Le Holla Forums is the mainstram since Trump was elected maymay

How do you cucks respond?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=trump zionism


What do you think this word means?

Holla Forums was never politically incorrect, they never questioned the bourgeoise power. They are politically illiterate.
Identity politics does not matter and doesn't change the system, it merely either liberally mixes up or conservatively segregates the participation in the exploitation and consumerism.

You don't seem to know what that word means

Who the fuck are you talking about ? Do you honestly think we support Hillary and are liberals ?
Lurk more Holla Forumsack.

It means Stalin didn't kill Trotsky soon enough to prevent him from influencing what are now mainstream Republican politics.


You're working from a different definition of political correctness. I'm talking about in the modern sense. Surely that was obvious though.

You mock but that was basically this guy's path.

Trump sure does seem to jump through hoops to avoid talking poorly about the ruling class, seems pretty politically correct to me.


This still very much applies to constantly triggered idpol snowflakes on the right.

This is the essence of identity politics.

At the same time, the only reason the modern sense exists is because American conservatives wanted people to think liberalism = communism.

He said of the ruling class' darling just a few moths ago 'lock her up'.

Liberals are leftist cucks

funfact, Holla Forums recently overtook Holla Forums as the busiest board. 100,000 regulars or something. I'm split over this.

no one cares Holla Forums


Dis true?

Liberals = muzzie lovers
Leftist cucks = muzzie lovers

no difference

beside the point.

Neocons are Marxists covered in a thin Republican coat of paint you fucking Moron. They're Troskyite communists founded by a literal Jewish Bolshevik, that Crystal faggot.


islam = right wing
therefore all right wing thought inherently endorses the political aspects of islam

the point being? do you really think trump would ever even think about having the actual porkies arrested?

I seem to be having difficulty finding anywhere he actually said that, also why is she not in jail? Also does she even own any kind of means of production? How do you see her being a bourgeoisie?

Then why is it not at all suspicious that Trump is such a mainstream Republican in practice?

That or something like it. I know this meme really gets up left/pol/'s nose, but how else would you explain it? Even if the majority of newfriends are underage, would this niot be even more indicative of it actually being counter-culture?

Duh, liberalism isn't cool and edgy anymore.

You Fuckn retard, why is Leftypol politically incorrect? Is this some sort of paradox?


Eh… Neo-con. New conservative. While certainly true that a fair number of Trots became republicans in from the 70s-00s, neo-con is not rooted to ex(or crypto)-Trots. The idea that a neo-con is just a 'former anti-stalinist leftist turned US conservative' downplays one of the biggest factors in their thinking. Neo-cons also differ from the now endangered traditional consrvative. A neo-con will choose intervention in defence of national interests and promotion and expansion of American and greatest ally's interest. Ostensibly they see Democracy as something worth fighting and killing for. Democracy/human rights for all is the noble facade they operate behind. In reality often they are driven by an obsession with defending Israel and promoting US interests, both of which can be twisted in the mind to being something democratic.

And here we see autism in its purest form

This is true, but it's more fun to perpetuate the misconception because it triggers the hell out of them.

Was liberalism ever edgy though? I'm coming up 30. My generation is generation libtard. Any kind of counter-cultural machinations we had back then were limited to critique of Christianity and taking a principled stance against the Iraq war. It dosn't take much to realise that tis was in no way revolutionary, progressive or even challenging. History will jujdge my generation as the most politically complacent ever. Now, if I take you at your word about liberalism being the previous counter cultures, then today's (love it or hate it) is evidently much more a challenge to the system.

Perhaps so. But you people cannot deny that the political elite today are 100% internationalist globalist. As such nationalism poses a challenge to them.

Trump is an Israel paied goon.

Rightist hate the truth that is in front of them.

Some of them are though. And if Trotsky was the internationalist then you can just about see a consistent thread through their thinking then to now. Generally though, today, most neo-cons are chickenhawk pieces of shit who use democracy and liberal interventionism to protect their or Israel's interests.

