Did I do well, Holla Forums?
Did I do well, Holla Forums?
This is bad, why?
you compared anti zionism to anti antisemitism, so no.
To be fair, a lot of Maoists are anti-semitic because they are anti-Zionist.
I'll tweet this image to Jason later today.
Spencer has never said he opposes identity politics. He says he's in favor of them and that all politics is based off identity in the first place
Truth. Alt-right is just tumblr idpol for white dudes.
Spencer literally calls himself an identitarian or some bullshit, the far right is essentially prime identity politics.
Also he's not anti welfare state either. He's a social democrat
Well, "hate identity politics" is not something bad either.
Also, I am kind of suspicious about self-proclaimed Anti-Zionists. I don't see how opposition to Jewish nationalism even needs to be its own category in the first place. Why do we have to put it separately from regular anti-nationalism?
It has a slight antisemitic touch to it, even though I am of course not one of those fools who claim that being against Israel makes you an antisemite.
This. "Anti-Zionism" is just a spook. Socialism should be anti-nationalist for ALL peoples by default.
You should include
They are literally idpol
There are a lot of right-libertarian alt-righters though.
The alt-right embraces white identity politics.
idpol goes both ways.
Both the alt-right and M3W are identity politics. Alt-right goes without saying. M3W is just idpol applied on a global scale. "First World muh privilege" is a thing according to Roo.
No, libertarians are ostracized from the alt right. The alt right is thoroughly socdem, and generally laughs at extreme neoliberals
It depends. The American alt-right is overwhelmingly Libertarian when it comes to economics, whereas the European alt-right is generally supportive of welfare.
Spencer is the main voice of the American alt right and he has not once attacked the welfare state or its programs.
Yeah that's bullshit.
I built my evaluation on the observation of alt-right online spaces, which is where you will find the overwhelming majority of its userbase.
I don't have a clue about this Spencer guy, but the userbase of the American alt-right seems to hate dem evul commiez giving money to the needy.
Really good article about Faggot Spencer and his identity politics
They want welfare programs for whites only.
Most of them don't. They don't want "parasites" leeching off the hardworking white population of their fictional ethnostates.
For the alt-right, every bad thing is caused by immigration or Jewish subversion anyways. Most seem to honestly believe that once they got rid of Jews and non-whites, every single problem, including poverty, will magically disappear.
Sorry, you can't give an unbiased opinion on the alt right. You just associate it with youtube comments
I don't mean YouTube when I am talking about alt-right online spaces.
I regularly visit alt-right Reddit (not that relevant anymore after /r/altright was shoah'd), Voat and Stormfront.
I used to be on an alt-right Discord too, until they found out that I am a socialist.
You see, trying to only see what I want to see in the alt-right would not help me in any way. It would bepretty counterproductive for the purpose of "knowing your enemy", in fact.
I want to see Roo debate Spez. Anyone else?
Comparing Roo to Richard Spencer is like comparing dog shit to cat shit.
replace Maoist-Third Worldists with all Marxist-Leninists tbqh
Oh look, the irrelevant fringe socialists have an opinion.
How are you illiterate dumbfucks any better than nazbols, honestly?
MTW and alt-right are both forms of idpol.
Does Roo even talk about the enlightenment at all?
no its MLM
so much better
you are retarded
MTW is actually considered separate from MLM
No, because he's a literal retard.
At least the MLs are actual materialists unlike the maotists who kill people over Chinese characteristics.
Maoism = Taoism
Incorrect. Maoism Third Worldism applies the class structure on a global scale. Due to the majority of the production sector being outsourced from the first world to the third world and being replaced with a large service sector, Maoist Third Worldists assert that profits exploited from Third World labour are being used to subsidise western standards of living.
because a lot of people on Holla Forums happen to be "secular" jews who support israel based on the fact that they were born jewish and aren't real leftists at all.
inb4 one of these traitor imperialist shilling jews spout "ISRAEL IS THE ONLY DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDDLE EAST" or "ITS HAMAS OR ISRAEL AND ISRAEL IS MORE COMMUNIST LOL"
because south american apartheid and israeli apartheid are big deals
So what? All nationalism is de facto apartheid. South Africa is still dealing with apartheid to this day because there was no land reform.
