms and inpatient.
Nah I prefer to get all my medical opinions from the undergrad psych student
🎶 Psychology and Psychiatry are the same in your mind, but its the job of one to call you autistic🎶
Specialty doesn't matter, pay attention
🎶but its the job of one to call you autistic🎶
I've tried googling these song lyrics but no hits. Is this an original composition?
Right on the spot
Because autistic people tend to communicate better in song
But I can't tell what the melody is supposed to be. You should record yourself signing it.
might mess up the metaphor
The Cong is right again.
i'm neither into Podesta nor into Posadism, why would I look like i'm into Podistrya
I don't know, Poedesta might be into feet
That's what everyone with mediocre Step 1 scores says
Why would I chose specifically making my job harder than, why wouldn't I just get into a fucking job for sitting around in an office all day that isn't full of people who need to be provided over
What are you in?
Bet PT or OT
Prequel Trilogy or Original Trilogy?
They're both for people who can enjoy star wars, I can tell you that
fatboi here
i have a few questions regarding weight loss (that might be better for /fit/ on 4chan)
So im a fatass, im not critically obese to the point where i have mobility issues or shit like i cant wipe my ass or take a shower because thank fuckfully i used to be a rower and i /used/ to be very fit plus im 6'4 and generally have a large frame, but i certainly feel the effects of the weight
i want to get this weight off for certain, hopefully before im out of college and i know all the various methods for this, however i have a few major hangups
first, i have diagnosed major depressive disorder (along with all the shit that comes with it) and of course because of this i am supremely sedentary
second, i dont have access to a gym due to distance from the gym, money, and lack of transportation (im poor, im in college, what do you want from me)
and third, the profession im working towards is sedentary by nature (Sysadmin / network engi)
other than dietary restrictions, which i recently started achieving, and ASSUMING i have the willpower to stick with this, what methods can i employ to aid in my weight loss, and
would a gastric bypass be a considerable option considering the risks that come with it and the 1/3 of people gaining the weight back.
im not looking for total weight loss, in fact due to be being a fag (literally) i'm very attracted to bear-mode guys, so i want to achieve that aesthetic
TLDR; how can i go from bigframe-fatass to bigframe-baraboi in 4 to 5 years with major depressive disorder a sedentary profession, and a lack of money and transportation
Focus on eating more meats, and before you eat ANYTHING try drinking two cups of water first. You'd be surprised how often "hunger" can be sated by not being dehydrated
im assuming meats like poultry and fish?
ITT: shitposting general
Sort of, though at your weight just getting you away from breads, sugars, pastas, etc. is worth letting you eat some red meat. And diets work long term when you still get to eat some foods you enjoy.
Also, absolutely use a calorie tracker. It sounds like a pain but it really helps.
Boogie is a typical lazy Millennial whiney leftist cunt. Pretty much the poster child for everyone that posts here. Odds are that most of you probably weigh even more than him.
so as for diet, just toss out all starches (bread/pasta) and all sugar things (excluding stuff from fruit and stevia)?
and i dont mean to be a millennial faggot but is there a decent android application you know of that could assist in calorie tracking?
Use myfitnesspal or loseit, whichever one works better on your device.
The high fat/protein, low carb diet is good for feeling full faster. The calorie count is to make sure you lose weight. There are a variety of more complex interactions with regards to hormone levels and such but it's not something you really need to worry about too much at this stage.
Theres a lot of resources online about losing weight. Check out and
The most imporatnt thing is ensuring you aren't eating more calories than you take in. The less processed food you eat the fuller you will feel often the more nutrients it has, meat and fat are high in calories but don't fill you up. Vegetables are high in fiber which fill you up without being high in calories.
Don't feel bad about being fat, it's something you can most definetly change. Theres a fuck ton of fat people out there, and it's largely due to the advertising and capitalism creating such an excess of high calorie foods in some areas of the world.
Oh, and if you do end up exercising don't log your exercise into the calorie tracker. They exaggerate calorie burn from exercise heavily.
by the way dumbshits the working class you valorize in US and UK are fatties or at least overweight many are reaching obesity. Most people cant eat addictive junk food and non nutritional processed shit for a lifetime and not get fat. Couple that with the stress of working a shit job in customer service or as a cleaner which is what most of the working poor and proletariat do now (not muh union muh welder muh strong physically fit laborer aesthetic pol tier shit).
Also junk food and sugar and shit are addictive. Why would you believe its not? If Porky can make you keep coming back he will. Look at pharma and porn industry.
how many calories should i be limiting my self to?
2000 is that universal average, but should i cut that back a bit? (especially since i probs eat like, double that)
i dont feel bad specifically about being fat, i feel bad about not achieving my potential and becoming the thing im so attracted to
would taking supplements potentially help? such as ,multivitamins and other things like that?
Check out those reddit links and spend some time reading. as well if you want to go that route for weight loss. Others find success with
Also check this for calorie needs
myfitnesspal is an app you can use to track calories
The apps I recommended calculate for you based on your current build, age, etc. along with your goal weight and time frame
Not necessarily for weight loss but can make up the difference if you're cutting out sources of certain nutrients from your diet. No offense, but it doesn't sound like you're eating healthy sources of nutrients as is anyway, so I doubt this will make or break it for you.
As long as we're talking /fit/, let's see if someone here can solve my riddle.
I'm 1.77m, so my ideal weight sedentary weight should be 70kg. I've been liftan for 15+ months now and I'm at 71kg, yet a) I have no gainz and b) I have a lot of fat on my stomach, pubis and inner thighs that simply refuse to go, even when I weighed as little as 64kg.
Fitness is the one thing where effort guarantees results, I was told. There's no such thing as localized fat, I was told.
Any ideas?
lol none taken, i do eat fruit and veg but not as much as i eat trash.
great now i can't have lewd feet thoughts without thinking of Podesta. Yaey