All that matters to teenager is being contrarian, which depends on what generation you live in.
Sure, but they will only be replaced with different elites, owners of enterprises that thrive under protection rather than withering.

This concerns me. I'm just waiting for one of them to get uppity with him and see how he deals wit it though.

lmgtfy.com/?q=trump zionism

my point was that my generation was completely politically neutered. Anti-Iraq war marches and protesting the G8 were the only real stances. There was no ideological or material underpinning to this kind of liberalism. The contrarianism never extended beyond 'I'm not going to church mum and dad' and speaking passionately against te 'racism' of the older generation. In reality, the church is already dying over here and the racism my generation thought they were fighting was largely an illusion. And now we've grown up. Most people my age are apolitical or single issue voters. The ones who will go on and on about politics are almost exclusively stuck in the same mindset they were in highschool, that is 'liberalism' for liberalism's sake.

Congratulations: you were the first successful attempt by neoliberalism at creating the perfect working class citizen.

Don't dwell on that too much.

Trump will all in line like all American leaders always do. Trump was to far gone even before he ran.

We kinda were. School and media planted and re-enforced the 'ideals' we clung to. Its really all pretty insidious. If kids are being taught today the same as they were when I was at school, and given the emergence since of social media, it doesn't surprise me that the next generation are rejecting some of the PC dogma.

And I'd choose him again tomorrow if the competition was Clinton.

The sad irony being that the sense of complacency and lack of critical thinking they try to instill into kids is what boomer traditionalist parents wanted all along.

In the rat race of American "democracy" you will always end up with a rat.

What fuck will it take for Holla Forums to break the charade? Is their plan just to autistically shout "you support Clinton" for next 4 years? Your candidate was slightly less shitter the democrat one, well done.

Thinking more about this point, how much indoctrination are kids exposed to these days? Like ow much is education and media indoctrination them into being the prefect consumer and global citizen? Is there a study or documentary on this?

Yeah, Good goyism and Iran war are I guess both neo-con traits. But he has spoke out against the other wars, hasn't accidentlied Syria yet and is talking kinda nice to Russia and China. If neo-con is your only concern then you got the lesser of two neocons in November. Trump doesn't have the deep-seated ideology required to properly neocon.

Are you fucking kidding? The entire anti-war and anti-WTO movement was based on neoliberalism fucking over people who work for a living. Everyone knew even then that the invasion of Iraq was just an oil raid and that the WTO and NAFTA were driving down wages. H. Ross Perot had built his entire political campaign on that.

That is the fucking problem! How does Holla Forums not see that? Chosing between two shit candidates who represent different individuals in the same ruling clique is not a power that the people have. It is a farce.

Trump has always been the more anti-war candidate, during election he promised not to antagonize Russia in Syria and work with them instead. Clinton promised no-fly zone in Syria, which would result in WWIII. Do you clowns seriously think both candidates were equally bad? Holla Forums has always supported whoever opposes Israel and Saudi Arabia, if you say otherwise you're a shareblue shill. Despite his posturing, the chances of Trump starting shit with Iran are low.


One of the two was a wildcard who offered chaos if nothing else.

Of course, Obama, the drone strike champion and Nobel peace prize laureate, handed him the largest drone fleet in the world. It would be a waste not to use it on the ISIS.

You lost, we won, you're uncomfortable we're always right.

How accurate would it be to summarize neocons as "Permanent Revolution, but with Americanism instead of Communism"?

From "The most anti-war candidate" to "Well what am I to do with these drones then use them more irresponsibly than I criticized my predecessor for!"

In the UK we didn't share the same concerns over NAFTA or WTO. At best, unfocused anti-western REEEE. But bear in mind I was still in highschool at then. It seems most of this unfocused REEEE has turned into what we're calling progressivism among most of those who have a platform over here.

Implying Hillary wouldn't have done the same and more.

He said MORE anti-war candidate. Best you can claim is a stalemate.


That's not an argument. Indeed, it is more telling you cannot see the difference between Clinton and Trump than you saying there is difference at all.

