how do we win against assholes like him? Their kind are growing popular.
Why the New Right is Growing Online while the Old Left Withers
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Who is this?
Damn that's a good joke lol
You do realize that the alt-right and youtube retards have almost zero impact in life beyond the confines of your keyboard, right?
I always love how he says he's a libertarian but yet he has the flag of the Roman Empire behind him.
Empires are the most libertarian government.
The alt-right's reach is almost entirely limited to the Internet. Though their reach here is significant. There's two courses of action that strike me as important:
- Creation of our own propaganda to push the ideas of Bookchin and the like
- Moving from a purely online approach to an IRL one
That's some mighty fine cognitive dissonance there
Private Property is a completely legitimate and OK thing
What's cognitive dissonance? What do you mean by that?
And good riddance. All those fossilized tankies, turd worldists and "socdem" trash can't die out soon enough.
Why do you have a trip and name? What do you mean by this?
Communalism is the future of the left.
Because I want to?
WTF is communalism?
google murray bookchin
No bitch, explain it to me.
a meme
why do you want to?
The future.
love your optimism
You have no clue what you're talking about
i didn't say Bookchin was the idpoler
dumb frogposter
Personal property is the only legitimate form of property in nature. Private property is a legal fiction.
The only thing better than ML being a dead ideology would be those who beat it's corpse being dead too
I used to watch his vids regularly, he's an intellectual midget
I don't think you understand how powerful the internet is.
ML is literally the only socialist ideology that has succceded and not getting BTFO'd by reactionaries, It's also the only relevant leftist ideology today
The New Right has much better Youtube channel. Memes, serious discussion, everything.
Why can't the cuck left compete? What are good leftie channels on Youtube?
The left makes people feel stupid, the right flatters people
Hbomerguy is giving me hope, even if he is idpol.
Also this.
The internet is a powerful cultural weapon, however it is not a magic want for social change. Unless you can move from cultural action online, to tangible political action offline, your social movement will be either nothing but memes, or a flash in the pan.
While your tanks are rusting, Rojava and communalism says hello.
Magic wand I mean
gulag management has members around the world
Which is all the alt-right will ever amount to. The extent of their involvement away from the keyboard is harassing a performance artist. Trump winning the election ironically kills the alt-right. They are satisfied, thinking they accomplished anything, despite Trump not having their ideals and his voters being old people and porky, not some handful of Internet autists.
leftists should start youtube channels and debunk these people and promote leftist ideas, a lot of people don't even understand what socialism or marxism are
Whoa there, that sounds like a lot of hard work, I didn't join the left to work.
there's no hope
literally useful idiots of the american imperialists.
just wait til they get BTFO'd by Turket, Assad or maybe even backstabbing US if they get the regime change in Syria that they whant (but probably won't get)
People like uninformed opinions they agree with or which can make them feel better about their shitty existence. While also laughing at the newest edgy memes about killing people because lol xD. If people think that is "better" then that is up to them.
He has the most successful philosophy show on the internet and has written free books based on his philosophy. I'd say he is a pretty good asset for the new right.
And then they're fucked when they try to bring any of their politics into real life because Molly is worse than retarded.
They are all idpol rightists, they will die off.
An ideology which will die within less than a decade as the Kurdish attempt to control their own business inevitably get stomped by all their neighbors who hate them.
It's literally dead except for some Maoist holdouts.
I doubt the ideology will die. Bookchin is right about a lot of things. Since he cherrypicks the best parts from different ideologies. The weakness that ML's will point out is that it has no way to survive against warmongers. But that isn't anything new when it comes to leftist projects. Their attempt may die once stability is back and "sovereign" nations crush them for terrorist activity.
Go back to jacking Phil Greaves' dick on Twitter.
Well shit, I guess this means Twilight is the epitome of literature.
The Executive Council has been pretty shrewd in its application of realpolitik. Being able to garner both support from Russia and the US, and talking the Baath government into basically handing over all of Northern Syria to them All while keeping the Turks, ISIS and Barzani at bay.
I know it's a popular tankie meme here. But Rojava is not run by idiots.
Idpol won't just collapse by itself, a lot of people who don't browse leftypol actually do give a shit about identities.
