This is a real actual thing. Never trust a SocDem!
This is a real actual thing. Never trust a SocDem!
Social Fascists go to the gulag first.
This is a fucking goldmine.
So will anarchists and leftcoms concede to Stalin's claim that "social" "democracy"" is social fascism?
That's just Bakunin's famous quote reworded: "Freedom without socialism is muh privilege and injustice; socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality." This is your brain on anarchism
Sure. This doesn't come off as false-flagging at all.
Holla Forums, as dumb as you are in general and as philistine and obsessive as you are in your hatred of "socdems", don't fall for this.
how do so many people manage to call themselves socialist without knowing what socialism is?
Capitalism has already infected your brain if you automatically think of capitalism when seeing the word "freedom".
Take off that flag.
Make me, anarkiddie
Because it's been redefined to mean SocDem in everyday language, much like Communist means tankie now.
Jokes on you, I am not even an anarchist.
People like this need to receive an icepick to the cranium or enjoy a long fall off a cliff.
Hmmm Doesn't seem like a/pol/ false flag at all.
This is likely a parody or a troll.
Aren't leftcoms supposed to be good readers?
You are probably some edgy 16 y/o Tumblr tankie who is just here to feel like le epic anonymous memer for one moment in his otherwise sad and lonely life.
pic related
Post checks out.
Only the dead can know peace from this ideology.
This is fantastic.
No it's a liberal page for normies on fedbook. Been around for a while prolly since Occupy or J. Stewart's "rally for sanity"
Know your history
That's the logo of a Belgian party with the same name. Here's a fixed version with the correct logo.
Replaced. Gracias camarada.
This is what happens when you're normie friendly.
What's the difference between a leftcom and a succdem ?
The difference is this: the socdem will at least go to the effort of going to vote or trying to get out the vote.
Leftcoms and succdems are polar opposites:
Leftcoms: power without the right theory/conditions is meaningless, so one should never opportunistically adapt to prevalent conditions to seize power
Succdems: theory is meaningless without power, so one should always seek to gain power even at the cost of sacrificing values (we may be neoliberals, but look at all these gay marriages, all thanks to us!)
You could also add to that infographic Spainard PSOE.