You can't see a difference between drone strikes and full fledged war? Shit nigger, I don't know what to say.

When the results are the same, or hypothetically, could have been different

At the end of the day it does not possibly matter because "What If-isms" don't matter at all after the results of the outcome.

It's simply that Trump is not what he claimed to be. He lied. And you would be surprised, if you ever had dignity to allow it.

Don't you see! By droning more, cutting everything and a dog shelter or two, for the military industrial complex, Trump has AVERTED World War 3 by just existing!

damn, where are you going to get fresh dog meat now?


I never harmed a dog in my life, what are you to me now?

I didn't even vote for the guy but I'd do it again against the embodiment of establishment bullshit. We agree that Trump's actions are hurting no more people that Clinton's theoretical actions would have. Bigger picture if Trump builds better relations with Russia what's your problem? Living in Euroville I'm fucking glad of it. Whatever you say I think Trump is less likely to start the kind of neo-con (rad, US fucking in other nations business) wars than the alternative For that I'm glad.

Mother of God this shit writes itself hahahaha


Hoochie is actually a man and this is his room

Clinton would have already no-fly-zoned Syria and would be eyeing round 2 in Libya.


Bet she's seen some shit.

The great thing about that is not only did it not happen, but it doesn't matter that whether it did or not in face of the current facts.

whataboutism sure is fun. As I said, I didn't vote Trump but every minute of it so far has been worth it.

So you're accepting the facts of things based on a hypothetical fantasy that has no bearing whatsoever in the current state of how things are functioning?

How is that criticism of the government? That's bending over backwards not to allow criticism of people like Hillary Clinton from even existing

How can you make this assertion? It has never happened and, therefore, irrelevant.

That must be why he recently expanded the CIA's drone program's operational scope to now include kinetic strikes independent of the military. He's a real hippy.
So why on Janurary 29th did Trump propose "big, beautiful, safe zones" that would require the US to establish a no-fly-zone?

I'm gonna assume that's escalated and if it is what do you call sending a Ranger battalion and a Marine artillery detachment to Syria?

True, she might not have. Her platform has always been diplomatic solutions right? And Hooch, you think Trump is directing these strikes or signing off on them? This is running policy from Obama's days. If Trump doesn't start a new war I'll consider him worthwhile.

Not it isn't. It's fucking expanding it.

Imagine being this much of a whipped bitch.

Crazy. but the Rangers are just to stop Assad winning too much. Even with 1000+ regular infantry and airstrikes there is no path to victory, mostly cause the US has no victory scenario in this one. They'll MAYBE get to Raqqa, by which time the have no allies left (Turks losing Euro support by the day, Kurds not a viable long term solution). I doubt they'll get Trump to go much more in than he has the past week or so.


Dude he's escalated US involvement to a level we haven't seen in less than 2 months in office (and February is a short month) and you think he's going to settle down after he gets it out of his system or some other naive bullshit? Put the kool-aid down.

The policy is much the same. The CIA draw up a list and the president signs off on it. Well Trump just got rid of that last part so now we know where any extra-extra-judicial strikes originate from. If the CIA choose to attack any country not currently on the shitlist they'll be called to explain.

who is Trump striking? Most seem direct continuation of Obama policy.

chill out with the fascist and eugenics propaganda

Right now they're focused on ISIS. Who knows what they'll be focused on down the road but the fact remains that Trump is escalating US military involvement in Syria.

Wiping out ISIS isn't war, it's pest control.

No, but that's not the point being discussed. Trump is enabling more drone strikes than Obama.

If it stays focused on ISIS idgaf. There is talk about North Korea but they always talk about North Korea. I don't see sabre-rattling anywhere else. ISIS is the US's war anyway. Quite right they should bomb it.

It's a good thing this wouldn't create ISIS support lol

It's even better it's not designed to create forever war

It's an image with a purpose separated from its origin I don't care about

Why would you wage war against a group you help to fund and support?