You mean not objectively good. It remains subjectively good amongst its fans/followers. This can be said about both liberal thought and right-wing nationalism.
The Old Left is withering because it consists of people over 60 and they're dying.
The New-Old-Left is growing because of boynie sandals.
There are already a bunch of leftist YouTubers. The framework is there. What's needed now is to plan a full-on assault on the rightist YouTube presence. That would probably be the most productive thing Holla Forums could do at this point because it would have a pro-left effect on most of the internet. People are already getting sick of Trump and Holla Forums. We have to figure out the best way to exploit that.
See you in 5 years when Rojava failed
Are these all the owns on YouTube by the right that PJW was talking about?
Literally all garbage. Alt-right YouTube is pretentious Dan&Phil, their memes are rehashes of old shit that they alter with the 'net savvy of a soccer mom, and 4Chan was actually considerably more coherent before Holla Forums.
Alt-right "serious discussions" are Holla Forums-tier logic without even Holla Forums-tier self-awareness.
I guess there's something to be said for it, though - maybe the online left should pander to the sorts of people who will pay to see the Emoji movie.
We just have to find somebody who wants to be a Buzzfeed/Annoying Orange/whatever-type-guy.
I forgot -
any volunteers?
I'm not even that masochistic
Well okay but only if some hot busty chick forced me to
If we had a very visible person like this promoting socialism on YouTube it would do a lot.
Well where can we find one
I REMEMBER HIM. the horrible times of being an ancap tbh.
he made a really cringey video "debunking marx" where he mistook early agricultural society for primitive communism and spent most of the video ranting about "starbucks marxists" i.e. "but you use products from capitalism lel" argument.
What is the defense to this?
People are tired of liberalism so they are moving more to the right. To think it's some huge, growing victory for the New Right, though, is quite naive. Any short-term gains they may make will eventually be undone by their utter lack of effective solutions beyond "le edgy humor may mays XD."
We live in a capitalist world, there's not really any escape from it. If they want to call it hypocrisy by the same logic they are shitposting on the internet which was created by public spending and international co-operation.
Hey that's pretty good I give it a 7/10
Why are you pinko clowns obsessed with the right?
I suppose if you discuss your own ideologies too often the delusion might start to break apart.
Can't develop theories without considering different points of view. Right wingers usually don't even know their own theory let alone the left's so we need to try and understand what they're thinking for them.
Because the right are succeeding?
the fact that this guy's name keeps coming up is disappointing and worrying if it's not just one of his fans shilling him all over the place. if a nobody who built his audience on being "anti-gamergate" is what we have to show as a good example of leftist propaganda online, we might as well just give up now and admit we've ceded new media to the right.
The video explains why, retard.
Perhaps if you watched it and didn't merely react to the title you'd learn something. Typical lefty
there was a piece i read a 2 or 3 years ago called "how the fascists took over the internet"
tl,dr - we already lost a long time ago
He looks like the kind of guy who would role play a Draenei futanari in World of Warcraft, while at the same time browsing Holla Forums, and listening to Burzum
You're damn fucking right we are commie.
fucken lol no wonder I've never seen one of you marxtards walk away from an argument with your cheeks dry
Hooray the majority of people don't read or do anything productive with their time. I guess that's a win in some way for someone who has feels > reals? To me it sounds like hell but to each their own.
because this thread was made by a Holla Forumsyp, see:
Holla Forumsyp
watching you lefty fags claw the air is honestly a lot of fun
Despite the despair some have experienced when talking with politically illiterate ameriburger Holla Forums posters about socialism, I'm convinced that one of our major inroads will revolve around video games. Of course, as has been constantly mentioned by many comrades for a while now, YouTube is a significant ideological battleground. We should ask the board owner for a cyclical YouTube/e-celeb thread where we can discuss stuff like this without having over 9000 threads about it clogging up the board.
Go post that second picture in a few GamerGate threads on Holla Forums when they talk about how it's hypocritical to use iPhones to criticize capitalism. This isn't so much a strategic measure as it is just to troll them, since sadly a lot of them are beyond help. I say this as a former GGer who watched GG become a lot of the things it initially fought against after Holla Forums took it over.
