Audio book of Bookchin's "The Next Revolution" for your listening pleasure.
The Next Revolution Audio Book
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Is this guy your waifu or something?
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^ That's a bot that tweets every new thread on here.
Bookchin-senpai is, unquestionably, my husabando
Everyone should google bookchin.
Do you have a download link?
Bookchin is more of a messianic figure for me.
Can someone explain what communalism is?I used to ne an ancom but I releasied you wouldn't be able to defend against outside capitalists as well as a vanguard could
For me reading his stuff is the perfect mixture between agreement and scepticism. Making it a very stimulating experience.
Lets just get organised and federated on a community level. Also lets stop fearing taking power and develop democratic institutions that we ourselves take part in. Also cities are great, primitivists are shit, ecology, real "athenian" democracy and technology are cool.
The link in the OP has multiple download links.
Assuming you mean a pdf download other than the audio book downloads in the OP's link, here you go
It's like a more advanced version of anarcho-communism, and one that is more suited to our contemporary times rather than the industrial revolution.
Sorry, I just didn't click the link.
Thx user, I was looking for the pdf.
How would it defend against imperialist capitalists?
Also what is the economic model (is it like marxist or whatever)
A combination of institutional dual power, the creation of militias, and (importantly) achieving moral authority among "the People".
Communalism supports the "municipalization" of the economy. This means bringing all industrial production and productive enterprise under the control of municipal assemblies, which in turn decide according to majority vote how production should be done so as to meet the needs of the municipal confederation as a whole. Also, importantly, Communalism seeks to replace our current market economy with what Bookchin called a "moral economy", or that is, an economy guided by the ethics of dialectical naturalism (the philosophical underpinning of Communalism), or to put it simply, an economy guided by rational and ecological standards.
Alright I'll give it a read
Post your best bookchins
Its a communist economy not highly specified how planning and destribution would work, first priority is bringing local economy under municipal controll. Municipalities are imagined to be very small, small enough that face to face politics can work. In Rojava which I consider to be somewhat decent example for transition phase communalism they are currently operating cooperatives that are under supervision of the municipalities and try to encourage that every commune(small neighbourhood) starts their own coops. Bigger industrial plants and ressources are under canton level controll, like the oil and hydro power. Houses are nominally under ownership by use. Currently they arent activly expropriating private businesses(which imo should be done in case of a communalist revolution in the west), but there werent any big ones to begin with so they arent a serious politicall power. When you consciously decide to produce something as a community Bookchin imagines that a rational consumption will logically follow.
You dont have to agree with all of Bookchins theory and his polemics though to find this style of organising promising.