ISIS wouldn't stand a chance, if west stopped giving them free money and weapons. You can thank neolibs and neocons for the existance of ISIS. Saddam and Gaddafi knew how to deal with these scumbags, that's why they got murdered. Same reason Israel, Obama and Clinton want Assad dead. Trump hasn't said he wants to remove Assad, has he?

I guess you must have missed all the shit talk Trump directed at Iran, or when Mattis called Iran the "biggest sponsor of terror in the world", or when Flynn tried pushing a narrative where Iran attacked a US ship and put them "on notice", or the HJ Res. 10 Bill that's currently sitting in the house that would authorize the President to use military force to preemptively stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.

That has been happening all my adult life. Started in Iraq 2003. ISIS does not expand this war. The US shouldn't have fucked up Iraq but they did. ISIS is part of the mess they're responsible for. As to recruitment Al-Q are still going strong even with competition. Yes the US should disengage from the region but leaving ISIS there would just be cruel.

are you historically ignorant?

You shouldn't save random pictures from Holla Forums
That one is a dog whistle




Even in your own scenario why would I be on Holla Forums lol

It isn't even from Holla Forums I've seen that for over a decade well now

On notice was a new one but the rest of it has been standard play since Bush's 'axis of evil'. I hadn't heard about that bill. Has it passed? It probably will given the big neo-con element forever present in the US but even if it does, Iran is being monitored really close under the Obama deal. Europe is already trading wit Iran after sanctions were lifted. As long as Iran does nothing stupid it would be hard to justify an attack.





Well sure but the real forever war is the one in the ME. You could argue it started in Afghan.



Are you saying removing Saddam was a good thing?

The difference is they're not attacking a government this time. ISIS have a shit reputation in the ME. Ask the people who flee them after liberation. I laugh every time I see a westerner has died in their service.

The US has had troops in the middle east for decades and been meddling there since WW2
Afghanistan isn't even in the middle east

Not to mention that in general the US is almost constantly at war with someone, for the vast majority of its existence actually

Are you saying the Iraq War was worth it lol?


The point of the bill is that it doesn't require a solid justification. It's as broad as the AUMFT and we can see the results of that with our own eyes. Do you think they want to pass it for shits and giggs? Why are you so adamant about defending this clown and his administration?

I didn't know 900 times more Drone strikes than Obama was less war than Obama lol

No, I clearly implied it was a mistake.

They've been poking Syria since 2011 with some minor prodding before that. Trump hasn't said anything about Damascus and trying to explain to him that both ISIS and Assad are Al-q and that the US should in fact support Al Nusra Front isn't going to happen. Not even due to Trump's intellect but his ignorance. The US has no viable allies left in Syria. The Southern Front has shot its bolt and the north is split btween US 'allies' (turks, kurds), ISIS and Damascus with pockets of Nusra front clearly not aligned with any of the above. IF Trump tries to act the big man Russia can step in and mediate an Iranian withdrawal. Trump isn't built for the Machiavellian schemes required to legally and justly step up this war.

What is going on

Not debating tis and fair play on your geography but Afghan is where Islamo-terror supergroup came to be. Iraq 2 was an extension of them in a perverse way as te US felt it hadn't sufficently hit back at muslims for 9/11, not to mention the potential gains Iraq offered if it had went as they must have expected.

Then don't support its replacement

Does it matter that he hasn't in these eight weeks yet

You have awful, fucking heinous foresight

Obama didn't Damascus properly. A lot of his generals wanted to go further. Now that is a much harder sell. I'm not sure of figures but months ago, when the US position looked more viable congress was split on Syrian action. With things looking worse on the ground for US prospects and road to recovery in sight it will be harder to push for more direct action in Syria.

I support helping Assad regain control over all Syria and slaughtering ISIS, nothing more. It's not the same as supporting Iraq war.

Neither will Trump, that's not the point.

lol good luck with that by going about it like this

Obama refused. They have even less to make Trump comply. That's the point.

Other than Trump being completely incompetent with a willingness to authorize military force as a way to prove his hands really aren't that small. The military is a dog on a leash and Trump looks like he's ready to let them roam free.

He's going to make it worse bud