Resist Dr. Wily? You know you're using his weapons, right?
i didn't think it was possible to be tsundere for a political ideology
lol what did you expect me to do? lie and deny a self evident truth?
nah that's what amoral rat fucks like your kind do.
well done for letting your own people get screwed.
but hey, it's white guys doing the screwing so it's okay, right?
you disgusting spineless cuck
We wait. The *chans love being contrarian and the internet loves copying chans. Memes take off on chans, move onto reddit then move onto facebook. Then chans start hating those memes, that leaks onto reddit then facebook rinse and repeat. The "new right" is just one of those memes because of Holla Forums.
I'd guess in the next 4 years Holla Forums beliefs will become as big as "new right" beliefs are now.
But Holla Forums is the intellectual vanguard, not some operationsHQ like Holla Forums.
You can probably make a subreddit or an alternate board here to do that.
1) Millennials are stupid, self-important SJW cancer who alienated people who needed a real socialist movement with constant muh privilege checking bullshit by taking over socialist movements with support from governments and megacorporations
2) Fascist astroturfers also have support from governments and megacorporations
3) Most people will just go with whatever seems popular
4) A lot of people just like to be edgy trolls and supporting fascism is a good way to do that
Not hard to understand. It's also not irreversible. The mere existence of Holla Forums has done a lot to correct the first problem. The second is somewhat harder to deal with.
I'm new here. But this is hilarious because I came in via a link to Holla Forums and checked /eftypol/ because of the rants.
The conversation here is… well… a conversation. It's clear that that there is a better understanding of political ideologies at Holla Forums.
Good on you, brothers!
Youtube is filled to the brim with gen Z, and they're the majority of the audience. Stop bleating about millennials for everything
how many users do we have? exactly. have you seen what's happened to breitbart readership over the past couple of years?
what has happened to breitbart readership over recent years?
Maybe it needs to start being an operations HQ then.
Reddit admins have always sucked corporate dick and they always will. They'll find ways to fuck your board over if you do anything against capitalism. Feel free to make an alternate board if you want, but this is where the most Holla Forums leftists are.
it was on it's arse a couple of years ago then just skyrocketed when bannon took over.
i think i got that from the recent abby martin doc on bannon on yt.
You missed the point. Millennials created this backlash by being fucking retarded and it's completely fair to call them out for it. Gen Z is also not completely Trumpcucked even though that's what the right wants people to think. A lot of them are moving further to the left. Politics is polarizing, not going one way or the other.
There are enough users here to do serious damage to the right. We don't need to become the #1 board on the site if the rest of the internet becomes socialist.
To be fair, by the classical definition millennial are everyone who graduated after the year 2000, which'd make up a good 90% of the internet.
hey bud stick around. would be nice to get a different pov.
and you might even end up a comrade and make your life worth living :^)
catch me up. i'm new here. what are you saying that means?
Pls no, I'd rather a few curious bookworms pop in gradually over time and get used to the culture than hordes of people coming here for dank memes. Winning is not worth it. Just look at how incomprehensible the right has become because of that. Quality over quantity and we're dominating in quality.
I don't know if you're joking, a legitimate retard or a Holla Forumsyp,
Holla Forums is for fun and lighthearted discussion, not ideological zealottry and petty political propaganda, that's what ruined Holla Forums
There's voat, also stop being a conspiratorial retard with a persecution complex, we assume they'll sell us the rope until proven otherwise.
i don't know how to reply to a comment specifically, but i'm new guy) – already appreciative of communism
what's at yp? seems there's a lot of terms associated with the subculture
(not 'at', i meant 'a')
lol click on the numbers
lols. thanks that!
I really don't think Millennials are the generation to create third wave fuckery either or all the random bullshit intersectionality diversions either.
which generation should?
Usually "millennial" is shorthand for gen Y
pointing the finger gets you nowhere.
but boomers lol.
the world has been in a never ending shitstorm since 1914. the seeds of which were sown in 1848.
Yeah but Millenials managed to take the stupidball and run with it
Also the sad fact is that the "Old Left" is now functionally irrelevant. I wish I saved the article by a homosexual in the German SD that said that all the old talk about solidarity, capitalism, and the working classes was ugh so last century, and refugee rights, trannies, and the environment were much more exciting
I mean let's be honest, the only thing Holla Forumsacks and basic bitch liberals disagree on is that liberals don't go far enough and attack capitalism too
As opposed to right wingers, who don't consider any other viewpoint from their own, and then go on to smugly shitpost about lefty safe spaces.
lol no, read the FAQ newfag
i'm a different newfag but link me to the FAQ, please. i'll read.