This, also:
I don't think anyone thinks Israel is communist, only that your average Israeli is a lot more left-wing on most issues than your average Palestinian.
It also debunks the myth that suffering makes one more prone to real leftist politics. Most Palestinians are not communists and would willingly side with their national bourgeoisie over the PFLP.
Spencer practices white identity politics.
An actual leftist who isnt a sjw retard would realize identity politics is divisive and would put class politics, which unites people above idpol
Roo practices turd world identity politics.
You mean "South African", right?
Still, Anti-Zionism is opposition to Zionism in specific, which is Jewish nationalism. There is no mention about how exactly Zionism is executed, it is just opposed in general.
Anti-Zionism, again, does have an antisemitic undertone. It separates Jewish nationalism from regular nationalism, which also oftentimes included apartheid. Why is Jewish nationalism to be mentioned separately?
… because they are Jews, am I right?
Spencer is in favour of single-payer.
It is a fact that socialism would find more acceptance among the population of Israel than that of Palestine. Nobody is saying that Israel is communist, so stop using that silly strawman.
Palestine is mainly inhabited by fundamentalist Muslim reactionaries. All those 14 y/o squirts shouting "Free Palestine!" don't actually want Palestine to be liberated. They want Palestine to become yet another Muslim theocracy, because that is what would happen in case of Palestinian independence right now.
(I am not saying that independence woud be much better or much worse than the current situation. It literally makes no difference to the people of Palestine, because at the end of the day, they will still be living in capitalism.
==It doesn't matter if they are oppessed by Palestinian bourgeoisie or Israeli bourgeoisie.==)
The only people on the left who still give two shits about Palestine are tankies and Maotists (including turd worldists). Most other leftist sects have moved on, because by now it's blatantly obvious that "one democratic state" is codeword for "uncritically support the neoliberal Palestinian national bourgeoisie".
Palestine won't be a Muslim theocracy though, it will become a neoliberal corporate state, identical to what Israel is now albeit halal. The Palestinian NB will keep the Israeli corporations and scientists since they NEED them for "development" and don't want their new state to suffer massive brain-drain like Russia did post-1991. A "one democratic state" of Palestine isn't going to be a multicultural socialist utopia; it will most likely look like what South Africa looks like today.
Not for brown people though.
I remember a long time ago Unruhe said Robespierre was his favorite non marxist revolutionary, this was before he took up third worldism though.
Yeah, I think they got the whole "history as class struggle" thing wrong. The idea is to eliminate classes, not preserve them all and make them collaborate.
Maoists are notorious for prioritizing national struggle ahead of class struggle, the idea being identities which arise from contradiction (class, gender, etc.) need to be "preserved" in order to be used against the ultimate ruling class.
What's Roo's stance on immigration? I know MIM has said third world people who migrate to the first world lose revolutionary potential.
I don't think its a big issue to him.
You can be critical of the Pro Palestine left without equating it with antisemitism and becoming American patriotard tier.
The difference is that the Palestinians are suffering. Their nationalism isn't just nationalism for nationalism's sake or to "feel superior" but a fight for survival.
West Bank should be annexed by Jordan. Gaza strip can be an exclave or an autonomous region of Egypt. Either way, there is no future for an independent Palestinian state so long as Israel exists…and Shlomo ain't going away any time soon.
You forgot:
*Stupid haircut l *Stupid haircut
Kindly kill yourselves, thanks.
They are both lesbian haircuts tbh
*stupid haircut *just fuck my shit up
No one is saying Israel is good. We're just saying most of the pro-Palestine left sucks balls right now. The benevolence of the NB has been shown to be a myth time and time again, so what makes you think the Palestinians will be "liberated" by them?
Dumbfuck can't even pronounce his made-up name correctly.
German: OON-roo-ha
Means "unrest" or "anxiety".
They're anti-semitic, not anti-Israel. Many of them are even pro-Israel because they like what Israel is doing to Palestine.
Maoist Third Worldists are pretty anti-semitic though. "The Jews are not a nation" - Stalin