Liberals "don't do enough" because they don't do anything worthwhile at all.
Identity pandering isn't necessary as long as people have basic civil rights and personal agency, Capitalism straightens itself out.
It's literally the third post down on the front page
Not to sound like a tankie, but quantity has a quality all its own.
No, unironic stormfaggotry ruined Holla Forums.
Support for socialism in America has never been higher than now.
Gay thread. Sage when you post comrades.
Yeah but "socialism" in America means "the government picks up the tab for all the problems caused by being a 400 pound fatass"
name a single good New Right channel.
better than nothing but the rugged pragmatism + empathy that has been the standard for "leftism" in america since the 80s.
People at least have some kind of principles now.
Everyone check out this thread. People are talking about organizing a debate between Sargon and Noam Chomsky. Would be interesting to see for sure.
Seeing an MMA fighter beat up a child would be interesting too, but that doesn't mean it should happen.
Are you saying we should get an MMA fighter to beat up Sargon?
Now THAT is something that should happen. Get Jeff Monson to do it.
My new proposal is to have a Joe Rogan/Sargon debate where they also have to fight MMA simultaneously. Rogan i given the strongest edibles available and Sargon gets full use of his faculties.
The idea behind getting Chomsky to do it is that Chomsky is high-profile enough that he can't be ignored. Sargon has done his best to say he's too busy to do a debate when he thinks he'll lose. Maybe we could get Chomsky to mention the other people Sargon has tried to avoid.
Joe Rogan isn't on our side. To be fair, he's not really with Sargon either. He's not a good choice for this in any case.
Never said he was. I just want to see a stoned fighter beat the shit out of Sargon without associating our ideologies with farce.
Why do people do this
Hey Holla Forums, please stop shilling your awful e-celebs on this board
We could try to get paid by the establishment like the Alt-right does.
Colloquialisms don't necessarily exist or function as abbreviations. It's likely that the word "millennial" is just easier to understand and relate to than the more specific "gen Y" term for those otherwise unfamiliar
Why would Chomsky ever do this?
Haha the left are so finished the right is winning the culture war!! ahah ahaha cry more!!
they were the ultimate statist empire you dip shit
Oh no, a photo of a dozen regular people. How will we ever recover?
Because the left is dead but the right is full of posers. Expect 100 more years of extremist centrism.
More like a dozen regular larpers. Not that the right is any different of course.
How else do you think individual liberties are secured but through the security state? Liberals absolutely need this, that's nothing implicit or hidden.
Well Chomsky did debate One Dollar Man so I think there is a possibility that he would debate Sargon
I think you should lay off the Internet for a while, it has negative effect on your perception of reality.
Chomsky debated Stefan Molyneux
Ah, didn't know Chomsky's mind is finally showing signs of old age. Sad way to go though.
seriously it shouldn't be hard just look at the video this guy was talking about
SJW shit has been a problem for far longer then millennials. It really started with the New Left in the 60s. Its gotten more visible because of technology and worse because there are more non-white college students now.
Large quantities of distilled autism.
We have tried to get her to stop tripfagging, but she won't. Eventually everyone just gave up trying.
I'm starting to warm up to her, when she's not being an SJW.
What does it say about molymeme that he was still that outclassed.
My personal theory though is that he got a rush from obliterating meme Harris and decided he liked beating up on retards
Did you miss the thread with a comprehensive list of leftist youtubers? There's a lot of them
Sure is "winning" in here.
wasn't the old-left completely dead online until leftypol basically?
They aren't winning because of "propaganda" or whatever. They're winning because certain parts of "the left" have spent the last decade making a very public display of doing everything in their power to completely ruin everything good on the internet.
Imagine you've set up a recruitment stall on the street, but the person who is meant to be helping you has decided to strip naked, roll onto their back, and shit liquid diarrhea all over their own face while screaming accusing anyone who approaches the stand of being inherently evil.
That's why the left is struggling to grow.